What features would you be willing to pay a little extra for?



  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I would like to be able to edit an existing food entry via the app. You can do this on the web if the existing entry is incorrect, but not on the app. So when I search for something and can’t find a correct entry, I then have to create yet another entry for the same exact food because the 147 existing entries are net carbs or missing half the nutrients or the manufacturer changed the info 3 years ago or typos or whatever.

    I don’t know if I would pay the premium price that though.

    I report the food and then click the box "save the new info to my foods" and I'm able to enter the new info without having to make an entry.

    I have logged all my food for 7 years and I’ve never seen that. 😂😂😂 thank you.

    They sneakily put it in... I noticed it randomly one day when I was logging. :laugh:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Caralarma wrote: »
    patrickaa5 wrote: »
    I would pay if MFP could somehow autofix the "lose vs loose" problem. ;)

    Hahah I swear I see people getting this wrong all over social media and other platforms... to the point that it's a pleasant surprise when I do actually see it spelled correctly. I guess it's the same as the misused apostrophe problem... just have to accept that people don't get it.

    Oh, I am constantly correcting apostrophes in shared docs at work...
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I would like to be able to edit an existing food entry via the app. You can do this on the web if the existing entry is incorrect, but not on the app. So when I search for something and can’t find a correct entry, I then have to create yet another entry for the same exact food because the 147 existing entries are net carbs or missing half the nutrients or the manufacturer changed the info 3 years ago or typos or whatever.

    I don’t know if I would pay the premium price that though.

    I report the food and then click the box "save the new info to my foods" and I'm able to enter the new info without having to make an entry.

    I have logged all my food for 7 years and I’ve never seen that. 😂😂😂 thank you.

    They sneakily put it in... I noticed it randomly one day when I was logging. :laugh:

    That’s honestly been my biggest complaint the entire time-that you can’t correct an entry on the app. It doesn’t happen THAT often but it’s irritating when the closest to correct existing entry has 111g of fat when it should be 11 and everything else is right.

  • MarieRosekenji85
    MarieRosekenji85 Posts: 147 Member
    Fatty_Nuff wrote: »
    I'd pay if MFP would just clean up it's food database. Yikes, what a mess. Dozens and dozens of entries for "tap water", for example. And some of the spelling...chicken beast, genetic apples. smh Or maybe they just leave those entries there for laughs?

    THIS ^^^^ going through loads of incorrect data isn't benefiting anyone.

  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    edited January 2019
    I may not pay extra money for it but I would like the option to add or remove certain threads from my recent post feed. For instance, I would hide all posts made to the Goal: Maintaining Weight, Goal: Gaining Weight and Body Building, Chit-Chat, and Fun and Games threads because those are not my focus. I don't want to lose them forever but hide them until/if I want to see them again.

    ETA: Please give us a search option for the recipes we created. Again, I wouldn't pay extra for it but I think both of these things could at least be included in the premium price.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I may not pay extra money for it but I would like the option to add or remove certain threads from my recent post feed. For instance, I would hide all posts made to the Goal: Maintaining Weight, Goal: Gaining Weight and Body Building, Chit-Chat, and Fun and Games threads because those are not my focus. I don't want to lose them forever but hide them until/if I want to see them again.

    ETA: Please give us a search option for the recipes we created. Again, I wouldn't pay extra for it but I think both of these things could at least be included in the premium price.

    I believe you can filter out the forum headings you don’t wish to see.

    And you can search for recipes via the app. But not the web. That won’t be helpful if you don’t use the app though.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    You can filter forums. I think you need to be on the web version to set it up initially. After that, your preferences will carry over to the app.
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    If the app could somehow use my phone’ NFC frequencies to just melt the fat away l would pay for that...
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2019
    The correct answer is to clean up the food database.

    I would like it if the remaining calories go straight to "What a Failure Red" when you're 8 calories over. I'd prefer a "You're Doing Just Fine, Sugar" yellow until one gets to maintenance cals, then a "Whoah, Slow Down Baby" orange, then red when you're at a surplus.

    But I'm the sensitive type.

    That wouldn't work because some people use the app for maintaining and gaining. If the calorie ranges were customizable, that would be a good idea. I often like to eat within a range, so setting "everything is going as planned" for that range would be cool. I often ignore the colors to the point where I don't even pay attention to them anymore. Years of logging toughened my skin quite a bit.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    The correct answer is to clean up the food database.

    I would like it if the remaining calories didn't go straight to "What a Failure Red" when you're 8 calories over. I'd prefer a "You're Doing Just Fine, Sugar" yellow until one gets to maintenance cals, then a "Whoah, Slow Down Baby" orange, then red when you're at a surplus.

    But I'm the sensitive type.
    Me too.

    It really doesn't help the newbies who think they will gain weight if they go over their calories for the day by any amount.

    I've said before that MFP could make it clearer that the calorie ceiling target that you get after you've set your rate of loss is NOT the same as your maintenance calories.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I pay for premium because I like having a different calorie goal for each day. But I'm really getting disenchanted with all the bugs, it seems they should test upgrades and changes on a test database and if they are doing that it seems they aren't doing it with enough "users" to find these issues before go live.

    Having said that I'd like to see:

    Clean up the database (junk in junk out, no wonder some are struggling)
    USDA database
    add micronutrients
    Any added entries verified
    Opt out of seeing new friends of friends on my feed
    Opt out of the 5 week update and base it on weight trend and not food.
    Messenger/chat between friends
    Editing comments on feed
    Slightly updated interface/graphics

    Edit: get rid of the woo button on progress pictures. I understand some think it means woohoo but for those of us that know what it means it's kinda sad to see those on progress pictures.

    I think I stopped checking my feed when they made the change that started giving us the new friends of friends updates.
  • Aint2Proud2Meg
    Aint2Proud2Meg Posts: 193 Member

    That wouldn't work because some people use the app for maintaining and gaining. If the calorie ranges were customizable, that would be a good idea. I often like to eat within a range, so setting "everything is going as planned" for that range would be cool. I often ignore the colors to the point where I don't even pay attention to them anymore. Years of logging toughened my skin quite a bit.

    My thought was that one sets their goals to lose, maintain, or gain. It would just apply differently based on that.
  • Aint2Proud2Meg
    Aint2Proud2Meg Posts: 193 Member
    edited January 2019
    Me too.

    It really doesn't help the newbies who think they will gain weight if they go over their calories for the day by any amount.

    I've said before that MFP could make it clearer that the calorie ceiling target that you get after you've set your rate of loss is NOT the same as your maintenance calories.

    That's exactly who I'm thinking of. Heck, I've been an mfp member for ages (this is my second account) and I still think it would help me on some level. Looking forward to maintenance it would be nice if being in target range, being just a little high/low, and being way over/under appeared in a way that you'd catch at a glance.

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'd pay for a database in which the only whole foods entries were those MFP pulled from the USDA database, didn't have liquid measurements like ml for solid foods, and all the decimal errors were fixed (1 g entries show values for 100 g).

    It would need to be a complete database as well. For example, the MFP-created entry "Egg, whole, raw, fresh" has been missing for a few years. I still have it in my Recent, but need to use a user-created entry in the Recipe Builder.

    This^^ all day long. Some way to differentiate. Even if it is a different color text that would work: or a second list completely. That doesn't seem to be that hard of a fix. No idea why it has to be difficult. When Mike owned the site, there was an asterisk that was in front of all the user-entered ones and the admin-entered ones didn't have the asterisk. (Or was it the other way 'round?)

    The asterisk was the admin entries. I liked that better than the check mark.

    I agree with cleaning up the mess of the database.

    I also like the idea of changing the colors, maybe a stoplight type colors, green under, yellow within a reasonable range, red over (reversed if you are trying to gain, and maybe green in the middle, yellow on either side, and red beyond that for people in maintenance). The layout could be triggered by choosing your goal. Personally, I don't care about the colors, but I think it would help with some of the confusion.

    Ability to filter thread titles by keyword would be awesome. So, block all threads with "something I'm not interested in" in the title.

    Finally, not something I would pay for because I don't do net carbs, but a solution to the net carb issues would be awesome. Having a tick box to indicate net carb when entries are made could be one way to help sort, and another check box when setting up the diary/goals. I don't know who's going to do all that work though. This is an example where having the ability to filter threads by keyword would help (for me).

  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    Me too.

    It really doesn't help the newbies who think they will gain weight if they go over their calories for the day by any amount.

    I've said before that MFP could make it clearer that the calorie ceiling target that you get after you've set your rate of loss is NOT the same as your maintenance calories.

    That's exactly who I'm thinking of. Heck, I've been an mfp member for ages (this is my second account) and I still think it would help me on some level. Looking forward to maintenance it would be nice if being in target range, being just a little high/low, and being way over/under appeared in a way that you'd catch at a glance.
    Completely agreed. Blaring red numbers when I'm 33 cals over just aren't nice.

    I made this thread once, but it didn't catch the popular imagination. :grin:https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10570677/what-about-an-amendment-to-the-way-the-nutritional-goals-are-displayed-post-set-up#latest

  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited January 2019
    A pop up like the 5wk update would work for going over calories (make the number over yellow). For example if you went over yet still in a deficit a pop up when completing the diary could just say "great job your still in a defict however you weight loss may be slowed" or " great job you at at maintainance today" or " caution you are eating over your maintance calories for the day" and depending on what you selected as lose or gain it would prompt different/reverse responses.

    or something along those lines.