60 yrs and up



  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,446 Member
    @BCLadybug888 , there are many methods to use when you can't count calories away from home. I do the one plate method but there are more. Many good ideas from "Half Size Me" on you tube, you can look it up by the playlist.Welcome to retirement @KeriA . I got laid off from my full time job of 15 years in 2013 than worked privately till couple months ago but very part time. Today is the first day of the heat wave here. We went to the dog park for 1.5 hours, it was nice in the shade & there was a little breeze too so I'm glad to know we can keep going there in the heat but I'm not planning to walk around neighborhood till it cools off
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,869 Member
    @KeriA I forgot to say congratulations on your retirement!! I retired five years ago and quite honestly, I don't know how I found time to work haha My days are filled, but they're filled doing things that are important to me. A wise woman told me not to commit to anything the first year that you retire. Give yourself some time to figure out where you want to spend your time because once people hear that you're available, everyone will want a piece of you!
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 390 Member
    @Evamutt Glad you had a nice meet up with a friend. Sometimes I eat something out too, that is not on a list and I have to make my best guess on the calories and macros. I look in the list for a similar generic entry, and pick something on the higher end of calories and macros I'm trying to watch, hoping I catch it with fairly decent comparison. And if that is the only thing I couldn't log closely that day, I enjoyed it, and it's a one time indulgence. :)
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,869 Member
    @SummerSkier I agree, we don't bounce back like we used to! I pretended it wasn't so but eventually had to give up that dellusion 🙁 I never used the newsfeed to connect with friends. Instead we created a private group within the Community and we connect through that. Sometimes daily. Sometimes only weekly. It depends what's going on in our lives at the time. Is that an option for you? So to be honest, I don't miss the newsfeed at all. And the article-portion of it seems to have moved over to the Blog?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,898 Member
    KeriA wrote: »
    Last Thursday was my last day of work so this is my 1st week of retirement, but this isn’t a typical week with the 4th in the middle of it. I am switching to a newer computer so that took up most of my time yesterday. We had to file for a tax extension due to my mother’s death last year and estate taxes being delayed. So, I will have to work on taxes again now too. I am finding I really can’t set up a healthy routine but that doesn’t mean I can’t improve things. We have a small family trip later in the month and my family will be gone 1 weekend too but I am staying home. I will concentrate on working on things so that I can establish a better schedule next month. I will for now look to improve meals and upping exercise and activity level.

    (snip rest of very good post to limit reply length)

    @KeriA, congratulations on your retirement! I've found retirement to be a pretty great thing, and hope it will be so for you, too.

    I agree with ridiculous59 that it's a good idea to give yourself some time and grace to find a new routine, for a variety of reasons.

    For myself, it seemed to take my literal physical body a few months to truly adapt. My job was fast paced, changing topics and activities many times per day, in a fairly high stress environment. I had plenty of fun hobbies I wanted to dive into, and lots of home chores to check off my list. However, at first, I found it hard to immerse myself in something and stay immersed. I'd spend a hour or so on something, then start feeling like it was time to do something else. It took some time for that to wear off, oddly!

    You may have different experiences, but I do think it can take a while to find that right new routine. IME, it will happen, and it's not necessary to force it. YMMV.

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,446 Member
    edited July 4
    It's the same for me...takes longer to heal & from some things I don't seem to heal at all, just a new normal. I sure wish I had hobbies/fun things to do at home. I'm very task oriented so when I have to stay home/ inside a lot, like today it's 111 degrees so home/inside all afternoon & I don't know what to do with myself. I did buy a crossword book today . I used to love doing those & I also have coloring books. I only like watching tv in the evening, after dinner. I got us early today & was out walking my dogs by 7:30 then husband & I went grocery shopping. I was in the kitchen a couple hours cutting up veggies to make a veggie salad that will hopefully last the next 4 days. I also divided up the meat we bought, cut some up & sealed them in my food saver/sealer for the freezer I even prepped the meat i bought for the dogs so I can just pop it into the instant pot, add a few things & cook. I enjoy home on days like this when I was busy then I can relax & rest at home although I can't sit still for too long at a time & get up often & do little chores but not "fun" things. I also enjoy listening to the radio/podcasts during the day or music. I used to LOVE to read & want to get back to that