What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Slacking on the posts, but updates from the last few days:

    Tuesday - pilates class

    Wednesday - arm and core work at the gym, finished with 20 minutes on the bike

    Thursday - yoga

    Not been able to get my steps in as much as I'd like this week because of work, will try to do some extra at the weekend.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,847 Member
    Not scheduled to go to open row session, went anyway; rowed around 6k in bow of a double with one of our new learn-to-row guys (nice guy who's probably 1/3 my age :D ). He's rowing quite well for this stage, so I rowed in most of the time with him. (Usually I spend a lot of time setting up - i.e., stabilizing the boat - so the new person can row more without tippiness. He was doing well enough not to need that.)
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    @mtaratoot - You post the best scenery pictures. Paddling and camping in that area must be a great getaway.

    Back home from a beach camping trip. Rode the bikes both days and did a nice kayaking trip on Long Island Sound yesterday. Got lucky with two sunny days in a row. Rain on us today during the ride home.

    Tomorrow, I'll join a small group of friends who are preparing for a HIM race on Labor Day. It's one of my favorite bike routes. The weather forecast calls for sunny skies. Will see.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    edited July 2023
    back/pull day.

    In order:

    5x5 barbell bent over rows (strength focused workout today).
    2x12 ez curl bar pullovers
    2x12 Standing staight bar pulldowns (lat isolation, getting too much activation of my triceps on the ez curl bar pullovers today)
    3x12 ez curl bar curls standing. Feels good to get in a cheat rep or 2 on the last set.

    das it.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,847 Member
    edited July 2023
    I'm sure you'll be super-surprised: I rowed this morning, bow of the double, usual distance. Pretty perfect day on the water.

    It'd been a while since I rowed double with this guy, so we did a certain amount of "just row", but we did throw in a few more intense power pieces. In between, we worked on some focused technical improvements, and each power piece was a little faster than the previous one, which was fun.

    ETA: @mtaratoot, I'm envious. Michigan has way too few mountains for best visuals. Yeah, we have things called "mountains" in the Northernmost peninsula (the "Porcupine Mountains"), but they're only called that in contrast to the flat extreme South of the state, I'm pretty sure. Your photos are excellent.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Weights: Lower Hypertrophy

    Squats 4x15
    BB Step-Ups 3x12
    BB RDL 4x10
    Leg Extension 3x12
    Seated Leg Curl 3x12
    Calves Extend 4x12
    Suitcase Carry 3x40s
  • foliographerdoha
    foliographerdoha Posts: 35 Member
    2 Days Push Day -Bench press, push downs, lateral rise & 2 Days pull days lifting pull ups and 1 day legs & 2 days rest 1 days in between.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    edited July 2023
    Nothing yesterday as I was in a job interview/assessment all day, did get my steps in walking around London though.

    Boxing class today along with a trip to the dump with a very heavy door! And lots of cooking and cleaning so far just getting odd jobs done. Every little helps.

    Nothing but wind and rain here this afternoon (summer? What summer?!) So definitely indoor jobs for the rest of the day.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Rode one of my favorite routes today under sunny skies and lower humidity. Four of us did a 55 mile out and back route with a loop at the top. We faced a stiff headwind on the way out, but the air was refreshing for a change. The big rains have left our rivers swollen, so we enjoyed lots of white water viewing for much of the ride. Rode at a 15.7 mph ave pace, which is a base building effort according to Garmin.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,847 Member
    Another coached row today, total around 9k. We had 3 singles, a double, and a quad in the group, with me in bow of the quad. There were several timed pieces, multiple practices of racing starts (most of them going into a timed piece), and one 2k piece.

    Two of the guys in singles are racing Canadian Henley in a couple of weeks, so they did the 2ks according to their race plan. Those of us in the other boats (race plan-less) just worked for a strong pace we thought we could sustain for the distance. We also did some one- and two-part pause drills, and a couple of different "cut the cake" drills.

    I have to say, steering - my job in bow - is more difficult and stressful when rowing faster, and with that many boats strung out across the width of a non-straight river, plus other more-beginner rowers out here and there in singles and a few fishing boats besides. My performance was sub-ideal, but we didn't hit anything, at least. Kinda close, though. 😬
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Chest and shoulders (upper body “push” day)

    Standing OHP 3x10
    Uppercut flies 3x15
    Tricep Pushdown (rope) 3x15
    Internal and External Rotations 3x15 each.

    Das it.
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    15 minutes early morning elliptical trainer both yesterday and today. I ran on a treadmill yesterday afternoon for 20 minutes, and again this morning for 25 minutes. I'd considered swimming today but the center's website had the pool closed today.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Instead of my full upper body lifting session, today turned into an impromptu testing day on my bench press. Haven't tried pressing a 1RM in years, not since I injured my shoulders (narrowly avoiding surgery), but my weight I've been doing sets of five on today felt light, so on my final set I tried to see how many reps I could get...11.

    This really had me pumped, so I decided to see how my current 1RM compared to my lifetime 1RM, adding 10# each set for a single rep. Finally failed on my fifth set, 50# more than I've been using and only 10# short of my lifetime best. Considering I haven't tried to go that heavy in years, I'm quite pleased. So much so that my dream of hitting 3 plates per side has breathed new life again. I'll take the increases FAR slower this time than I did as a an impatient younger lifter, but by golly, it feels good to feel that fire again!
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Yesterday was horse riding day, quick 45 minute ride as weather wasn't quite on our side but used it as an opportunity to focus on position in the seat. My mum always says "but you don't do anything you just sit there!" Funnily enough she's never offered to get on and give it a go to see how "easy" it is! :D

    Today I did an hour full body workout in the gym this morning, plus spin class this evening. Also got a 45 minute walk in.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,847 Member
    Moderate steady-state row in bow of the double, the usual just under 7k. Light attendance in our group row this morning. I was in the double with someone who's just getting over a sinus infection, so she didn't want to do anything more physically demanding than "just row" at a comfortable pace. Works for me.

    Beautiful day on the river: Slightly cooler, near zero wind, sunny, only one power boat out with us (fishing), and our double plus a single.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Catching up on lawn mowing and other chores today. Hoped to get in an open water swim, but forecast called for thunderstorms so I stayed home.

    After a few false starts, I've had a few consecutive days of jumping rope as a supplement to other conditioning. While I"m still an absolute beginner, I'm starting to understand that jumping is all about minimizing movement except for wrists and lower legs. I'm trying to focus on "flow" and maintaining a consistent cadence. The idea is to skip rope for 5 minutes a day to develop the habit and build muscle memory without risking overuse injuries.

    Small steps to start. If nothing else, this new pastime is providing some laughs for my triathlon pals.

  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    edited July 2023
    Worked with my upcoming 7th grader who's going out for tight end in middle school football on what types of blocks he can expect to see on the line of scrimmage in football.

    We worked on reach blocks, down blocks, straight up blocks, left and right shoulder turns, foot positioning on his stance, how he needs to balance his feet/hand in his 3 point stance, and his footwork for each block to maintain a stable base and absorb a hit from a defender. I went over what foot (and why) for each type of block he's likely to learn.

    He's never played tackle football, but my goober is a natural. He had an "oh, that's why we do squats" moment when I explained where the power in blocking comes from.

    He's an average sized larger kid (meaning he's big vs school average 6-7th grader, but normal for his projected position) for his age, but he's really put together well and very strong for his age. Don't tell him I said that tho, he has way too much to learn to think he's good already ;)