

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    KJ - Joaquim <3<3<3 Your daughter is an excellent photographer. I adore his dark eyes.

    Slept, slept, slept yesterday. After the train I had an hour on the sofa, then another ten minutes a bit later, then kept dozing off all evening. Went to bed and slept most of the night, apart from my open, dry mouth waking me up. This morning I can breathe through one nostril. Hoping I've turned the corner.

    Going to have Spaghetti Putanesca tonight. Haven't had it for a couple of years. Will probably use up the cabbage as a veg, but it's not ideal. Could make the cabbage into a salad. DH likes a veg with all his meals, even when I think it doesn't go with it. It's a healthy habit, but sometimes annoying. :|

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx who can feel she has put on weight recently. :'(
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Up again ... for a little while. Voice is partially gone and I feel like I've ridden a 600K.

    If possible, I'd like to be able to be able to get out for a short walk, but we'll see.

    M in Oz

    And then I slept again for 2.5 hours. Dead tired. I might see if I've got the energy to take a shower now.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Slept, slept, slept yesterday. After the train I had an hour on the sofa, then another ten minutes a bit later, then kept dozing off all evening. Went to bed and slept most of the night, apart from my open, dry mouth waking me up. This morning I can breathe through one nostril. Hoping I've turned the corner.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx who can feel she has put on weight recently. :'(

    I hope you've turned a corner too! I couldn't last more than a day unable to breathe through my nose. It would drive me insane. The last couple days, I've been down to one nostril and that's bad enough.

    Really, if you aren't feeling any better in about 24 hours, go to your Dr. I used to get the worst sinus infections when I worked with kids.

    M in Oz

  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Made it to Las Vegas yesterday with daughter and son in law and their 3 little ones. I have never been here before but they needed help with the babies. I held one of the 4 mo old twins on the plane. Luckily only a 2.5 hr flight. Babies did very well. Lots of walking through the airport. Daughter says we are walking much more today. I think they are trying to kill me!! Bring on the pool

    Karen from BC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    I slept like a rock last night I needed it..will talk to my boss today about vacation time and my hours... im like a pawn at this job and,im back working every Saterday again..until he hires someone else..
    these next few weeks are going to be tough going as I juggle the plates on poles.. trying to be there for my DFIL and working 5 days a week..I will do my best to work both gracefully ..
    had a lovely time at Bev's yesterday afternoon, had a nice simple fish dinner and good company...will go down for breakfast and dinner.. weds I have off, so will be the first over to get blood work done again for kidney Dr. and then see what is needed ..
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and Passover
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kelly that pic of Joaquin <3, he looks more like a little boy than a toddler, tooooo quick!!

    Well the roasted salmon and veg with brown rice and carmelized shallots was a big hit! 2 of our guests were gluten free so the menu worked beautifully. As an introvert this takes a lot out of me but I can also see how it is good for me also, I stretch a little and I do like cooking for a crowd, I rarely get to do that I My kid is over the moon happy surrounded by people and I love seeing that.

    Another 8-10 mile day of walking ahead for me, better get the second cup of coffee going.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    <3<3<3 Joaquin!!!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! Happy Earth Day! Today/this week, our daycare activities will focus on recycling and conservation. The kids are already pretty well versed on recycling plastics, glass, etc.; but we will talk about water and electricity usage/conservation, finding uses for things we might otherwise throw out, using sustainable bags/dishes for storage rather than plastic disposable baggies...I picked up the movie Wall-E at the library, for them to watch during rest time one day. I adore that movie. Yes, the little robots are cute; but so much of it resonates. Humans having to leave Earth because they have discarded so much stuff and dumped and polluted the planet that it makes it impossible to sustain life. The remaining humans decide to live on a very, VERY large space ship and leave Earth in the care of robots who are to clean up the planet. Well, anyway, there are so many similarities between where those humans are (lifestyle-wise) and where we (humans as a whole) are currently. The humans on the ship consume all of their meals in "shake" form. They have screens in front of them constantly and speak to eachother only through the screen, they have chairs/beds that carry them everywhere meaning their muscles have atrophied to the point of uselessness. lol Boy! Writing that out, it sounds like a awful movie, but it is wonderfully done and leaves a good message for the kids about stewardship of our planet.

    I made our Easter dinner yesterday. Holidays are getting trickier and trickier with Lauren and her little family in Texas, and our two boys sometimes working and/or making plans with their girlfriend's families. Now with Tim's mom gone; holidays are very, very quiet and small. Yesterday for dinner was just Colin and I. Tim was not feeling well and was sleeping. I talked to Colin about maybe having a big community potluck next year and opening it up to the community (people who had no family to spend the day with, but still wanted to celebrate with a meal with others). I am going to look into that for upcoming holidays.

    The pic of Joaquin that I posted last night was taken by my daughter after they had returned from Easter Mass and Joaquin had been playing with chalk in the driveway. He is obsessed right now with art supplies. Chalk, paint, markers, etc. I am so glad Tim and I got him an art desk/easel for Christmas this past year. For the first couple of months he just sat at it and looked at his books, but I have encouraged Lauren to give him some art stuff and let him experiment. I am so excited to have him here for a week this summer! I have set aside a few toys and craft supplies especially for him and am looking forward to lots of outdoor/lake time with him.

    Heather- Love the pics and the train outing sounds like it was really fun! That Bea! <3 With her snake, hat and sunglasses. lol ADorable! I hope the rest you got when you got home has helped you turn the corner on this cold. I am with Machka; you have had this so long! IF it continues maybe go see the doc. I can't stand not being able to breathe freely. I live on Mucinex nose spray when I am stuffy.
    Machka- You, too, missy!^ Ditto what I said to Heather in regards to the cold! Hope you are on the mend. I love the photos you have been sharing. It seems every place you walk to or through is very beautiful and picturesque! Lucky you!
    NY Karen- Lovely photos! Your DC trip must be going well! I love the Einstein sculpture.
    Lisa- Coleus! So pretty! I just recently found out what that plant is when I visited my sister in New Port Richey, FL. Coleus is EVERYWHERE! Every one seems to have it in their landscaping! Very eye catching.

    Well, the kiddos have arrived and are hungry! I better scoot and get breakfast for them. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Pip- I loved your "timeline" of pics with your longtime friend! So great to have someone you can goof around with!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    I can't stand not being able to breathe freely. I live on Mucinex nose spray when I am stuffy.
    Machka- You, too, missy!^ Ditto what I said to Heather in regards to the cold! Hope you are on the mend. I love the photos you have been sharing. It seems every place you walk to or through is very beautiful and picturesque! Lucky you!

    I would go onto a nose spray, but I did that back in 2012 and ended up on it for 3.5 years. I've been off it for 3 years now, and am very reluctant to start again. So, it's just cold medication, allergy medication, and lying on one side to take the pressure off the other side of my face (sinuses), then lying on the other side to take the pressure off the other side of my face (sinues) and back and forth.

    Anyway, we went into the nearby city to Zambreros to have burritos, and I had mine with spicy verde sauce which helped clear out the sinuses a bit!

    This island is beautiful! But then I think a lot of places are. :)

    I took this when my husband and I cycled a couple days ago ...

    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited April 2019
    Kellt :heart: picture of Joaquin.

    M great pictures.

    Lisa what a beautiful waterfall.

    Painting group today. I decided I am going to send my rose painting I displayed here and on Facebook the day of Notre-Dame burning to my friend I travelled with in Paris. She is now a minister out east.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Pip- I loved your "timeline" of pics with your longtime friend! So great to have someone you can goof around with!

    She did that, it’s cute
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
  • beadowl
    beadowl Posts: 22 Member
    Hi gals!

    Machka: Drink, drink, drink. My doctor told me years ago, stay off the antihistamines, you need the mucous to flow freely to get the germs out. I will still cheat for a few days when it is really bad, but this advice did seem to shorten the time length. They also suggest using a cortisol nasal spray, but again only for a few days. Over the counter in Canada.

    Grandmaillie: My Mom is in nursing home for Alzheimer’s. Not sure if this is your issue. But for caregivers dealing with this disease, check out Teepa Snow from North Carolina on YouTube. She has been a significant part of changing how we care for our loved ones up here. It’s helped the nurses, support workers and ourselves.

    I’ve been on keto since Jan. Lost 27 lbs so far. Very bad osteoarthritis in the knees, due to an auto-immune disorder. Got PRP injections (platelet rich plasma) in October which was the catalyst for the weight loss. On the road to recovery. 🦉
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member