men does chest size matter



  • vfett1018
    vfett1018 Posts: 131 Member
    I am not a guy, but I know from asking.
    Of course, any guy would PREFER bigger boobs over flat chested, but that doesn't mean that they have to have them. That just means, if they are given the same girl with a size A cup or a size C cup, they are going to obviously choose the size C cup.

    With that being said. If your wanting a guy's attention who only wants big tits, then either you are looking at the wrong guys, or you aren't looking for anything that case there are plenty of other men that would just sleep with you to sleep with you.

    In the end, boobs are not all that attracts a guy, use what have and try not worry about what you don't. Personality, butt, legs, smile, eyes, everything is another way for another guy.

    Boobs are boobs, and big boobs just get in the way, sag, and cause back problems when your older so stop worrying.
  • vfett1018
    vfett1018 Posts: 131 Member
    I was just trying to hint that a guys would prefer a C cup (a female with an average chest) over an A cup (a female without boobs)

    I do know that some guys don't like huge boobs like D's, and that some prefer big B's.

    That's why I used A and C as an example.

    I was just meaning chest over no chest.
  • focknfree
    focknfree Posts: 66 Member
    I would say no. plus big boobs outside of a bra are usually a disappointment tbh,
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    For me chest size does not matter. I kind of feel like one of those cliche "Beauty comes from the inside" type of guys. Now i do find girls with a little bit of curves or meat on them a little more my preference but that has nothing to with chest size. Every guy is different and like i say in almost every other post like this. Be yourself, don't make yourself believe that there is a true form of "Beautiful" or "Perfect" because you are beautiful and you are perfect in your own way. Guys will find you attractive no matter what size you are. So just be yourself!