Weight gain at 1400 a day



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I have a a feeling OP wont be back.hope that isnt the issue and he figures this out.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I have a a feeling OP wont be back.hope that isnt the issue and he figures this out.

    In a way, I hope that he got his answers and doesn't come back. This has turned into a bunch of unhelpful/unsubstantiated/unnecessary stuff being posted that will likely overwhelm him, and lead him to give up.

    OP, if you have come back and get to this point... I stand by the recommendation to just start with logging everything accurately. After that, then focus on the next step. You don't need to reduce carbs, you don't need to exercise for 2 hours per day, and for the love of all things holy, ignore anything by Fung.

    Nope still here. Had to sleep at some point today. Dig out my food scale this morning and I’m off to play a few rounds of disc golf. And as far as working out for a couple months I was lifting weights and swimming an hour or two a day I just got burnt out on it and am trying to dig up some motivation to get back to it.

    have you had your thyoid panels done? I will say just start out slow and as for the scale I will tell you about my experience with and without it. when I first started losing weight,I didnt use a scale I used cups and spoons and try to go by what was a portion(size of fist,palm of hand,etc) I lost weight at first and kept it off for about 3-4 months. Then I started gaining the weight back, I could not understand why. I even started working out twice a day because I thought more exercise was the answer. It wasnt.

    so I came here and was told to get a food scale(digital one is best) and weigh EVERYTHING solid and semi solid in grams. I did this for a short time(a few weeks or so) and I started to lose the weight again. I lost what I gained back and then some.I was eating more than I though and didnt realize. I thought the serving sizes on packaging was correct. no,its not it can be off by up to 20% PER serving. I was shocked to see what a serving really was on many things. It will surprise you.

    now I do have a metabolic disorder and its hard for me to lose weight. I was 5'6 1/2 age 38 and 209 lbs. 70 lbs overweight.for me that made me obese. my BMR(or RMR) is 1272, I was eating 2000 calories to lose and I was more sedentary(I had stopped the 2 workouts a day before I came here). I maybe worked out twice a week .as for me having asthma and being obese made it hard to do much,even walking I got out of breath.. I gained weight eating too many fruits and veggies believe it or not because I was eating more than my body burned.I didnt think that was even possible because they were fruits and veggies and was told they dont lead to weight gain. I was misinformed. fast forward to now and its 5 years later.

    I still have a hard time losing weight I lose at a rate of a half a lb a month if that even if I were to eat 1200 calories(which leaves me starving and I want to eat everything). its just how my body is for some reason. so I gave up trying to lose for now(I did lose 45lbs out of the 70 but it took me 2.5-3 years to do so). I didnt lose the rest but I am maintaining my weight right now and doing a recomp which many will say I should have lost the weight first. I tried and even went down to 1300 calories. for months I lost nothing. I did take diet breaks often over the last 5 years,for me it didnt accomplish much,

    I tried more exercise and changing my diet up and so on. still slower than molasses so I decided to go with maintenance for the winter months and lift weights and go from there. for me I have lost fat(no weight),and my clothes all still fit the same even though I gained a little bit of weight. But for me 1900-2200 calories is my maintenance right now and Im lightly active. Im 44 now almost 45. many would have probably given up by now but Im still putting along.I feel better than I did and Im starting to look better body wise. Im stronger and my healt has improved in the last few years. anything worth doing takes time and its a slow process for some of us.

    My point is I struggle too and for me it also seemed that the numbers dont work out right, I have blood work every 3 months for my health issues and while there shows no reason why my weight loss is so slow ,its slower than it should be but it is what it is. Ive tried many different ways of eating and none of them made weight loss any faster for me. I now eat what I want but I make it fit into my calories. I dont deprive myself od anything. I eat a low fat.low cholesterol high fiber diet due to a health issue so I eat a lot of carbs(still lost weight when I was losing).Im also a natural intermittent faster. I have been that way ever since I can remember(more than 3 decades) and I too gained weight while fasting, I have lost and maintained as well. it just works for me because I dont eat breakfast.

    whatever way of eating you decide is up to you. but the scale and the serving sizes of a lot of foods will shock ya. find something you like to do and do that for exercise. any exercise is better than none and when its something you like to do then chances are you will want to do it more and not see it as exercise. as for weight lifting thats up to you but it does help you to retain the lean mass you do have and it will change how your body looks. I am a smaller size in clothing now than I was 40 lbs lighter. my body looks better too. also for me losing it slower was better (it helps prevent sagging skin and that skinny fat look)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Great advice from a lot of very knowledgeable people.

    I would only add that if you like math and statistics you might find a trending app useful in tracking daily fluctuations and your overall weight trend.

    I use Libra (android) and have found it very useful. It evens out the ups and downs and stops me from freaking out when my weight goes up a pound or two.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Barring any medical issues, There is no possible way you are not losing if you are indeed eating 1400 cals a day. Top things I’d check are oils used in cooking and your portion sizes.
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