What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    edited June 9
    @DiscusTank5 The mud defeated my photographic ambitions. I went for a video camera in a dive case in a dry bag in a tackle bag. It was inadequate again the mud; here is the camera post trip.


    Here is a photo someone more competent took of the Hall of Thirty, the best bit. (http://blog.dudleycavingclub.org.uk/2017/08/phil-gets-little-hotter-in-otter.html?m=1)
    You can see a caver in the picture for a sense of scale.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    edited June 10
    @drmwc thank you for the pictures. That camera really went through it--and so did your mud suits! I read the blog write-up of the excursion. Sounds amazing, except maybe for Phil who got left behind. :)

    Here's a webpage with some pictures of the cave at Lost Valley: https://www.nps.gov/places/eden-falls-cave-lost-valley-trail.htm

    And an internet picture of the 25-foot in-cave waterfall. It's been too long since we went through the Eden Falls cave for me to locate pics we took.
  • stegeem
    stegeem Posts: 148 Member
    Went for a few walks
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,562 Member
    edited June 10
    Incline press 1x12, 1x10, 1x8 (40lbs)
    Decline press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Chest press 3x12(45lbs)
    Shoulder press 3x12 (30lbs)
    Pectoral fly 3x12 (55lbs)
    Triceps press 3x12 (85lbs)
    Abdominal 1x12 (145lbs), 2x12 (165lbs)

    Switched the machine I use for pectoral fly (hence the weight discrepancy) to the one I noticed more people who seemed to know what they were doing using. Definitely felt more chest engagement. Struggled on incline press today as I did it as my fourth exercise vs earlier in the workout. Upped my chest press and triceps press weights by 5lbs apiece. Upped my abs by 20 lbs after the first set.

    I also worked in with a stranger for the first time today! He offered, but hey still. Progress.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    Climbing. We practiced dynos ,(jumping movements). It was fun, I was in form. I always find it interesting when I do them well; there momentum gives you a lot of time to grab the target hold
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Diving in a box.

    At the aquarium.

    An hour dive in the open sea exhibit while we cleaned the acrylic tunnel then another hour dive in the same exhibit to run the siphon and pick up poop. I found a few shark teeth. I think I found one of them three times - it kept falling out of the cuff of my glove.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Upper Body

    Bench Press 10x3x78% 1RM
    Cable Row 4x10
    Machine Decline Press 3x10
    Machine High Row 4x10
    Seated Arnold Press 3x10
    DB Curl 3x10 (Twist Curl, Hammer Curl, Concentration Curl) <<superset>> DB Lying Skull Crusher 3x10
    Cable Woodchoppers (Low, Mid, High) 3x10

    Over the weekend spent a good 16 hours doing yard maintenance: lopping branches off trees, lugging branches away, pulling weeds, mowing/trimming lawn, filling a huge trailer-full of junk (old couches, mirror, shelves, etc). Estimate I burned some 2,500 calories, certainly didn't eat enough to offset the extra burn. For a guy wanting to GAIN weight, this was not ideal.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    edited June 11
    nossmf wrote: »

    Over the weekend spent a good 16 hours doing yard maintenance: lopping branches off trees, lugging branches away, pulling weeds, mowing/trimming lawn, filling a huge trailer-full of junk (old couches, mirror, shelves, etc). Estimate I burned some 2,500 calories, certainly didn't eat enough to offset the extra burn. For a guy wanting to GAIN weight, this was not ideal.

    @nossmf that's exactly the weekend work I pictured you doing. Sounds exhausting. Wish you could transfer some of your unwanted calorie burn to me (hee hee).

    Workout: Short walk with the dog, then a visit to my oncology center for a check-up,* and later an hour at the local pool with my kids. I spent half the time treading water and the remainder jogging in place or doing a couple of strokes in my son's vicinity.

    *there's nothing that compares to the elation I feel when walking out of the treatment center.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Guess what I did?!?!?

    I rowed. :D

    Two seat of the quad was great this morning. Since I didn't have to bow (takes a lot of mental bandwidth), I could work on the technical corrections the coach gave me on Saturday. I liked it, lots.

    I did help the bow rower a little, relaying (shouting) commands (she has a soft voice), and with advice here and there. (She hasn't bowed in a looonnng time, gets a little stressed/flustered sometimes.) It still gave me some good tech-work time. I'm so impressed that she volunteered - it's hard for her.

    Tonight I worked the learn-to-row class again, which was mentally exhausting for this natural introvert. (I coached/coxed a quad with two people who were doing their first ever on-water row, and two experienced rowers. Coxing/coaching is a very "on" thing, psychologically.) The new folks did really, really great. That part was very fun.

  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    edited June 11
    Chest and tri’s

    Incline db press 10x2. 8x1 @ 57.5
    15x2 @ 35
    Wide grip machine chest 12x3 @3 plates
    Arsenal chest fly 15x2 13x1. @ 60
    Weighted dips 15x2 12x1 @ 10
    Overhead tricep extension 15x3
    Tri push downs 15x3 13 x1
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Lower Body - Tuesday

    Rack Pull 4x10
    Hip Thrust 4x10
    Leg Press 4x10 <superset> Leg Press Calf Extend 4x15
    Roman Chair Knee-Ups 4x20
  • DrBenja
    DrBenja Posts: 12 Member
    edited June 12
    I am often going on to Instagram to get work out ideas, as I follow a few trainers who post videos. I work out 5-6 days a week and like to mix it up & try new things. I thought I would start a discussion and have people post their work outs. Maybe give each other some good ideas! If I stick with the same thing over and over I get booorred.

    30 min on treadmill, alternating speeds walking & running
    Squats with kettlebell
    Overhead press to squat with 40lb. bar
    Mountain climber/burpee/pushup circuit
    10 minutes of stretching to end

    Total time: 1hr. 10 min.

    Age: 47
    Current weight: 162
    Goal weight: 142

    That sounds like a well-rounded workout!
    You're hitting cardio, strength and flexibility all in one session.
    Remember to listen to your body, stay hydrated and ensure proper form to prevent injury. Keep up the great work!

    I need to start my own plan, Soon!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Big Canoe!

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,562 Member
    Leg press 3x12 (135lbs)
    Calf raise 3x12 (115lbs)
    Leg curl 3x12 (100lbs)
    Leg extension 3x12 (65lbs)
    Leg adduction 3x12 (140lbs)
    Leg abduction 3x12 (140lbs)

    Mid row 3x12 (125lbs)
    Row 3x12 (60lbs) single arm
    Front pulldown 3x12 (90lbs)
    High row 3x12 (80lbs)
    Lat pulldown 3x12 (85lbs)
    Bicep curl 3x12 (25lbs) single arm

    Abdominal 3x12 (145lbs)

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Rowed bow in the double with a long-time rowing buddy in stroke seat this morning, another coached row - around 7.5k, mostly drills (helpful!) but some more intense consolidation rowing at the end.

    Somewhere in the middle of the day, a short walk from the remote parking to the farmers market. (Let the people who struggle have the limited number of close parking spots, eh? I admit, riding the free pedicab is always tempting, but I leave that, too, for those for whom the walk is harder. ;) I think it's great that they offer the pedicab.)

    This evening, rowed in a double with one of the learn-to-row students. He did most of the rowing, while I stabilized the boat to make it easy for him. We rowed together a little near the end, and I rowed intermittently by myself when we needed to get the boat back on a sensible course, or turn it around. (They haven't learned steering or turning yet.)

    To give you an idea, this was our 7.5k course this morning:


    . . . and this was the 2.5k from tonight:


    There is a contrast. :D

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Yes @AnnPT77 quite the contrast! The second one looks like my track might look if I was fishing instead of paddling.

    I was impressed on the Rogue a few weeks ago. I let my friend row the raft a bit, and he's a natural. He's never done it before, but he could make the boat go straight. The last two first-timers I let row struggled. One started to get it, and she now has a raft. The other just couldn't get it. My friend a couple weeks ago didn't struggle at all, but he did decide not to run the small rapid I was going to let him try. That's OK.

    I'm learning to row from a stern frame with a bunch of paddlers in front. It's very different. I have a training next week for whitewater and then a moving water actual trip. Next month I get to row the whitewater with participants.

    Big canoe is a hoot for sure.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Upper Body

    Bench Press 3x10
    DB Bench Press 3x10
    BB Row 4x10 (2 sets pronated, 2 sets supinated)
    Pulldown 3x10 (1 set each hands over, under, neutral-grip)
    Face Pull 3x10
    DB Upright Row 3x10
    DB Shrugs 3x10
    Preacher Curl 3x10 (4-second negatives)
    Cable Pushdown 3x10 (5-second negatives)
    Perloff Press 3x15sec
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    I remember as a Boy Scout taking the canoeing merit badge at summer camp. Most boys require the entire week to complete all the requirements; I was able to get it done in a single day.

    Used the rest of the week trying to do the rowboat, never could get the hang of it.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    Yesterday: 30 min. in the pool, then a 15 min. bike ride with my daughter. I think I forgot to log the biking, though.
    Today: 3 walks with my dog, for 25 min. total. The 7 am walk was perfect; by 9 am it felt hot out. I think we topped 90 degrees F for the first time this summer.