What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Guess what I got for my birthday last night? A head cold. :|

    So I kept today's stationary bike ride moderate. My Garmin decided to lose the workout (maybe I accidentally hit a button, dunno), but the heart rate I was seeing while pedaling was mostly Z2, some lower Z3, peak HR 137bpm.

    35 minutes plus 3 minutes cool down, 100W average including the CD, a bit over 15k in stationary pseudo-meters according to the bike app.
  • RunningGirlKC
    RunningGirlKC Posts: 140 Member
    Barbell Bench Press
    Dumbbell Flyes
    Side Lateral Raise
    Seated Barbell Military Press
    Tricep Pushdown (Rope)
    Lying Tricep Press

    Sorry about your head cold @AnnPT77 - hoping you had a great birthday
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    edited November 2023
    I've got a head cold too today. Had to go and sort the pony out, the wind was really up and he was very spooky so I called it quits after a quick 30 minute ride.
  • laughingdakini1
    laughingdakini1 Posts: 52 Member
    Fell off the mfp logging bandwagon for a few days, but have been doing elliptical underdesk--maybe one day 13.30 miles, a couple of days 46-49+ miles each, yesterday 31.70 miles (83:16 and 765.2 cals). Today mpf bugged me by 'correcting' the calories--my machine says exactly the calories, times, speed, distance listed, and so I write it all in, but somehow today mfp said nah, 83 minutes is only worth a few hundred calories and not what you specifically and intentionally wrote in. It loses my interest when it says I am wrong and/or lying!
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,006 Member
    I went for a walk, getting a bit carried away and doing slightly over 20 miles.

    I had an early lunch before leaving, so I didn't stop (other than to pee).
  • Brigit_1
    Brigit_1 Posts: 209 Member
    30 Min. Cardio
    15 Min.Stretch
    15 Min. Walk on beach
  • RunningGirlKC
    RunningGirlKC Posts: 140 Member
    Barbell Squat
    Dumbbell Lunges
    Seated Leg Curl
    Stiff Legged Barbell Deadlift
    Seated Calf Raise
    Standing Calf Raise
    Hanging Leg Raise
    Alt Med Ball Touches
    Around the World
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,143 Member
    Upper Power

    Bench Press 5x5
    Cable Row 5x5
    DB Press <superset> DB Row 5x5
    Seated BB OHP 5x5
  • Brigit_1
    Brigit_1 Posts: 209 Member
    Cardio warmup
    upper body weights
    core and glute work
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Only working out MTuW this week, so push/pull combo session today. Also had to perform surgery on one of my adjustable dumbbells mid workout, so felt a little tired when it was time to do iso work.

    3x8 barbell bench press. First time in like 6 months doing these due to shoulder pain. Felt great. Did 20 lbs more than I was hoping on working sets

    1x5 body weight, 2x8 weighted pull-ups

    2x8 barbell shoulder press, 1x10 DB shoulder press (DB was my intention, and this was when I fixed my DB)

    3x12 x 2x8 lat prayer and neutral grip chest supported row superset.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Back at rowing machine, same workout scheme as Friday, 3 x (2k on, 2' off/CD) plus a short run-out. Similar pace and rating as Friday, so 6038m in 29:54.7 (not counting the "off" bits, which did include another 699m of rowing), and 18 spm. (Friday was 30:04.9, 19 spm: Negligible difference.)

    HR response was a little better, 40% Z4 today vs. 68% Friday, average HR 138bpm (vs. 145), peak HR 154 (vs. 158). Perhaps fueling (on Friday) with beer and fried mushrooms had a cost. :D

    I'm going to slow the pace a bit when the Holiday Challenge starts Thursday. I fear that that much Z4 with higher volume will accumulate too much fatigue across the week. We'll see.

    Yes, I'm a cardio geek. :D It's interesting to me that most anyone who wants to improve strength/muscularity tracks metrics for strength training (as do I, when I do it), but it seems like fewer people who want to improve cardiovascular capabilities rely on metrics. (It doesn't have to be HR, RPE works.)
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited November 2023
    Climbing, 2.5 hours. A good session; I was in form. I even got a double dyno in three attempts. (This is where you jump for the hold and briefly have zero points of contact on the wall.)

    Someone was telling me to try to statically lank it, but I was too short for that. And jumping is more fun, even if I am terrible at it.
  • RunningGirlKC
    RunningGirlKC Posts: 140 Member
    Cardio Only -

    Elliptical - 45 minutes
    Outdoor Walk - 45 minutes
  • Brigit_1
    Brigit_1 Posts: 209 Member
    Cardio 30 min
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Son had an appointment with an agility/explosiveness coach, and I did about 3/4 of the one hour session with him.

    Then I intended to do my full leg day workout, but one set in, I knew that was out.

    1x5, 2x8 backsquats. I did go up 20 lbs in my heaviest working set tho vs last week. But I was toast so I’ll do extensions and leg curls on my next leg session.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,098 Member
    Back on stationary bike for 35' + 3' CD, steady state at 100W average (including the CD), mostly Z3, all below 75% HRmax/65% HR reserve. Planning a rest day tomorrow, Holiday Challenge starts Thursday.
  • RunningGirlKC
    RunningGirlKC Posts: 140 Member
    Bent Over Barbell Row
    Underhand Pull Downs (Bar)
    Barbell Deadlift
    Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl
    Preacher Curl

    Cardio - 30 minutes
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Push pull day working out with my 12 y/o.

    He did one more working set than I did on each exercise, and I went light on volume since I normally do push/pull on separate days and with more than 2 days rest in between.

    2x10 Incline barbell press
    2x8 deficit Pendlay rows
    2x8 lat pull-downs
    2x10 weighted dips (kiddo did DB bench here)

    3x12 x 3x12 cable curls x tricep extensions
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,051 Member
    Happy belated birthday Ann! @AnnPT77 !!💫

    Did a Thanksgiving Eve SoulCycle class today! 😅
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,143 Member
    Mid-day Monday I started to feel off, and by closing time my stomach was a LOT off. Turns out I wasn't immune to the stomach virus that had gone through every other member of my family, I was just the last to get it. Totally tanked my plan to workout M-T-W, as well as my appetite for about 24 hours. But I'm feeling almost normal again, just in time for tomorrow.