What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    240 minutes on the Elliptical for 15.9 miles. Leg press increased from 100 to 150 #; 5 sets of 20, Lat pull downs increased from 60 to 70 #; 3 sets of 20, standing cable row increased to 70 #; 2 sets of 20, bicep curls with the cable system 10 #; 2 sets of 20, tricep kickbacks 10 #; 2 sets of 20, then used the double grip ripe for overhead pull downs 30 #; 2 sets of 20.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I ripped open both my hands, including blisters that hadn't fully healed yet, and pushed myself to the limit in today's gymnastics class. I don't think I've ever done a harder workout and the main reason it felt so hard is because I'm about 40kg too heavy to reasonably attempt this but here I am.

    Week 3 of our pull up progression:

    After the warmup we practiced beat swings and some kips. Kips are hard for me because they require me bending my elbows while hanging from the pull up bar, effectively lifting most of my body weight at least a little bit, which is extremely hard. I can deadlift my bodyweight and then some but not more than once in a row and not while said bodyweight moves.
    Then we did 8 x 1 min 15 seconds. I did 2 sets of 4 beat swings every 1 min 15. It was HARD. My shoulders were aching towards the end. But my beatswings are getting better. I am still terrified, which I can tell from my racing heartbeat, but it's getting less scary and some beatswings looked almost like kips.

    Then after those 10 minutes, we had to do 3 sets of 10 seconds pull up hold at the top, which I did with the assistance of some horizontal bands, 10 bent over rows, which I did with 5kg DBs, and 60 seconds of kb farmer's hold, so holding a kb in each hand and standing up straight. I made the mistake of sharing with a man so we both did it with 2 24kg KBs. It was a nightmare but we both succeeded. My arms were shaking during almost 60 of the 180 seconds of that hold. The longest 3 minutes of my life.

    Finally we did 3 sets of 10 DB bicep curls per hand. By this point I was so done, I used 5 kg DBs and called it a day.

    I am so exhausted. Idc if it's water weight, I need to lose more weight to make pull ups doable. It just has to happen.
  • Mikeruns2021donotaddme
    9 mile run and stretching/ foam rolling. Still sore from yesterdays run 🀣🀣
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    A couple hours underwater. Holding a stick to keep my working divers away from sharks in 60 degree water, then scrubbing things in 52 degree water. Waved to kids through the acrylic. Even played a little Rock, paper, scissors. One woman looked at me and made the "shivering" gesture and I could see her lips saying, "Aren't you cold?" In a dry suit with heavy thermals, I was not. In fact, I was drenched with sweat after the first dive because I was insulated for 50-degree water, not 60-degree water.
  • BoundlessBow
    BoundlessBow Posts: 21 Member
    Push day! Got everything in except skull crushers this morning. I didn't have time to wait for a flat bench to become available before I had to start getting ready for work. Next time maybe I'll start with those to make sure I can get them done.
  • KevHex
    KevHex Posts: 256 Member
    5K run, trying to ease back in to a sensible running schedule.
  • Mikeruns2021donotaddme
    40 minutes strength (upper body with bow flex and core work) and 60 minute run today
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I did an hour long pilates session in the morning. We covered both hips and the overhead position. I did my first deep squat since hurting my back and it was okay! The overhead stuff wasn't too bad either because my wrists don't allow for a normal wide-grip ohsq so my mobility had to adapt real quick when I started doing those.

    I also finally took my bike to the repair shop. It was the weirdest exchange, the dude asking me to diagnose the bike myself? Like okay I guess you should probably replace the inner tyres but surely you are the expert and you should do whatever you need to fix it without asking me for advice? Fingers crossed it'll be ready before my lunch meet-up with a friend but I'd take ready before friday late afternoon too.

    Finally tonight I had oly class. I wore gloves to spare my hands since I'm helping my sister move later this week and my hands are still a mess from yesterday. Apparently it's deload week for snatches so we kept it light.
    12 minutes of 1 hang power snatch and 1 overhead squat. 55% for the first 4 min (25kg for me), 60% for the next 4 (27,5kg) and 65% for the last 4 min (30kg). It's always challenging to do narrower grip snatches but at these weights I was okay.
    Apparently it's not deload week for the strength work. We had to do 6 sets of 5 backsquats at 60%, 70%, 80% and the last 3 sets at 85%. I hadn't done backsquats in over a month because of my back so even my 48% felt heavy. I also lost a bunch of ankle mobility from avoiding front squats, back squats and deadlifts for over a month. I did a set at 32%, 48%, 59%, 70% and 81%. The last set was awful on my shoulders and my back said we stop here, though my knees were cooperating so I think both my core strength and my mind-muscle connection (i.e. a semblance of control over what my body does) must've improved. Very nice.

    Now I am bone tired. Fortunately dinner is ready. I've rarely had days this active since march 2020 so well done to me.