JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    1/24 Day 17 Way too cold to do anything outdoors stayed in cocooning. Again prelogged but then needed to change some as we didn't have everything that I had logged. Next week I will be out of town from Thur-Sun so will need to plan a strategy to stay within my limits. Usually not good at that as the food is sooooo good at the quilt retreat. Will also need to make sure I drink enough water. Weekend coming up tomorrow. Another challenge.
  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    edited January 2019
    January 23rd:
    -Get to the gym 👍
    -Stay in the green, but close to caloric goal 👍
    -Hydrate 👍
    -Manage overthinking 👎
    -Iron 👍

    January 25th:
    -Get to the gym
    -Stay in the green
    -Manage overthinking
    -Take care of hands
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I hope I am doing this right.

    Hello. I rejoined MFP a few weeks ago. I was looking for a group to join to help with the motivation and coping with daily living. I have read some entries and believe this would be a great place to be. I am needing to lose weight to keep me off of diabetic medication. What a great motivator, right? You would think anyway. So my goal for today was to eat what I am supposed to and not eat what I am not supposed to. Of course, I love, love, love everything I am not supposed to eat. I am determined I will learn to "like" more of the things I am supposed to. Yes, non starchy vegetables, protein and water. LOL! I shouldn't like myself less than I like food.

    So far today, I have reached my goal. My goal for the rest of the evening will be to stick with today's goal.

    I am happy to be here, and have enjoyed reading your stories of strength and perseverance.

    See you all tomorrow.

    @skbtumbleweed welcome! This group is a great place to be. Sounds like you have a good starting mindset of taking each day’s goals one at a time. And I like the idea of liking yourself more than food!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @slittlemeister hi! Good to see you back. I’m so reliant on my phone for everything I think I would have anxiety without it! Sounds like you’ve found some positives though! X
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Had a good day again yesterday. Feel like this week things have clicked for me and I really hope I can take this into the weekend. This morning I plan to have a long run - first one for over a week. It’s freezing and drizzling and dark but I know I’ll feel better once I’ve done it. Just hope it’s not too slippery. Also - need to think about getting the right gear if I plan to keep running outside through the rest of the winter. Have no gloves, no hat that works with a ponytail etc...

    Thursday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - Water! ✅
    - Email medieval workshop guy to book session for Year 1 ✅
    - Finish planning and print ✅
    - Arrange date to plan P joint bday party with the other mum ✅ (messaged, awaiting reply)
    - Health food store after work ✅
    - Girls hair washing and homework ✅
    - Online grocery shop? ❎
    - Get running and yoga gear prepped before bed ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Friday goals
    - morning run
    - Water!!
    - Pre-lessons - finish trimming and prep for next week
    - Pack homework folders
    - S to pack homes pictures?
    - Home lunchtime for car
    - Do GaG reward certificate before leaving
    - Hot yoga after work
    - Re-read 2019 goals - stay mindful for the weekend challenges!!
    - Early night

    Happy Friday! X
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    11:00 p.m. Thursday night.
    Well... I'm not getting on here to bring anyone down,
    I am here to bring the love, joy, hope, kindness, and encouragement to the greatest
    women, I have in my now life. And please feel free to let me know if I'm not helping.
    Each one of us are a valuable piece to this grand puzzle called life and each adds their
    own accent, spice, and power to it.
    I walked a lot again because of a visit to the hospital to see my daughter again.
    I walked the children to the bus stop.
    Tomorrow I will wing it because I have an appointment for myself, and errands that I put
    My daughter is under a 302 form...???😟 That along with that HIPPA LAW...which I have
    a problem with, because there are some unique circumstances that are an exceptioon to
    the rules. I left my phone number for the doctor to call me. Whether they give it to the doctor
    I don't know.
    Like I said, I am not going to be down, or negative. I don't have time, or energy to waste
    on those things. I have to be on top of things for my daughter's sake.
    Right now though, it's I LOVE YOU ALL...
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    11:00 p.m. Thursday night.
    Well... I'm not getting on here to bring anyone down,
    I am here to bring the love, joy, hope, kindness, and encouragement to the greatest
    women, I have in my now life. And please feel free to let me know if I'm not helping.
    Each one of us are a valuable piece to this grand puzzle called life and each adds their
    own accent, spice, and power to it.
    I walked a lot again because of a visit to the hospital to see my daughter again.
    I walked the children to the bus stop.
    Tomorrow I will wing it because I have an appointment for myself, and errands that I put
    My daughter is under a 302 form...???😟 That along with that HIPPA LAW...which I have
    a problem with, because there are some unique circumstances that are an exceptioon to
    the rules. I left my phone number for the doctor to call me. Whether they give it to the doctor
    I don't know.
    Like I said, I am not going to be down, or negative. I don't have time, or energy to waste
    on those things. I have to be on top of things for my daughter's sake.
    Right now though, it's I LOVE YOU ALL...

    So sorry to hear this about the HIPPA Law .... we have that same problem with our daughter all the time. Hugs ... you are one very strong lady! Love you <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    JFT, THurs
    1. Temp is suppose to be super cold ... but no more excuses! Get my butt to the gym!! :) And it was freezing cold outside!
    2. helping hubby ship.... so get in a good days work :)
    3. log all food :) Way over my calories that I wanted ... got into the peanuts which pushed me over. But .. I went to the gym, so still under if I count exercise calories.
    4. concentrate on drinking water :) I had 8 glasses done by 1pm! Which for me is great.
    5. mindful eating :/ Did OK all day until the peanuts tonite.
    6. eat slowly.. and enjoy every bite :)
    7. take daughter out to the book store. She told her doctor that she feels so much better when she and I do things. Funny, the past month I could not get her to want to do anything. And when we do, hubby would say it doesn't seem to be helping. I guess for her it was helping. So we will try and do something ... even if it is just going to the used book store :/ We were both too tired ... maybe tomorrow nite.
    8. get back on here .. be accountable :)

    Very tired today as my daughter was up until 2:15 -- walking the floors, lites on all over, etc. But ... at least she is safe in our home, so I am OK and will put up with it for awhile.

    JFT, Fri
    1. it is going to be very cold -- but go to the gym!
    2. log all food
    3. concentrate on water
    4. work on pc boards
    5. work on sewing - trying to get rid of my scraps
    6. be patient
    7. mindful eating

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    @maryrobinson40 and @mytime6630 whats the HIPPA law? Xxx
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    @slittlemeister is it you who does the excel sheet of your calories but over a week?
    Is that just food calories or do you add the exercise to?
    I cant figure out how to do it lol!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @slittlemeister is it you who does the excel sheet of your calories but over a week?
    Is that just food calories or do you add the exercise to?
    I cant figure out how to do it lol!

    Oh nevermind LOL
    Had a coffee and then my brain started working
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,057 Member
    edited January 2019
    @mytime6630 and @maryrobinson40 Both of you have gone thru & are going thru so much, and yet you still come here & are so encouraging & inspiring to us. I so appreciate your support & wish that I could give back to y'all. I send positive vibes & virtual hugs to you.

    @mytime6630 thanks for your response regarding Beck Diet.

    I'm not doing so well. A couple good days, but too many of the others. I'm not giving up though!

    I wish that I could respond to everyone's posts. I'm not caught up with reading them all, but something keeps drawing me to this thread. I think it's because many have been successful, here, & reading your posts helps me in that I'm finding others are like me & y'all are all so genuine & supportive. I share in the struggles & am not made to feel that I need to leave cause I'm not doing as well as other posters. Thanks so much for this daily work along thread. It is a challenge & yet we share with each other. Thank you!!!

    JFT 1/25/19 Fri A lot of what I post will be the same tame, every day...
    Red cup challenge- but 4 cups will be acceptable for me. That is how poor I am at drinking water. Just 4 cups daily is HUGE for me.
    Stay in the Green
    Stay focused!!!
    Have small servings tonight & no seconds at dinner at friends house with their family & my husband, son & his wife. Keep my goals in sight. This will be a big challenge. One I've failed at every time. This night, I will succeed! (Turning negativity into positivity. Thanks to someone's wonderful post, here).
    Bedtime: midnight -- I'm still determined to do this.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    11:00 p.m. Thursday night.
    Well... I'm not getting on here to bring anyone down,
    I am here to bring the love, joy, hope, kindness, and encouragement to the greatest
    women, I have in my now life. And please feel free to let me know if I'm not helping.
    Each one of us are a valuable piece to this grand puzzle called life and each adds their
    own accent, spice, and power to it.
    I walked a lot again because of a visit to the hospital to see my daughter again.
    I walked the children to the bus stop.
    Tomorrow I will wing it because I have an appointment for myself, and errands that I put
    My daughter is under a 302 form...???😟 That along with that HIPPA LAW...which I have
    a problem with, because there are some unique circumstances that are an exceptioon to
    the rules. I left my phone number for the doctor to call me. Whether they give it to the doctor
    I don't know.
    Like I said, I am not going to be down, or negative. I don't have time, or energy to waste
    on those things. I have to be on top of things for my daughter's sake.
    Right now though, it's I LOVE YOU ALL...

    Not sure what the 302 form is, but under HIIPA, your daughter may need to approve you as someone they can send medical info to. That's something you'd need to go over with her; medical professionals often don't have the option to make that decision.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited January 2019
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @slittlemeister is it you who does the excel sheet of your calories but over a week?
    Is that just food calories or do you add the exercise to?
    I cant figure out how to do it lol!

    I don't actually have a spread sheet, I just use the calculator on my phone to add up the balance of each day across the week.

    So for example if I had Monday (500 green), Tuesday (200 red), Wednesday (100 red), I'd do 500 - 200 - 100 = 200 in the green.

    A spread sheet would probably be simpler actually now I think about it because whilst it's quite simple at the start of the week it gets more faffy on day 6 and 7! Particularly as I have to flick back across all the pages to find the balances from earlier in the week...

    You know, I'm going to start a spread sheet. :smile: I think this might be helpful anyway as I can identify trends and patterns! (e.g. burger Thursdays which is becoming a bad habit...)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    @slittlemeister hi! Good to see you back. I’m so reliant on my phone for everything I think I would have anxiety without it! Sounds like you’ve found some positives though! X

    I did initially, I felt on edge without it! That actually made me want to be without it for a few days... I am not keen on the idea of being dependent on a device and I thought it would be good to be able to cope without it!

    But, I will be getting one tomorrow as there are certain practical things that it's annoying not to have, like the music and also podcasts.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @slittlemeister is it you who does the excel sheet of your calories but over a week?
    Is that just food calories or do you add the exercise to?
    I cant figure out how to do it lol!

    I don't actually have a spread sheet, I just use the calculator on my phone to add up the balance of each day across the week.

    So for example if I had Monday (500 green), Tuesday (200 red), Wednesday (100 red), I'd do 500 - 200 - 100 = 200 in the green.

    A spread sheet would probably be simpler actually now I think about it because whilst it's quite simple at the start of the week it gets more faffy on day 6 and 7! Particularly as I have to flick back across all the pages to find the balances from earlier in the week...

    You know, I'm going to start a spread sheet. :smile: I think this might be helpful anyway as I can identify trends and patterns! (e.g. burger Thursdays which is becoming a bad habit...)

    Haha well someone on here has a spreadsheet for something LOL

    Ive done mine as Day, Daily calories, Calories eaten, exercise calories, Total (so like the mfp one)

    But then ive totalled the sum of the calories column, and the sum of the Total column and then minused thaf from the other!
    Ive not used excel in years i was suprised i could remenber what functions to use!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,515 Member
    Recap 1/24 R
    1) Brought lunch/snacks to work / meals & snacks prelogged / net calories zero / 14c water = Followed my plan, but had late supper after grocery shopping / errands / taking care of dog & Kitty needs, and I ended up overeating portions. Finished supper with 5 Hershey kisses, then late evening snacked on French burnt peanuts ~ ack! >:) Net calories -324 :s , sodium -499 :( , sugar -62 >:) , fiber & protein good, 15c water (yay)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 13,015 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 33 floors :smiley:
    3) Change & leave 11:50 for workplace snowshoe hike at lunchtime / enjoy that we finally have enough snow! = We had a good group and such a great time ~ weather was ideal, ok temps & no wind. Fresh snow on all the tree branches, so beautiful! Snowshoeing in 8" of fresh powdery snow is a workout! :D
    4) Evening: grocery shop :smiley: / remember to buy 2 VIP bday cards :smiley: even got hubby V-Day cards / Sam's Club (quick stop) :smiley: / put clean dishes away :smiley: / other to-do's? :smiley: shredded rotisserie chicken, reset phone verification preferences at bank (had to use desktop at home) & messaged w/ hubby at his job
    5) Unplug 9:00 :neutral: 9:10 / floss :smiley: 2 nights in a row! / retainers :smiley: / set/verify alarm (F designated rest day), bed & tv off 10:20 :smiley: have been struggling with proper sleep this week, not sure why I keep waking up in middle of night :tired_face:

    JFT 1/25 F ~ Brrr! Temp gauge in car on way to work said -6 (F)... blustery winds have us in a Wind Chill Advisory. Looks like we're stuck in cold pattern for at least a week. Ah well, winter in Wisconsin.
    1) Rest day / move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories zero / 14c water
    3) Evening: make veggie soup / stop trying to get so much done & relax! It's Friday!
    4) Unplug 9:30 / floss / retainers / NO alarm for Sat. (yay) but bed & tv off 11:00 latest
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,515 Member

    I saw this on website Uncommon Goods, and thought of those on JFT that struggle drinking water. An inspirational water bottle! :D
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Look where I caught Marley taking a nap when I got home from the school run today... she's like a cat lol!

    Marley is soooo cute!!!