What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • spacetreemonkey
    spacetreemonkey Posts: 171 Member
    Walk around the neighbourhood
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    Lower Hypertrophy

    Squats 4x15
    BB Step-Ups 3x12
    BB RDL 4x10
    Leg Extension 3x12
    Lying Leg Curl 3x12
    Calves Extend 4x12
    Suitcase Carry 3x40s
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,796 Member
    Slightly longer than typical row in bow of the quad, more like 8k vs. 7k.

    I was shooting for close to the normal distance, but we did a double upstream loop to avoid bigger downstream chop, and I underestimated how much distance I'd want to run downstream at the end (because of the wind) to get a good line on the dock.

    Even then, I was soooo close to hitting the dock, but - whew - just missed it at the last second (literally). Parking the boat is harder in a strong wind. For context, a quad is 42+ feet (13+ meters) long. When no coxswain, we're steering with the oars, and it's bow rower's responsibility.

    It was a moderate steady state row, because one of our members is moving back to London (England) and this was her last row before she flies out. We let her pick what we did, and she wanted to go moderate, relax and enjoy the last sight-seeing of the river.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,581 Member
    A couple days of whitewater kayaking on a river I haven't been able to get to for a few years because of COVID and then fires. It was nice to get back down there even though it was cold and rainy.
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    Short workout today, as I need to pack this evening:
    • Warmup
    • Front squats- 5 sets of 10
    • Bench press- 5 sets of 2
    • Dumbbell row- 4 sets of 8
    Bench press was a bit frustrating, was meant to be sets of three and it was just a bit heavy. Thought I should have been able to do it based off my last sets of 5. But no. The top sets were quite a grind and so even when I took a little weight off the bar I was still done. It shouldn't be the surprising, I have lost fourteen kilos in the last four months and the weight loss is still happening- lost over a kilo in the last 5-6 days. So bench was always going to catch up with me. Not expecting to much movement with it until I switch to bulking. But that won't be for a little while.

    Front squats were fine though.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Upper body and core today as lower body was SORRRRRRE. Did some elliptical just to loosen up first.

    Overhead dumbbell press, bridge with weights, tricep dips, chest press, bicep curl, bosu ball squat holds, few other bits too. Am very tired this evening. Rest day next two days because of work commitments.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    1 set overhand pull-ups
    3 sets underhand pull-ups

    2x supersets of Pendlay Rows x standing pullovers x seated chest supported rows

    3x leg extensions
    3x seated leg curls
  • spacetreemonkey
    spacetreemonkey Posts: 171 Member
    Photo walk
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Trainer led session at my gym this am. Incorporated some balance work and stability work into strength movements, ie. single arm press lying on back on bosu ball, etc. Also rounds of banded squats, band walk, mountain climbers, split squats, etc.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,718 Member
    ...I have lost fourteen kilos in the last four months and the weight loss is still happening- lost over a kilo in the last 5-6 days. So bench was always going to catch up with me. Not expecting to much movement with it until I switch to bulking. But that won't be for a little while.

    Front squats were fine though.

    Yes, losing weight has funny impacts to weight lifting numbers. Squats go UP since your leg muscles have less body to move, therefore you can add bar weight. But upper body does tend to decrease as overall muscle goes down. Keep grinding, my friend, and look forward to those numbers leaping off the page once the bulk begins.
  • spacetreemonkey
    spacetreemonkey Posts: 171 Member
    Walked through the mall to get to starbucks
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    edited September 2023
    Push day.

    3x10 barbell incline press
    2x10 weighted dips
    3x12 machine flys
    3x15 reverse curls
    1x failure seated skullcrushers superset with body weight dips.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,796 Member
    Rowed bow in the double this morning in a slight chop, slightly longer distance than usual (by maybe 300m). Tonight, went back to the rowing club to supervise open rowing, but other than general walking around, just carried a few boats. Do I get extra credit because it was in the rain, decently heavy rain by the time we were taking boats off the river back to the boathouse?
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    My front wheel was rebuilt and sent back to my bike guy yesterday, so I picked it up and took a ride today. I took my first ride in about 3 weeks, going 59 minutes at a fun 15.75mph pace. Good to be back in the saddle.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,796 Member
    Rowed just a small amount tonight at open rowing, only about 3k. I was in bow of a club double (a Hudson), helping one of my rowing buddies figure out her best foot-stretcher position and complementary selection from the club's oars to use in Saturday's race. Her planned double partner for the race had to work so couldn't help her with this.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    edited September 2023
    Couldn't work out on Tuesday or Wednesday due to work commitments. Thursday I planned to go to boxing class but ended up with a really bad headache by the end of the working day so gave it a miss... I've also been a bit unwell and am on a short course of antibiotics atm which probably hasn't helped.

    Today I still felt a little bit off first thing so I did 30 minutes of pilates focusing on my core and glutes. Am feeling fine now but am about to give blood in an hour so no gym for me!