What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    edited July 2023
    I feel you on that rain-out thing, @Djproulx: We showed up to row on Friday AM, looked like a storm was rolling in (radar) so we bailed on the row and went out for coffee, but the weather cleared. Today, Saturday, it was supposed to clear up, so we went out to row but got rained on (light rain, felt good, actually). Coach was concerned about the weather patterns so we stayed semi-close to the boathouses, but it never thunderstormed, and it did clear up at the end.

    So: No workout yesterday, coached row today.

    This time, 3 doubles rowing: The two collegiate guys who're prepping for Canadian Henley; two young women from our club who are good intermediate rowers; and me with a guy who's also 60+ but a bit younger than I am, both intermediates also. The other rowers were all about half our age, or less.

    I'm pleased to say we kept up: Not in speed, because we were slower (much slower than the collegiate guys, a little slower than the 2 women). I'm OK with that. But we kept up endurance-wise through the timed pieces, drills, race start practice, and one distance piece. It was a challenge, not gonna lie. We got in only about 8500m, a little less than the previous coached rows, but the majority of it was at speed.

    We rowed my double, to which I'd made a repair. It improved things, but unfortunately it still isn't quite right once we got going (too much friction between wheels and track, especially in stroke seat), which didn't help our performance any. I felt bad that my partner was in stroke, so the worst affected by the problem. Back to diagnosis, probably need more boat parts. (Yes, rowing shells have wheels. :D ).

    Tonight, barge party moonlight row. This involves rowing a rectangular craft for 16 sweep rowers and a rudder person, with a walkway down the center. It's probably about 8' or so by 50' or so. It has all the on-water performance characteristics of your living room. First we bailed out 2-3" of rainwater. Then we put glow sticks all over ourselves, the barge, and our oars, and rowed from sunset into darkness. The barge went just under 4k, but I rowed maybe 2/3 of that, was rudder woman for the rest.
  • Mike90028
    Mike90028 Posts: 5 Member
    I had a short workout. My gym is across the street from work so I took 30 mins and did some dumbbell curls, push-ups and dips. Short but good.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Slow recovery paced run. I'm still carrying fatigue from yesterday's bike as well as a poor night's sleep. Just did a 3 min run/1min walk for 40 minutes on a local bike path.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Whitewater. About 11 or 12 miles.

    I posted a club trip for Class 2 paddlers looking to start to run some Class 3. A club member asked if someone would post just such a trip. I posted it with a limit of 11 other boats (12 total including me) because that's as big of a group I thought would be safe. The trip filled up in three hours. There was a wait list for a while, but a few people cancelled, and we ended up with ten boats. We had inflatable kayaks, decked kayaks, and two open canoes. One was me, and the other was a guy who bought a canoe I sold a while back. Four swims; none from the open boats.

    I'm thinking of driving over the Coast Range today to go fish a nice reservoir from my Voyager.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Bench Press 5x5
    Chest-Supported Machine Row 5x5
    DB Press <superset> DB Row 5x5
    Seated Smith OHP <superset> BB Shrugs 3x8
    Cable Pushdown <superset> Preacher Curl 3x8

    Think I dodged any major injury bullet. Hurt my lower back doing deadlifts Thursday, Friday was stiff without pain, Saturday was frankly miserable, but Sunday was almost like the injury never occurred. Felt good enough to hit the gym today, though I did make a couple accommodations to remove any lower-back strain by swapping the cable row for chest-supported machine row, and the DB OHP with a seated Smith version. Now to think how I'll change up tomorrow's leg day, starting with nixing the deadlifts, but per advice from ninerbuff, maybe including rack pulls, or maybe saving that for next week. Will depend in part on how my back feels after a day spent at my work desk sandwiched between a pair of long commutes.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member

    3x10 ez curl bar pullovers
    3x15 barbell bent over rows
    3x5 deadlifts (sumo)
    3x15 each Leg extensions + seated leg curls (superset)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    edited August 2023
    Rowing again, of course: Bow of the quad, usual distance. We did some timed pieces with rating (strokes per minute) targets, one power piece, a little eyes-closed rowing (except for me, since I have to watch/steer - we all row, the others synchronizing movements by boat feel), some one and two part pause drills, and some "cut the cake" by pairs then all 4. Lots of variety!

    ETA, for your amusement - here's a photo of the barge I mentioned we rowed Saturday night - it's just a giant rectangle. I'm the person in yellow on the right (port) side furthest from the camera. Yes, port is right, because we face away from the direction of travel (except for the rudder woman).
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Rack Pull 5x5
    BB Hip Thrust 3x5
    One-Leg Press 3x8
    Seated Leg Curl 3x8
    Seated Calf Extension 4x12
    Cable Crunch 3x10

    Per suggestion, I swapped out deadlifts for rack pulls, which are basically deadlifts which start with the bar at knee height rather than on the floor. Didn't figure there'd be too big a difference in how they felt, but the reality was a HUGE difference. Even taking things light to allow my back to ease into lifting again, I can tell that without the hardest portion of the deadlift range of motion (floor to knees) the lift becomes tremendously easier.

    But the best part is I've now done two lifting workouts with only minor changes from before my injury, and my back never gave me a single bit of issue. Yay!
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    I went climbing. It was fun. I was in form. 2.5 hour session; Fitbit thought it was 150 active minutes.

    I got one graded 7a (around V6). It's clearly mis-graded; it was more like an easy V2.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Monday I did free weights and machines in the gym.

    Tuesday didn't have much time to work out due to work commitments so just did 20 minutes of yoga and got a walk in at lunchtime.

    This morning I did spin class, my ankle is still giving me a little jip so I made sure to let the instructor know and took it a little easier than normal. Don't seem to have aggravated it fingers crossed.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Elliptical, one hour hills, 800 calories. Think I've decided to add a second cardio session each week on Saturday morning, but per suggestion from @AnnPT77 I'll keep it much lower intensity. More than a simple walk, but less than my Wednesday session.

    Rather bummed, though. My gym's ellipticals have been connected to Netflix, so I could watch movies as I worked out. But got notice that because Netflix is toughening up their privacy standards, the gym would no longer support connection to them starting in three weeks. Now I'll have to rely upon the local TV channels (IF they come in clear, which hasn't always been the case) or listening to music. Not the worst thing in the world, but I've enjoyed catching up on movies while doing cardio, hate to see it go away.
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    Yesterday I did:
    • Muscular activation and prehab for lower body, rotator cuff prehab
    • 5 sets of 6 front squats
    • 5 sets of 5 bench press
    • 6 sets of 3 super-strict chin-ups (from dead hang/shoulders fully extended to bar-to-chest)
    • 3 sets of 6 barbell split squats
    • 4 sets of 3 back squats
    • 'Bird Dogs'

    Today, 30 minute incline treadmill walk.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Finally got a chance to do an open water swim at my favorite lake today. The morning was cool, around 58 degrees when we started. I toyed with wearing a sleeveless wetsuit, but decided to just wear the SIM shorts. It was the right call, since the water was much warmer than the air. No boat traffic, no choppy waves, just perfect conditions. Two of us did a triangle shaped course that covered 2200 yards. It felt great.

    I'm going to try for as many lake swims as I can over the next 5-6 weeks. It is much more fun than doing laps in the pool.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    Rowed the double this morning with one of the folks who just finished our learn to row class, so a shorter row (little over 5k) and I didn't row all of it (sometimes she rowed alone). We stopped more than usual; did some drills; I taught her how to river turn; etc. It went well, but less of a workout than usual for me (which is fine: I like working with new rowers).

    Tonight, went on a group bike ride for women labeled as "Fun - Not Fast", sponsored by a local bike shop. Twelve miles, easy pace, paved trails. First time I've been on my bike since before learn-to-row classes started, I think.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Push day:

    Standing OHP 3x15
    Machine Chest press with handles on about a 2 foot cord. Done “deficit” style (more ROM than barbell bench) with a 1 sec pause at bottom of the lift. 3x12
    Machine skullcrushers 3x15 with a drop set added on the last (dropped 20 lbs each time and did reps until I failed again).

    Das it.