Haters gonna hate. tired of the "1200 is not enough" speech



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    Why be content to eat 1200 and then spend your life maintaining at 1500-1600-1700? What kind of life, in the long term, is that?

    I mean, other than my worst nightmare.

    A normal kind of life, with normal-sized portions. Not that it's not important to indulge in a meal out or ice cream every so often. But most days, at my height of 5'2ish, 1400 is really what I should be eating at a healthy weight from my height when I'm NOT dieting. This used to be common sense.

    I'm really glad we live in a country where a short woman eating 1700 calories can be someone's worst nightmare.

    Nightmares. Literal nightmares.

    I'm a short woman (a whole inch taller than you) eating 1700+ to LOSE a pound a week. Why do you assume your 1400 to maintain is what is 'normal', as opposed to my ability to lose on more than that?

    And just so we're clear I'm not obese or drastically overweight or amazing fit/active and thus need some ridiculous amount to maintain my weight.

    Not to be argumentative or anything, but why are you so convinced that your calorie allowance should be hers?
    What about age, activity level, etc. Those variables are an important part of the equation too. :huh:

    I'm not convinced my intake should be her intake, but I am convinced that there is no reason to maintain on 1400 assuming you aren't 4 feet tall OR have some manner of medical condition that precludes from all form of activity including moving from room to room. A toddler (Ages 2-4) needs roughly a thousand calories a day but a grown woman is saying that she can't eat more than 1400 or she gains weight. Which may be true, but why in the world would you be content to eat barely more than a toddler to maintain your weight? Doesn't that seem like something that should be...I don't know, addressed?

    And that's my point. Sure you can lose on 1200 and maybe you can only eat 1500 or else you gain weight, but why in the world are you okay with that? Why does that seem like an 'okay' way to go through life?

    And of course activity level is a factor, which is why I stress that I am sedentary. I literally spend all but maybe 2 of my waking hours on the computer or couch. It doesn't get much more sedentary than that.

    But. I suppose fundamentally if that's what makes people happy in life than whatever. I would never be happy eating such a small amount and so that will never be my life. If the only way I could lose my last 14 pounds was by eating at 1200 I'd opt to stay right where I am. I will say no more on the matter.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I eat 1100-1200 (when I'm dieting) and people are always "yada yada yada STARVATION MODE!" I'm so sick of it.

    Before giving your opinion learn a little about the person you are giving your opinion to. Not all of us are 6'2 and have a TDEE of 2400.

    My TDEE is 1600/1700. I have a 400 calorie deficit, probably most of you have a much bigger deficit than I do.

    Stop demonizing 1200 calories and learn that it ALL depends on how tall, fat, active you are. Seriously some threads sound like broken records. Read a little before saying the "you are eating too little blablabla"

    I remember a woman saying she ate 800-900 and like 3 pages of people saying she was pretty much an idiot for doing that. She stated in her topic that she had surgery to lose weight and thats her maximum calories because her stomach is super small and nobody even read that, they were too preocupied to say she was not eating enough.

    That's it. Please, READ the topics and learn a little about the person before saying the you are eating few calories speech because it does not always apply

    PS: First language is not english, I'm from Chile and speak spanish so any grammer mistakes I apologize.

    So many people want to judge and not help. Makes me sick!!!
  • iTrainHARD
    Sorry OP, had to.
    Here is OP's height, age and current weight with no exercise.

    Your deficit should be around 15-20% of your TDEE, which is nowhere near 1200 calories...and that's assuming you're not doing any exercise, ever.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Sorry OP, had to.
    Here is OP's height, age and current weight with no exercise.

    **pic edited out

    Which is completely irrelevant to the point of this entire thread.
  • iTrainHARD
    Sorry OP, had to.
    Here is OP's height, age and current weight with no exercise.

    **pic edited out

    Which is completely irrelevant to the point of this entire thread.

    It's not. She used herself as an example before explaining that it annoys her that people don't read before offering advice. She stated that she eats around 1100 calories due to her own unique height and weight measurements. I went ahead and used her information to offer advice. I actually read her entire post, I guess you're the one who didn't.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sorry OP, had to.
    Here is OP's height, age and current weight with no exercise.

    **pic edited out

    Which is completely irrelevant to the point of this entire thread.

    It's not. She used herself as an example before explaining that it annoys her that people don't read before offering advice. She stated that she eats around 1100 calories due to her own unique height and weight measurements. I went ahead and used her information to offer advice. I actually read her entire post, I guess you're the one who didn't.

    Actually...that wasn't the point of this thread. It's about reading comprehension, not the 1200 calorie goal.

    ETA: If you go back and read page 1 and page 12, you'll see that this is true. :flowerforyou:
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    Very negative!! I thought this was a site where people support each other... wow.

    It's a fitness site, not a support group.

    Well that's real wrong! What do you think the Community boards are for?
  • iTrainHARD
    Sorry OP, had to.
    Here is OP's height, age and current weight with no exercise.

    **pic edited out

    Which is completely irrelevant to the point of this entire thread.

    It's not. She used herself as an example before explaining that it annoys her that people don't read before offering advice. She stated that she eats around 1100 calories due to her own unique height and weight measurements. I went ahead and used her information to offer advice. I actually read her entire post, I guess you're the one who didn't.

    Actually...that wasn't the point of this thread. It's about reading comprehension, not the 1200 calorie goal.

    ETA: If you go back and read page 1 and page 12, you'll see that this is true. :flowerforyou:
    I eat 1100-1200 (when I'm dieting) and people are always "yada yada yada STARVATION MODE!" I'm so sick of it.

    Before giving your opinion learn a little about the person you are giving your opinion to. Not all of us are 6'2 and have a TDEE of 2400.

    My TDEE is 1600/1700. I have a 400 calorie deficit, probably most of you have a much bigger deficit than I do.

    Stop demonizing 1200 calories and learn that it ALL depends on how tall, fat, active you are. Seriously some threads sound like broken records. Read a little before saying the "you are eating too little blablabla"

    Here's a reminder, just for you!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sorry OP, had to.
    Here is OP's height, age and current weight with no exercise.

    **pic edited out

    Which is completely irrelevant to the point of this entire thread.

    It's not. She used herself as an example before explaining that it annoys her that people don't read before offering advice. She stated that she eats around 1100 calories due to her own unique height and weight measurements. I went ahead and used her information to offer advice. I actually read her entire post, I guess you're the one who didn't.

    Actually...that wasn't the point of this thread. It's about reading comprehension, not the 1200 calorie goal.

    ETA: If you go back and read page 1 and page 12, you'll see that this is true. :flowerforyou:
    I eat 1100-1200 (when I'm dieting) and people are always "yada yada yada STARVATION MODE!" I'm so sick of it.

    Before giving your opinion learn a little about the person you are giving your opinion to. Not all of us are 6'2 and have a TDEE of 2400.

    My TDEE is 1600/1700. I have a 400 calorie deficit, probably most of you have a much bigger deficit than I do.

    Stop demonizing 1200 calories and learn that it ALL depends on how tall, fat, active you are. Seriously some threads sound like broken records. Read a little before saying the "you are eating too little blablabla"

    Here's a reminder, just for you!

    I don't need a reminder. Here's a reminder for you. op's first language is not English and even so, many people don't make their points clear. But OP herself stated that the thread was not about the 1200 calorie goal, but about how people don't actually fully read and comprehend what someone is saying.

    Her post was about someone coming down on another because they didn't read that the OP had just had gastric surgery. She put her stats to show that she is okay at 1200 to try to show that sometimes people don't realize that just because she says 1200 doesn't mean she's eating ONLY 1200. (she's netting it from what she said later on by the way)

    As I said, it wasn't well put out..but it was the point of the thread. NOT whether 1200 is okay or not.
  • aggieanne04
    aggieanne04 Posts: 71 Member
    Hahahaha! I think the starvation mode thing is totally crap, too- at least it is for me personally. The only thing that seems to work for me to lose weight- fat- is to consistently have net calories under 1000, i.e. eat 1200-1300 and burn around 300cal through exercise. I don't lose weight simply working out. I don't lose weight simply cutting back on portions. I only lose weight when I eat fewer calories and get in consistent exercise. I'm no even going to wade through all of the pages of responses, but I did want to reply to the OP. My BMR is 1495 and TDEE is 1795. Whenever I regularly eat 1500cal/day or more- even with my exercising- I gain weight. I have to do what works for me and quit being in denial.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.

    This is so false
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.

    Or the "right" way actually turns out to be the right way, and they want others to be as successful as they have been.

    Or they lost the wrong way, and they want others to be saved the hassle of going through what they went through.

    Or they just want other people to be healthy. What horrible people they must be.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.

    I was gonna say something mean. But instead I'll just say: Yeah. You totally caught me. I'm very jealous of people who eat what basically amounts to 1.5 meals less than me. Darn, if only I could eat 1200 calories and race to the weight loss finish line as well. If only I could be as successful as you, for example.

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.

    Did you know that 1200 is not enough?
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.

  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.

    Or the "right" way actually turns out to be the right way, and they want others to be as successful as they have been.

    Or they lost the wrong way, and they want others to be saved the hassle of going through what they went through.

    Or they just want other people to be healthy. What horrible people they must be.

    love your rusty pic! happy little trees! :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    People who say 1200 is not enough are either still overweight or they lost or are losing weight the "right way" (slower) but are jealous because other people have found success losing weight faster at 1200 without any ill effects.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I lost weight on less than 1200 and I have lost weight up to 1700. Much of it for me depends on expenditure. So if I am working out hard and often, I can eat more. That, I like.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Ummm...who here is aware that the OP's point actually had NOTHING to really do with the 1200 calorie goal?


    Bueller? Bueller?

    Lack of reading comprehension in a thread about reading comprehension?

    Classic MFP.


    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: