JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So, I was soaking in the tub after my long run. Eight miles today. WHEW! Husband paused his video game and came in to check on me, cuz he's a sweetie.

    Him: Legs feeling wobbly?
    Me: Ahuh.
    Him: In pain.
    Me: noooo... just questioning my life choices.
    Him: ME TOO!
    Me, confused: Why are you questioning YOUR life choices??
    Him: No - questioning YOURS!

    Ahahaha... apparently he also thinks eight miles is a lot. He found out about "ultramarathons" a few days ago and his response was "why would anyone DO that?!"


    8 miles is amazing! Hope you are very proud of yourself and that the leg pain eases. X
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited May 2019

    As for Matt, he went away for the weekend with the men of our church. His stomach is still bothering him. We think, though, that is because he is detox from energy drinks. He has been drinking them for at least ten years. And his last one was on Monday. He is only supposed to have two cups of caffeine a day now so I make him two cups of green tea with mint that he really likes. They are actually on their way home right now. He didn't have a very good time. He just wants to be home. I'm hoping he'll be home in the next hour or two.

    My hubby used to be addicted to energy drinks (red bull specifically) and it was awful!! This is what I used to get him off energy drinks 100%: (we buy the can ones on Amazon to save $)


    They use green coffee bean caffiene, coconut water, have 19g sugar and are carbonated. My husband always enjoyed the carbonation in the red bull after his lunch so it took me time to figure out what to do. He has been off the energy drinks for 4 yrs now!! I actually used these during my pregnancy instead of coffee bc they have 50 mg of caffiene but are amazing at boosting your energy without making you shakey.

    Congratulations on your new job!!😁
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member

    JFT 05/05/19 Sunday

    1. I’ll come back here in the evening :smile:
    2. Log everything and be under calorie goal :smile:
    3. Take at least 5500 steps :smile:
    4. Make time to be mindful for me :smile:
    5. Going for a walk at the beach first thing :smile:
    6. Help elderly MIL (has dementia) with sorting & packing clothes for a little holiday she’s having :smile: we had a nice afternoon trying on clothes for fit (her not me). She has 65+ T-shirt’s and only ever wears the same 5 so we had a laugh about little things like that.

    Have a nice Saturday night whatever you’re doing. And happy Sunday too 😃

    JFT 06/05/19 Monday

    1. I’ll come back here in the evening
    2. Log everything and be under calorie goal
    3. Take at least 5500 steps
    4. Make time to be mindful for me
    5. Another walk at the beach; it’s a lovely start to the day
    6. Sort the kitchen cupboards
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    So, I was soaking in the tub after my long run. Eight miles today. WHEW! Husband paused his video game and came in to check on me, cuz he's a sweetie.

    Him: Legs feeling wobbly?
    Me: Ahuh.
    Him: In pain.
    Me: noooo... just questioning my life choices.
    Him: ME TOO!
    Me, confused: Why are you questioning YOUR life choices??
    Him: No - questioning YOURS!

    Ahahaha... apparently he also thinks eight miles is a lot. He found out about "ultramarathons" a few days ago and his response was "why would anyone DO that?!"


    8 miles is amazing! Hope you are very proud of yourself and that the leg pain eases. X

    *grin* I'm feeling better now, but man I was WIPED. Hoping I can make it up to 10 miles before I start cutting back over the summer - working security means a lot of time on my feet, and I don't want to burn out completely.

    @HEGoddard0928 I'm so glad things are working out well! That can be a REALLY challenging job, and it takes a special person to do well at it. (I should know - I'm married to someone who does!)
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,392 Member
    So it’s 11:11 and I’m just now getting on th post my goals. Saturday was good. I got everything done I planned to do. Had Chinese for dinner so my weight was still up a tad this morning.

    Today I got up & got ready for church. I was able to wear a small dress from last spring. That was a nice surprise. Church was ok. It was followed by a quick visit with my mom and a piano recital for the oldest. From there it was BK & a little shopping with the oldest. I wasn’t real hungry so BK was fine. I ate half a Whopper ketchup only, <300 calories. Took a bit of time to study a Bible lesson I was going to teach the teens tonight. Back to church, then the whole family went to Walmart which gets expensive fast. Went home to make brownies that the youngest signed us up for and forgot to tell us. The 2nd double batch is going in the oven in a few minutes.

    Later night than planned, but a good day with family. I got everything done I planned to do. Go me!

    Hope y’all had an awesome weekend and were able to meet your goals.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,068 Member
    5/5/19 sun
    Weight 153.2 lbs
    Stay in green :( 1st binge in a couple months...it was real baad.
    At least 4 8 oz. glasses of water 🙂
    Exercise 🙂 did Leslie Sansone Burn 30
    Bed by midnight 🙁

    JFT 5/6/19 Mon.
    Stay in green
    4 8 oz. glasses of water
    Bed by midnight
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Sunday 5 May

    Log accurately >:)
    Aim to be close to green >:)
    5 fruit and veg >:)
    Fitbit excercise goals >:)
    January challenge :)
    February challenge :)
    March challenge >:)
    April challenge :)
    May challenge >:)

    An extremely lazy day and eating with guests is a challenge as I am cooking to suit their tastes and being much more relaxed about my diet. Once they've left I will get serious again
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 973 Member
    Good morning everyone, another new week!

    I had a nice weekend doing things with family. Am now aching all over from too much walking and carrying baby. Should really have a rest day but there is so much to do today, the house is a tip after all the family, friends and dogs visiting, there's a huge pile of dirty dishes, I have painting to do, and lots of gardening. It doesn't look much written down, but everything takes me longer as I have to rest my back after each job. So will get as much as I can done, I already have my painting clothes on :)

    JFT 6th May

    Log everything
    Stay in the green
    Back stretches
    Cook the meat I've been ignoring all weekend
    Paint pots
    Visit parents

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 973 Member
    @HEGoddard0928 , sorry you had such a bad evening. Just wanted to say well done on telling your friend how you felt, something I find impossible to do!
    Hope you have a good day at work, glad you are enjoying the new job :)

    (I'm not wasting the whole morning online, just sat down for a cuppa and a rest!)
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Monday
    1. Log all food
    2. Workout at home
    3. Drink 150oz water
    4. One healthy snack after dinner
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    edited May 2019
    I feel totally desperate. I was doing amazingly well! I had lost 80 lbs and was gaining a lot of muscle back. I was working out 7 days a week and eating healthy and cut my portions down to a very healthy size. Also I was checking in with my sister in Hawaii who is a fitness and nutrition guru. Then suddenly the frequency of my workouts started slipping, my portions started increasing and I started drinking a little here and there. Now, drinking every weekend, which causes bad food choices and feeling bad about myself. Now I want to get back to the healthy stuff before I gain that weight back. I simply can not go back to that unhealthy, unhappy person!
    It is 3:30 am and I can’t sleep because I am guilty and self loathing, because of my major set backs. So here I am! Sharing my private feelings and crying for some help.
    Thanks whoever is reading and whoever wants to help me! 🤗

    You are only human!! Talk to yourself like you would a dear friend. Would you ever say the things to your dear friend that you say to yourself? A setback is only a setback, not a permanent state. So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, forgive yourself, and move on. Do one healthy thing that makes you feel good today. Just one. You've got this. Hugs to you sister, it's not a battle you win and then move on, it's a lifestyle that has ups/downs/everything in betweens because you are just human and this is just life. <3