6 Week Xmas Challenge - 12th Nov to 24th Dec



  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    raindogmaa wrote: »
    SW - 201.7 lbs
    19-11 - 198.9 lbs!!!!
    26-11 - 198.7 - Considering Thanksgiving...I am grateful for this number!
    03-12 - 199.4 - Foot Surgery this week. People bringing me food. It was not only hard to resist, but impolite. Tried to limit the portion.
    10-12 - 195.6
    17-12 - 194.9
    24-12 - 192.8

    Close but no cigar. Still very happy.... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!

    You have done very well!! Merry Christmas to you!!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,149 Member
    Well done to all the big losers that already posted today...and all those that are going to post! :)

    SW - 135 lbs
    19 Nov - 134.2 lbs (-0.8 lbs) / 23 Nov - 133.8 (-1.2 lbs)
    26 Nov - 133.0 lbs (-2.0 lbs) / 30 Nov - 132.6 (-2.4 lbs)
    03 Dec - 132.6 lbs (-2.4 lbs) / 07 Dec - 132.8 (-2.2 lbs)
    10 Dec - 133.4 lbs (-1.6 lbs) / 14 Dec - 133.2 (-1.8 lbs)
    17 Dec - 133.4 lbs (-1.6 lbs) / 21 Dec - 133.2 (-1.8 lbs)
    24 Dec - 132.8 lbs (-2.2 lbs)
    GW (for challenge) - 130 lbs
    GW (ultimate) - 120 lbs

    Well, didn't make my challenge goal, but happy to see the scale drop again today! Going to enjoy the holidays!

    Hope everyone has a very merry and blessed CHRISTmas and a wonderfully prosperous New Year!! Thanks for the challenge and the motivation to buckle down through the holiday season. :star::heart: :star:
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    16-11 156.6 SW Avg Wt: 156
    19-11 156.0
    26-11 155.6
    03-12 155.6. Avg wt: 155.6
    10-12 157
    17-12 155.8
    24-12 154.6 Avg Wt: 154.3
    GW - 155 YAY!!
    Dec 31
    Jan 1
    [going for 153-154 by Jan 1]

    I’ve been at or under 155 for 15 of 24 days of December so far. Nice compared to 2 of 30 days in Nov, and none in October..

    Keep going, Everyone! I keep reminding myself how good I’ll feel to enter the New Year at a lower wt rather than having to re-lose what I’d already lost.

    We have 15 days through New Year’s Eve from now. Don’t give up. If we tow the line on all breakfasts & lunches & 12-13 of 15 dinners (Xmas Eve, Xmas Day, NY Eve), we should all still lose by Jan 1st!
  • Kiwi015
    Kiwi015 Posts: 4 Member
    SW- 177lbs
    11/19: 177 but body fat down to 38.5% from 39.7%!
    11/26: 176
    12/03: 175
    12/10: 172
    12/17: 170
    12/24: 167!!!!!!!
    I’m 2 lbs away from my goal weight. Have to be patient and keep on working towards the goal. Had some plateau days but was able to overcome those with patience, commitment, and anticipation for the final goal.
    GW: 165 lbs
  • lexklein82
    lexklein82 Posts: 14 Member
    SW - 184.4 lbs
    11-19 - 181.2 lbs
    11-26 - 175.2 lbs (I've been sick since Thanksgiving, and I'm finally hungry again)
    12-03 - 174.6 lbs (Okay, I don't get this. I've stayed within my daily intake and exercised at least 500 calories every day except Monday. After I got sick, I went up to 177 so I guess I worked that off, and my body fat percentage dropped 1.5%. I did drop a pant size though.)
    12-10- 171 lbs
    12-17 - 167.1 lbs (My body fat percentage is down about 2%)
    12-24 - 165.0 lbs
    GW - 160

    Goal-140 lbs.

    19 pounds down, 25 more pounds to go! See everyone next year!