JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    JFT Jan 23
    Before work:
    • up right after alarm B)
    • sidetracked by book till 6:40 >:)
    • weigh in / HIIT on bike / breakfast B)
    • weigh / pack / pre-log for the day B)
    • pull out of driveway by 7:45! :(started to put on snow-gear ~7:40 - out of door by 7:50 - brushed LOTS of snow off car and out of driveway by 7:59 ..... WOULD have been gone by 7:45 if this were NOT WINTER!! (10 more cm / ~4 inches before end of day, morphing to freezing rain, morphing to RAIN-rain overnight .... :# This is only the second winter of my life where "brushing off car" is part of departure routine. Always worked where I could take public transit before .... at least the road plow hadn't been down our street yet and I only live 5 doors from a bus route (so well packed from there, even if the plow hasn't been by yet)

    After work / evening:
    • finish out Wii exergame Walk It Out "tour" and set up for a new one
    • adjust supper and snack logging & choices based on calories burned
    • finish requirements and notify Toastmaster Club VP Ed that he can let HQ know I have finished all of Level 1 requirements
    • second HIIT session (optional extra)

    2019 Big Picture MFP-type Targets:
    • I am shedding 2 more pounds to reach my healthy BMI zone by (Chinese) New Year (Feb 5)
    • I am working on closing that last inch across my back so that my wedding dress fits on my 31st anniversary (April 30)
    • I am releasing and lowering my Body Fat % by measurable amounts via daily 7-minute HIIT sessions on my stationary bike (at least 1 per day, sometimes 2) and my daily mini-trampoline jogging for LISS cardio - 45 minutes or more on average.
    • I am practicing and preparing to shift to Maintenance eating habits and calorie levels somewhere around 135 pounds by "eating more calories so that I can do more activity that I love" NOW - and getting past the potential mental roadblock of "HOW am I going to eat so many extra maintenance-level pre-exercise calories while keeping fats and sugars mostly in the GREEN!?!?"

    2019 Big Picture Rest-of-Life Goals:
    • finishing Level 2 of my Toastmasters Pathways program before June 30
    • de-cluttering my study / sewing room
    • dealing with my mending pile
    • establishing an after work / evening routine that includes BOTH regular study for prequalifying for my French-Second-Language levels for work (current levels expiring in 2020) AND continues daily exercise to release and lower by Body Fat % levels while staying in Maintenance Zone
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    edited January 2019
    Recap 1/22 T ~ Winter storm warning starts Tues. afternoon and ends noon Wed. We might have 5-8" snow by the end. = The deepest snow stayed south Tues. but there's still Wed. :#
    1) Treadmill before work 3 miles 49:53 + cool down + stretched = happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 13,823 steps, 250+ 14/14 boom! & 44 floors :smiley:
    3) Meals (leftovers for lunch & supper) & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories zero / 14c water = Ate French burnt peanuts (unplanned) after supper after to-do's. Net calories -72 :| , sodium green (yay), sugar -7 :| , fiber & protein ok, 12c water :|
    4) Evening: optometrist 4:30 :smiley: need new lenses, no cataract surgery for now / at least 3 things on to-do list :smiley: folded hubby's work shirts, washed dishes, reviewed card box for multiple bdays coming up, located blank thank you card, digital decluttered, reviewed pantry & updated grocery list ~ I feel so happy when I see all things I got done :D / shovel (supposed to be light, fluffy snow) or snowblow skipped... not that much fell & more on the way
    5) Unplug 9:00 :s / FLOSS dentist in 3 weeks! :s / retainers :smiley: / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:20 :s(shovel snow before work)

    JFT 1/23 W ~ Not much more snow fell overnight, so no morning shoveling. Snow squall kicked up just before I left for work, came down really hard on my way, almost whiteout conditions... car tires hit rumble strips on center line more than once. Fortunately, all drivers were taking it slow. Still snowing hard. Hopefully it will stop in time for hubby to snowblow before he goes to work, then I won't shovel after my work day.
    1) Meals & snacks (mostly) prelogged & have wiggle room for adjustments / net calories zero / 14c water
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    3) Evening: shovel as needed / x-train? / make veggie soup / finalize meal plans & grocery list / prep clothes for workplace mindfulness hike (maybe snowshoe finally?) on Th. / 2 items on to-do list
    4) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS REALLY / retainers / set/verify alarm, bed & tv off 10:20 (no workout before work)

    @maryrobinson40 and @mytime6630 I can't even imagine what you are going through. Keeping you and your families in my prayers. Hugs to you, dear friends!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    JFT - Tuesday Jan 22nd Determined
    2L of water - 😈
    Calories in Green - 😈
    Walk 1 Mile - 🙂
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 3/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - 🙂
    5 something at bathroom break - 🙂
    Write in Journal - 🙂
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. - 🙂

    JFT - Wednesday Jan 23rd Determined
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.

    Yesterday I stayed busy most of the day and did well with my eating mostly. I did have seconds at supper but I was hungry and it was a meal I make very rarely. Meatballs and rice, Kaitlyn’s favourite. I bought paper for her invitations yesterday and when we started playing around last night realized it’s not the same as what I had. So we went to Michael’s (my 4th time yesterday). Come to find out they have changed the dye lot of their paper. We were able to find two packs that matched what we had at least. I told her she can send the other shade to people she doesn’t like.

    She invited me to go with her to the last hour of a mental health for first responders symposium. The last speaker was a woman who started a very well run group for the wives of police officers in her community after one member took his life. It was a very interesting talk and I am so very thankful she asked me to go with her. Her fiancé is an EMT and is writing his entrance exam in April to go to paramedic school. Her best friend is a paramedic, married to a firefighter. I didn’t realize Kaitlyn worries about them as much as she does.

    I have a lot to do today, so should get at it.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    Toaljasa - how insightful! Words do matter so much! I am going to change my wording, thank you for that and all that you do!

    BMCc9 - Welcome!

    Bex953172 - is Casey’s birthday the 26th? My niece and Godson were both born that day. Both of my girls were born in February. My family has a lot of Feb birthdays actually. I joined the group when she was just coming up to 3 months.
    What a great day you had! I’m so happy for you, sometimes that one good day is all you need to make it seem like you are queen of the pile again!

    Frenchfancy2014 - so sorry about your Dad.

    Mytime6630 - I would be stress eating in your shoes too I think. It’s so good your daughters doctor could at least talk to you and that the meds are increasing. It’s such a delicate balance I believe. I hope your daughter stays with you but if she refuses you may have to make that difficult call to have her admitted. I’ll be praying for you.

    Maryrobinson40- I pray the weather stays for you so that you can get into see your daughter again.

    Faebert - I have a cousin that lives in England she was blissfully enjoying the snow yesterday as it reminds her of home. I have not been for an outside walk since October I miss it so. Our sidewalks just aren’t kept well and it’s been more ice than snow this winter. Maybe you can have a dance party or something instead of a run?

    Kimberley - welcome
  • pam46815
    pam46815 Posts: 20 Member
    Ahh, so behind on reading everyone's stuff and making my own goals!
    Just for today I will:
    Drink four water bottles of water
    I will track everything in my fitness pal
    I will get up every hour and walk/stretch/etc.
    I will not eat anything after 8:00 pm
    I will do a load of laundry
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    JFT 1/23
    Drink 6 cups of water
    Mindful of eating

    Peace and joy! Remember January's Challenge!

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    edited January 2019
    I can't open my Pending Friend Requests tab to find out who sent me a Friend Request

    I CAN "friend" from my end. (I do know the latest was a test from someone in another group - but I also have 18 others and no idea who any of them are)

    Would anyone know if this issue might be related to something in Privacy I may have checked / unchecked? Absolutely everything else in MFP works for me, but this has NEVER worked since I became active again last April. I have tried all the IT suggestions (clear cookies, etc) with no difference. It also makes no difference what computer (out of 3) OR what browser (Firefox vs Explorer) I use.

    I am strictly a web-site type, by the way ... so it is not an app issue.

    I am seriously considering closing this account and starting a brand new one as "BMcC[something else]", but it would be a shame to lose all my accumulated data.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @snowflake1968 yes it is the 26th! and you're right just one good day to remember how positive achievement feels! I'm doing well today aswell!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited January 2019
    @mytime6630 I'm thinking about your daughter, and you all. Depression is a tricky beast. I really hope she accepts your help and the doctor's words. <3 It's something I've struggled with mightily for as long as I can remember.

    @BMcC9 I wish I knew! :( Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Wednesday 23 January

    13 hours travel and I can hardly keep my eyes open let alone post goals or aknowledge you struggles and triumphs

    Will try to have more time tomorrow :)
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    1/23 Day 16 I have all of my food prelogged already. Need to drink a bit more. Also need to figure out how to get some exercise in. Would love to walk but am unsteady on my feet due to cancer. This may take a little research. I do get tired of sitting all of the time. I use a walker or a cane all of the time and because it is winter don't get out much due to snow and ice. Can not risk falling. Trying not to obsess about my eating plan and losing weight.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Sorry about the cancer, that must really suck.
    Would you be able to ride a stationary bike?
    Because you'll be seated, and holding on, so basically hardly a risk of falling?
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 967 Member
    JFT Wednesday 23rd

    I will log on mfp DONE
    I will do stretching exercise DONE -TWICE
    I will do the first 2 exercises in the book NOPE - was too sore after the walk
    I will walk with a friend, around one hour. DONE

    So I've realised I need to do shorter walks for the time being, so will keep trying but cut back a bit.
    Well under my calories today but think that's okay as a friend is visiting tomorrow, with cake (a little birthday treat I don't really want to say No to)

    This is the time in the evening when my mouth wants me to eat!
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    Kimberly here, want to lose 40lbs

    Go Kimberley! Little steps and you’ll get there!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    - Log everything everyday
    - Follow my cleaning schedule
    - Drink 8+ cups per day
    - Stop with the junk food, learn to say NO
    - Watch motivational videos
    - Sit less!

    Had another succesful day all round!
    I've logged everything again, need to tidy up again but just chilling out for a bit first.
    I've had 5 cups of water, might squeeze one more in.

    I've walked EVERYWHERE today! I walked to school (just me and sask) then walked all the way to the pharmacy, picked up OHs meds, then walked home. then walked again to pick her up. then walked the dog and walked to the shop! I can feel a slight ache!

    Day 2 of no biscuits. I also went to the supermarket (my OH wanted chocolate, cream slices, chocolate cornflake clusters and a can of coke - how mean is that sending me!!) and I resisted buying the reduced doughnuts (5 jam filled doughnuts for 20p!!!)
    I did walk past a few times debating but then just went to the till and left!
    I had a quarter of the cream slice and 1 cluster.

    I'm feeling a bit peckish really, but I'll wait to see if I start rumbling before I make anything!

    feeling happy anyways!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Look where I caught Marley taking a nap when I got home from the school run today... she's like a cat lol!
  • michiwano
    michiwano Posts: 21 Member
    JFT 1/23 Goals Recap:
    - 👍🏾Log all the food I eat
    - 👍🏾Spend 30 minutes on the elliptical
    - 👍🏾Report results/progress tonight

    JFT 1/24 Goals:
    - Log all the food I eat
    - Spend 30 minutes on the elliptical
    - Report results/progress tonight
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    edited January 2019
    JFT Jan 23
    Before work:
    • up right after alarm B)
    • sidetracked by book till 6:40 >:)
    • weigh in / HIIT on bike / breakfast B)
    • weigh / pack / pre-log for the day B)
    • pull out of driveway by 7:45! :(started to put on snow-gear ~7:40 - out of door by 7:50 - brushed LOTS of snow off car and out of driveway by 7:59 ..... WOULD have been gone by 7:45 if this were NOT WINTER!! (10 more cm / ~4 inches before end of day, morphing to freezing rain, morphing to RAIN-rain overnight .... :# This is only the second winter of my life where "brushing off car" is part of departure routine. Always worked where I could take public transit before .... at least the road plow hadn't been down our street yet and I only live 5 doors from a bus route (so well packed from there, even if the plow hasn't been by yet)

    After work / evening:
    • finish out Wii exergame Walk It Out "tour" B) and set up for a new one :stoo late now - already after 9:30.
    • adjust supper and snack logging & choices based on calories burned B)
    • finish requirements and notify Toastmaster Club VP Ed that he can let HQ know I have finished all of Level 1 requirements :sgonna BF this one to the weekend but with a HARD deadline of Saturday night!
    • second HIIT session (optional extra) declined - figure it was covered by all the snow removal off the car TWICE today .... ;)

    2019 Big Picture MFP-type Targets:
    • I am shedding 2 more pounds to reach my healthy BMI zone by (Chinese) New Year (Feb 5)
    • I am working on closing that last inch across my back so that my wedding dress fits on my 31st anniversary (April 30)
    • I am releasing and lowering my Body Fat % by measurable amounts via daily 7-minute HIIT sessions on my stationary bike (at least 1 per day, sometimes 2) and my daily mini-trampoline jogging for LISS cardio - 45 minutes or more on average.
    • I am practicing and preparing to shift to Maintenance eating habits and calorie levels somewhere around 135 pounds by "eating more calories so that I can do more activity that I love" NOW - and getting past the potential mental roadblock of "HOW am I going to eat so many extra maintenance-level pre-exercise calories while keeping fats and sugars mostly in the GREEN!?!?"

    2019 Big Picture Rest-of-Life Goals:
    • finishing Level 2 of my Toastmasters Pathways program before June 30
    • de-cluttering my study / sewing room
    • dealing with my mending pile
    • establishing an after work / evening routine that includes BOTH regular study for prequalifying for my French-Second-Language levels for work (current levels expiring in 2020) AND continues daily exercise to release and lower by Body Fat % levels while staying in Maintenance Zone