60 yrs and up



  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    @lindagalbreath577 I love zinnias, but can't keep the rabbits from eating them. Have any hints?
  • marycarstens
    marycarstens Posts: 4 Member
    I am 63. I have lost 40+ pounds and would like to lose about 15 more. I have been at a plateau for weeks, so I am trying 5/2 fasting, with 500 calories on the 2 fasting days. Wish me luck.
  • bubbajoe7423
    bubbajoe7423 Posts: 6 Member
    @lindagalbreath577 I love zinnias, but can't keep the rabbits from eating them. Have any hints?
    have you tried a motion activated sprinkler.. find them online or at a big box hardware store..
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    edited March 2020
    Greetings, all. Working from home this morning and will venture out this afternoon. Have a safe day, everyone!

    Add me as a friend if you like. I check in here most days and I'm always ready to share support and encouragement.

    To add friends on MFP using the desktop app;

    1) Click on the username in the left sidebar. A window showing the username will open.
    2) Click on the username again. The user's profile will open.
    3) Click on the "Add Friend" button on the user's profile page. There is an option to send a message along with the request. That's always a good idea - just a short note mentioning where you saw the user, some common interests or goals, etc.
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 229 Member
    Hi all. Had a good day. Nice weigh-in weekly loss today. Rainy here, keeping active to keep from going stir crazy.
    Not enough social distancing in our area. So many people swarmed the cherry blossoms and Mall in DC this weekend the National Guard was dispatched to enforce closures. People just aren't taking distancing seriously and I worry it will lead to hospitals becoming so crowded that doctors will need to make triage decisions deciding which infected people are able to be treated or not due lack of resources. God bless our healthcare providers and first responders. On the brighter side, it's good to hear so many reports of people helping people. Perhaps this crisis can make us a stronger world.

    barbiecat - your experience is so helpful, creating good habits is the key goal in my new way to live now
    teresadanner and josephinebowman - hope to see beautiful iris pics as the season blooms, I miss my perennial gardens most after downsizing
    Evamutt - your mutts are so lucky to have you. Favorite meat answer - a nice sirloin steak once in awhile
    alteredsteve175 - hope you can work from home now and mother nature gives you good hiking weather
    Fishwishing - good for you distancing, please keep track of all the grandkids hugs you've missed so you can collect when this is over. Yay to -2!
    Lindagalbreath577 - enjoy your new gardens, good for you for rescuing the neighborhood plants
    RichardHaw - welcome, check in here often it helps to keep you focused
    bethe - glad you found plants you wanted. Doubt the people hoarding the baby wipes will remember "no wipes in pipes" for water treatment safety. Hope your local stores restock soon.
    dscampbell119 - welcome, lots of great senior fitness videos on YouTube to keep us moving
    alligatorrob - your pics are a breath of fresh air, thanks
    AnnPT77 - your garden sounds delightful. Love the C. tommasinianus pic. I got along with my *kitten* willow best when I kept it trimmed (not a fun job). Hoarding lentils, LOL
    dagastad - welcome
    thnorris13 - nice to meet you. Keep tracking your food and exercise it works wonders
    lynnchristy - down 2.2 YAY and you’re the greatest
    7sorok - Happy Birthday and welcome
    bacpath - miss my hikes - glad you safely can
    annlizz23 - keeping your cat happy is important, they know something's up these days
    Retiredandlovingit - zinnias are wonderful indeed, love seeing the gold finches munching away at the spent flower seeds
    Welcome aboard - kencroth20, gbarringer4, marycarstens and bubbajoe7423. Keep logging your food and keep coming here, we love hearing success stories.

    Keep up the good work everybody. Stay safe and stay home. Om…

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :)j29t You are such an inspiration to all of us the way you notice and respond to everyone. I am glad to be sharing this journey with you. <3

    :'( my plans for weeding for 30 minutes every day were thwarted today by rain so I'm back in the house on the exercise bike

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • 7sorok
    7sorok Posts: 112 Member
    Age 65, Male, started this journey Jan.6, 2020 at 263 lbs. Today, March 23, I'm 209.
    You know you've lost weight when you loosen you belt and your pants fall to the floor. I started with a 46" waist and now it's 40". BP went from 156/85 to 117/71. I'm no longer pre-diabetic and no longer have sleep apnea. I don't snore a night either. Every two weeks I meet with a physician and nutritionist. Everything about this has been positive.

    Wouldn't you say that's too much?. You had lost 54 lbs in 2.5 months. How did you do that?
  • alligatorob
    alligatorob Posts: 806 Member
    Age 65, Male, started this journey Jan.6, 2020 at 263 lbs. Today, March 23, I'm 209.
    You know you've lost weight when you loosen you belt and your pants fall to the floor. I started with a 46" waist and now it's 40". BP went from 156/85 to 117/71. I'm no longer pre-diabetic and no longer have sleep apnea. I don't snore a night either. Every two weeks I meet with a physician and nutritionist. Everything about this has been positive.
    That is truly amazing, can you tell us more about how you did it? Congratulations!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :) This evening the Governor of Washington issued a stay at home order so hubby suggested going to the grocery store before all the panicky people decided to go. The store was not crowded and everyone was very polite and kept their distance. I found everything on my list which was long because it's been two weeks since I shopped. I had to get peanut butter in a jar because the bulk food section including grind your own peanut butter was closed. I always use reusable grocery bags so it was hard on my thrifty soul to have to bring things home in paper bags. At someone's suggestion, I wore disposable gloves and carried my credit card in my pocket. When I got home I stripped off all my clothes down to the skin and threw everything in the washer.

    :) Earlier I walked dogs, rode my exercise bike, answered emails from friends, and made phone calls. I noticed that when I was watching a Hallmark movie that I cringed every time people hugged each other, which they do a lot in Hallmark movies.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pippo_11
    pippo_11 Posts: 42 Member
    Age 65, Male, started this journey Jan.6, 2020 at 263 lbs. Today, March 23, I'm 209.
    You know you've lost weight when you loosen you belt and your pants fall to the floor. I started with a 46" waist and now it's 40". BP went from 156/85 to 117/71.

    I now have the pants issue too, and BP drop which I find amazing. Had to put an extra hole in all my belts! You’ve done really well. Congratulations :)
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning 60 & uppers :) The governor of Michigan imposed a mandate that all nonessential businesses must close. It started at midnight, so I am curious to see the impact it will have on things here in. We are not noticing a lot of change as we are retired and don't go out much anyway.

    alteredsteve175, how did your walk go? I like to ride my bike, around here there are no straight streets you are either going up or down. Sometimes it's a challenge not to change gears to make it easier :blush:
    lindagalbreath577, I enjoy your posts you are always so cheerful :smiley: Aren't you blessed to have been able to rescue those daffodils and get the two rose bushes. You stay safe, too :)
    josephinebowman, your posts always make me smile... thank you (((hug)))
    7sorok Welcome :) I have found that I have also been rationing my intake, somewhat. Funny video, thanks for sharing. I agree with you regarding ebooks. I have been an avid reader for many years and miss the feel and smell of a good book.
    alligatorob, another wonderful picture, lovely sky :) Keep up the great hikes (a big thumbsup)
    bacpath, I really enjoy how you describe what you see while you're walking, I can actually envision it :smiley:
    Evamutt, my granddaughter is an ER RN in a pediatric hospital. We have quite a bit in common. Isn't it enlightening to see how people are interpreting social distancing and applying it? :neutral:
    barbiecat, you are so positive and uplifting (((hug))) I enjoy reading your posts and it makes me realize, even more, how very much I have to be grateful for... Thank you <3 Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you, I have daisies, irises, daylily, clematis, firewheel or blanketflower (some call them Indian blankets), daffodils, black-eyed Susans and a bunch of wild flowers I don't know the name of :blush:
    AnnPT77, hello :smile: Any word about when rowing may start?
    j29t, you are such a good grandmother (((hug))) I bet your grandkids love your videos :smiley: As if the reading isn't enough you do experiments... you are the bomb when it comes to grammas B) YAY for your loss of weight this week, too.
    annliz23, happy cats are a must ... happy cats🐈🐈🐱 :smiley: If mine isn't he lets us know in a very loud voice.
    gbarringer4 Welcome, your transformation is amazing and inspiring B)
    kenschroth20 Welcome o:) Wow, we have our own pastor, how cool is that :smiley: I find it is best for me to weigh once a week, also.
    RetiredAndLovingIt Hello there, I hope you get an answer for hungry bunnies :'(
    marycarstens Welcome to the group and good luck to you :)
    bubbajoe7423 Welcome :smile:
    pippo_11 Welcome, I am also a member of the baggy pants group LOL

    Have a blessed day everyone :smiley:

    Shout out to my wonderful friends <3
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,623 Member
    Good morning 60 & uppers :) The governor of Michigan imposed a mandate that all nonessential businesses must close. It started at midnight, so I am curious to see the impact it will have on things here in. We are not noticing a lot of change as we are retired and don't go out much anyway.

    alteredsteve175, how did your walk go? I like to ride my bike, around here there are no straight streets you are either going up or down. Sometimes it's a challenge not to change gears to make it easier :blush:
    lindagalbreath577, I enjoy your posts you are always so cheerful :smiley: Aren't you blessed to have been able to rescue those daffodils and get the two rose bushes. You stay safe, too :)
    josephinebowman, your posts always make me smile... thank you (((hug)))
    7sorok Welcome :) I have found that I have also been rationing my intake, somewhat. Funny video, thanks for sharing. I agree with you regarding ebooks. I have been an avid reader for many years and miss the feel and smell of a good book.
    alligatorob, another wonderful picture, lovely sky :) Keep up the great hikes (a big thumbsup)
    bacpath, I really enjoy how you describe what you see while you're walking, I can actually envision it :smiley:
    Evamutt, my granddaughter is an ER RN in a pediatric hospital. We have quite a bit in common. Isn't it enlightening to see how people are interpreting social distancing and applying it? :neutral:
    barbiecat, you are so positive and uplifting (((hug))) I enjoy reading your posts and it makes me realize, even more, how very much I have to be grateful for... Thank you <3 Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you, I have daisies, irises, daylily, clematis, firewheel or blanketflower (some call them Indian blankets), daffodils, black-eyed Susans and a bunch of wild flowers I don't know the name of :blush:
    AnnPT77, hello :smile: Any word about when rowing may start?
    j29t, you are such a good grandmother (((hug))) I bet your grandkids love your videos :smiley: As if the reading isn't enough you do experiments... you are the bomb when it comes to grammas B) YAY for your loss of weight this week, too.
    annliz23, happy cats are a must ... happy cats🐈🐈🐱 :smiley: If mine isn't he lets us know in a very loud voice.
    gbarringer4 Welcome, your transformation is amazing and inspiring B)
    kenschroth20 Welcome o:) Wow, we have our own pastor, how cool is that :smiley: I find it is best for me to weigh once a week, also.
    RetiredAndLovingIt Hello there, I hope you get an answer for hungry bunnies :'(
    marycarstens Welcome to the group and good luck to you :)
    bubbajoe7423 Welcome :smile:
    pippo_11 Welcome, I am also a member of the baggy pants group LOL

    Have a blessed day everyone :smiley:

    Shout out to my wonderful friends <3

    Wow your so good at this commenting thanks
  • 7sorok
    7sorok Posts: 112 Member
    edited March 2020
    We just came from Trader Joe's. They implemented good policy. They have a line for seniors and a line for young people and at the opening, they let 2 seniors and 1 young in. By the time I finished shopping in 30 min, there were no lines. It was very controlled.

    Also, and this is VERY IMPORTANT. This came from an internal message in my DD's place of employment with the request to spread the word:

    Just got this from Cornell:
    Information from Vienna’s laboratory studying COVID-19 says the vast majority of people who died had ibuprofen/Advil in their system so do not take it!! Those who recovered did not take ibuprofen so if you have symptoms, take Paracetamol only!!! Looks like this virus thrives on ibuprofen so don’t do it and tell everyone you can!!!
    Please pass this information on to everyone in each family. I don't want to miss anyone so share as much as you can. Or copy and paste!
    I just spoke with my friend who is a nurse at VGH (Vancouver) and they just learned that Advil makes the virus 10x worse. Tylenol ONLY for the time being. She said Advil kickstarts the virus into pneumonia.
    She also said she found some people in their 40s and 50s who were previously healthy to be on ventilators and having major difficulty breathing because they took Advil.
    So please no Advil and stay safe!!!
    There are a few articles online
    No Advil
    No Advil or any NSAIDS!!!!

    I hope this is not the desinfo, but then I don't think so. The guy who passed this in my DD's company is a lawyer

  • lindagalbreath577
    lindagalbreath577 Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Well we have rain today so I am cleaning house. Will go for a walk today in between showers. lynnchristy thank you . You are so good at commenting on everyone’s progress. I can’t remember everyone’s names I have to go back and forth. Welcome to all the new people this is a great place to make friends and talk about what your going through. Went to Walmart this morning at 6am. They are handing out toilet paper and paper towels. You are allowed 1 gallon of milk. I got what I needed. These are my tulips I planted last year! Stay healthy and have a great day!!
  • 7sorok
    7sorok Posts: 112 Member
    Here's another one to confirm my previous post:

    French Health Minister Olivier Veran warned on Twitter against the use of ibuprofen and cortisone in the event of a coronavirus infection. The official announced that these drugs allegedly exacerbate the disease caused by the new virus, and paracetamol should be used instead.

    please take care everybody and be well!!!
  • OneRegularCoffee
    OneRegularCoffee Posts: 5 Member
    Georgia at sixty here. Started this journey at 205 on March 14, and somehow got down to 198.8 (weighed yesterday). My next goal is 190 by April 12, and a final goal of 129 by September 17.
    The only thing I've been doing is adding lots of fiber, calorie counting 1200 a day for 3 days and 2000 for one, and also step 2300 a day and go for a walk.
    This week I'm trying to stretch a bit. Next week I'll add weight training. That means a lot of things but I'll start with a kettle ball and 10 and 15 lb weights.
    Good luck everybody.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    7sorok Hmm, I don't know but it sure might be worth recalling just in case. I wish 'they' had more answers and could say x number of days. Yesterday, some story somewhere said blood type could make a difference -- you guessed it, I have one type and the kid has the other. My doctor insists she sees me before renewing my Rx and I have been thinking of finding a new Doctor. They were not very friendly on the phone (they said call) and I am not asking for controlled subs (I need thyroid medicine b/c I don't have a thyroid.) I can see my little broccoli plants from the kitchen window. Sadly, the dogs stomped the tomatoes but I will have to go out to inspect my peas. So many years I have tried to grow tomatoes and NEVER managed a good old big slicing one. I really have to quit this folly. I am waiting to eat dinner until after my WW meeting if I can get it going online. Coolish today but the weathperson predicts warmer days for tomorrow etc five days!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,627 Member
    Thank you for the info 7sorok, I have heard that but not about taking it before a person gets the virus. I'm wondering if it's ok to keep taking turmeric paste that I make, it's not a drug, or if it's related in any way at all, since I take it for inflammation. I do take ibuprofen when my shoulder pain flairs up, as it has yesterday, but I took tylenol instead.