Best exercise to start with?

Hi everyone. I'm 49 years old, 5'1 and 204 pounds, down from 237. I've been doing keto for three months. Now that I've got my eating under control and I'm nearly to my first goal of getting under 200 lb., I'm almost ready to start incorporating regular exercise into my routine. I'm somewhat sedentary, aside from going up and down stairs several times a day, the usual housework, taking out trash, grocery shopping, etc. I can do all of these activities without losing my breath and don't have any cardiac issues that I know of. I've never enjoyed exercise or sports. I have used the treadmill in the past but find it very boring and got frustrated at burning so few calories for the effort. I've been thinking of trying yoga as a way to regain some flexibility and get used to exercising again. I'm grateful for any advice.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited March 2019
    Go outside and walk. Start with short walks and increase the time until you are walking 45-60 minutes at a time. On days you can't walk, yoga, pilates, low impact aerobics like the Leslie Sansome videos are good for beginners.


    Test drive some workouts from YouTube, figure out what you like.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Another vote for walking.
    It’s free and you can do it anywhere.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I agree with the walking suggestion. My other thought was, gradually ease yourself into an activity that you enjoy. Walking, cycling, running (which would involve going slowly and taking breaks for walking), strength training, pilates, etc. Whatever you do, don't go full bore.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    Walking outside is the best exercise to start with and build stamina.
  • Nokt2018
    Nokt2018 Posts: 49 Member
    Walking is a great starter. Best part? it's free! Just do it every day.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I can understand how looking at the calorie burn can be discouraging. But don’t let that get to you. I personally started with walking. 5 or 10 minutes here and there. Downloading podcasts helped me walk longer because I was more entertained listening. I used a Fitbit to help motivate me to do more over time. I enjoy checking out trails at different public parks when the weather is nice.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    As the others have said ... walk!

  • SharonB904
    SharonB904 Posts: 17 Member
    Since you expressed an interest in yoga, have a look at the You Tube videos for Yoga with Adriene. I just completed the 30 day challenge and it has been wonderful for me. Your mileage may vary, but it is worth having a look and see if it will be interesting to you. I am going to do the 'True' Challenge in April. I am pretty sedentary and I was amazed at the difference 30 day of yoga made for me. I did what I could and did not even think twice about what I could not do or how many calories I burned. I just went with the flow and am totally amazed at what I can do now that I could not imagine doing only one month ago. Good luck on your journey to a healthier you
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Another vote for walking, preferably outside, in nature. I get outside cardio at lunchtime on days that are not raining and do yoga inside when raining, plus sometimes yoga at night on outdoor cardio days.
  • sharon8271
    sharon8271 Posts: 140 Member
    Walking outside is how I started to lose weight. I started walking to the store and carrying groceries home. Walking in parks and trails is the best way to get started.
  • meganreid163
    meganreid163 Posts: 72 Member
    I started with walking & yoga. Then added some elliptical & weights.
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    Go outside and walk. Start with short walks and increase the time until you are walking 45-60 minutes at a time. On days you can't walk, yoga, pilates, low impact aerobics like the Leslie Sansome videos are good for beginners.

    Thank you for the good advice. It's perfect walking outdoors weather right now. Where I live, in summer it's just too hot and humid but you've given me some good ideas for those extra warm days!
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Go outside and walk. Start with short walks and increase the time until you are walking 45-60 minutes at a time. On days you can't walk, yoga, pilates, low impact aerobics like the Leslie Sansome videos are good for beginners.


    Test drive some workouts from YouTube, figure out what you like.

    Thanks for the advice and the links. I'll definitely check these out!
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    Another vote for walking.
    It’s free and you can do it anywhere.

    Thanks! It's gorgeous here in Virginia right now so it's the perfect time to try it.
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    I agree with the walking suggestion. My other thought was, gradually ease yourself into an activity that you enjoy. Walking, cycling, running (which would involve going slowly and taking breaks for walking), strength training, pilates, etc. Whatever you do, don't go full bore.

    Thanks! I do have a bicycle and I have struggled with it in the past as it turned out to be unexpectedly heavy (22 lb!) but I think once I build up a little more strength and endurance I can handle it. I'll definitely ease into it...I've been sedentary a long time.
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    Walking outside is the best exercise to start with and build stamina.

    Thanks! Spring couldn't be a better time. I'll give it a try.
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    Nokt2018 wrote: »
    Walking is a great starter. Best part? it's free! Just do it every day.

    I'm all for that! I agree, consistency is key, especially when you're just starting to try to get back into shape. Thanks for the good advice.