What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Not much formal exercise lately with two long weekend trips plus bike wheel out for repair.
    I did get back to the gym for a trainer led session. A full body workout: push/pull/legs/core.
  • JulimarieS
    JulimarieS Posts: 4 Member
    20 minutes stretch, light Pilates. 30 minutes of cardio with low impact weights. I'm considering doing one day 30 min. Pilates and the next day 30 min. cardio. The scale isn't really budging.
  • cathhyam
    cathhyam Posts: 5 Member
    DL 2 sets 3 x 100kg, 2 x 6 x 90kg
    Seated row 3 x 8 x ? (Didn’t notice what trainer set)
    Eccentric push-ups 3 x 8


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    Push session for me.

    2x10 incline press with a 3rd set done at lighter weight with long(er) pauses at the bottom. First 2 sets done with a 1-2 sec pause at the bottom.
    2x15 machine flys
    2x12 dips
    2x15 one arm cable reverse flys
    2x15 one arm cable lateral raises
    1x failure seated cable skullcrushers supersetted with 1x failure dips.

  • diggymo1972
    diggymo1972 Posts: 44 Member
    P90 X down to 4 days a week now
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    3.5mile walk today. Hoping to get my tri bike back from the shop soon.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,842 Member

    Lower Power

    Rack Pull 5x5
    BB Hip Thrust 5x5
    One-Leg Press 3x8
    Seated Leg Curl 3x8
    Seated Calf Extension 4x12
    Cable Crunch 4x10


    Elliptical Hills - 1 hr (811 calories)
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    40 minute walk plus 40 minutes in the gym, legs and arms today.
  • Winning4EJ
    Winning4EJ Posts: 47 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Of course I rowed. It's Monday, and it didn't storm.

    Usual 7k-ish, 2 seat of the quad, a few power 10s and some timed full-power pieces, plus practicing race starts (even though the head race coming up will not require race starts :D ).

    They told me my obliques would be sore after the dragon boat races. Not so much: Maybe I was doing it wrong, maybe 3 x about 1 minute wasn't enough stimulus for that?

    I was trying hard, no objective evidence whether that was effective or not. If anything, I have a little upper pec tightness, which makes sense based on what the dragon boat paddling motion is like (not like canoeing!). Those muscles don't get much work in rowing, which is all upper body pull, and lower shoulder/back/arm muscles. Dragon boat paddling, the inside arm goes way up (overhead), and the motion is kind of a straight stab down into the water, then a push/pull-like sequence as the blade moves right next to the gunwale, mostly vertical paddle angle, from around one's feet to the mid/upper thigh area, with a bit of body twist. (I'm probably describing it poorly, and probably did it poorly, first time out.)

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,685 Member
    Rowed bow in the double, more like 9k this time because the ski team was out again and we did the double loop upstream and left them to be downstream (by mutual agreement). Again, my most compatible double partner was in stroke seat, so it was really pleasant.

    Didn't do much yesterday, just a casual roughly 3 mile walk with a friend, through a monthly statewide farmers market, then along the river trail. Garmin somehow decided this was sufficient to subtract another year from my "fitness age": Now I'm putatively fitness-25 instead of fitness-26 (while actually remaining real life 67 and counting). I think this is hilarious. What the heck is wrong with 25/26 year olds, if this is right?!!?)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,685 Member
    Winning4EJ wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Of course I rowed. It's Monday, and it didn't storm.

    Usual 7k-ish, 2 seat of the quad, a few power 10s and some timed full-power pieces, plus practicing race starts (even though the head race coming up will not require race starts :D ).

    They told me my obliques would be sore after the dragon boat races. Not so much: Maybe I was doing it wrong, maybe 3 x about 1 minute wasn't enough stimulus for that?

    I was trying hard, no objective evidence whether that was effective or not. If anything, I have a little upper pec tightness, which makes sense based on what the dragon boat paddling motion is like (not like canoeing!). Those muscles don't get much work in rowing, which is all upper body pull, and lower shoulder/back/arm muscles. Dragon boat paddling, the inside arm goes way up (overhead), and the motion is kind of a straight stab down into the water, then a push/pull-like sequence as the blade moves right next to the gunwale, mostly vertical paddle angle, from around one's feet to the mid/upper thigh area, with a bit of body twist. (I'm probably describing it poorly, and probably did it poorly, first time out.)


    Do you row, @Winning4EJ ?
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,670 Member
    Deadlifts... Tested my 1rm in preparation for my next mesocycle. 😊 New PR!!
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    Tuesday and Wednesday I had work events in the evening, so I missed scheduled gym day, and then I missed a day I could have caught up. Today was run down and de-motivated so I went and did the minimum- the basic full body and no assistance:
    1. Muscular activation and prehab
    2. Front squats- 5 sets of 5
    3. Bench press - 5 sets of 5
    4. Chinups - 5 sets of 6
    Even though it was a very basic workout it felt awesome. Front squats were deep- all the way to the very bottom (maximum knee flexion) and a little bounce. Bench press was solid, felt like technique was dialed in. Chinups were about as good as I have done them- from the deadest of dead hangs, bar to the chest, them very slow controlled descent, almost no kipping. I am never going to lift actual heavy weights, but I feel like my modest goals are achievable.
  • Winning4EJ
    Winning4EJ Posts: 47 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Winning4EJ wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Of course I rowed. It's Monday, and it didn't storm.

    Usual 7k-ish, 2 seat of the quad, a few power 10s and some timed full-power pieces, plus practicing race starts (even though the head race coming up will not require race starts :D ).

    They told me my obliques would be sore after the dragon boat races. Not so much: Maybe I was doing it wrong, maybe 3 x about 1 minute wasn't enough stimulus for that?

    I was trying hard, no objective evidence whether that was effective or not. If anything, I have a little upper pec tightness, which makes sense based on what the dragon boat paddling motion is like (not like canoeing!). Those muscles don't get much work in rowing, which is all upper body pull, and lower shoulder/back/arm muscles. Dragon boat paddling, the inside arm goes way up (overhead), and the motion is kind of a straight stab down into the water, then a push/pull-like sequence as the blade moves right next to the gunwale, mostly vertical paddle angle, from around one's feet to the mid/upper thigh area, with a bit of body twist. (I'm probably describing it poorly, and probably did it poorly, first time out.)


    Do you row, @Winning4EJ ?

    No but there's something about it I've always admired and enjoyed watching. Closest thing to rowing for me are the rowing machines at the gym.
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    Incline treadmill walk today, forty minutes. Deadlifts tomorrow!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    edited September 2023
    Short but sweet and brutal on leg day.

    Did warmups on squats then did a superset of 3 exercises:

    Leg extensions to failure (15 ended up being the number)
    High bar backsquats with my heels on 5 lb weights until (assumed) failure (12 actual reps)

    Then immediately into seated leg curls until failure (12) (same weight I used for extensions and that I normally do 15 pretty easily)

    And I’m toast and trying not to puke now.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,685 Member
    Nice moderate pace steady state row in bow of the quad this morning, the usual roughly 7k, on a lovely morning. One of our boat mates today is just coming back to rowing after a bout of Covid, still fatigued, so we took it easy rather than pushing the pace.

    One of the interesting things about sculling (two oars per person) is that within a certain range, people in a boat can be working at quite different intensities/power (as long as they move at the same strokes per minute). The recovering person said she was going very light, almost trailing the oars through the water; I was at a more medium pace, pushing harder than that. (I won't speak for the other 2. ;) )

    There was a double out with us practicing for the head race on the 30th . . . we didn't even keep up. :D
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Full body workout in the gym this morning, can barely remember any of the exercises I did! Have been feeling ill the past few days and very demotivated but still made it to the gym when I was very very tempted to stay in bed instead. Also got in 10000 steps, which is the first time in a while, my average is about 7000. Not a great deal different but all helps.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,842 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    Short but sweet and brutal on leg day.

    Did warmups on squats then did a superset of 3 exercises:

    Leg extensions to failure (15 ended up being the number)
    High bar backsquats with my heels on 5 lb weights until (assumed) failure (12 actual reps)

    Then immediately into seated leg curls until failure (12) (same weight I used for extensions and that I normally do 15 pretty easily)

    And I’m toast and trying not to puke now.

    Glad to have you in the iron family (fellow lifter), but I could not be satisfied with your routine. Not only do I use sets-to-failure very sparingly, but your total volume is very small compared to the routines I prefer. Glad it works for you, though!