What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Rowing machine, usual format, averaged 2:32.0 pace on the pieces at 18spm; 8145m in 783 total strokes overall including row in/outs and CD.

    Feeling kind of burned out today, striving to keep it really easy, ended up mostly Z3 but some below. HR average for the whole time was 125bpm (just under 70% HRmax), peak at 141bpm (just under 80%).

    Technical focus mostly on starting the drive with legs only, no change in upper body configuration; plus what I think of as the syncopated rhythm of accelerating the arm phase of the drive, then sending arms away and body over at the same speed (quick) they came in on the drive, then smoothly slowing down going into the slide phase of the recovery.

    My right shoulder has been acting up lately, feels like recurrence of some nerve impingement that's happened before. This is the first time it's bothered me at all while rowing 🙄, this time mostly while going to arms away on the recovery.

    Regular rest day planned tomorrow. Happy weekend workouts, all!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,143 Member
    Full Body Saturday

    5km elliptical hills
    Deadlift 5x5, DB press/row 3x10, Seated OHP 3x12, 10, 8

    My hip was feeling grumpy after the deadlifts so I skipped the hack squat.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 456 Member
    Killer leg day today, felt strong and had plenty of energy.


    40 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate: 135
    25 minutes walking on the treadmill, average heart rate: 131

    58 minutes lifting weights

    Goblet Squats: 12@30, 10@40, 10@50, 8@60, Drop set: 7@60, 6@45, 6@30, 8@bodyweight
    Crunches: 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30
    Sumo Deadlifts: 10@95, 10@145, 8 @175, 6@195, Drop set: 4@215, 4@185, 6@145, 8@95
    Leg Raises: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
    Step Ups (each leg): 10, 10, 10
    Landmine Twists: 10, 10, 10

  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 456 Member
    Good upper-body/core workout today.


    32 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate: 135
    20 minutes walking on the treadmill, average heart rate: 131

    52 minutes lifting weights
    Superset: Incline dumbbell press, Seated cable rows and Seated dumbbell overhead press
    Chest: 12@35, 10@50, 8@60, 7@60, Drop set: 6@60, 5@50, 6@40, 8@30
    Back: 12@100, 10@140, 8@160, 6@180, Drop set: 5@200, 6@170, 6@140, 10@100
    Shoulders: 12@25, 10@30, 8@35, 5@40, Drop set: 4@40, 6@30, 6@25, 8@20

    Superset: Rope triceps press-downs, Crunches, Standing dumbbell curls, Kettlebell swings
    Triceps: 10@40, 10@50, Drop set: 8@60, 8@40, 10@30
    Crunches: 25, 25, 25, 25, 25
    Biceps: 10@30, 8 @35, Drop set: 7@40, 6@30, 8@25
    Kettlebell Swings: 10@20, 10@30, Drop set: 10@30, 10@20


    3 weeks ago I barely got one set with the 60's on the chest press, rep'd them for 3 sets today!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Finally starting to feel myself again. Did a 60 minute easy cardio session yesterday.

    Today, I did my normal AM Monday lift at home (150 reps X 3 body parts, compound moves) and then a hard cardio session at lunch (5 minutes X 5/1 minute recovery, as hard as sustainable -- 3 on Assault Bike, then 2 on LateralX). HR hit 92% of max (173 for me) on the last rep. Mostly held it in check to around 166 to 170 until the last set. HR was dropping rapidly on all five sets -- this is something that didn't happen first couple hard sessions following the flu. I aborted the first two hard workouts early. This one did the entire planned workout.

    Normally row on Mondays but we had icy rain (and some snow!). Mountains are getting nice and snowy just in time for X-Mas. We didn't have any accumulation on the ground but my dogs were kind of bewildered. Been 3 years since they've seen snow.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Another stationary bike cop-out (would usually be a row day but feeling low energy again, and shoulder's still twinge-y so decided to let it rest another day).

    Usual format, ended up just a jot faster than usual, 99W average on the 10k, 66W on the 3'CD, overall 70% Z3 but bumped up a couple beats into Z4 for less than a minute. HR average 132bpm (about 73% HRmax), peak 146 (81%).

    Busy day tomorrow, may bike again if I can fit in a workout at all.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 456 Member
    Great lower body workout today. I wasn't expecting much after not sleeping well, but I felt strong today.


    31 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate: 135
    21 minutes walking on the treadmill, average heart rate: 131

    54 minutes lifting weights:

    Barbell Box Squats: 12@bar, 12@75, 10@105, 8@135, Drop set: 5@155, 4@125, 6@95, 8@75
    Crunches: 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25
    Romanian Deadlifts: 10@115, 8@165, 8@195, 6@225, Drop set: 4@255, 4@205, 4@165, 8@115
    Side Bends (each side) 4*10@30
    Step-ups (each side) 2*10

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    I'm starting to lose confidence in that Garmin "Body Battery" thing as I gain experience with it. (That shouldn't be a surprise, I guess, because the stress graph has never made the slightest sense in my case, and the sleep tracking is the purest fantasy - wrong in so many ways. (These functions do seem to work OK for others, so I guess this is just more ways in which I'm statistically weird.)

    So, I did have a busy and slightly stressful day, 3+ hours driving, couple of hours socializing as an introvert, after a night the Garmin thought wasn't restful (?).

    Because of feeling some stored-up stress by the time I got home, the rowing workout sounded good, so I figured I'd do it, stay at an extra easy pace, like mid 2:30s. But no, that is not what my body wanted to do (starting from a body battery reading of 27 out of 100, allegedly).

    Instead, it was my fastest set yet this indoor season, with declining splits (1k @ 2:30.0 and 20spm, then 3 x 2k at 2:26.3/20, 2:24.7/19, 2:23.4/19). I was not pushing for faster than usual, I swear. It just happened. (?!).

    Yes, HR was what you might think: 140bpm (78% of HRmax) average over the whole 8179m workout (including rows in/out and CD), 160bpm (89% HRmax) at peak, 45% of the time in Z4, most of the rest Z3. Something like 10 total of the 43 total minutes was at/above 220-age (153bpm, which is actually only about 85% HRmax for me). (Yes, it would not be smart for CV exercise beginners to try that at home, right out of the gate. Yes, this is not an objectively fast set of splits, but heck, I'm 60-69 F Lwt.)

    HR drops fast, 158bpm to 116bpm during the 2' CD, when I was still rowing (gently), and another drop to 98 a bit after just sitting on the machine looking at stats and stuff. I do feel pretty happy with that.

    Now Garmin thinks my body battery level is 16 out of 100, and it's not even bedtime yet. WTHeck? I mean, I'm reasonably tired, but not waiting for medics to show up and put me on gurney or anything. 😆
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 456 Member
    Cardio and core this morning. Had to work a 15 hour day yesterday, so it was a little tough getting up early on short sleep, but I made it happen!


    48 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate: 134
    31 minutes walking on the treadmill, average hear rate: 127

    Core work:
    1. Crunches: 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30
    2. Landmine Twists (each side): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
    3. Kettlebell Swings: 10@20lbs, 4*10@30lbs

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Back on the stationary bike, usual format, 99W average on the 10k, 75W on the 3'CD, overall 63% Z3 , remainder below. HR average 128bpm (about 71% HRmax), peak 143 (not quite 80%). 🤷‍♀️
  • siberiantarragon
    siberiantarragon Posts: 265 Member
    Did the elliptical for 25 minutes, slowly increasing the resistance from 1 to 8. Unfortunately my knees started hurting from running so I have to do low impact exercises until I figure out how to fix that. I also did some weights -- bicep curls, tricep kickback, and overhead reach with a 5 lb weight, and kettlebell squats with a 10 lb kettlebell. I also wanted to do the pulley machine thing but sadly two dudebros were monopolizing it.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 529 Member
    First post rona 5k in the books.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    After a busy fall at the gym, I've been completely away from formal workouts for almost two weeks, mostly due to a hunting trip with my son.

    I'm still a bit tired from the long days afield, spotty sleep and weather delay on the return flight, so this morning's trainer session was welcome surprise: 45 minutes of guided foam rolling, stretching and flexibility work. I'll keep the workouts easy through December, then build a winter schedule based on June and July races.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 456 Member
    Great upper body workout today.


    31 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate: 136
    21 minutes walking on the treadmill, average heart rate: 131

    56 minutes weight lifting:
    Superset: Barbell bench press, Wide grip lat pulldowns, Barbell overhead press
    Chest: 12@135, 10@165, 8@185, 5@205, Drop Set: 3@220, 4@200, 4@180, 8@155
    Back: 12@100, 10@140, 8@160, 7@180, Drop Set: 5@200, 4@180, 5@160, 8@130
    Shoulders: 12@65, 10@85, 7@105, 5@115, Dropset: 4@125, 5@105, 5@85, 8@65

    Superset: Cable triceps press-downs, Crunches, Dumbbell concentration curls, Landmine twists.
    Triceps: 10@50, 8@70, Drop set: 6@90, 6@70, 8@50
    Crunches: 25, 25, 25, 25
    Biceps: 10@30, 8@40, Drop set: 6@45, 6@35, 8@25
    Landmine Twists: 10, 10, 10, 10

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did 3 X 2K with 3 minutes recovery again today. Dropped almost 2 seconds off of last week's average. Slowly getting back into condition. Not coming back fast!

    Tonight is a lift at the new gym.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Wasn't feeling the workout today, but machine rowed anyway. Repeat of my recent 1k on, 2' off; 2 x 2k on, 2' off; 2k on, 3' CD - where the "off" is a little over a minute of very easy rowing, plus around 45" of drinking water & wiping sweat.

    Overall, 8,212m in 811 strokes, averaging 2:30.3 pace and 19spm on the 1k/2k pieces, so a little slower than last time (meh, not going for speed).

    Drifted a couple bpm into Z4 at the end for a minute, otherwise mostly Z3, 129bpm average (72% HRmax), 146bpm peak (81%). Dropped by around 30bpm while rowing the CD, another 23bpm in the first 2' after I stopped.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 456 Member
    Good lower body workout today. Work has been crazy this week, but I still managed to get my workouts in everyday. Flexibility and endurance on the squats is slowly coming back. I even cranked up the intensity on the cardio a little bit today.


    31 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate 141
    21 minutes walk on the treadmill, average heart rate 134

    52 minutes lifting weights:
    Goblet squats: 10@30, 10@60, 10@60, 10@60, 10@60, Drop set: 8 @ 60, 10@30, 10@bodyweight
    Crunches: 30, 30+10lbs, 30+15lbs, 30+20lbs, 25+25lbs, 25, 25, 25
    Sumo Deadlifts: 10@95, 8@145, 8@145, 8@145, Drop set: 8@145, 8@95, 10@bar
    Side bends, each side: 8@20lbs, 8@30, 8@30, 8@30
    Step-Ups, each side: 7, 7, 7, 7

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Another boring report, bikey bikey bike in my living room again.

    10k (103W average) + 1107m (74W) in the 3' CD, 40:33 total time, mostly Z3.

    I was trying to hold 140bpm and below, but slipped up to 141 for a beat or two toward the end: Have to micromanage pace at the end if I'm trying for a HR cap, on account of CV drift (not that micromanaging matters for anything except my own psychological satisfaction . . . !). 129bpm (72% HRmax) average, 141bpm (78% HRmax) peak.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 456 Member
    Good upper body workout with some extra weekend cardio


    48 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate: 141
    26 minutes walking on the treadmill, average heart rate: 133

    51 minutes lifting weights:
    Superset: Barbell bench press, Wide grip lat pull-downs, Seated dumbbell overhead press
    Chest: 12@135, 10@165, 8@185, 8@185, Drop set: 8@185, 8@165, 10@135
    Back: 12@110, 10@140, 8@160, 8@160, Drop set: 8@160, 8@140, 10@110
    Shoulders: 12@20, 10@25, 8@30, 8 @ 30, Drop set: 8@30, 8@25, 10@20

    Superset: Rope triceps press-downs, Crunches, Cable biceps curls, Landmine twists
    Triceps: 10@30, 10@40, Dropset 8@50, 10@30
    Crunches: 30, 30, 30, 30
    Biceps: 10@30, 10@40, Dropset 8@50, 10@30
    Landmine twists: 10, 10, 10, 10


    Went higher rep today, feel the burn baby!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I must have tweaked my tight left shoulder while doing stretches on the TRX Thursday. It was inflamed yesterday, even after a massage. The pain actually woke me overnight and I needed to take ibuprofen and then ice it at 3am in order to get back to sleep.

    When I woke up this morning, my wife had already texted an orthopedist in her office to add me to his patient schedule for Monday. This will probably lead to a cortisone injection and maybe some PT.

    In the meantime, I won't do anything more intense than walking. Downtime this week is fine, but I really can't let this fester and drag out for weeks (like I usually do, lol!)