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Is anyone confused?



  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Of course my friend. Some specifics are not allowed. I can't condense my theories onto a paragraph because there is often too much to cover and often I would be accused of self promotion, I'd be censored and banned. This post is more about a general philosophies. I mentioned this before, as open as a forum is, there are governing bodies that limit and control how the information flows. I get why this happens but it is still a reality. I do sometimes wonder how many times I answer to an actual user versus a moderators account. That is part of life online. :)

    I don't understand this.

    Myself, I eat a wide variety of foods keeping a deficit each day, do 3 full body workouts per week and cardio/abs 2-3 times per week. My exercise plan is based on AthleanX Ax1 and Ax2.

    That's a very small paragraph and I'm fairly certain it is within forum guidlines. What am I missing?

    I read that as - my knowledge is too complicated for you folks to understand, and I'd really have to link you to my website and sales page which I'm not allowed to do here.
    So do I.
  • FitFamilyGuy
    FitFamilyGuy Posts: 73 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Of course my friend. Some specifics are not allowed. I can't condense my theories onto a paragraph because there is often too much to cover and often I would be accused of self promotion, I'd be censored and banned. This post is more about a general philosophies. I mentioned this before, as open as a forum is, there are governing bodies that limit and control how the information flows. I get why this happens but it is still a reality. I do sometimes wonder how many times I answer to an actual user versus a moderators account. That is part of life online. :)

    I don't understand this.

    Myself, I eat a wide variety of foods keeping a deficit each day, do 3 full body workouts per week and cardio/abs 2-3 times per week. My exercise plan is based on AthleanX Ax1 and Ax2.

    That's a very small paragraph and I'm fairly certain it is within forum guidlines. What am I missing?
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    Of course my friend. Some specifics are not allowed. I can't condense my theories onto a paragraph because there is often too much to cover and often I would be accused of self promotion, I'd be censored and banned. This post is more about a general philosophies. I mentioned this before, as open as a forum is, there are governing bodies that limit and control how the information flows. I get why this happens but it is still a reality. I do sometimes wonder how many times I answer to an actual user versus a moderators account. That is part of life online. :)

    I don't understand this.

    Myself, I eat a wide variety of foods keeping a deficit each day, do 3 full body workouts per week and cardio/abs 2-3 times per week. My exercise plan is based on AthleanX Ax1 and Ax2.

    That's a very small paragraph and I'm fairly certain it is within forum guidlines. What am I missing?

    The difference is you’re not selling something.

    Again, I think this kind of thing is a form of discrediting and dismissing the individual when typing things like "bro" "woo" "sales pitch"... I'm not selling anything. I don't have a method to sell. I have countless theories that have been helpful for me and I think they could help a lot of people. Nothing to sell.

    Then why are you being so coy about it? There's nothing wrong with sharing firsthand experience and advice on these forums with others, especially if you believe it will be truly beneficial to them. People do it all the time!

    No problem. What do you want to know? What would be sufficient to help with this thread? I did mention earlier that I was short on time and didn't know where to start. What do you want to know about my theories or strategy? Earlier someone accused me of wanting others to ask me about my strategies and I wanted prove that wasn't the case. I'm trying not to talk about my strategies but what would you like to know?
  • FitFamilyGuy
    FitFamilyGuy Posts: 73 Member
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    I'm just throwing this line of thought out there because I can't help but think there's been a massive breakdown between who is discussing research, who is discussing science (a moment on that one please) and who is discussing how we learn and what from. I'm addressing this strictly from an "end user" PoV so to speak.

    I know my view is simplistic (overly) but at the moment, until I learn more, it works for me.

    To me, research is what a body does in order to find out how something works, by using scientific methodology.

    The scientific results gained from that research are what lead to a change in behavior (learning) and are in a constant state of flux due to variables being added or removed.

    What I do and/or change...or do not do, is a direct result of how that application works for me. The example I'll use is the study of and discussions about concentric and eccentric motion. Bicep curls. Both concentric and eccentric motion work for me, but concentric causes pain, eccentric does not.

    I need treatment for that tendonitus that is based upon medical research, the results of which are taught to doctors so they can tell me why, and properly treat it.

    I do not need (won't accept because I don't like pain) someone telling that xyz worked for them without any understanding that xyz may cause further damage.

    I also need and will listen to someone with the proper education who can help me do what I would like to based on my particular variables or, possibly, advise me to get it fixed before attempting any other routines with that arm. This is why I go to men and women who have that proper training and have learned to apply it in real world situations.

    We all know biceps curls strengthen/build biceps. But what can a person tell me about my biceps in particular and why there's pain when I try to exercise them? Is it skeletal/musculature/tendon? I need to know that.

    The supplements are another matter entirely for me as I just do not take any other than protein. I have seen (we all have) some crazy pitches before, but that's past for me today.

    Now i see why you are confused!

    Haha! I was just reading but wasn't going to reply to any of the posts at this time. However, I did laugh when I saw yours! Well done.
    Something else is kind of gnawing at me a little.

    You haven’t told us what your miracle methods are. I’m assuming that’s available for purchase somewhere.


    According to your profile, you’re 41. As you’ve mentioned more times than I can count, you’ve been doing this same thing for 26 years.

    So...you’ve been doing the exact same thing during a period of your life when your body was still growing to adult size, when it was thriving with peak levels of testosterone and other hormones, and now as you begin to age some. You’ve not made a single change as you’ve gone through these stages?

    Duck_Puddle are you baiting me to be banned for self promotion? I can't tell you as much as I would love to. At some point I may go silent and it may just be because I slip up and someone says I was self promoting and I get booted. Who knows. But that isn't what this thread is about anyway. I think you've been one my biggest critics so I wouldn't expect you to be interested.

    To answer your other questions, yes I have made many changes. Two and a half decades is a long time at any age! I experiment, I try theories, I listen to others, I read magazines years ago, I research online, I learn scientific principles etc. etc... some things work better than others. I will say that I do keep coming back to a style of training that is very similar to what I started with. I am grateful that I found the best strategy for me all of those years back. At 41 I find myself just as motivated and possibly even more enthusiastic than at 21. I can say that I have even found ways to get leaner and in some exercises stronger. Now that was just to answer your questions so I hope that isn't used to discredit me with terms like "bro" "woo" "sales pitch" etc.

    I don't have any methods for purchase. If I did, I think that would be a positive thing as it could possibly help a lot of people and for many years to come. (more than you can count.... haha. You got a chuckle out of me.) :)

    I really don’t understand the need for the cloak and dagger. We all routinely share what we do (and don’t do) and why. This is a public forum built with intention of sharing knowledge. If you’re not wanting to receive payment for your knowledge directly nor via website clicks, what is so privileged that you can’t share it here? Sharing knowledge doesn’t get you banned. Trying to sell stuff (including website traffic clicks) is against the TOS.

    I’m not a critic of YOU. As I’ve said before-this isn’t about YOU. at all.

    I-like all the other “we” in this thread-do criticize the idea that there is great value in getting guidance or information from some random dude who has had success. When we already know why he’s had success and can get that information without a bunch of nonsense.

    No problem. What do you want to know? What would be sufficient to help with this thread? I did mention earlier that I was short on time and didn't know where to start. What do you want to know about my theories or strategy? Earlier someone accused me of wanting others to ask me about my strategies and I wanted prove that wasn't the case. I'm trying not to talk about my strategies but what would you like to know?
  • FitFamilyGuy
    FitFamilyGuy Posts: 73 Member
    Seems to me that this, like many other online bayoneting of strawmen discussions, all revolves around what science is.

    Science is not a religious tradition. It is something quite apart from that - it is a word for a system of investigation into how the world around us works and the results of those investigations.

    There are tens of thousands of incredible athletes who all attribute their success to hard work + doing something unusual. Just asking any one of the athletes at the top will not help you that much, and that's where investigating it properly comes into play, by asking as many as possible, and using maths to determine what is a coincidence and what is statistically significant.

    P.S. It is my personal observation that if there is a sport you care about doing well in, don't depend on asking the best player for advice. The reason the person is doing so well is genetic good luck, youth, dedication to training, and good coaching, and s/he has no idea on how to guide you into improving your own shoddy technique.

    Ask his or her trainer.

    That's a fair opinion. Thanks for sharing. I would ask the athlete and be very interested in their journey from start to finish. There is probably a lot of good information to be learned there. Thanks again.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Lets talk about your strategies. What are they?