JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    JFT - Thursday Jan 24thDetermined
    2L of water - 😈 only 1L - I am struggling with this as it’s not hot and I am not seeming thirst.
    Calories in Green - 🙂 91 left
    Walk 1 Mile - 🙂
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5 - oops
    Only 1 evening Snack - 🙂
    5 something at bathroom break - 🙂
    Write in Journal - 🙂
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. - 🙂

    JFT - Friday Jan 25th Determined
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.

    I am going to help Lauryn get ready for the party tomorrow. I am looking forward to being out of the house for a bit. I am also meeting a friend for coffee while I’m in the city.

    I found the first job posting that I really would like to have. I have applied for a few a week, but most of them are just to pay the bills, this one is actually something I would enjoy. It is at the rec centre, within walking distance to home. Is a well paying job with benefits and I bet a pension. I really want it! It is scheduling the activities and rooms that can be rented. I have scheduled security guards for over 20 years and know how important the details are. I need to figure out how to rework my resume and cover letter to show how my experience would translate into the role. I’m asking all of my praying friends to pray for me. I never do that, but I want this one badly.

    I really need to get to work we are losing about 1600/month with both of us being on EI. Hubby’s was planned mine was not. It’s been a constant battle since 2012 for him to be working but last year was the first time in 20 years I had been unemployed. I don’t like it much. I am not sleeping well due to worrying how things are going to get paid. I know we’ll make it through, we always do but I’m tired of the struggle.

    I’ll post my responses to people then I’m off to get dressed and pack up to go to Lauryn’s.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    Bex953172 - you had a really active day yesterday. I wouldn’t have turned down the biscuit I don’t think.

    AJB1014 - so sorry to hear about your employment. The economy sure isn’t what it could be. This must be so hard on your Stepdad.

    Littleblackskirt - speaking as someone that has lived away from her parents for over 20 years I have to say yes, visit as often as possible. My Dad passed in 2012 at age 70and my Mom, now 72 has been in a nursing home for a year now. I can’t change the past but sure wish I could have and could visit more.

    Pam46185 - I think being honest when you “mess up” is just as important as everything else. It was a bad day, today is a new one to try to do better. That’s what I love about this group!

    Slittlemeister- I think sometimes it would be nice not to have a phone I carry with me. I like not being able to be reached at times and I always feel guilty if I don’t answer right away.

    Clicketykeys- I think your students are so very fortunate to have you as a teacher, you’re caring and put so much effort into it. I bet I would have enjoyed you as a teacher, I don’t think I ever had a teacher that felt I was important enough to have a conference with.

    Skbtumbleweed - welcome! I give this group so much credit for helping me lose 25 pounds. Currently only 23 as I gained some over Christmas. Keep coming back and you’ll do it!

    Namelesshere - a quilt retreat sounds like fun. I have never gone to a “crafting” retreat of any kind but would really love to. Have fun!

    Michiwano - you’re killing it!

    Faebert - so nice to read that you’ve had a great week. You are braver than me for running outside in the winter. I won’t even do my walks. Our sidewalks are not well maintained and like you, I don’t have proper clothing.

    Maryrobinson40- you couldn’t bring me down. You are a friend and I’m here for the ups and downs. I’m not familiar with the 302 form and Hippa Law. We have a firm here that allows people to be admitted under the Mental Health Act and they legally can’t leave the hospital. Is that what you mean? If so, maybe your daughter really needs it right now and it will help her in the future. I hope the doctor calls you, it’s so hard not knowing as a parent.

    Mytime6630 - this must be such a huge adjustment having your daughter with you. I know it would throw me off for sure. She is where she needs to be and it must give you some peace of mind having her up and about rather than in the bedroom alone at least. I admire your strength, it’s a tough situation. You mentioned scraps. I am currently going through paper scraps from my scrapbooking supplies. I am giving my little pieces to a friend of my daughters who teaches Grade 2. He said he will share them with other teachers in the school for arts and crafts if he can’t use them all. It’s better than recycling. Some of those pieces will end up as treasured artwork on a fridge.

    Elbee1 - keep coming back! I found this past September I wasn’t successful on my goals day after day, but I kept posting them and thought more than once why am I bothering. Seeing others struggle and keep coming back kept me doing it too. It finally bothered me enough that one day I thought, “I am going to make my goals today, I’m not coming back to say I didn’t”. I truly believe this group has helped me keep going even when I wanted to give up.

    Bex953172 - I use excel to track miles walked,average of my weight over 7 days, 10 days and monthly and I track my measurements on there. I added new worksheets and separated 2018 and 2019 now.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @cschmitz110515 - That looks like a cute water bottle!

    @slittlemeister - The first full-time job I had, my boss said something to me that has stayed with me ever since: You choose whether or not you want to answer it. That was so liberating!

    @Mrsbunnyleon - Thanks for the inspiration :D

    @Snowflake1968 - Ehhh. I do try to be a great teacher! I push my students pretty hard, and they don't always like that ;D But I also try to encourage them when they're unsuccessful. That's important, you know? And it's understandable that they don't want to experience failure. But they need to learn what to do when things don't go well, and I want to support them in that, even though it's unpleasant and uncomfortable.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    JFT Jan 24
    Before work:
    • up right after alarm >:)
    • weigh in B) / HIIT on bike >:) BF's to right after I get home from work/ breakfast :| cooked then taken to work and eaten there
    • weigh B) / pack B) / pre-log :s for the day
    • recycling to the curb B) / pull out of driveway by 7:45! :# close - gone by 7:47 ... because I brought breakfast to work and skipped HIIT

    After work / evening:
    • First HIIT session of the day (BF'd from this morning) >:) skipped completely today ... because ....
    • Set up AND START an exergame tour themed to Valentine's Day (target completion date) o:)B) 1h13 and over10,700 steps on mini-trampoline "jogging around Paris and spending points earned in the exergame before supper
    • adjust supper and snack logging & choices based on calories burned (will be lots!) B)over 100 "left in the pot"
    • Buy and assemble new mini-trampoline after supper (current one broke a spring) o:)o:)o:)DONE! Considering the old one was a free found-at-the-curb rescue that lasted more than a year for me, and a brand new one was only $CAN 50 .... a great deal and "only $25 each if you amortized the cost over both" <3
    • Read while savouring my evening snack ... nearing the end of this mystery novel B)o:)finished the book AND watched a wonderful Netfix Original movie "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" (set just post WW2 and refers back to the recently-ended German occupation of the Channel Islands. (the 5 yr old in the story was born during the war). I HIGHLY recommend it. I'll probably order the book it is based on.

    2019 Big Picture MFP-type Targets:
    • I am shedding 2 more pounds to reach my healthy BMI zone by (Chinese) New Year (Feb 5)
    • I am working on closing that last inch across my back so that my wedding dress fits on my 31st anniversary (April 30)
    • I am releasing and lowering my Body Fat % by measurable amounts via daily 7-minute HIIT sessions on my stationary bike (at least 1 per day, sometimes 2) and my daily mini-trampoline jogging for LISS cardio - 45 minutes or more on average.
    • I am practicing and preparing to shift to Maintenance eating habits and calorie levels somewhere around 135 pounds by "eating more calories so that I can do more activity that I love" NOW - and getting past the potential mental roadblock of "HOW am I going to eat so many extra maintenance-level pre-exercise calories while keeping fats and sugars mostly in the GREEN!?!?"

    2019 Big Picture Rest-of-Life Goals:
    • finishing Level 2 of my Toastmasters Pathways program before June 30
    • de-cluttering my study / sewing room
    • dealing with my mending pile
    • establishing an after work / evening routine that includes BOTH regular study for prequalifying for my French-Second-Language levels for work (current levels expiring in 2020) AND continues daily exercise to release and lower by Body Fat % levels while staying in Maintenance Zone
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Yesterday recap
    1. Drink 6 waters :)
    2. Log food :)
    3. Be kind :)
    4. Apply to a few more jobs :)
    5. Take a rest too :)
    6. Move laundry :)
    7. Change sheets :)

    Well I felt like I got nothing done yesterday, but it appears I did! I also met with my former boss, he offered me a position at a living wage after some negotiation! I did tell him I am interviewing thru next week and will have an answer for him by Tuesday, BUT - I got another interview for Wednesday so I'll need to communicate that as the Wednesday interview is actually a pay RAISE and I'm very interested. I've applied to 40 jobs so far and was feeling bad that I only had three interviews, but they all seem genuinely interested so I'm changing my attitude and I'm very grateful for these interviews and opportunities. Its a jungle out there for job hunting. But I DO have a lot to offer! Hugs to you ALL! I've missed you so much. My eyes are bleeding from all this computer time so I'll check in with the goings on later.

    1. Drink 6 waters
    2. Take a break!!! Spend some QT with DH
    3. Be kind
    4. Log food
    5. Review schedule
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I hope I am doing this right.

    Hello. I rejoined MFP a few weeks ago. I was looking for a group to join to help with the motivation and coping with daily living. I have read some entries and believe this would be a great place to be. I am needing to lose weight to keep me off of diabetic medication. What a great motivator, right? You would think anyway. So my goal for today was to eat what I am supposed to and not eat what I am not supposed to. Of course, I love, love, love everything I am not supposed to eat. I am determined I will learn to "like" more of the things I am supposed to. Yes, non starchy vegetables, protein and water. LOL! I shouldn't like myself less than I like food.

    So far today, I have reached my goal. My goal for the rest of the evening will be to stick with today's goal.

    I am happy to be here, and have enjoyed reading your stories of strength and perseverance.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Welcome!! This group is a great place to start! Lots of motivation and even more support...I think we treat this journey as a whole...physical and mental. You will be surprised how many of us think and feel and struggle with the same things as you! :flowerforyou:
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 972 Member
    @Snowflake1968 , you are so right. I visit my parents a lot, do their gardening, and arrange my life so I can be chauffeur for their appointments. I know it won't be forever.
    Good luck getting the job, I hope it has your name on it.

    I forgot to post my plans for today this morning. I met my neighbour outside and he had really bad health news, it shook me up a bit.

    I've still logged on mfp, and am just under calories.
    I've done a few exercises, but not as many as usual.
    No walking, I did intend to go out to buy a birthday present, but it never happened. I knew it would make my back painful and I put it off until tomorrow. Must go tomorrow!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @Elbee1 I'm glad you pop on when you can! I just wanted to tell you, I have been on this thread for 3 years. I have actually gained weight, instead of lost, during that time. But what I HAVE been able to do during that time is work through the mental and everyday life stress that was bringing me down, listing those issues as some of my goals. I changed careers after 25 years in the same place, which was scary as heck, but I got rid of so much stress that I felt like I lost 3 tons of weight off my shoulders! I have also made many other positive changes in my life while on this thread. I may actually be the person who sets the goal of turning negativity into positive, which you referred to. I set that goal for myself a lot and have a lot more peace in my heart and mind since I started paying attention to that as part of my well-being. Come back as often as you like....we are happy to see you! Many great ideas and you never know when one of them is going to be just the one you needed to hear! :flowerforyou:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    I saw this on website Uncommon Goods, and thought of those on JFT that struggle drinking water. An inspirational water bottle! :D

    I NEED this bottle! hahaha! I'm going to make one this weekend. Thanks for sharing. :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    I LOVE THIS! Thank you for sharing!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    I found the first job posting that I really would like to have. I have applied for a few a week, but most of them are just to pay the bills, this one is actually something I would enjoy. It is at the rec centre, within walking distance to home. Is a well paying job with benefits and I bet a pension. I really want it! It is scheduling the activities and rooms that can be rented. I have scheduled security guards for over 20 years and know how important the details are. I need to figure out how to rework my resume and cover letter to show how my experience would translate into the role. I’m asking all of my praying friends to pray for me. I never do that, but I want this one badly.

    GOOD LUCK!!! I will be thinking of you and will say a little prayer that you get this job that you actually would like! It makes such a big difference doing something you like vs. hating your job that you have to go to every day!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    @AJB1014 - 3 interviews after 40 applications is awesome. I’ve sent out probably close to 100 and have heard nothing.

    Last year I had applied to close to 250 and got about 10 interviews with no offers.

    Hope you get the one that is best for you.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I have no idea if I have anything posted for yesterday or not, so I'm just going to jot a few goals down for today and start fresh.

    This was a really good week at work. I've done a few things that were new to me, got out and about to the clinics a bit, had many meetings, learned some new workflows and was so darn busy that I couldn't believe that today was Friday! Feels like a Wednesday, but I'm certainly not complaining!

    @slittlemeister Isn't it something when you realize just how strapped you are to being "online"? OMG. It's crazy! I'm much older, so I remember when we left the house, we had no phone unless we found a phone booth. There was no internet. When I went grocery shopping or bumming with friends, we actually were present in the moment. Nobody was sitting and ignoring each other while they read something else. It was actually the good old days in many ways. So, what I try to do is unplug on Sundays. That is my family day with my husband or kids or even just myself. The only thing I will do on Sunday is talk on the phone if someone calls (nobody ever calls except my parents because everyone wants to text now) and log onto MFP. I don't answer texts. I don't go on FB, Twitter, or anything else. It is my day to connect with the world around me and be in the moment. I love it. but yeah...it's a panicky feeling at first! LOL!

    I have a med check at the doctor today so I get to leave a little early. I'm pretty excited. It's so cold here today. Our building at work has one side with no heat because something went wrong with furnace. BRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr. Ever sit on a toilet seat in a building with no heat when it's like -15 degrees outside? HELLO!!!!! :wink:

    Just for Today:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Drink 90 oz of water
    3. 30 minutes of activity (inside) either via Wii or Body Groove dance program
    4. Listen to Dave Ramsey's podcast for today
    5. Sew binding together and attach to backside of quilt
    6. Get caught up to today'd reading in Simple Abundance
    7. Be present with DH tonight and watch a movie

    Stuff I want to do:
    • Start Dave Ramsey's book / Pay bills / budget for February /
    • Hand sew front of binding on quilt
    • Work with DH to get car reserved in AZ at airport / Start a list of things to pack for upcoming trip / Start list of things to do before we go / find day care & kennel for dog / Have talk with K
    • Start watching Marie Kondo on Netflix regarding decluttering / declutter closet & dresser
    • Shop for 3 work outfits that fit me NOW so I feel better about myself / pick up clothes for AZ trip (couple of shorts outfits, swimsuit, pj's, jeans and flip flops)
    • Start donate box / start keep, maybe and donate piles
    • Work on Dave Ramsey's steps and plan them out to get debt free so I can retire sooner!
    • Work on Simple Abundance assignments. I've read the book but didn't actually work on every assignment.

    Love you all! I'll pop back on later.

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member

    I saw this on website Uncommon Goods, and thought of those on JFT that struggle drinking water. An inspirational water bottle! :D

    I NEED this bottle! hahaha! I'm going to make one this weekend. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Haha! I have this bottle! Bf bought it for me and it did make me laugh. Mine is 750ml so I aim for three a day. X
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @snowflake1968 and @AJB1014 I have fingers and toes crossed for you both for the jobs! Keep us posted x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    edited January 2019
    Another successful day from me!
    Walked to school twice, dog walked etc. 6 cups of water up to now.

    Anyone else get sore shins? Dont know what thats about!!

    Did i tell you all about Saskias hilarious comment at school?

    There was a learning morning where the parents can ho in for half an hour and just see how theyre being taught andcwhat theyre learning about.
    I couldnt go because i had to get back to the girls at home.
    Anyway a parent stopped me at the end of the day and filled me in.

    As spring is coming they were talking about chicks (theyre getting an jncubator omg!) And sheep (lambing season) so they were talking about how all the baby lambs are born and how all the sheep are sheared. And she chirps in "and you can cutted them up!"

    Seriously saskia?!? I laughed but omg felg like i had to explain that she always asks where her food comes from on her plate and weve had lamb a few times recently and that shes not a psychopath.
    Best bit was is her teacher had to agree, she was like "Er, well yes, we DO cut them up for their meat but lets just stick to the shearing.."
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Am happy to say I smashed it today. I really needed this to be a good end to the week as the last couple of weekends have been so disastrous. I’m booked in for a ‘Warrior’ class tomorrow, which is a sort of boot camp style class that claims to burn up to 1000 calories. I used to do it a couple of times a week then got injured and developed a massive fear of it! But I’ve really got into running over the last few weeks and I’m hoping this will make the treadmill intervals easier and less scary. I feel the need to challenge myself so I still have things to work towards. Soooo:

    Friday goals recap
    - morning run ✅
    - Water!! ✅
    - Pre-lessons - finish trimming and prep for next week ✅
    - Pack homework folders ✅
    - S to back homes pictures? ✅
    - Home lunchtime for car ✅
    - Do GaG reward certificate before leaving ❎
    - Hot yoga after work✅
    - Re-read 2019 goals - stay mindful for the weekend challenges!! ✅
    - Early night 🤞🏼

    Saturday goals
    - sleep in a little! Yay I never do this!
    - Get kids ready to be collected by their dad at 8:30
    - Warrior class 9:30 eek!
    - Read through obs lesson plan
    - Laundry
    - Bf if he’s around this weekend
    - Stay mindful - re read 2019 goals. Remember how rubbish I felt last weekend. Make this the weekend where I achieve balance

  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    1/25 Day 18 Am finding that by coming here to this post I am holding myself accountable. Last night I awoke with hunger pangs. Didn't have calories to cover so ate half of a banana. Ate the other half this morning for breakfast and logged it today. That left me short a few calories for tonight's supper so I think I will just make a bowl of egg drop soup with chicken and veggies. That will give me enough left over for a bedtime snack so I don't awake again. It seems to work well to preplan. When I get ready to cook, I check my planner and can get out of the kitchen in a hurry. Hoping to be down 10 lbs by day 30.
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 972 Member
    @Bex953172 , could your sore shins possibly be shin splints?

    Have a look at the symptoms here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/shin-splints/

    I have it in one leg, makes it painful to walk.