What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.

    No effing joke.. Concussions are something a lot of use just take for granted.

    Anywho, thanks for the well wishes! I went out and hiked my butt off while enjoying the day. Basically the same temps as yesterday, but instead of humidity at ~80%, it was around ~25% and that made it feel cooler. Perfect day to do 10.3km/6.4 miles. 2 for 2 on ticks-found-post-hike.. sadly. It's gonna be a tick heavy season for the.. well probably for every year going forward. :/

    I'm glad I didn't kayak today. The wind was no joke and the current was really moving across the water. It was choppy af. So much so that in the hours I was there, I saw exactly 2 boats. Only 1 boat moving at speed, and that person was a bit of an idiot in that sort of chop.

    Really fun birthday. Might bike later, or might enjoy a piece of cheesecake and call it a night sometime tomorrow. I haven't had a lot of good birthdays, certainly none in a decade, but this was a really good one. Hopefully a new trend going forward.

    303 days since I started here, 113lbs down, 771 miles biked this year, 130 miles in the past 14 days, and an all around great day.

    Yeah, concussions are no joke and most people don't take them seriously enough. I'm lucky to have never gotten one and hope to keep it that way. I'm glad your birthday was good though. I also have a long history of less than good birthdays, but managed to have a good one this year for the first time in seemingly forever. Here's to a good year (and yes - I vote for cheesecake and calling it a night).
  • Melolson14
    Melolson14 Posts: 147 Member
    Walked 4 miles today
  • kellie7850
    kellie7850 Posts: 50 Member
    30 mins swimming
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Tuesday: Cardio Power & Resistance
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.

    No worries, no concussion! The hit to the face wasn’t very hard. I’m brand new to the sport so I’m just trying to get used to the level of physicality!
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    300 in 30: Day 14
    010|300 Miles - 31:53
    020|300 Miles - 29:19
    030|300 Miles - 29:45
    040|300 Miles - 30:40
    050|300 Miles - 31:12
    060|300 Miles - 30:59
    070|300 Miles - 29:33
    080|300 Miles - 30:34
    090|300 Miles - 29:52
    100|300 Miles - 34:00
    110|300 Miles - 31:53
    120|300 Miles - 30:28
    ----Birthday Break----
    130|300 Miles - 30:36

    Oooh I am feeling both really good and really tired. Been hard at it, but also showing myself just how much more I can do. I'm debating a 5km walk/hike at the park locally today. Or I might mow the lawn. Who knows.

    Good luck to everyone else on attaining their goals today!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Yoga and handstand practice...
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    BPP Week 5/3. 7k average split was a second faster than last Friday which is a bit absurd. I was fairly steady throughout the piece save for the 500m where I pushed the pace. Needless to say, I'm not going to be just fine if my split for the 7,500m piece on Friday is a second slower than today.
  • clynds
    clynds Posts: 41 Member
    Just an easy 5K run at lunch for this gal.
  • clynds
    clynds Posts: 41 Member
    MattZ89 wrote: »
    Just got done running a 5k. Training for a 10K now.

    Awesome! Will you sign up for a 10K event as motivation?
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Crazy Tuesday

    1hr pt session at the stairs with the weighted vest. Very leg heavy, serious hard work and left me with a new found respect for larger people that run. Cant believe that I used to carry more than that amount of weight around every day, no wonder I struggled with day to day living


    1 mile run. Up and down a hill dip in both directions


  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Rest day. Don't want it but will demand it.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    jnomadica wrote: »
    aokoye wrote: »
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.

    No worries, no concussion! The hit to the face wasn’t very hard. I’m brand new to the sport so I’m just trying to get used to the level of physicality!

    Huge parental fear of mine. My son trains pretty seriously in BBJ and Muay Thai. He got "accidentally" knocked out for a second last week for the first time against his Muay Thai instructor (that is a 22-0 fighter). His BBJ partners are even better (one top 10 in the world from what he's said). My son thought it was funny. Dad not at all. He said no concussion symptoms but anytime you go lights out, even for a split second, that's serious. Be safe!

    Did 5K row today at 2:13. That's a massive drop in rate for me. Feel like I'm having beginner improvements all over again. I took one day off on Sunday for Mother's Day and then played Pickleball yesterday and didn't do cardio other than that. Wasn't really pushing hard either, maybe a 7 out of 10. Also did 30 on the Assault Bike at 155 or so Watts.

  • carlaringuette
    carlaringuette Posts: 158 Member
    Spin class at 5 am
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    5.8 miles walk/run/jog/sprint. Feeling drained. Luckily I ate a block of cheese and bag of turkey sticks before I started and that fueled me well through. Backpack held up well during running/sprinting sections. 2L was just enough fluid for what I did.

    I'm beyond done for the day. Soaked up tons of sun and enjoyed myself quite a bit.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    jnomadica wrote: »
    aokoye wrote: »
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.

    No worries, no concussion! The hit to the face wasn’t very hard. I’m brand new to the sport so I’m just trying to get used to the level of physicality!

    Huge parental fear of mine. My son trains pretty seriously in BBJ and Muay Thai. He got "accidentally" knocked out for a second last week for the first time against his Muay Thai instructor (that is a 22-0 fighter). His BBJ partners are even better (one top 10 in the world from what he's said). My son thought it was funny. Dad not at all. He said no concussion symptoms but anytime you go lights out, even for a split second, that's serious. Be safe!

    Did 5K row today at 2:13. That's a massive drop in rate for me. Feel like I'm having beginner improvements all over again. I took one day off on Sunday for Mother's Day and then played Pickleball yesterday and didn't do cardio other than that. Wasn't really pushing hard either, maybe a 7 out of 10. Also did 30 on the Assault Bike at 155 or so Watts.

    Yeah brain damage is no joke and getting knocked out is no good, not good at all. Concussions are actually the one reason why I'm glad my mom didn't let me play soccer because while it's not a contact sport in the same way something like Muay Thai or boxing is, brain damage from heading the ball is most definitely a thing and concussions are a heck of a lot more common than in the sports I did/do engage in.

    Well done on the 5k as well. Improvements related to recovering from injury can be amazing.
  • Melolson14
    Melolson14 Posts: 147 Member
    Nice 2.5 mile walk
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Rowed a four for a too-short while. Tonight was the annual event where my breast cancer survivors rowing team rowed together with varsity rowers from the major university team that sponsors us, before their conference championship, and our last row of the academic year. There were three fours out, mixed varsity rowers an li'l ol' ladies (at 63, I'm maybe the youngest of our team).

    Imagine working out with your favorite university team, in your favorite sport, whatever that sport might be: That thrilling, that much fun!

    Like most non-revenue sports, these women are in it mainly for the sport itself (any scholarship dollars are scant compensation for the time they put in): The commitment is daunting, on top of academics. Plus they're the most amazing young people you'd ever like to meet: High GPAs, into all kinds of additional activities, friendly, kind . . . a perfect antidote to "kids these days" myths.

    So fun! :)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Yoga, handstand pushups, pull-ups, hip huggers, overhead press and side lateral raises...
  • kellie7850
    kellie7850 Posts: 50 Member
    edited May 2019
    one hour walk (5K) with the dog