Boob job?



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think B's are a great size. I'm not a fan of people surgically altering their bodies for non-medical reasons unless it's to fix some abnormality that causes psychological distress. The other side of that coin is that it is your body and you can do with it what you like.
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    Can I ask a question that I mean in the most sincere way? If you only have 15 lbs to lose as stated on your ticker, what are you waiting for? Life is short and your figure won't change that much? You can get free consultations for those procedures and tell your dr about your weight loss goals and ask him how that factors into your desired surgery. Maybe it matters but maybe it doesn't. Good luck, I'm glad you know what you want from life, and know how to get it. That's not an easy place to get to in life but it's a great place to be. Good luck on achieving both your MFP and boobie goals! :flowerforyou:

    The 15lbs is a mini-goal, which as soon I reach I will change my goal weight for 15lbs more. It keeps me more motivated because in total I have about 200 to lose :cry:
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    This thread would be so much better with pictures tho
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    This thread would be so much better with pictures tho

    I did suggest it in the beginning! Lol
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Okay. I'm going to respond to this, since so few of the respondents have had an actual boob job.

    Wait until you are at your goal weight. You will be unable to exercise much for a little while after the operation. I was shopping two hours after my operation, but I couldn't open doors ect. I needed help. I drove my car two weeks after, shoulder checking was difficult. I put on a few pounds after the operation just because walking was all I could do for a few weeks.

    You don't have to go a la Pam to get them done. The dr. will probably let you play with sizers ect. If you have a tonne of extra tissue you will also need a lift.

    I was back to light cardio in a month ( too much bouncing was avoided) I did not enjoy swimming for a year or so :( but I never was a swimmer. I can now swim without my hands, because I have E cup floatation devices. So, that makes up for it.

    Find a good doctor. I had a lot of friends who used a certain doc, and I went with him. Don't try to save money. If a doc is expensive, there is a reason. Mine was a full grand more than everyone else. There is a reason for that. The girls are perfect and the scars are non existent.

    Is it painful? Sorta. You have to sleep on your back with loads of pillows for a few weeks. Don't worry, you won't roll over. I was back at work as soon as I could drive with no problems. I've seen girls over do it and have problems. Listen to you doctor above all else.

    Will your workout be compromised? If you go under muscle (partial or totally) yes. Some women like me, don't want to mess with perfection and I do not over train my chest now. My chest used to be so strong. But, I have seen photos of women who overtrained their chests, and the girls don't look that natural. So I don't.

    Mine are cohesive gel, which is much more natural than the old saline. I used to be able to feel them on the bottom a bit, now I don't at all. They feel like really nice nursing boobs. Not the soft kind, the perky yummy kind.

    Some people will judge you for getting them done. Some won't care, most won't even know if you have a good doc.

    Do what is right for you. I love my bubbies. I would never regret them. I could have done a tummy tuck, but I'm waiting until they figure out a way to do it without it looking so scary and scar ridden. I can handle a pooch, the tits make up for it.

    Also, my husband wasn't sure about all this, until it was done. He's happy. He is in love with them. That's the most important part right?
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'm getting 1 when I'm at goal!!
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    This thread would be so much better with pictures tho

    I did suggest it in the beginning! Lol

    you're a wise woman
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I've had a few guys on mfp (shock i know) ask me if mine were fake and i was kinda offended... so i guess it's safe to say it wouldn't be my thing.

    But if some body wants them, go for it! I have friends that have gotten boob jobs and love them.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I'm not even going to read previous or future posts. I got mine done 15 years ago. I love them. My husbands (current and ex) love them. They look great and natural. I just had a mammogram and everything is great. Yes I lost some nipple sensation and that's a drag. Not at first, it took a few years. After nursing three kids my old ones were icky to say the least. They are fab now. If you want a pic I would send you one. I'm 45, and they are 15 years old. They do not look fake. My husband works over seas and asks for pics all the time so I have lots. LOL!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    On the other hand... aside from being more invasive, is it really any different than me getting braces for my teeth, contacts instead of glasses (and I'd get eye surgery in a heartbeat if I were a candidate), wearing makeup or coloring my hair?

    If women could change the size of their breasts by as easily as wearing makeup or coloring their hair, my view would be to change the size for the fashion or the way you feel that day. If you want to work out and don't want to have to use a super sports bra, go small. If you want to wear something that looks fabulous with some oomph, go big.

    I do think the more invasive makes a big difference for the way it currently works, though. If someone is bothered by the size or shape of their breasts enough, go for it. On an individual level, it can be helpful. If someone wants a little more padding or lift and can see it truly as cosmetic and won't be risking much financially or medically by getting it done, sure. I do think at times some people make the decision to get this surgery due to unrealistic expectations or views on what their breasts "should" look like.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Had that done several years ago. IMPORTANT: Do NOT get the SILICONE implants. SALINE are the ones that the Board Certified Plastic Surgeons recommend but, be prepared, many years down the road, i.e. as you "age", they might end up looking like a couple of pendulums unless the surgeons tightens up those chest muscles during the implant surgery. Even the saline implants DO LEAK.
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member

    tons of reviews from women who have had boob jobs.

    I'm barely an A, so I've always thought about getting it done, just wanna have small Bs, anything bigger would not look good on me. But I had minor surgery for medical reasons last year nd I'm STILL not 100% recovered. Makes me think I should avoid unnecessary surgery.... but I dunno, I gotta pay fr grad school first and then.. we'll see! It seems the women in my family get larger chests as they age... but do I wanna wait that long?
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Had that done several years ago. IMPORTANT: Do NOT get the SILICONE implants. SALINE are the ones that the Board Certified Plastic Surgeons recommend but, be prepared, many years down the road, i.e. as you "age", they might end up looking like a couple of pendulums unless the surgeons tightens up those chest muscles during the implant surgery. Even the saline implants DO LEAK.

    This is pretty old information. I don't think I have heard of anyone getting a saline implant in a long time. The new cohesive gel cannot leak. Saline doesn't look the same. This may have been accurate five or more years ago. Saline can leak, and then you must get them taken care of. Almost no one gets saline, unless they have had breast cancer or something, or if they are expanders. Expanders are mostly used by cancer patients, or girls who are going from AA to F or something crazy. Even then they are usually taken out and replaced with cohesive gel, also called gummy bear implants. The old silicon implants that leaked are no longer even available. You have nothing to worry about. Gummy bear implants cannot leak.

    Lil fyi, don't know if you are Canadian, but if I have any problems the Canadian Health care will remove them or pay for the operation to have them replaced.
  • amluvstld
    amluvstld Posts: 212
    You could try herbal formulations for breast enhancement while you are thinking about surgery. Use a formula after you have finished reducing bodyfat, as putting on breast tissue, and losing bodyfat are opposite efforts. BTW the herbs do work, as I have used them myself. They are also very tonic to the female system, generally. They only add weight to the breast tissue. I (re)gained 2 breast sizes using them.

    Really? I'll need to google that. What brand are you using?
    Really. There is a site that describes a number of brands, but I after a while I figured out I think it's all from the same company (whatever!). Anyway, they all look the same.
    With taking herbs, it's like other things, it's about compliance. So consider the most important factors, and whether or not you can follow through: 1. You are not on a fat-loss diet 2. you don't mind taking 3 capsules per day 3. you can take them for 2-3 months steadily.

    Thanks! I'll research it. I'm still in fat loss mode, we shall see! :wink:'re stop it! :-*

    Awe, pumpkin!! Thank you :blushing:
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Personally i would say No. I once wanted a boob job when i was younger ( i was a A cup until I fell pregnant) but as I have grown olderI have drastically changed my mind. For one thing if you wish to have kids one day you wont be able to breastfeed, and can take away sensation (erotically) in your nipples.

    That's also a main concern. The breast feeding. I wasn't breast fed (I rejected it) and I grew up constantly having ear infections.

    It's a lot to think about, and I just had to ask for opinions because I know there's many :) in the end I'm going to have to see how I feel after reaching my UGW. If anything I can have them done after having children. Though I'm sure by then my breasts will be the least of my worries :laugh:
    I breast fed after mine.
  • Make sure you don't go too big! I'm a natural 30J, and have all sorts of problems with them - I can't run, even with multiple sports bras, they get in the way, I lose stuff down my bra, and some men think it's appropriate to make sexual comments and grope me in the street. Personally, I'd go for some sort of breast lift, instead of implants, to make them look perky and round, without making them any bigger.
  • crubinetti
    crubinetti Posts: 53 Member
    Depends for me! I am a large chested girl(38DD), BUT my boobs seems to be getting smaller! I guess they are gonna be the first thing to go and I am worried that once I real my goal weight, I won't have any boobs left! If I am anything smaller than a 36C I will be considering getting some implants

    This! I have the same problem and they kind of are deflated. It's not so much I want them bigger but more just filled out again!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Definitely wait to see how you feel about your body overall after your weight loss, but if it's something that you really want you should ignore everyone else's opinions! It's your body and the only opinion that matters is your own!

    My boobs have gotten a lot smaller since losing weight (60 pounds) and I personally am happier with their size now, but like I said the only opinion that matters about your body is yours! People seem to have a lot of negative things to say about fake boobs but it's really not that big of a deal to me. Do what makes you happy! :flowerforyou:
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I think about it sometimes, but I don't want surgery or plastic bits in me..
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    Personally i would say No. I once wanted a boob job when i was younger ( i was a A cup until I fell pregnant) but as I have grown olderI have drastically changed my mind. For one thing if you wish to have kids one day you wont be able to breastfeed, and can take away sensation (erotically) in your nipples.

    Absolutely UNTRUE.

    You will be able to breastfeed. I know multiple women who have had breast augmentation and have breastfed just fine.