Men & Women in their 50s starting anew in 2019!



  • vermontrebecca6929
    vermontrebecca6929 Posts: 72 Member
    zoedayan7 wrote: »
    Inspired by your posts. My weight goes serially up and I started again... In march. So far I'm sticking with it... And this time I don't have any scales (bathroom or actually in the kitchen!). Strangely it seems to be keeping me more honest.... But I'm travelling next week. Worried about living in hotel and eating everything provided... But will also get to weigh in.
    Wish me luck

    Any chance you can get to a grocery store once you arrive to stock up on carrots, celery, apples etc for room frig?
    I am learning to drink at least 60 oz of water during the day & keep crunchy crudite handy all day.
    Also had an epiphany yesterday while dining out that I need to order only one course at restaurants, with bubbly bottled water as my “special drink” rather than alcohol (lots of lemon & lime added) and a latte or herbal tea for dessert. The bubbly water & latte are not things I do at home, so they make dining out feel special and make me feel included if others are drinking alcohol & ordering desserts. Also, if others are ordering apps, I order salads (something else I don’t eat at home) because restaurant meals never have enough veggies (aka 1/2 the plate).

    If anyone knows good hacks to avoid eating bread & butter served after entrees are ordered please post!!!
  • vermontrebecca6929
    vermontrebecca6929 Posts: 72 Member
    I finally found my motivation and have been making positive changes and seeing the scale go down. It's amazing how much better I feel already. Never give up.

    would you mind sharing what your motivation is?
  • vermontrebecca6929
    vermontrebecca6929 Posts: 72 Member
    Louvee and others— yeah, nothing like a health scare to renew commitment!!!

  • vermontrebecca6929
    vermontrebecca6929 Posts: 72 Member
    Not sure how I feel about comment about doctors “fat shaming”. Being overweight really is bad for people and can lead to chronic debilitating & degenerative disease and dangerous conditions like diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, even cancer. I worked in a nursing home and saw the aftermath of strokes in people our age and people who had become disabled from the progressive inability to care for themselves due to obesity and diabetes alone. At least some of this is within our power to control.

    We need to love ourselves and that includes wanting what is best for ourselves.

  • TurnThePage55
    TurnThePage55 Posts: 16 Member
    I finally found my motivation and have been making positive changes and seeing the scale go down. It's amazing how much better I feel already. Never give up.

    would you mind sharing what your motivation is?

    Oh, it was not one particular thing. I just needed to get my butt moving. I got tired of being tired. So I joined a few fitbit challenges and started moving. A body in motion tends to stay in motion.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Hi to all the new folks on this thread. I get some inspiration from reading all the posts here.

    I've been lacking motivation to work out lately, but I am maintaining my weight. I've been through this before. The motivation to work out will return at some point and I will shed the last 20 pounds.
  • LouVee186000
    LouVee186000 Posts: 81 Member
    Louvee and others— yeah, nothing like a health scare to renew commitment!!!

    Thanks! Yeah, it's really done the trick for me. I now look at my once-favorite (and yeah, way unhealthy) foods and think, "eating this will literally do measurable damage to me," and I choose something else. It's not always fun, but it has been effective so far.

  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    To all who are experiencing return of weight after triumphant loss— I am in same shoes & remind myself that because I did it once I have proof I can do it again—so I know it is possible. I also know it will have to be different because I am older (e.g., intense calorie burn thru exercise will play a smaller part and slowed metabolism & new patterns of fat distribution will play a bigger part). So I try to put in my notes every day “what I did well”. and view mistakes as “what I learned” e.g. what’s a trigger or vulnerable situation, how to prepare in advance better, how to use thinking to my advantage.
    I hope this helps someone else the way it has helped me stop beating myself up so much

    Great thoughts..thanks for sharing
  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    zoedayan7 wrote: »
    Inspired by your posts. My weight goes serially up and I started again... In march. So far I'm sticking with it... And this time I don't have any scales (bathroom or actually in the kitchen!). Strangely it seems to be keeping me more honest.... But I'm travelling next week. Worried about living in hotel and eating everything provided... But will also get to weigh in.
    Wish me luck

    I am away next week too on a mini 4 day vacation w. husband and super nervous as I feel like i am just getting back into the groove...i keep starting and falling hard and getting back up. My plan is keep breakfast healthy and simple not big lavish (hotel we are staying at has amazing breakfasts), get exercise in every day, try to stick to fish or lighter dinner entrees - not they prime rib etc, keep tracking. We are going to bring our bicycles with us so that should be good. I think the tracking and bumping my calories up to maintenance calories for those days would be helpful.
  • sparklyball
    sparklyball Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, I'm in the Uk, female, 53, 136lbs, I stopped smoking last year and gained a over a stone. I'm self-conscious of it now and want to lose it asap! I am limited in what I can eat due to intolerances. I am sugar and grain free- apart from the occasional drink:)

    I am calories counting and log in daily, active people feel free to add me!
  • tonistardust
    tonistardust Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. I have a goal to hike Black Elk Peak/Harney Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I'm going to try this September.
  • Beowolf95
    Beowolf95 Posts: 42 Member
    Went off the reservation a little this past week due to vacation, but, did my group workout this morning and feel awesome! I also did my Vo2 testing this week and found out that I really am in poor physical conditioning, but getting better with the program I'm on. I now have my heart rate zones personalized so I know where my most effiecient workout zone is, which will keep me working out in peak and not overtaxing and over working. Now, to tighten the diet back up and get back in the groove. Let's do this thing folks!
  • Lloydnolan68
    Lloydnolan68 Posts: 3 Member
    New to the group like the story’s and fed back , I really need motivation and a push to lose the weight again I have gained 40lbs in last 2 years, plus I want get below 199lbs nearly made it two years ago 204 lbs ,
    Time to stop the slipping back to old weight and habits,any advice and motivation would be greatly received thanks , Lloyd in ireland
    Thanks F
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,456 Member
    I am in. Lost 80 lbs when I turned 50 (took 16 months) and now at almost 55 I have put 40 of it back on. Just started tracking what I eat and getting to be more active. Could use all the help/support!

    Just keep trying it always seems to beca battle once you reach 50 (orbit is for me) but I am determined not to give up.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,456 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    tmbg1 wrote: »
    poscur wrote: »
    I am in. Lost 80 lbs when I turned 50 (took 16 months) and now at almost 55 I have put 40 of it back on. Just started tracking what I eat and getting to be more active. Could use all the help/support!

    I feel your pain...lost a lot of weight around 6 years ago or so and over 5 year period have gained it all back. Vowed I would never go back to this size again and here I am. It's embarrassing! I can't stand running into people I haven't seen in awhile...but the message I keep hearing is just change one habit at a time...didn't gain it back in 6 months, not going to lose it in 6 months. Find a livable way to deal and make changes. We can do this :)

    I avoid people and social situations too because gaining weight back is so humiliating!

    This was my motivation to lose weight. I was at my heaviest when I ran into an old boyfriend (we were both with other people) who had only ever seen me slim. I was completely mortified.

    Be positive , use it as a way to motivate yourself so next time they see you they will go WOW!
  • skf1201
    skf1201 Posts: 116 Member
    edited July 2019
    Poscur wrote:

    I am away next week too on a mini 4 day vacation w. husband and super nervous as I feel like i am just getting back into the groove...i keep starting and falling hard and getting back up. My plan is keep breakfast healthy and simple not big lavish (hotel we are staying at has amazing breakfasts), get exercise in every day, try to stick to fish or lighter dinner entrees - not they prime rib etc, keep tracking. We are going to bring our bicycles with us so that should be good. I think the tracking and bumping my calories up to maintenance calories for those days would be helpful.

    Remember to have fun too. You’ll do just fine. Just be you. The rest will fall into place in a good way 😀
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,456 Member
    Have a lovely time and enjoy yourself you can always go back to it after you get back!
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    You are doing fabulous, @BettJo64! Best to you on reaching your health goals!! <3