JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Monday | 1/21/2019
    1. Drink half my weight in ounces of water. (90 oz) ;) Not quite, but more than usual so it's progress!
    2. Journal every single bite that goes into my mouth, even if it’s a candy mint :) Even though my self-control went downhill real quick after I got home from, I did log it all. *sigh*
    3. Pay attention to consuming half my weight in grams of protein (90 g) and eating less carbs :)
    4. Activity: Walk for 30 minutes either outside, treadmill or maybe a Body Groove video. "Move it Monday!" :) 30 minutes of activity doing laps in the conference room at work. Reeeeally cold outside.
    5. Eat at least 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of veggies today. :)1/2 grapefruit & 1/2 grapefruit, broccoli, more broccoli and grape tomatoes.
    6. Prep for tomorrow, tonight :#Yeahhhh, that didn't happen. Once I sat down, I was done.
    7. Keep my attitude light and positive. Do not feed into gossip. Walk away. :) At work. :s At home. *sigh*
    8. Give myself credit for things I get right instead of focusing on things I do wrong. :grimace:
    9. Unplug one hour early :) / Joyce or Dodie :) / Simple Abundance :s / Gratitude Journal :s / Calm meditation app :)I need to pick up a new gratitude journal for 2019. I'm using one that is very time-consuming with a lot of questions to answer, and for some reason I've been extremely exhausted every night and haven't been reading or writing much. Perhaps I'll run on my lunch hour and pick one up!

    Winter Storm Austin is moving in this afternoon, so I plan to try getting some walking in this afternoon by doing laps in the conference rooms again. Maybe up and down some staircases. Many of us will probably get to go home if it is snowing badly, but I live 8 minutes away so I always end up staying here. Plus, I have a hair appointment up the road after work to make my hair match (dye my gray...) and get it trimmed up.

    I am pretty disappointed with myself over how I ended my day yesterday, but trying really hard to give myself some positive self-talk. Have you ever noticed how we talk to each other on here compared to what we tell ourselves? It's awful the way we speak to ourselves! :naughty:

    Just for Tuesday| 1/22/2019
    1. Drink half my weight in ounces of water. (90 oz)
    2. Journal every single bite that goes into my mouth, even if it’s a candy mint
    3. Pay attention to consuming half my weight in grams of protein (90 g) and <75 carbs
    4. Activity: Walk for 30 minutes either outside, treadmill or maybe a Body Groove video. "Move it Monday!"
    5. Eat at least 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of veggies today.
    6. Prep for tomorrow, tonight: coffeemaker / pack lunch bag / set out clothes
    7. Keep my attitude light and positive. React to negativity with positivity.
    8. Give myself credit for things I get right instead of focusing on things I do wrong.
    9. Unplug one hour early / Joyce or Dodie / Simple Abundance / Gratitude Journal / Calm meditation app

    Also on this week's list:
    • Listen to this week's Half Size Me podcast
    • Go through clothing in spare room and either keep/donate/toss
    • Call Planet Fitness and get membership squared away
    • Reserve a car for us at AZ airport
    • Shop for 3 outfits that fit and that are my style so I have something comfortable to wear that I feel good in also.
    • Shop for summer clothing to wear while at dad's in AZ that I will feel comfortable in
    • Attach binding to quilt
    • Get lab drawn for Friday appt.
    • Prep serving-sized snacks to grab easily for lunches, etc.

    Word for 2019: Tenacity
    When it comes to regaining my health and taking back my life, I will have the tenacity of a bulldog with a bone.
  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    edited January 2019
    January 21st:
    -Stay in the green 👎
    -Hydrate 👍
    -Manage my overthinking 👎
    -Walk 30 mins 👍

    January 22nd:
    -Stay in the green
    -Eat as close to my calorie goal as possible
    -Walk 30mins
    -Go for a run
    -Manage my overthinking
    -Clean the house
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 972 Member
    Thank you for all the "welcomes", what a lovely friendly thread this is.

    @clicketykeys No I've never thought of using machines. Not sure why, maybe because there's no gym in my little town. I live fairly rural so have to drive to most things. Something to think about though.

    @Snowflake1968 I'm also scared of diabetes. I'm just in the BMI obese category, will be happy to drop down to overweight, and even happier to reach "normal" :)

    So Just For Today Tuesday 22/1/19

    I will log my food on mfp DONE
    I will do my normal stretching exercises DONE
    I will do the first exercise from the book DONE. Did the first 2 exercises in the book
    I will wrap up and walk to the shops (about 30 - 40 minutes) DONE. Slower than normal as it was a bit icy and slippy.

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I would like to join in too. I am a 60-yr young wife / empty-nester (only-child son lives in town) / NOT a Grandmother (but know several my age or younger) / not yet retired (but wishes she were!) living in Eastern Ontario.

    I have already shed 42 pounds since May 2017. Highest weight: 184 Current weight 142 Goal weight for Maintenance TBD but expected to be in neighbourhood of 135.

    How perfect that today's word is .... WORDS

    I have a strong belief in the power of words and word choices .... if you don't think they matter, consider the difference between "wise man" and "wise guy".

    Turning a statement said in the future tense into the here-and-now is a wonderful and powerful goad to the subconscious.

    But personally I wouldn't say "I am losing 20 pounds" Why? Because..."what once was lost has now been found" ... (who wants to FIND the weight we worked soo hard to get rid of!!) so I prefer "am shedding" or "am releasing" but I know some would find that over-picky ... and don't see a negative issue with the TV Show premise of "who will be the Biggest Loser this season!"

    I have also always been fascinated about how words tend to shift meaning over time and depending on the group using it. Like the word "diet" in the general population ... we see the word "lifestyle" used more and more to represent the original meaning as still used by nutritionists and biologists.

    And the word "biscuit" depending on which side of The Pond you live on .... yes I saw that .... my husband's mother is from England and I love reading British mystery stories, and my son was VERY into Thomas the Tank Engine when he was little .... so I am very aware of such things .... like British "trucks" (freight cars) run on rails, and North American trucks (British "lorries") run on roads.

    2019 Big Picture MFP-type Targets:
    • I am shedding 2 more pounds to reach my healthy BMI zone by (Chinese) New Year (Feb 5)
    • I am working on closing that last inch across my back so that my wedding dress fits on my 31st anniversary (April 30)
    • I am releasing and lowering my Body Fat % by measurable amounts via daily 7-minute HIIT sessions on my stationary bike (at least 1 per day, sometimes 2) and my daily mini-trampoline jogging for LISS cardio - 45 minutes or more on average.
    • I am practicing and preparing to shift to Maintenance eating habits and calorie levels somewhere around 135 pounds by "eating more calories so that I can do more activity that I love" NOW - and getting past the potential mental roadblock of "HOW am I going to eat so many extra maintenance-level pre-exercise calories while keeping fats and sugars mostly in the GREEN!?!?"

    I really like that this group encourages non-MFP JFT goals as well, like "write in journal" or "pick up craft supplies" or "finish grading papers".

    I have some of those too.

    They include:
    • finishing Level 2 of my Toastmasters Pathways program before June 30
    • de-cluttering my study / sewing room
    • dealing with my mending pile
    • establishing an after work / evening routine that includes BOTH regular study for prequalifying for my French-Second-Language levels for work (current levels expiring in 2020) AND continues daily exercise to release and lower by Body Fat % levels while staying in Maintenance Zone

    JFT (Jan 22)
    After work:
    • "jog around Paris" for an hour (Youtube video + Wii exergame Walk It Out to count my steps + mini-trampoline)
    • adjust supper and snack logging & choices based on calories burned
    • finish requirements and notify Toastmaster Club VP Ed that he can let HQ know I have finished all of Level 1 requirements
    • second HIIT session (optional extra)

    Is there anything else I need to add at this point? Like a "personal Word for the Year" or something? I wasn't quite clear on that ....
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this here...
    Official first hairstyle!

    Is that our little Casey already?!!! She looks adorable with her hair up in pigtails! <3

    Haha yep! can you believe she's 1 next month?!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this here...
    Official first hairstyle!

    Is that our little Casey already?!!! She looks adorable with her hair up in pigtails! <3

    Haha yep! can you believe she's 1 next month?!

    We'll have to have a online birthday party for little Casey!!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this here...
    Official first hairstyle!

    Is that our little Casey already?!!! She looks adorable with her hair up in pigtails! <3

    Haha yep! can you believe she's 1 next month?!

    We'll have to have a online birthday party for little Casey!!!

    Totally! I hope you saw my post to you yesterday!

    Oh and @PackerFanInGB if you get that quilt to me before the 26th Feb we can always say ur was a present for her first birthday LOL
    I cant believe how much time you've spent on it! I'm so excited!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @bex953172 I adore dog ears! Just so cute! And 1 already??!! My word, doesn't seem quite right---are you sure??!!! LOLOL Time passes quickly.

    Peace and joy (and rest)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2019
    BMcC9 wrote: »

    But personally I wouldn't say "I am losing 20 pounds" Why? Because..."what once was lost has now been found" ... (who wants to FIND the weight we worked soo hard to get rid of!!) so I prefer "am shedding" or "am releasing" but I know some would find that over-picky ... and don't see a negative issue with the TV Show premise of "who will be the Biggest Loser this season!"

    Is there anything else I need to add at this point? Like a "personal Word for the Year" or something? I wasn't quite clear on that ....

    Welcome! Joan is our fearless leader/den mom/and ringleader of this crazy group. All you have to do is post your daily goals and then return to give an update. Personal Word for the Year is totally optional. Just another way to encourage each other. I use the words to post "words for the day" just to keep them fresh on our minds. Joan also has a monthly challenge for us, which is also optional. This month's challenge is Operation: Red Cup, which is to drink more water.

    The founder of my weight loss program also encourages us to use the word "release" instead of "lost." Lost means you may find it again!!!

    Welcome aboard!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this here...
    Official first hairstyle!

    Is that our little Casey already?!!! She looks adorable with her hair up in pigtails! <3

    Haha yep! can you believe she's 1 next month?!

    We'll have to have a online birthday party for little Casey!!!

    Totally! I hope you saw my post to you yesterday!

    Oh and @PackerFanInGB if you get that quilt to me before the 26th Feb we can always say ur was a present for her first birthday LOL
    I cant believe how much time you've spent on it! I'm so excited!

    Oh yes, I did Bex! You are so sweet and encouraging ... with all that you have going on. Thank you!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Tuesday 22 January

    Log and stay in the green :)
    Pack and get an early night ready for an early start tomorrow :)

    Well done to those who worked on more stretching goals. Give yourself a well earned pat on the back
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    - Log everything everyday
    - Follow my cleaning schedule
    - Drink 8+ cups per day
    - Stop with the junk food, learn to say NO
    - Watch motivational videos
    - Sit less!

    Right, checking in *drum roll*..
    I effing DID IT!
    I've smashed my goals today!

    I've logged every morsel and I've got 300 cals left!
    I still need to tidy up but weirdly I have the energy to do it!
    I've drunk.. 5 cups up to now and I could get that to 6-7 but 8 is pushing it!

    I have not had.. A SINGLE biscuit! not one! not even a nibble!
    I did have a McDonalds hamburger but I logged it and made sure it fit!
    I walked both times for the school run, in the snow.
    Marley doesn't like snow... honestly that child!

    AND I've walked the dog, something ive not done since before Christmas. I've played in the garden with him but getting him on an actual proper walk is a big deal for me, something I need to work in daily. (obviously, for his sake not mine!)

    AND I got Casey in bed at 7pm rather than 10pm!

    and I caught up on about 5 episodes of Emmerdale!

    Feeling good, hope j can keep it up tomorrow!

    AWESOME JOB, @Bex953172 !!! I'm always so impressed in all you get done in a day.

    I'm thinking sending the quilt as a birthday present is a good idea since she's no longer a baby and the quilt I made is larger than a baby quilt anyway! LOL! :wink:
  • linda1461mfp
    linda1461mfp Posts: 6 Member
    Well so far so good I've managed to stay within my daily calorie allowance but sadly a bit over my carb allowance but hey ho one step at time. My weigh in day is Thursday so lets see how well this has panned out. Apart from shopping I haven't done much today but I'm just getting over pneumonia so still feeling washed out.
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    @maryrobinson40 My thoughts are with your daughter and your family. <3 She's got a great mama supporting her so I know she's in great hands!

    @littleblackskirt welcome! I found this thread not too long ago myself and I'm loving it!

    @toaljasa you are a fantastic motivator. These are such great posts!

    @maryrobinson40 hang in there and support each other . Sending prayers

    @littleblackskirt. Welcome from me too l! You’ll love it here and be inspired!

    @toaljasa hear hear! Great posts keep me going xxxxx
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    1/22 Day 15 Decided to make it easy on myself so chose to eat the same as yesterday. Also got all my water in early so hoping I can sleep a bit better tonight. I will need to see what is in the freezer for tomorrow's meals. Hard when you have no interest in cooking. The key here is to keep weighing portions and logging what I eat.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,401 Member
    @maryrobinson40 good luck/hugs to your daughter and thank you for your cheerleading
    @mytime6630 peace to your daughter and family
    @toaljasa your posts always make me stop and think
    I've been trying to wrap my mind behind what is going on in my head (or not) with my eating. It's gotten so mindLESS the past couple years. Would like to feel energetic and clear headed again. I need to get back in control of myself and man the oar.