Total jerk.



  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    If it were me, I would say something like this,

    "I may be fat but at least I'm not a douche bag. Also, you seem to be really interested in who my guy is dating... Do you have feelings for him?"
  • Janyaa
    Janyaa Posts: 64 Member
    Pee in his cleats.


    His cleats? Shoot. Go for broke. Pee in his HELMET!

    In all seriousness, try not to let him get to you and just ignore him.
  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    Just punch him in the face. It helps.

    And then carry on losing weight.

    Yup this. They act completely different afterwards. Promise!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I think you are being easy on him calling him a total jerk. The loser isn't worthy of your worry or concern. If I were your BF, I'd set this guy straight and ask him to keep his friendship and comments to himself. Keep up the great work and remember that this deuche bag isn't the person you see in the mirror or wake up next to everyday.

    I love it when I guy posts something like this. You should listen to this one^^^
    Hopefully your BF will set him straight. Till then I would ignore him.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Pee in his cleats.


    His cleats? Shoot. Go for broke. Pee in his HELMET!

    In all seriousness, try not to let him get to you and just ignore him.

    No go all out and put Icy hot in his jock!

    But seriously.. ignore the jerk.
  • kkveggie
    kkveggie Posts: 56 Member
    This guy sounds like the type that gets kicks out of putting others down because he needs the confidence boost. His words mean nothing, there's nothing behind them besides the intent to say the most hurtful tings possible. I bet he makes fun of others for being to skinny, tall, wearing makeup, not wearing makeup, having blonde hair, being smart, wearing dresses... you name it and he'll probably find a way to insult it. Pay no attention to him, he's stupid and you're not.

    Good job to you and your boyfriend for taking the high road. If you don't add fuel to the fire he'll get bored with making fun of you. If it gets excessive though, and he just won't let up, then I'm not adverse to a well thought out snarky comeback ;)
  • kkveggie
    kkveggie Posts: 56 Member

    No go all out and put Icy hot in his jock!

    HAH! :laugh:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member

    BAM. Right in the confidence. I never get this upset about stupid comments and Im really a strong confident person but this guy....totally knocked me down and now i cant forget his comments.

    It should have been BAM, right in the kisser! Stand up to the jacka$$, don't be a doormat to ANYONE. EVER.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    He's probably just jealous of your boyfriend :P

    Actually, this could totally be a possibility.
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    Everyone is saying where is the boyfirend but I think this woman is strong enough to fight her own battles and win.
    Forget your bf and kick this guys *kitten*.

    While this woman (and others) may be strong enough to fight their own battles, a REAL man is not going to make HER fight her own battles with ANOTHER MAN!! If it were another female, then yes . . . .I'd see your point. I know my husband would NEVER permit some man to disrespect me in his presence (or outside of his presence).
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    You could be lke that one girl a few months ago who was mad at her bf for making similar contents. She was going to get all hot, and then dress up in super sexy lingerie and bang the hell out of him, then leave so he would know he would never get that kind of mind blowing sex again.

    Just in your case. Bang the BFs teammate, and then never let him have any again.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    You could be lke that one girl a few months ago who was mad at her bf for making similar contents. She was going to get all hot, and then dress up in super sexy lingerie and bang the hell out of him, then leave so he would know he would never get that kind of mind blowing sex again.

    Just in your case. Bang the BFs teammate, and then never let him have any again.
    ... just eww.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    So my boyfriend plays on a football team, and last year there was an awards ceremony that was held a 9 hour drive away from the city we live in. My boyfriend decided that he didnt want to go out and party with the guys after because we had a long ride home and he was tired. This one guy on his team started saying that he wasnt going out because of me. (not true at all, im not that kind of person) The guy then went on to say that my boyfriend should come out and he will find him a "new one"and "a waaaay better one" (in reference to me) and tons of other rude comments. After a long night of being upset, having a total breakdown and arguing with my boyfriend - even though it wasnt his fault - girl logic..... I forgot about the comment and moved on.

    A few days ago, I was going to a practice and the guy was there and saif to his friend loud enough for me to hear...."Wow. I cant believe he is still with that fat b*#$h".

    BAM. Right in the confidence. I never get this upset about stupid comments and Im really a strong confident person but this guy....totally knocked me down and now i cant forget his comments.

    How do you guys deal with jerks like that? I just feel so defeated.

    When I was reading this and got to the "BAM" I was hoping that meant that you hit him with something very hard.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Also, I forgot to add that my boyfriend isnt friends with this guy.
    They play on the same football team and that team practices 6 days a week plus game days.
    So I didnt want to create a conflict between them.

    There may already be a conflict between them. What better way to pick a fight with your BF than by calling his girlfriend names?
  • luckyshilling
    I spend a lot of time in jail for assault and battery. :smokin:

    Nah, I usually just tell them to *kitten* off.
  • adnamalegna
    adnamalegna Posts: 203 Member
    I'm from East Texas- and I like using that so-sweet-that- sugar-wouldn't-melt-in-your-mouth approach. Kill 'em with kindness. Call me a B? "why thank you, darling, same to you. have a nice day now, you hear?" Or just say what you want in the nicest way possible followed by "bless your heart" EX: "Why aren't you just a jealous little man with a small penis? Bless your heart."

    Respectfully maam; no offense meant, but the only thing that scares me worse than an angry Texas gal, is an angry East Texas gal! :flowerforyou: Hope I didnt ruffle your feathers or anything like that.....:wink:

    Darlin, East Texas ladies don't get ruffled... we get even ;) j/k j/k -
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    quick punch to the junk should help
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    1 - Stick and stones.
    2 - Did you BF break up with you?
    3. In about 5 - 10 year's you will be a perfect 10 and he will be the perfect 6, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffen. etc.
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    So, boyfriend has a date with you and jerk-off has a date with his hand....hmmmm.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    That wasn't nice of him at all.