What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited May 2019
    Calves are burning today. Wife wanted to meet up with some friends over in a neighboring town and didn't feel safe with us not knowing the area well (just moved north of Tucson). So I drove her there and worked out at LA Fitness last night. 150 flights of stairs on the Stairmaster (I have a bad right knee and I skip steps and use it as a sort of front lunge for around half the workout and also do side steps. I can't easily do regular lunges unless they are wide, so this is a great alternative), 30 minutes on their awful rowing machine (you'll hear me complain a lot about this, like someone from LA Fitness would actually get that their rowers suck) and 10 minute Cool Down on the Stationary Bike.

    I'm glad I signed back up to the gym. Though their rowers are terrible, I did miss Stairmasters. Great workouts. I was a terrible runner when I ran trail runs but I was a fantastic climber up stairs and elevations.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    30 min PT, boxing, running, squat jumps, press ups, lunge jumps and a few burpees as a punishment for not being quick enough

    Total body conditioning (legs bums and tums)

    5 mile run in the rain and hail

    Pedal to the metal @firef1y72 now rest and recovery.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Why anyone would "woo" a person for posting what they did as a workout is astounding...
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    edited May 2019
    300 in 30: Day 10
    010|300 Miles - 31:53
    020|300 Miles - 29:19
    030|300 Miles - 29:45
    040|300 Miles - 30:40
    050|300 Miles - 31:12
    060|300 Miles - 30:59
    070|300 Miles - 29:33
    080|300 Miles - 30:34
    090|300 Miles - 29:52
    100|300 Miles - 34:00

    Tried to keep it under 20mph today as a lower/slower recovery day. No walking/jogging/running planned as weather is turning bad. New hydration pack and trekking rods coming in this week, so excited to get those used for hiking this month.
    anl90 wrote: »
    I plan on after work getting in a 3 mile walk, as long as the weather allows it. Happy Friday, everyone!

    Don't forget some sunscreen and to stay hydrated! It's easy enough to forget and get a sunburn, even on a cloudy day.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Why anyone would "woo" a person for posting what they did as a workout is astounding...

    Someone's been "wooing" some of the rowing talk (which I happen to enjoy) as well. Challenges, whether it's rowing, running, lifting or biking are all part of your daily workout experience. It helps when someone else does your workout of choice and and understands what you're going through.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,816 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Why anyone would "woo" a person for posting what they did as a workout is astounding...

    Someone's been "wooing" some of the rowing talk (which I happen to enjoy) as well. Challenges, whether it's rowing, running, lifting or biking are all part of your daily workout experience. It helps when someone else does your workout of choice and and understands what you're going through.

    I'm pretty sure I have a woo-stalker, because a fair fraction of even my most innocuous posts get woo-ed (things like providing a link someone explicitly asked for). That seems to have infected the rowing sub-discussion: Sorry. I figure that if it gives someone's sad emotional life a boost to woo my posts, that comes at no cost to me, so meh. ;)

    @J72FIT , it's also kind of easy to hit "woo" by accident when scrolling on a phone, and there are still people who think it's a synonym for "hooray" rather than a synonym for "nonsense", so I wouldn't worry about it. Yoga is obviously working well as part of your routine!

    Back semi on topic: Tried to row today, too windy to row with water still this cold. :( Hoping for better tomorrow.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    it's also kind of easy to hit "woo" by accident when scrolling on a phone, and there are still people who think it's a synonym for "hooray" rather than a synonym for "nonsense"

    That did cross my mind as well...
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    30 min PT, boxing, running, squat jumps, press ups, lunge jumps and a few burpees as a punishment for not being quick enough

    Total body conditioning (legs bums and tums)

    5 mile run in the rain and hail

    Pedal to the metal @firef1y72 now rest and recovery.

    Got a short run and bootcamp tomorrow morning, then I'll be chilling out ahead of a 10k on Sunday. It's really weird not having my life revolve around the 3-4hr runs and being able to throw myself into classes and PT again
  • kellie7850
    kellie7850 Posts: 50 Member
    Waking dog and Zumba class
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Today at park:

    #1 - Alternating pull-ups and chin-ups- 8 rounds of 3 reps with 20kg KB hanging from my waist using new belt with chain with walking recovery between rounds - played it safe for first time returning to weighted pull-ups and chin-ups- total of 24 reps in 19:28.

    #2 - (Double 20kg KB swing, clean, rack squat and overhead press) x 5 every 3:45 - completed 5 rounds in 15:07 - started 5th round early to try getting under 15:00, missed it but will get next time.

    Life is great when Friday is a play day rather than a work day.
  • mgoddette
    mgoddette Posts: 1 Member
    23 minutes yoga with adriene video "yoga for hips and lower back release"
    20 minute cardio hasfit video: high punch + run in place, forward back 1,2,3,4, bent over seesaw rows, elbow to knee, skier swings, lateral plank walk + pushup, high kick pulldown, overhead seesaw press, side shuffle, diagonal chop.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Why anyone would "woo" a person for posting what they did as a workout is astounding...

    In addition to what other people have said, there are still people who think "woo" means "yay!" and until it becomes abundantly clear to everyone that that's not what that means there will likely always be people thinking that in part because of new users. Of course I suspect that would take changing the name to something like "disagree" or changing the face to a thumbs down icon.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    Decorating for HS prom... (I'm a sponsor). 15,000+ steps and still going
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    All of this chatting about "woo" and I almost forgot to post my workout!

    BPP: Week 5/2 - 4 x 800m / 2min rest
    My goal average split was 1:57. My actual split across the four intervals was 1:56.3. I was so not consistent in terms of my split. Three of them were under 1:57 and a third was .4 seconds above, but I would have prefered all four to have been 1:56 as opposed to two under that and two over. I'm not going to beat myself up too much over it though.

    After the intervals I did 2k to cool down and I just remembered that I forgot to stretch...
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Why anyone would "woo" a person for posting what they did as a workout is astounding...

    In addition to what other people have said, there are still people who think "woo" means "yay!" and until it becomes abundantly clear to everyone that that's not what that means there will likely always be people thinking that in part because of new users. Of course I suspect that would take changing the name to something like "disagree" or changing the face to a thumbs down icon.

    It would be so much smoother if they did t use a common term of encouragement for no reason or sent an intro to mfp email with common site lingo and links to every new person joining. It just seems like a poorly thought out way to have a negative or dislike button on the site.

    But the people that pushed for it probably thrive on the drama it causes. Who knows.

    Alternate topic: how did y’all ever get into rowing/Erging/<ins appropriate terminology>?
  • fitbritt128
    fitbritt128 Posts: 35 Member
    edited May 2019
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,816 Member
    edited May 2019
    aokoye wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Why anyone would "woo" a person for posting what they did as a workout is astounding...

    In addition to what other people have said, there are still people who think "woo" means "yay!" and until it becomes abundantly clear to everyone that that's not what that means there will likely always be people thinking that in part because of new users. Of course I suspect that would take changing the name to something like "disagree" or changing the face to a thumbs down icon.

    It would be so much smoother if they did t use a common term of encouragement for no reason or sent an intro to mfp email with common site lingo and links to every new person joining. It just seems like a poorly thought out way to have a negative or dislike button on the site.

    But the people that pushed for it probably thrive on the drama it causes. Who knows.

    Alternate topic: how did y’all ever get into rowing/Erging/<ins appropriate terminology>?

    I joined a breast cancer survivors rowing team that was forming in my area (sponsored by a big university's women's rowing team) shortly after I finished cancer treatment, at age 46. I'd been mostly sedentary for years, and suddenly became active. Still rowing now, team & club, at age 63.

    Our river freezes, so I machine row some in Winter (not as fun as boats ;) ).***

    A surprising number of communities have rowing clubs that offer lessons, but they're not usually well-advertised, especially small shoestring volunteer-run clubs outside of the few cities that are major rowing centers.

    And believe it or not, it was worse here on MFP before "woo" was an option. More arguments start when people post vehement disagreement, vs. just click.

    *** ETA: On the water (OTW) rowers usually call the thing in shells/boats "rowing", sometimes distinguishing sculling (two oars per person) vs. sweep (one oar per person). OTW rowers call the machine activity "erging" usually (among themselves), and the machine itself an "erg".

    Machine-only people often seem to call the machine activity "rowing", the machine a "rower", and the boat thing "on the water rowing".

    I try to remember to call erging "machine rowing" here, because many non-rower people don't know the term "erging"
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited May 2019
    Recovery "milestone" of sorts. First 10K row in over 4 months today. Really felt good to do that. Also, over 40K meters on the week. Even did a "Power 10" today and was seeing low 1:50s, even a few 1:40s on pace. Overall pace still slow (2:23 @ 23 SPM), but hey, I'll take it. Roughly a 48 minute 10K.

    I was getting frustrated (and still am) with pace, but just a little over a month ago, I couldn't do five minutes @ 2:30 pace, so it's slowly coming back. Coming back from injury in your mid 50s ain't no fun!

    @ Centaraus - I'm not sure if you call what I do truly rowing, it's more "erging" because I only row on the machine. It's similar but still a bit apples to oranges. I got into it years ago when I was recovering from Chronic Runner's knee running. Found I liked it. Then, found out there's actually indoor "Regattas" where they race. My first race I sat down next to a guy that rowed a 6:47 2K at 63 (That's an incredible time. He's a very accomplished Indianapolis area OTW too). I finished a very distant second to him and I've been hooked since. Won the next year's competition at my age group and the following year. Moved up to Regionals last year and barely got second. Was working on training for either Nationals (the Crash-Bs) or US Rowing's World Indoor Championships when I got injured. I was hoping to place top 10 at worlds (out of around 30 competitors) for the 55 to 60 HWT class. That might have to wait until I'm 56 now with a long recovery. That and my stepson planned his wedding that same weekend this next year!

    It's a very niche sport I do with not many followers but it's growing. Because the water (real rowing) can take years to learn, you can be great on a machine (fake boating) and be terrible in the water. But you can't be great in a boat if you don't have great cardio -- that's where the erg comes in. I hope to get out in a real boat in retirement in around 10 years. There's a significant over-the-water club around 90 minutes North of me in Phoenix.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Why anyone would "woo" a person for posting what they did as a workout is astounding...

    In addition to what other people have said, there are still people who think "woo" means "yay!" and until it becomes abundantly clear to everyone that that's not what that means there will likely always be people thinking that in part because of new users. Of course I suspect that would take changing the name to something like "disagree" or changing the face to a thumbs down icon.

    It would be so much smoother if they did t use a common term of encouragement for no reason or sent an intro to mfp email with common site lingo and links to every new person joining. It just seems like a poorly thought out way to have a negative or dislike button on the site.

    But the people that pushed for it probably thrive on the drama it causes. Who knows.

    Alternate topic: how did y’all ever get into rowing/Erging/<ins appropriate terminology>?
    Agreed. I thankfully don't put a whole lot of stock in woos on posts that are clearly not wooable. The site that I'm on most frequently has a "disagree" button. There's still drama (enough that threads on the main forums about buttons have a time limit before they're closed), but at least there isn't the "oh I thought that this meant...".

    As to your other topic, I got into rowing because I had a friend on the opposite coast who had been rowing from time to time recreationally and I thought it sounded fun. There are a few masters (adults) rowing clubs here that offer lessons to beginners from spring through early September and I managed to sign up in time to do the last full set of learn to row sessions (learn to row 1 and 2). That was about 9 months ago.
    My club rows on the water year round (weather, dock, and river conditions permitting), though in the winter we only row on the water on the weekends and have coached erg sessions 3 days a week. I am, clearly, very glad that I stuck out the winter months and my general anxiety related to unstable boats (which has gone way down) as I've made some very good friends and seem to really enjoy the sport.
  • Finafoshizzle93
    Finafoshizzle93 Posts: 157 Member
    40 min elliptical
    10 min bike

    10 push ups
    20 ball crunch
    Repeat x5

    5 rack squats - HEAVY - form focus/deep
    16 med ball slams
    Repeat 5x

    30 tricep dips on bench (my arms were buuuurning by the last set!)
    12 lunge to chest taps
    Repeat 3x