The men who made us fat



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm a card carrying member of the People's Anti-Sugar Populist Front of America. Please do not confuse us with the American People's Anti-Sugar Populist Front as they're a bunch of capitalist sell outs.

    I thought we were in the Peoples Anti-Caulifflower Substitute Front of America?? What the hell is going on ...I am in the wrong group again???

    The PASPFofA meets on alternate Tuesdays.
    The PACSFofA meets on the third Friday of the month...except when it's bingo night and then they switch to the last Monday.

    Oh F my life, I got the damn schedule's mixed up again!

    It's 4:00 p.m. at the Colosseum, not 3:00 p.m. at the Arena.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Caloreez is caloreez yo.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm a card carrying member of the People's Anti-Sugar Populist Front of America. Please do not confuse us with the American People's Anti-Sugar Populist Front as they're a bunch of capitalist sell outs.

    I thought we were in the Peoples Anti-Caulifflower Substitute Front of America?? What the hell is going on ...I am in the wrong group again???

    The PASPFofA meets on alternate Tuesdays.
    The PACSFofA meets on the third Friday of the month...except when it's bingo night and then they switch to the last Monday.

    Oh F my life, I got the damn schedule's mixed up again!

    It's 4:00 p.m. at the Colosseum, not 3:00 p.m. at the Arena.

    well screw me wonder no one was at the arena!
  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    If I know how to read (which I'm ALMOST positive that I do) I'm taking a stab in the dark here that the OP's original post didn't say that sugar MADE her or anyone else fat. I THINK she may have been simply stating that she was unaware just how much sugar is in EVERYTHING. But again... what do I know... maybe I should join in the fun and jump to conclusions because it's amusing everyone else. :)
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Every year in America since soda was introduced (coca cola containing high fructose corn syrup) there is a continuous rise in obesity. It is America's beverage of choice. There is a direct, undeniable correlation with that.

    Hey I don't drink soda and I'm fat!

    so overeating on fast food is not what makes us fat..???

    People who eat pizza get fat too, is pizza the leading cause of obesity?
    Pizza is my choice cause of obesity..
    choice being the key word. As in, my personal choices. Banning soda will just cause those soda loving people to have to find a new beverage vice. If people don't want to change it's not a restaurant or corporation or relative's fault.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Just watching a fascinating 3part documentary about the Foodindustry on UK television (BBC2).
    Part 1 about the US and the introduction of Cornsyrup and the wide range foods it's added to. Very good and highly informative. Watch it if you can.

    It's terrifying how the US industry totally ignores the impact Sugar (in various forms and artificial Sweeteners) has on the increase in Obesity.

    Who on here really checks all the food labels?

    What has been winding me up for years is when I discovered that most of the available varieties of smoked Salmon (which i love and eat a lot of) have got sugar added to it! Why on earth? Totally unnecessary for the flavour. The same with Bacon! Good news is there are some without added sugar or any other form of sweetener.

    Which are the foods you've discovered have sugars added to it and surprised you the most?

    I really do check all my food labels, but I eat a whole foods, plant based diet so besides fresh produce I only eat things like beans, brown rice, oats etc. None of that has added sugar :) But, my daily sugar level is still high (over 100 some days), because I eat a lot of fruit :drinker:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The men who made me fat

    ..........and this Magician.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm a card carrying member of the People's Anti-Sugar Populist Front of America. Please do not confuse us with the American People's Anti-Sugar Populist Front as they're a bunch of capitalist sell outs.

    I thought we were in the Peoples Anti-Caulifflower Substitute Front of America?? What the hell is going on ...I am in the wrong group again???

    The PASPFofA meets on alternate Tuesdays.
    The PACSFofA meets on the third Friday of the month...except when it's bingo night and then they switch to the last Monday.

    Oh F my life, I got the damn schedule's mixed up again!

    It's 4:00 p.m. at the Colosseum, not 3:00 p.m. at the Arena.

    well screw me wonder no one was at the arena!

    A merger was mentioned above, and that would help clear this up, but I don't want to lose the position of sub-ombudsman to the ombudsman on the second Tuesday of every month. You just don't walk away from something like that.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    If I know how to read (which I'm ALMOST positive that I do) I'm taking a stab in the dark here that the OP's original post didn't say that sugar MADE her or anyone else fat. I THINK she may have been simply stating that she was unaware just how much sugar is in EVERYTHING. But again... what do I know... maybe I should join in the fun and jump to conclusions because it's amusing everyone else. :)

    the title of the thread is "The men who made us fat."

  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I thought this was gonna be about *kitten* ex's who made us eat ice cream out of misery.

    And now we are totally teaching them a lesson by being the hottest level of hot we can be.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    If I know how to read (which I'm ALMOST positive that I do) I'm taking a stab in the dark here that the OP's original post didn't say that sugar MADE her or anyone else fat. I THINK she may have been simply stating that she was unaware just how much sugar is in EVERYTHING. But again... what do I know... maybe I should join in the fun and jump to conclusions because it's amusing everyone else. :)

    Yeah, thank you.

    Also, let me add to the mix (just for fun lol) that the same people in the US who are supposed to make sure that the food is of sufficient quality are also in charge of the drugs that they get rich off of when people get sick from inferior food......the Food and Drug Administration. Now who's bright idea was THAT???

    So, yes there really is hidden sugar, fat, and salt in unexpected places. We are not absolved of our responsibility and need to educate ourselves and pay attention and take care of ourselves because they do this, but it is wrong....and it's not an accident.
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    Causation/correlation fallacy.

    For what it's worth, I don't drink soda.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The men who made me fat

    ..........and this Magician.

    Okay, you win. I was going to counter with an Aunt Jemima pic but I couldn't find one that wasn't blatantly offensive.

    Okay, so here: Better Crocker. Besides, BC is clearly more insidious than the guys above because she's obviously only eating her sweets if they fit her macros . . .

  • ag27404
    ag27404 Posts: 47 Member

    Also, let me add to the mix (just for fun lol) that the same people in the US who are supposed to make sure that the food is of sufficient quality are also in charge of the drugs that they get rich off of when people get sick from inferior food......the Food and Drug Administration. Now who's bright idea was THAT???

    Um. No.

    The FDA is a regulatory body. It does not make any drugs. It tells pharmaceutical companies whether or not they are allowed to market their drugs. The FDA is also in charge, along with the USDA, of ensuring the food supply is safe but the FDA does not manufacture any food. As you state, that would be a conflict of interest.
  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    I thought this was gonna be about *kitten* ex's who made us eat ice cream out of misery.

    And now we are totally teaching them a lesson by being the hottest level of hot we can be.

    I thought the same thing when I saw the title. Thought I was the only one :blushing:
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    What's wrong with horse meat?
    Absolutely nothing if you know you are buying horse meat, but the food manufacturers were calling it beef, my point was , no one can make you fat but tcompanies do have a responsibility to allow people to make informed choices. They have misleading labels etc and alcohol doesn't have any calories or anything on label over in uk. Just makes it harder to take control if your buying foods which contain hydrogenated oil etc, and don't realise, and why use it anyway? These companies are billion pound corporations, they owe it to the buyers to produce more healthy food, just my opinion! It would help I think?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    seen it. Typical scare mongering based on correlation studies.

    Obesity problem is caused by people eating more and moving less. Pretty simple :smile:
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nothing like absolving yourself of personal responsibility!

    Nothing like ignoring empirical evidence in favor of rationalism and an unhealthy obsession with individualism!

    I changed my body by going against the flow. But I'm not foolish enough to believe that is the answer on a societal level.

    That's because I believe in addressing problems based in the available evidence. As much as I love being elite and special for pulling this off, I also love being part of a sustainable community of human beings who look out for each other and find a balance between "me" and "us".

    Oh wait... I was supposed to come down on one side or the other, and at all costs avoid a pragmatic view that tries to balance costs and benefits.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Nothing like absolving yourself of personal responsibility!

    Nothing like ignoring empirical evidence in favor of rationalism and an unhealthy obsession with individualism!

    I changed my body by going against the flow. But I'm not foolish enough to believe that is the answer on a societal level.

    That's because I believe in addressing problems based in the available evidence. As much as I love being elite and special for pulling this off, I also love being part of a sustainable community of human beings who look out for each other and find a balance between "me" and "us".

    I prefer to be part of a community where people don't screw up their lives and expect everyone around them to bail them out. Different strokes.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I think people got way off on a tangent.

    The OP asked what foods were your surprised that they had added sugar.

    So far, here in Australia, sugar isn't added to everything and it isn't promoted as a health food.

    I was comparing labels on bread for the US and here and was surprised sugar is added to plain white bread in the USA.