

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! I haven't written much about my daycare this week. Not a really exciting week. They DID have fun on Tuesday, when we talked about elections and leaders and voting. We voted on everything important that day, here at Miss Kelly's daycare. (paint or draw?, puzzles or magnets?, which direction to walk?, salad or peas for lunch?, peaches or melon for lunch?, which songs to sing?, which books to read?). I had some of those "Future Voter" stickers for them and most of them ended up going to the polls with mom and dad after leaving here. On Wednesday we made cards for the vets and talked about veterans/soldiers and our freedoms. The kids painted the cards and I wrote what "freedom" each kid wanted to thank the veterans for. For instance Grace was thankful for being able to wear sparkly skirts. Jackson was thankful for being able to go and vote with his dad, Harrison was thankful for our music that we listen to... One of the mamas delivered the cards (there were 12 of them) to the two different "halls" we have in town. Yesterday was S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. day and we did some science experiments. (dancing spaghetti, volcanoes, and lava lamps) It has been more of a learning week. I don't have a lot planned for today, as Trentin will be joining us at lunchtime and the kids ADORE him! So...some free play in the afternoon schedule. It is snowing this morning! So we will take a walk this morning and enjoy the snow coming down. and YES! I woke up, saw the snow coming down and went out in the driveway (5:30am) and did some spinning in the snowflakes! One of the early runners ran by in the dark. I saw his head lamp but couldn't see him and I heard a voice call out "Is Miss Kelly having fun in the snow?!" Of course I am!
    #9 What place am I most grateful for? There are two. One is my aunt's farm up north. My aunt and uncle have passed, but my cousin still lives there. It is about 2 1/2 hours from my home; but there is a certain curve on a road called Esch Road, that my body relaxes, my breathing slows and my brain and heart say "I'm home." It affects my hubby the same way even though he didn't experience the family farm as a child (only as a spouse of the child, who brought their children to this special place). Maybe he is responding to my own body's reaction? The other place is actually my own bed, when my hubby is laying beside me. To explain, we have an uncomfortable bed. While I still manage to pop out of bed "like a daisy" (according to Tim), his back can't handle the lack of support, so a couple of years ago, he began sleeping in his office. BUT, we do have those nights when he is there beside me, and I love having him there. Snores and all.
    Katla- You do know that Little Women was first published in 1868??? You could have a first edition; or at the very least a very early edition!
    Did I mention that it is snowing!!Eeeek! So exciting!
    Heather- lol I can just see your busy little Bea bobbing along beside the stroller on the way to school! I can't tell you how happy I am to hear of your settling into Hove and being nearer the kids! <3
    New girls- You can take notes on Word or take notes on a piece of paper. I did that when I started. Now I just try to remember who all I wanted to touch base with (admittedly, my brain does not work as well as notes and Word). Most of us skim and comment only on what resonates with us or what we feel we can add our opinion/advice to. Don't sweat it!

    Well, I have spent so much time admiring the snow (It is beginning to look like a Christmas card, outside!) that I have let time fritter away. But I really think winter is my "happy season". I take comfort in the quieter time, the pure white of clean snow, and the coziness of a cup of coffee in my hand and a baggy sweater on my body. Heaven! On with the day!
    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Visited the bread and cake shop on the way home from school. Bea had a gingerbread man with pink eyes and we bought a cake for DH 's tea and rolls for lunch. :D Then I bought take away coffees, because I don't know how to work my son's machine. :o
    Bea was in heaven this morning having DH all to herself. They mainly played picnics and train tracks.
    The nanny came in at 12 and fed her lunch. She is now having her nap, so DH has a chance to wash and shave (!) and we are going to have a nap ourselves. :bigsmile:
    I was able to organise someone to come and mend our double socket next Tuesday morning, but the window people still haven't got back to us. Grrrrrrrrrr!
    My favourite place us in Paris. The view from a café just opposite Notre Dâme. You can sit there having a (very expensive) beer and a few olives and watch the tourists passing over the bridge towards the truly gorgeous cathedral. I want my ashes to be scattered from there. :D

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Got in a decent walk today ... 5.6 km. I needed to do that because I'm falling behind in my goal of exercising 1 hour/day (or more).

    This week hasn't been particularly good in terms of energy ... so much to do and just generally not feeling brilliant.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    My favourite place us in Paris. The view from a café just opposite Notre Dâme. You can sit there having a (very expensive) beer and a few olives and watch the tourists passing over the bridge towards the truly gorgeous cathedral. I want my ashes to be scattered from there. :D

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I did think about France as one of my favourite places ... my three favourite countries are Canada, Australia, and France. If I were wealthy, I'd have a house in each. :)

    M in Oz

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited November 2018
    Two other parties offered on the house we are looking at. My realtor says we have the strongest offer. The seller dropped the price by 10,000 and the others on the fence jumped when we did. If the others start going up in order to out bid us I did tell realtor I will not get into a bidding war. We offered a fair price and can offer the quick close the seller wants. We should hear this morning.

    My purpose in helping son buy the home is working together to heal the cracks in our relationship as we bring back this home to be the jewel we know is in this home. Just working together to try and find a home has already opened positive dialogue that is needed for both our sakes. We have done projects together in the past so I know as a team we will work well together redoing the home. We also have similar tastes which is an added bonus.

    Two good signs I got yesterday were I mentioned this property to a fellow colleague and she said she has a friend living in this neighborhood and loves it. I also good talking to someone who recently redid her home and she gave me a great lead on buying windows. This home will need windows. Fortunately it is small so not very many.

    If this home does not work out we will continue to look to find that right home.

    :heart: Margaret
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Jan: What a lovely photo of you and Annie!

    Tracey and Lanette: I too grew up in a house that was way too cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Know Georgia does not have the extreme cold that you two knew, but, I well remember freezing when I got in the bed during the winter months. Didn't have sense enough to wear socks to bed or put on heavier clothing. I think my parents finally got electric blankets. During the summer there was no air as when they painted the outside of the house the windows were painted shut and never unstuck.

    Favorite Place: Growing up in the country, loved playing in the woods and the creek. Now, a walk in a gloomy tree lined park by a stream makes me happy!

    Carol in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Welcome, Jan, You are probably not the oldest on this thread. You will find that you have much in common with many of us. My primary forms of exercise are walking and line dancing. The woman I walk with nearly every day is 76 and many of the men and women and my line dances classes are over 80 so I am inspired by active people who are older than I am. I came to MFP at age 62 after decades of failure at losing weight. I found the answers and the encouragement I needed here and this is now a daily habit for me. You didn't mention where you live so I have no idea what kind of cold weather is coming. I live in NW Washington state where it is getting colder and wetter. I just bought a new coat that is extra warm and with lots of extra layers and a wool hat, scarf, and gloves, I'll be walking my dogs before daylight every day.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    is it snowing??? 😁
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: I like to stay local, too. I think you’d be brilliant, and the place where your DFIL lives has made a foolish mistake. Perhaps you will find a job that you love at a different senior care center. :star: It is great to hear that you’re working on your health. WTG!

    Heather & Lisa: I also read Little Women as a child, as well as Besus and Ramona, & Henry Huggins, both written be Beverly Cleary in 1955. She was an Oregon writer. I read them a year or two later, and then read them again to my own children when they were small. Good memories. My children and I both loved the Dr. Seuss books, & the Narnia series, too. Dr. Seus books taught my kids to read. :heart:

    Sue: I am willing to bet you could sell that firewood for a nice amount of money. This would be the season when people want wood to heat their homes. I doubt the chemo will be much fun for your DH, but it seems likely to extend his life. Wishing you both best luck. :star:


    Dana in AR: I never thought of fallen leaves as cornflakes, but I can almost here your DH walking in that photo. Nice! :smiley:

    KJ: I think you are right about the Little Women book. It very well could be a first edition. I read Little Women as a child, probably checked out from the library. My mom would have wanted to protect that copy from little girl hands. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I read some of Charlaine Harris’s Sookie Stackhouse books in recent years, but eventually found them a bit too dark for my taste. :ohwell:

    Margaret: Sending good thoughts for the purchase of a home for your son. :flowerforyou:

    Jan110144: You and Annie are a glorious sight! Is she a Lipizzaner? Welcome to a great group. Stop by often. :star:

    I’m planning to go to yoga today, and have nothing in mind after that, other than a telephone chat with our financial advisor. DH has some questions.

    Katla in beautiful and foggy NW Oregon

  • allarounddice
    allarounddice Posts: 39 Member
    Happy to have had my new job for a month now. I joined my fitness pal and I am working on my health. Thankful for my family, friends and hope for my future. Because my job has no insurance, I'm continuing to seek a job with insurance. But still happy that I have the job that I have. :smiley:
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • mjschmitzmojo
    mjschmitzmojo Posts: 22 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good Morning Ladies,

    #9 What place are you most grateful for – my home where my family and friends are always welcome, the door is always open is my policy. Grateful for the wonderful man I am married to and both of our boys who are the joy of my life.
    Well got my exercise in yesterday had to do the treadmill to cold out to exercise outside but got 4 miles in and logged all food intake. Stayed within my range and cut back on my salt intake.
    Woke up to some snow on the cars and grass. Melted on the streets so traffic wasn’t bad for my morning commute to work.
    It’s Friday looking forward to family dinner night of pizza (Friday night winter ritual), then heading out for our family weekend getaway for my husband’s 60th birthday that is coming up. So looking forward to mini family vacation.
    Katla – Love to do yoga so relaxing – Awesome treasure from your Antie
    Grandmallie - Narnia another great series of books I enjoyed reading with our boys. Sorry to hear you’re by yourself now. Make the changes you can do it, make a monthly goal so then you don’t feel so overwhelmed.
    Carol in GA – Secret Garden – awesome book and a good movie if you can find it. I too love mysteries.
    Lanett, Paige, Katla, Sue in WA, Lisa in Arkansas - thanks for the list of new authors put a note on my phone with the list from all of you.
    Paige – I to did a month to month goal (had an event each month that I made by goal for) and do not get discouraged if you don’t meet it (with the Holidays coming upon us) but do be accountable to us. Being accountable to someone helps. Sending encouragement to you for the month of November.
    Cari in North Texas – I to had the issue with keeping a running response so read Michele in NC response because now I am following her advice. I to have awesome in-laws and would not hesitate to have them move in with us if needed. Can you post the orange fluff salad recipe to share???
    Michele in NC – thanks for the Word document idea !!!! Doing it with this post.
    Margaret - fingers X’d that they accept your bid.
    Jan – welcome and age is just a number!!! Your only as old as you feel!!!! Be positive you can accomplish anything at any age. We are quite active in postings so hopefully it will continue. Annie is absolutely beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing a picture.

    Signing off for now
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Jo from Windy City Chgo.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I've been reading California fire news and it is devastating. I have cousins that live there, but the one I feel closest to is now traveling with her daughter. If I was in charge there, I'd be working on new building codes that give homes and businesses better protection from fire. I think the Pueblo Indians in the Southwest had the environment well in mind when they built their adobe communities. My heart goes out to the individuals & families who are in danger now. I sure hope Kim is safe. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Katla in foggy NW Oregon

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Jan - Welcome! What a wonderful horse. You must be very strong and skilled. :) It is always hard to lose the last pounds. I lost 57 in total in 18 months, but the last 4 took me four months! Now it takes me ages to lose anything, but I am happily below goal and only one and a half a pounds to go to make it 60 lbs lost. :D

    So sorry to read about the California fires. :'( Devastating.

    Now to make spaghetti bolognese for the kids' dinner. I did some Bea duty with games on my tablet. The parents are Skyping at 6.30.

    I've arranged for the window man to come tomorrow and the electrician to come on Tuesday.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Allie - Sorry to hear you didn't get the job, maybe this person won't work out and they'll realize their error.

    Carol - I love Nora Roberts. When I downsized a couple years ago I kept her books and a couple other authors but donated the rest of my books

    Lisa- I have all of my Mother's diaries, both Grandmother's and my Father's. I have not been able to read them all yet but it's one of my plans for the winter. My Mom is still alive, she has Alzheimer's though so she is not the same.

    Cari - I write notes on a piece of paper to try to keep up with who I want to say something to. Did I read that correctly, you have lost 50 pounds from August to November? MFP has a recipe builder that works quite well for determining calories.

    Lanette - I want to write my memories for my girls to have when I am gone. My Grandmother did it and it is very treasured by me. I want to pass that on.

    I made the craft last night for the craft night I've been asked to do, I think I need to come up with something else though as it was quite messy and we will be in a boardroom. I have another idea, I just need to find the items I need for it.

    I'm looking forward to this long weekend. I have a lot to get caught up on at home!

    9- Place I am most grateful for my home. We lost a house 2 years ago to foreclosure so I don't take for granted that I have a roof over my head and my husband to share it with.

    Tracey, fearing the roads due to the freezing rain that is falling, in Edmonton
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Yeah Lisa! Good luck! Your lovable confidence inspiring self has this one handled!

    Barbie - So glad you are almost back to your pre-injury self! I hope Jake is doing well after finishing his treatments.

    Heather - I am so happy for you that you can easily spend more time with the grands now!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country where it has finally dropped out of the mid 80's!