60 yrs and up



  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning 60 & uppers :)

    I enjoyed reading everyone's posts. Nothing much happening here.

    Josephine, how long has it been since you dug up your irises and separated them? It is something that needs to be done every 3 to 5 years. Here's a link with instructions:https://savvygardening.com/how-to-divide-irises/... :smiley:

    Have a blessed day everybody :smiley:

    Shout out to my friends <3
  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member
    Speaking of Irises...I separated mine in the fall of 2018, they came up 2019, but they didn't bloom. I'm hoping I see blooms this spring!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    edited March 2020
    I officially updated & extended my weight loss plan. Originally it was 2019-2020, but moving out to 2021 now. Foolishly I set my expectations at 6lbs a month, and when you're class 2 obese, the first few months are not difficult to reach, but I adjusted it to 4lbs a month last October with success. Now, after being enlightened by those who have been through it and maintained (AnnPT77 especially), I'm going reduce my monthly goal to 3lbs in a few months and finally 2lbs a month to reach my dream goal. Slow & steady, enjoying the journey.

    :) What helped me was setting goals for my behaviour not my pounds lost. My goals in include logging food and exercise, drinking a certain amount of water, walking a certain number of steps, participating actively in a thread like this, learning more about creating good habits (I suggest "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin). Best wishes to you.

    :) I walked with my dogs and the one neighbor I'll walk with. I have 8200 steps right now. I finished an important personal bookkeeping project and finished tidying the room where I'll be able to dance later today.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    I dug and moved my old regular purple iris about I HAVE NO IDEA, thought 2 or 3 but maybe longer years. AND just sold extra lots so dug most of those iris and toted back to my yard 2 weeks ago. It is the old purples showing the wilt or whatever. I have a swamp with the yellow swamp iris, some Louisiana iris, and a few 'bought-on' iris by my shed and I do not mix them - they look okay so far. When I lived in OK, I used some copper-based thing ?rotonene? and they were fine. I am not truthfully good with plants. Weather was so dreary this morning but now bright sun and the sound of mowing. I think some peas are coming up! My scale had a moment today and was back to kind. Hey, are y'all fans of Ms. Jeanne Robertson on Youtube? I just love listening to her and if you need a laugh, try her.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    @teresadannar great on resetting your goals to what you are comfortable with. When I was losing regularly I just used the projection mfp gave me, now a days I just set goals for eating behavior like barbiecat & work on sticking by those. It did rain this morning, supposed to clear up in couple hours. I'll just do some laundry , cooking etc till then. I had my brunch early since I was home. It should keep me till dinner with a snack in between. I've never been a muncher so it was one of the ways I had to change my eating.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    I dug and moved my old regular purple iris about I HAVE NO IDEA, thought 2 or 3 but maybe longer years. AND just sold extra lots so dug most of those iris and toted back to my yard 2 weeks ago. It is the old purples showing the wilt or whatever. I have a swamp with the yellow swamp iris, some Louisiana iris, and a few 'bought-on' iris by my shed and I do not mix them - they look okay so far. When I lived in OK, I used some copper-based thing ?rotonene? and they were fine. I am not truthfully good with plants. Weather was so dreary this morning but now bright sun and the sound of mowing. I think some peas are coming up! My scale had a moment today and was back to kind. Hey, are y'all fans of Ms. Jeanne Robertson on Youtube? I just love listening to her and if you need a laugh, try her.

    Thanks for the reminder. I have to check on the irises on the west side of the house, where I don't go too often these days.

    A second for Jeanne Robertson. She is hilarious!
  • Fishwishing
    Fishwishing Posts: 26 Member
    I believe the first day of spring (today) was early this year. It has been a rainy/stormy one here so no outside walking for me and dog. I went to my usual trail yesterday to walk but the access bridge was under water so had to detour to a more uphill path. Wasn't able to walk nearly as long which means I need to do more uphill walking to increase my endurance. Sore throat has gone away and headache is better. I started taking allergy meds a couple days ago and it seems to be working. My grandson did a birthday drive-thru pick up lunch and stopped by to eat with me and celebrate his 20th birthday. It was nice to see him even though we had to maintain our 6 foot social distancing and I missed our hugs. Always enjoy reading everyone's posts and catching up on all the tips and shares. Alligatorob, I do love your pictures of those beautiful mountains in the background. So majestic and inspiring. My magnolia tree looks like it is ready to bloom. Of course, it is supposed to get down to 26 degrees tomorrow night so I imagine anything too far along will freeze. Odd weather -- 70's today and below freezing tomorrow night. The world has gone haywire! In more ways than one, I'm afraid. Have a great day, everyone!
  • RichardHaw
    RichardHaw Posts: 16 Member
    Saw this thread out there and thought I'd say hi, been off and on here (MFP) for years, needing to get back and focused, spring is coming (I like bicycling and winter has not been kind to my training). Hitting 63 in not too many more days, nice to see more mature people on here. Hope everyone is staying healthy.
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.
    John Wooden

  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Hope each of you have been well and enjoying the new solitude that is your daily life. I started my day early since I needed to leave my apartment and walk into the common area of our senior community. Didn't see anyone else, whew! It's a lovely warm spring day. Today the cherry blossoms in Washington DC will reach peak bloom. I'm staying in place but thought I'd post a picture I'd taken a few years ago so you can share in the beauty. My exercise for the day were resistance bands followed by a YouTube senior beginner line dance. Well, line dance was much more fun than walking in circles in my little place so I'm planning on doing this a lot. I felt better at the end of The Cotton Eyed Joe when I noticed the other gals in the class looked as clumsy as me. Later in the day I recorded a video for the grandchildren reading to them one of our daughter's favorite books. It's hard being separated so It takes a bit more creativity to stay in touch. Unplugging and sitting on the deck listening to music for a bit.zc8f408iircw.jpg

    Keep yourselves well and stay connected. Om…
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Good afternoon! 80s here but windy. That wind is bringing rain and 50s tomorrow. Went grocery-shopping. My town has 1 case of the COVID19 announced (and so does the next town East and the next town East from that) and now I am worried. My car is obviously covered with pollen so we should be a bit sick but awwk how to tell allergies from 'big C'. My peas are breaking through the soil. I have not over-indulged on food nor have I exercised in quantity. Wonder what tomorrow will bring (other than weather)! Take care.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :) Staying with a schedule keeps me sane and balanced. Walk dogs, eat breakfast while reading MFP and spiritual literature, walk dogs, shower, dance, eat lunch, watch TV and ride exercise bike, walk dogs, work in yard, watch TV and ride exercise bike, eat supper, watch TV and ride exercise bike, go to bed and read for awhile before shutting off the light. I have made calls to several friends who don't have the luxury of getting out to walk in the neighborhood and don't have family members to talk to.

    :) My daffodils are blooming.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • bethe
    bethe Posts: 79 Member
    Went to the "big city" (i.e. large town) nearby to return some stuff at Lowe's and go to HEB (the big grocery store chain here in Texas). It was so odd. The Lowes store was having problems with their network so it took awhile to make the returns. And of course I had to buy some plants, and that took even longer because of the computer glitches. Then went to HEB and had to wait in line to get in. I found very little of what I was looking for (basic staples). I should have taken a picture of the toilet paper/paper towel aisle - completely empty on both sides for at least 50 feet. Also no flour, no rice, no beans, etc etc etc. The friend I went with was trying to find baby wipes for her toddler grand-daughter - none of those either. Heard later that adults are buying them up for their own needs, which is kind of shameful given who they are depriving. Oh well - I'm a proponent of less waste, so maybe people will start using wash clothes more often after this is said and done.

    Well, I dare say this is a learning experience for everyone. I'm in hurricane alley (we got hit hard by Harvey two years ago), but I've never seen anything like this. People around here are used to stocking up for hurricane season, so you'd expect them to be rational about it. But no. What sucks is that this area is coming up on the aformentioned hurricane season, so that's going to double down on the hoarding. SMH
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    good evening everyone, love hearing about your day. I worked at the animal rescue this morning. It used to be some kind of food testing plant with animals involved somehow a long time ago before our rescue got it so there are many rooms inside & they put up some larger kennels but most of the small dogs are in rooms with drains. So I get them out to the yards, with hot dogs & sanitize the whole rooms with disinfectant foam, spray it down, squeegee it & put back fresh blankets on their beds. There are large kennels outside for the big dogs & nice fenced in areas for the play yards. It's so amazing. It was all abandoned, over grown with weeds & dirty in the beginning & all us volunteers turned it into what it is today. Feel free to check out the website, Animal Compassion Team Fresno, CA. One of our volunteers is an artist & author & painted every room & hallway with the cutest pictures. So today I wasn't as tired as usual, I think I'm getting used to all the physical work. After I got home, I walked for about 2 hours with the dogs, went on 4 walks. I got little over 16,000 steps today, I average 8-10,000 so I'm happy with that. We have 6 cases of the C-virus here, 5 from travelers. I'm a bit concerned about my best friend who just flew back yesterday from Florida, she visited family & friends in New Jersey too. She's ok so far. We didn't get too many groceries this month so planing to go shopping Monday for the next 2 weeks
  • lindagalbreath577
    lindagalbreath577 Posts: 75 Member
    Good evening everyone I hope you’re all well. Went for a walk today and worked out in the yard for about 2 hours beautiful day! We have one mor nice day before rain starts. So guess where I am going to be Saturday!! We are self isolating per orders of our boys! I don’t mind I like staying home. My neighbor and I snuck over to Walmart for some groceries. Unreal so many empty shelves! Not many people out. Everyone stay healthy and sleep well!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Today has been good so far. Walked 50 mins in cemetery, gardened/put out flower seeds, did breakfast and am attempting pinto beans for supper. The cold and windy rain came about 10 and I mean it just blew in. Doing a challenge with an Italian person - 30 day shred which she thought would be when they get off lockdown. 29 days to go. Watching Harry Potter. Get your groceries and get in.
  • dscampbell19
    dscampbell19 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I'm 65 years young and working to keep it that way. During these tough times it is challenging to stay active. I hope to stay motivated while my gym is closed. I love a community of folks over 60 to share with. I look forward to our shared success. :)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    good afternoon everyone, yesterday I walked a LOT, I got little over 16,000 steps in!! I impressed myself. The weather was beautiful & I love being out doors in clear sunny cool weather. I walked about 2 hrs after work with the dogs. I always take my shepherd Eleanor & take turns walking the other dogs with her. I had another good day at work. I re cleaned the flooded room that's part of the kitchen there. It smelled very musty, what happened a few days ago was.. there are 2 cats in there & there's another sink around the corner from the main sink, the cat(s) tipped over a bag of cat food & as it fell into the sink, it turned on the faucet, the cat food plugged up the drain & it flooded the room, it's only funny because it didn't happen at my house, lol. Today is a rainy day so going to do a little cooking then do some house cleaning/organizing. Don't know how far I'll get but I'll do some. I want to make some sweet potato flat bread. I came across it on you tube accidentally looking up something else. Husband bought sweet potatoes couple days ago. He went to store this morning to buy meat He got pigs feet, pork neck bones & pork steaks. I think today I want some pigs feet. Yup, lots of pork. Stores have been low or out of chicken. I do love pork & it's fairly low calorie. My least favorite meat it beef. I like ground beef & tri tip & will occasionally have a steak, oh I also like pot roast since we got our instant pot, before that beef always came out tough or stringy. Husband makes delicious pinto beans in the instant pot so I asked him to make some today. He saute's garlic first & used chicken broth, so yummy. My favorite meat is chicken, ground turkey, ham, pork, fish then beef. What are your favorite kinds of meat, for those who eat meat? oh, I love sausage but I switched to chicken/turkey sausage. My parents used to make sausage every year growing up