Maintainers Weekly Check-In - January 2019



  • pkweier
    pkweier Posts: 349 Member
    sofchak wrote: »
    Name: Sofchak
    Age: 36
    Height: 5’3”
    Total weight lost: ~25 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 2+ years
    Maintenance weight range: 122-127
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 124

    Week of...
    January 5: 129.5
    January 12: 129.0
    January 19: 128.0
    January 26: 127.0

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: I’m officially back in Maintenance range! Yippee!

    For those who have been on this maintenance forum for a long while, you may recall that I almost died this time last year - choking on a Brussels sprout of all things. I decided at that point to go a bit easier on myself and to really ramp up the concept of “living my best life”. At that point, I decided to stop calorie counting for a while because I was becoming quite obsessive.

    Fast forward a year, I’m about 10lbs heavier now (most of the weight was gained over the holidays) but I feel and look good; still fit in all my clothes. I’m still not calorie counting, though I weigh myself on the bathroom scale almost daily. I am enjoying the freedom of this approach to weight maintenance and am truly content in my body.

    On a lighter topic, I am super proud of myself this week - I am not a morning exerciser, but I got up 4 out of 5 workdays to either hit up my indoor bike or go to the gym for a 3 mile run on the treadmill. I also have law class now after work on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights. So proud that I managed to pack breakfast, lunch, and dinner both days and didn’t deviate at all from the plan despite being tired, cranky, and overall mentally exhausted by the end of Wednesday. Failing to plan is planning to fail, as they say!

    Cheers to a great week everyone!

    I needed to read this today especially "living my best life".
  • nooie19
    nooie19 Posts: 153 Member
    @kgirlhart thanks! I don’t count calories any more but I do keep a food diary. I’ve been working so hard on my impulsive eating and secret eating. Being in maintenance is so hard because of the constant fear that I’m slipping back to my old ways! But even though I don’t count calories any more, I know I ate a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner with no other snacks. So I made a point of eating my two squares of dark chocolate, and entering it in my food log, and telling my daughter. My husband is already asleep! 😀