Question for those who don't want to be ripped.



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Pretty much this would be what I would call "phoning it in"

    Eat ok, most of the time
    go to the gym, kinda
    Maybe start counting "cleaning - light effort", "Mowing Lawn" as like 1000 calorie events.
    Buy 2 - 10 lbs dumb bells and don't do anything over 10 reps.
    Have kids - will make it impossible to get overly fit.

    Good luck on your journey. Cheers, God bless :flowerforyou:
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I am a veteran who used to be in amazing shape. My profile picture is me climbing Mt. Fugi in Japan. I was in the best shape of my life. My question is, What if I don't want to get back there? I want to lose weight and be healthier, but I don't need or want to be in the shape I was when I was in the military. I want to be thinner and healthier, but I am not joining any weight lifting contests or running any marathons. (I did a full triathlon in Japan. Good stuff.) I don't know if I am making any sense. Is there any one out there like me. Just getting healthier, not ripped.:happy:

    As already mentioned multiple times above, it takes a lot of effort ot reach that point... so just don't go as hard? It's not rocket science...
  • J2U1N
    J2U1N Posts: 16
    Whatever you do, dont lift. Youll get huge.

    sweet thanks. I was so worried. No weights then. Got it. :wink:
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I did one time. I just walked into the squat rack and BAM! Ripped as all get out. I'm still trying to recover by eating as many cauliflower hamburgers as I can. I've been told cauliflower is magical that way, prevents all sorts of bulkiness.

    yup, eating cauliflower FTW!
  • J2U1N
    J2U1N Posts: 16
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Must, get, ripped.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Its not like you're going to hit the gym and wake up one day too "ripped" for your takes hard work and dedication. you can use the same workout tactics to get ripped or just get fit enough to be just adjust your routine when you get to the level of physical fitness you want to maintain.

    I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly.

    Just stay fat.
  • J2U1N
    J2U1N Posts: 16
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.

    People on MFP cant usually see past the words. I understood what you were saying and yes i just want to be healthier and have less of a belly.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:
  • J2U1N
    J2U1N Posts: 16
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.

    People on MFP cant usually see past the words. I understood what you were saying and yes i just want to be healthier and have less of a belly.

    Thanks for this. I was feeling pretty sad about the responses I was getting. Especially the excuse to stay fat one. Makes me want to not come back. Trying not to feel attacked by a single statement. Most people who are trying to lose weight feel pretty bad about themselves anyway. Then to come to a weight loss site with questions and get responses like some of these. Geez. I can appreciate the sarcasm, but the meanness is something else. I don't know...
  • J2U1N
    J2U1N Posts: 16
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    Even when I do lose weight, no one who speaks to me like you will ever be thanked. There is a difference between constructive criticism and having no tact. I am new to this site, but not to weight loss and exercise. Your experience means nothing to mean in the form you threw it out there.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.

    People on MFP cant usually see past the words. I understood what you were saying and yes i just want to be healthier and have less of a belly.

    Thanks for this. I was feeling pretty sad about the responses I was getting. Especially the excuse to stay fat one. Makes me want to not come back. Trying not to feel attacked by a single statement. Most people who are trying to lose weight feel pretty bad about themselves anyway. Then to come to a weight loss site with questions and get responses like some of these. Geez. I can appreciate the sarcasm, but the meanness is something else. I don't know...

    There is a difference between being blunt and being mean.

    Someday you will thank bean for her bluntness, I promise.
  • J2U1N
    J2U1N Posts: 16
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    Also, being a veteran, bluntness is not new to me either. But, you don't out rank me. I would learn to be constructive if I were you. This isn't the military.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    Also, being a veteran, bluntness is not new to me either. But, you don't out rank me. I would learn to be constructive if I were you. This isn't the military.

    You should read back what I wrote when you're calmed down a bit....everything I said was constructive.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    Also, being a veteran, bluntness is not new to me either. But, you don't out rank me. I would learn to be constructive if I were you. This isn't the military.

    And yet, being a veteran, you have very thin skin, which makes me wonder if she struck a nerve.


  • J2U1N
    J2U1N Posts: 16
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.

    People on MFP cant usually see past the words. I understood what you were saying and yes i just want to be healthier and have less of a belly.

    Thanks for this. I was feeling pretty sad about the responses I was getting. Especially the excuse to stay fat one. Makes me want to not come back. Trying not to feel attacked by a single statement. Most people who are trying to lose weight feel pretty bad about themselves anyway. Then to come to a weight loss site with questions and get responses like some of these. Geez. I can appreciate the sarcasm, but the meanness is something else. I don't know...

    There is a difference between being blunt and being mean.

    Someday you will thank bean for her bluntness, I promise.

    I am not new to this. New to this site, that I might be leaving because of her, but not new to weight loss. And, in my opinion it was flat out mean. I am an adult and can take it, but I find it unnecessary.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    Even when I do lose weight, no one who speaks to me like you will ever be thanked. There is a difference between constructive criticism and having no tact. I am new to this site, but not to weight loss and exercise. Your experience means nothing to mean in the form you threw it out there.

    How you can have the background that you claim to have and yet not see the humor in a statement like you "don't want to be ripped," or misunderstand blunt talk, confuses me. No one was attacking or "being mean," just honest and getting a bit of a light hearted chuckle. Best of luck in your journey though, whatever goals you have.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    If you could get ripped by accident, the world would be a much buffer place.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.

    People on MFP cant usually see past the words. I understood what you were saying and yes i just want to be healthier and have less of a belly.

    Thanks for this. I was feeling pretty sad about the responses I was getting. Especially the excuse to stay fat one. Makes me want to not come back. Trying not to feel attacked by a single statement. Most people who are trying to lose weight feel pretty bad about themselves anyway. Then to come to a weight loss site with questions and get responses like some of these. Geez. I can appreciate the sarcasm, but the meanness is something else. I don't know...

    There is a difference between being blunt and being mean.

    Someday you will thank bean for her bluntness, I promise.

    I am not new to this. New to this site, that I might be leaving because of her, but not new to weight loss. And, in my opinion it was flat out mean. I am an adult and can take it, but I find it unnecessary.

    I am sorry you are considering leaving MFP because a poster was blunt with you.

    I hope that you stay, I am wish you the best of success in not becoming ripped!