Question for those who don't want to be ripped.



    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I also don't want to get ripped... IN HALF.


    I thought you liked it? At least that's what you said when we slept together...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I also don't want to get ripped... IN HALF.


    I thought you liked it? At least that's what you said when we slept together...

  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Calorie deficit and walk. Maybe throw in a few pushups and pullups too.

    But what if that walk turns into a marathon? What if OP is suddenly able to do hundreds of pushups by mistake? Have to always be vigilant.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Even when I do lose weight, no one who speaks to me like you will ever be thanked. There is a difference between constructive criticism and having no tact. I am new to this site, but not to weight loss and exercise. Your experience means nothing to mean in the form you threw it out there.
    I liked beans post, it's honest. I was basically thinking the same thing but didn't say anything. So, for future benefit, how would one say what bean said with however amount of tact that you in particularly were wishing for? I'd like to be able to say what she said but since you don't like it I'd like to know a way that someone like you would listen to and benefit from.

    You perceive it as honest, a lot of people perceive it as tactless.

    Insinuating that somebody wants to remain fat but is putting it under the excuse that they do not want to get ripped is not being honest, it is being tactless and frankly, it was unnecessary.

    Still, I am guessing that people that say such things to people, would never mind things being said in a similar vein to themselves :)

    I didn't want to workout the other day because I was in a surly *kitten* mood, and my husband looked me dead in the eye and said "well why not just give up. Bad days happen all the time, so if you stop every time...Just give up. Save me the money on gym classes and smaller clothes."

    So yeah, I don't mind 'just stay fat.' I need to hear it, bluntly and honestly, sometimes.

    As for the OP: How did you survive boot with such thin skin? Chicks like that went crying home within two weeks when I went through.

    The OP didn't need to hear that though.

    Disagree. Judging by how defensive they got it was exactly what was needed. Being a veteran doesn't absolve you from the perception of underachieving or unwillingness to work that setting low goals causes. At least I wasn't informed of such when I was discharged.

    Also I got to enjoy all the internet soothing of hurt feelings and threats of leaving that followed, and that's always a good time.

    No, she asked if there was anybody else of similar physique goals on MFP.

    Glad you are having a good time, wouldn't want you to waste your time here :)

    Oh it's always a good time when the white knights are out. I like to sip my coffee in bed and chuckle at it all.

    ...hmm, I may have admitted too much.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.

    People on MFP cant usually see past the words. I understood what you were saying and yes i just want to be healthier and have less of a belly.

    Thanks for this. I was feeling pretty sad about the responses I was getting. Especially the excuse to stay fat one. Makes me want to not come back. Trying not to feel attacked by a single statement. Most people who are trying to lose weight feel pretty bad about themselves anyway. Then to come to a weight loss site with questions and get responses like some of these. Geez. I can appreciate the sarcasm, but the meanness is something else. I don't know...

    There is a difference between being blunt and being mean.

    Someday you will thank bean for her bluntness, I promise.

    I am not new to this. New to this site, that I might be leaving because of her, but not new to weight loss. And, in my opinion it was flat out mean. I am an adult and can take it, but I find it unnecessary.

    You are thinking of leaving a web site because of one post?

    That is incredible the amount of energy you give away to someone or anyone.

    "Just stay fat" is an expression with a bit of humor, sarcasm and criticism (the positive kind) all wrapped up in one - it means that the thing you are doing (ie not working out, not striving for a goal) are easy ways to fail -- yes, it is possible to kind of wander into a fit state but doing some general exercise is an automatic sort of way, but goals, intent and an active calendar of activity is the easy road.

    So how are you you going to achieve your ungoals of not getting ripped but getting fit - it's kind of the same program but with less intensity or stopping earlier.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.


    I train 2 hours a day for boxing because I like the sport, and I'm accidentally ripped... just saying.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.


    I train 2 hours a day for boxing because I like the sport, and I'm accidentally ripped... just saying.

    That's kind of like saying you got accidentally educated by going to college and studying.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.


    I train 2 hours a day for boxing because I like the sport, and I'm accidentally ripped... just saying.

    That's kind of like saying you got accidentally educated by going to college and studying.

    With the current standards of US education, that would be an accident.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Calorie deficit and walk. Maybe throw in a few pushups and pullups too.

    But what if that walk turns into a marathon? What if OP is suddenly able to do hundreds of pushups by mistake? Have to always be vigilant.

  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.


    I train 2 hours a day for boxing because I like the sport, and I'm accidentally ripped... just saying.

    2 hours a day of boxing training is not an accident lol. What did you expect? lol
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.
    [/quote]I thought I was another like you, until this. I'm training for something. I want to lift testing stones in Iceland next year, so I want to get ALL THE STRONGNESS. No desire whatsoever to be "ripped" though. It takes a ridiculous, unhealthy amount of mental energy for me to get down to the low 20s body fat%, so I'm not going back there again. I want to be healthy, body AND mind.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Ok, so there are only two choices: fat or ripped? There goes my fitness dreams... :sad:

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    QUICK!! Without anyone knowing anything about me, tell me what kind of advice I respond best too, tough love, or gentle prodding!!
    tough prodding :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    QUICK!! Without anyone knowing anything about me, tell me what kind of advice I respond best too, tough love, or gentle prodding!!
    tough prodding :wink: :flowerforyou:

    You know me so well! :heart:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    QUICK!! Without anyone knowing anything about me, tell me what kind of advice I respond best too, tough love, or gentle prodding!!
    tough prodding :wink: :flowerforyou:

    You know me so well! :heart:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.


    I train 2 hours a day for boxing because I like the sport, and I'm accidentally ripped... just saying.

    Accidentally...I do not think that word means what you think it means.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    I want to say thank you to you, Morebean. It's people like you, Dav and pretty much most of my FL that have seen through my crap and told me things I needed to hear versus wanted.

    I've done the pity party..often. And it's people like Morebean who say..."Stop feeling sorry for yourself....stop being melodramatic...get off you butt or just stay fat...." that help me stop making excuses to not change or to succeed. because no matter how I put it...that's exactly what it is.

    "I want to do this but I don't have access to this or that..."
    "I want to do this but I don't think I can because...."
    "I want to but I'm feeling bleh, etc..."
    "I don't think I can be like this so I'll aim for halfway/half-assed...."

    Crap like the above is what I say when I just want to give up and act like I'm okay not being the best I could be. And it is people like Morebean that tell me..."Don't be a twit. You KNOW you can be as fit and healthy as you want to be if you work for it....stop with the excuses."

    So thank you mean people!!!! You help me not be/think less of myself :flowerforyou:
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    not entirely sure what the OP resulted in an arguement.

    i'd like to be ripped but the net result is i'm mostly just getting healthier lol.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    That's kind of like saying you got accidentally educated by going to college and studying.

    But I did! Came for the free pizza on orientation, stayed because I'm a masochist who loves punishing herself with paper deadlines. Incidentally, I can now recite the history of science fiction and several poems by Alan Ginsberg, in case anyone's interested.