JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    I had lazy, but pretty good weekend regarding eating. I haven't weighed myself, but today my pants felt more comfortable :)

    Yesterday was one of those few days in a year when I turn into Martha Stewart, lol. I made, not one, not two, but three types of hummus :D Classic one, avocado, and beetroot hummus. Classic and beetroot turned out delicious, avocado one is eatable. I felt so enthusiastic that I even tried to do rice papers from scratch (for fresh spring rolls), but that one was fiasco :)

    Today I feel a bit sick, feels like the start of a flue, so I'll try to take it easy today.


    - eat light dinner (hummus and veggies)
    - stay away from milk
    - stay away from snacks
    - check visualization board
    - finish opened tasks/deliver a new version of app
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member
    edited May 2019
    Again, I don’t know how you guys do that thing where you add my comment then reply to it.

    Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to help me! 🤗

  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    I feel totally desperate. I was doing amazingly well! I had lost 80 lbs and was gaining a lot of muscle back. I was working out 7 days a week and eating healthy and cut my portions down to a very healthy size. Also I was checking in with my sister in Hawaii who is a fitness and nutrition guru. Then suddenly the frequency of my workouts started slipping, my portions started increasing and I started drinking a little here and there. Now, drinking every weekend, which causes bad food choices and feeling bad about myself. Now I want to get back to the healthy stuff before I gain that weight back. I simply can not go back to that unhealthy, unhappy person!
    It is 3:30 am and I can’t sleep because I am guilty and self loathing, because of my major set backs. So here I am! Sharing my private feelings and crying for some help.
    Thanks whoever is reading and whoever wants to help me! 🤗

    Hi Angelique, I want to second everything @korina75 said. You've already done the hardest step - realising what's happening and wanting to do something about it. And coming here to reach out was a very smart move. Be nice to yourself and you have to put the last few weeks behind you and move on cos your time machine isn't working.

    When you're back on form factor in a way for you to have a drink or 2 and have the right snacks already prepared. With clever calorie budgeting you can still land it within your weekly numbers.

    You know what to do and you know you can do it xx
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member

    Thank you! It’s funny, I tell my friends to talk to themselves the way they would talk to me or someone else they love, but I don’t take my own advice. I needed that! 🤗

    Also, can you tell me how to do that thing where you included my post and then replied?

    Click the Quote button at the bottom of the post and it's sitting here :smile:
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    edited May 2019

    You just click the "Quote" button (under the message you want to quote), and the text will be there. :)

    EDIT: sorry, I was typing at the same time as wannabeskinnycat
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member

    Thank you for taking the time to reach out and help me! Joining these groups on MFP is really going to help me. I can see that already. 🤗
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member
    If anyone has replied to me and I didn’t respond, I apologize. It means I haven’t seen your reply. I’m just figuring this out.

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    @HEGoddard0928 Take care my friend as awful as it is, you and Matt have each other and the rest you will find a way to work out. Much love and hugs from afar.
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member
    daneejela wrote: »

    You just click the "Quote" button (under the message you want to quote), and the text will be there. :)

    EDIT: sorry, I was typing at the same time as wannabeskinnycat

    Did I do it right this time?

  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member

    Thank you for taking the time to reach out and help me! Joining these groups on MFP is really going to help me. I can see that already. 🤗

    You're very welcome. I've had lots of sleepless nights beating myself up and it's not a pretty sight. I hate hate those times. I love this group, it's so good to see the honesty and with absolutely no judging.
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member

    Thank you! It’s funny, I tell my friends to talk to themselves the way they would talk to me or someone else they love, but I don’t take my own advice. I needed that! 🤗

    Also, can you tell me how to do that thing where you included my post and then replied?

    Click the Quote button at the bottom of the post and it's sitting here :smile:

    Thanks you guys! I’m clueless! My daughter makes fun of me. 😂
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member

    Thank you for taking the time to reach out and help me! Joining these groups on MFP is really going to help me. I can see that already. 🤗

    You're very welcome. I've had lots of sleepless nights beating myself up and it's not a pretty sight. I hate hate those times. I love this group, it's so good to see the honesty and with absolutely no judging.

    I totally agree! If I had only known this sooner! Well, I know now and I feel better already!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    Yesterday was busy, but good. I wasn't feeling great however and didn't eat enough.

    JFT Monday

    - Up early to cut and bag brownies for the National Junior Honor Society Induction/Banquet. :smiley:
    - Weigh in for 10 day challenge :smiley: Down to 131.8, but once I start feeling better I'm sure it will go up a tick. -

    - Nonetheless 131 anything is a number I haven't seen in a while. Don't know that I'll hit 120-125 by July 1 let alone 115 - 120 by August 1. They are lofty goal, even stretch goals for the lower end, but I'm going the right direction.

    - Dress decently so I can go straight to the Induction :smiley: Bought a new cute top yesterday and my jeans seem to fit better by the day.

    - Work by 7:30 :smiley: Early on a Monday. Go figure.
    - Check email :smiley: nothing really pressing, but a little busy work
    - Check in with MFP :wink: Obviously
    - Cancel V's tennis lesson

    - Call in favor from an old friend who is a professional musician to help V with an audition piece. She had to switch songs last minute and is freaking out because she doesn't have the time or knowledge to do this by herself, and I'm useless for anything music related. She usually works with our pastors wife who has been involved with a Gospel band for many years, but she is booked. He just got back to me and is trying to clear his schedule a bit. Cross your fingers! V met him once at a career fair and is really excited at the prospect of working with him. Big mommy points for this one if it works out. Man I hope this works out for her.

    - Lunch <300 calories. I brought fruit, pear & apple, which should be easy enough on my stomach.
    - Do some test runs for a new method. Hasn't been going well I need to get it under control.
    - Home by 5:00. Time to start a load of laundry before the banquet.
    - Banquet/Induction - Only one dessert. Maybe no desserts depending on gastro issues.
    - Home. Finish laundry. Maybe start a second load.

    - Set out clothes for the gym and go to bed by 10:00 so I can maybe go to the gym tomorrow morning for the first time in over a month. I love working out, but my pride was getting in my way. Silly, but dropping a few pounds gives me confidence to go back. Now if I can just get up at 3:00am. Ugh... I love my gym time, I've missed it, but don't miss getting up to go.

    All things considered, the day isn't that busy once you realize that the banquet is just 2 hours of sitting and eating. I suppose I have to be social, but even I can pretend to be normal for a couple of hours.

    Positive Thought: Though I have few close friends, I have many friends who I can call on when I need them. I guess being a generally nice person pays off.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    edited May 2019
    Today, even though I have only slept for 2 hours, I will get back to my walking. I will do 3 miles or more depending on how I feel. I will not jog today, because my knee isn’t quite right yet. Today I will do better than yesterday. Today I will kick butt! 🙂

    Girl, most of us have been in your shoes. When I have backslid in the past I would totally give in to doubt and fear, slowly undoing everything I'd worked for. Last spring I was down to a healthy 120 and I felt really good, even confident. Then people started mentioning that I looked really good. I don't know why, but it's like that gave me an excuse to lighten the reins. Before I knew it I was 130. That's when I stopped weighing and hung out in denial slowly gaining until none of my clothes fit. Instead of letting this be a wake up call, I bought new clothes and continued to self destruct. I'm not sure exactly what knocked some sense into me, but I'm glad it did. I had a nice yo-yo cycle going on. I'm really hoping this time is different, and I truly believe this group of supportive, honest and nonjudgmental women will be one key to my success.

    The workout plan is awesome. Never tax your body beyond it's abilities or you'll just set yourself back (I'm good at this). That being said do push your body to its current potential, but only about 30 - 50% of the time. The other 50 - 70% is base building at 60-80% effort (I suck at this, but my coach preaches it and I must say it works). No slacking, just building up without pushing too hard too fast (I'm really good at this). If you go too hard too often, you can get overuse injuries (I'm also good at this).

    By building a base, It will make your max efforts more and more effective allowing you to push harder and further than before as you progress.

    Best of luck. Stick around we can be a fun group, but also sensitive and supportive.

    Oh yeah, I talk a lot. :blush:
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @nlmackey98 - How do you determine 60-80% effort?
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Jft Sunday
    1. Atleast 6 waters - keep a cup next to the sink >:)
    2. Cook at home :)
    3. Shower tonight, not tomorrow morning :)
    4. Wash towels, sheets, and comforter :)
    5. QT with DH :)
    6. Bed by 930 >:) Dang game of thrones. Then I slept awwwwful
    7. Review list PM and AM :)

    JFT Monday AM
    1. Smoothie :)
    2. Fish oil and vitamin :)
    3. Up by 555, no snooze! :| One snooze up at 6:00
    4. Work by 7 :)

    JFT Monday
    1. Log all food
    2. Drink waters NOW, and continue at job 2
    3. Eat packed lunch
    4. Cook dinner at home
    5. Hard boil eggs
    6. Empty dishwasher
    7. Put away clothes
    8. Load of Laundry
    9. Find ride to work tomorrow
    10. Put town meeting on calendar at home - this Weds @ 7PM
    11. Bed by 9:30
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    Today, even though I have only slept for 2 hours, I will get back to my walking. I will do 3 miles or more depending on how I feel. I will not jog today, because my knee isn’t quite right yet. Today I will do better than yesterday. Today I will kick butt! 🙂

    Girl, most of us have been in your shoes. When I have backslid in the past I would totally give in to doubt and fear, slowly undoing everything I'd worked for. Last spring I was down to a healthy 120 and I felt really good, even confident. Then people started mentioning that I looked really good. I don't know why, but it's like that gave me an excuse to lighten the reins. Before I knew it I was 130. That's when I stopped weighing and hung out in denial slowly gaining until none of my clothes fit. Instead of letting this be a wake up call, I bought new clothes and continued to self destruct. I'm not sure exactly what knocked some sense into me, but I'm glad it did. I had a nice yo-yo cycle going on. I'm really hoping this time is different, and I truly believe this group of supportive, honest and nonjudgmental women will be one key to my success.

    The workout plan is awesome. Never tax your body beyond it's abilities or you'll just set yourself back (I'm good at this). That being said do push your body to its current potential, but only about 30 - 50% of the time. The other 50 - 70% is base building at 60-80% effort (I suck at this, but my coach preaches it and I must say it works). No slacking, just building up without pushing too hard too fast (I'm really good at this). If you go too hard too often, you can get overuse injuries (I'm also good at this).

    By building a base, It will make your max efforts more and more effective allowing you to push harder and further than before as you progress.

    Best of luck. Stick around we can be a fun group, but also sensitive and supportive.

    Oh yeah, I talk a lot. :blush:

    Aw you’re awesome! Everything you said was what I needed to hear. And the way you said it is the only way I can listen. Super motivational and real. You also made me chuckle, which is always a plus. I’m thankful that you have chosen to share your insight and your learnings with me/us. Thank you so much!!!
    Oh and I love talkers! 🤗🤗