
Do any of you have "frienemies"? I have one. She can be fun to hang out with - but she is often snarky and makes hurtful comments. The first week of logging my food - we had a birthday celebration for her husband at Chili's. I was determined to eat better, while still enjoying myself, so I researched before I went to know exactly what I would order.

While at the restaurant, I ordered with my hubby the 2 for 20. I chose the flatbread pizza for the appetizer for hubby and I to split (a yummy splurge) and then chose the low cal sirloin with broccoli. She kept making comments on how I was on a "diet". This bothered me, but I shrugged it off stating I was being careful because I knew I would get popcorn at the theater.

They ordered cheese fries for their appetizer. While I was enjoying my pizza (literally savoring each was sooo good) - she actually put a huge forkful of cheese fries in MY FACE!!! She kept waving it in front of me and was like "you sure you don't want any...they are sooo good". It took her husband to tell her to stop being mean for her to quit.

This has made me seriously question the state of our "friendship". I use to be able to discount her behavior and excuse it - but this was really over-the-top. Your thoughts?


  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I can think of a quick way for you to drop a 100 plus pounds :wink: :laugh:

    Seriously life is too short to hang out with asshats!
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I can think of a quick way for you to drop a uh dred plus pounds :wink: :laugh:

    Seriously life is too short to hang out with asshats!

    ^ This.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    She sounds like a total ****. I don't associate with ****s.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I really cannot be friends with anyone I do not like or who goes out of there way to send me negative vibes. Friendship should be an enjoyed experience.

    If something does not feel good lt it go.
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    I can think of a quick way for you to drop a 100 plus pounds :wink: :laugh:

    Seriously life is too short to hang out with asshats!

    Starting to feel that way. The only complication is that my hubby and her hubby have been best friends since high school. That is how I came to meet her in the first place. Ugh!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    People who behave that way don't last long in my life.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Alright, alright. Before you "just break up" with your friend, take a step back and look at the big picture. You just started your diet a week ago, which is awesome, but it hasn't been that long. Since it's so new, maybe your friend just doesn't quite understand the commitment level and the reasons behind your choice.

    I would give this a pass, but sit down with her one and one and talk it out. Let her know you are really trying to get healthy and that, if she's a good friend, she will encourage you on your journey.

    It's always better to have a real, honest conversation then to just assume she's derailing you on purpose.

    Of course, if it continues after that, kindly let her know that you won't be joining her for meals anymore until she can respect your boundaries.
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Unless of course she has some other great qualities (great listener, makes you laugh). Then next time she asks you to go somewhere say "as long as you don't wave fries in my face or make comments about my diet because I find that offesive". Done. She may not even know the damage she's doing. She may think she's bringing light to the situation. it's a stretch I know but you never know.

    Otherwise kick her to the curb!! You'll burn lots of calories doing it!!
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I can think of a quick way for you to drop a 100 plus pounds :wink: :laugh:

    Seriously life is too short to hang out with asshats!

    Starting to feel that way. The only complication is that my hubby and her hubby have been best friends since high school. That is how I came to meet her in the first place. Ugh!

    That makes it more difficult, if your hubby is aware of your feelings maybe just try to cut back, let him and his buddy have more " guys nights". You can be busy or " not feeling well" sometimes, and then occasionally suck it up for your hubby :wink: .

    And just know who she is and take her comments for what they are worth about a penny :laugh: .

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Hmmm. Having someone in your life who pretends to be your friend but is really a colossal pain in the *kitten* just sounds like a waste of time and energy to me.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    I would have just told her to keep her fork out of your face or she'll be pulling it out of her left eye. Seriously, why didn't you stand up for yourself? Maybe it's time to start.
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    Alright, alright. Before you "just break up" with your friend, take a step back and look at the big picture. You just started your diet a week ago, which is awesome, but it hasn't been that long. Since it's so new, maybe your friend just doesn't quite understand the commitment level and the reasons behind your choice.

    I would give this a pass, but sit down with her one and one and talk it out. Let her know you are really trying to get healthy and that, if she's a good friend, she will encourage you on your journey.

    It's always better to have a real, honest conversation then to just assume she's derailing you on purpose.

    Of course, if it continues after that, kindly let her know that you won't be joining her for meals anymore until she can respect your boundaries.

    Although this is my first week on MFP logging food - this is not my first week dieting. I have already lost 75 pounds on my own - all the while with her making snarky comments. Every time I have started a new exercise program...she states "well, we may not be able to be friends anymore" and then laughs. I have always thought she was trying to be funny - but the fries in the face are making me question that.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I work with people like that, and trust me, our "friendship" ends when I clock out. I wouldn't bring that negativity into my personal life and let them into my world outside of work. There's this one chick who will smile in your face, greet you, make up a nickname for you, and say nice things to you (especially if a supervisor is around). She will say negative things about you behind your back that same day. SMH. This is an everyday thing for her. My point is that not everyone has good intentions, no matter how much they appear to be your friend. Your "friend," at the very least, is unsupportive, and that's enough reason to end a friendship. If you hadn't referred to her as a frienemy, I would have advised you to try to work it out. If you think that she has any bad intentions, I would get rid of her. I try to limit my contact with people like that and would much rather be enemies (or just civil ("Hi" and "Bye")) with someone than fake friends. So, give her an ultimatum. Either she stop the comments and start being supportive or leave. If she's a real friend, this should be easy. But, maybe it's her personality. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who takes pleasure in making fun of others, especially when they know that it hurts them.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    she sounds hideous.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Alright, alright. Before you "just break up" with your friend, take a step back and look at the big picture. You just started your diet a week ago, which is awesome, but it hasn't been that long. Since it's so new, maybe your friend just doesn't quite understand the commitment level and the reasons behind your choice.

    I would give this a pass, but sit down with her one and one and talk it out. Let her know you are really trying to get healthy and that, if she's a good friend, she will encourage you on your journey.

    It's always better to have a real, honest conversation then to just assume she's derailing you on purpose.

    Of course, if it continues after that, kindly let her know that you won't be joining her for meals anymore until she can respect your boundaries.

    Although this is my first week on MFP logging food - this is not my first week dieting. I have already lost 75 pounds on my own - all the while with her making snarky comments. Every time I have started a new exercise program...she states "well, we may not be able to be friends anymore" and then laughs. I have always thought she was trying to be funny - but the fries in the face are making me question that.

    That's a pretty big nugget of info to leave out!

    I agree with the other posters. Although, if you haven't had a serious conversation with her first, including what the consequences will be if it continues, then give that a go for the sake of your husband.
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    I can think of a quick way for you to drop a 100 plus pounds :wink: :laugh:

    Seriously life is too short to hang out with asshats!

    Starting to feel that way. The only complication is that my hubby and her hubby have been best friends since high school. That is how I came to meet her in the first place. Ugh!

    That makes it more difficult, if your hubby is aware of your feelings maybe just try to cut back, let him and his buddy have more " guys nights". You can be busy or " not feeling well" sometimes, and then occasionally suck it up for your hubby :wink: .

    And just know who she is and take her comments for what they are worth about a penny :laugh: .

    Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Love this advice. I think this is where I am heading. I think I will have a talk with her about this, and if it happens again, I will just let the guys go out. Thanks!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I can think of a quick way for you to drop a 100 plus pounds :wink: :laugh:

    Seriously life is too short to hang out with asshats!

    LOL. Exactly...

    Okay, so your husband and her husband are friends. That makes sense now. I thought that she was *your* friend. Really, she's just your husband's friend's wife. I agree w the other poster who suggested letting the husbands hang out by themselves. You can have your husband tell them that you've taken up a new hobby or are working odd hours or something. Good luck on losing that 100+ pounds. LOL
  • BurningAway
    I think most women are spiteful and vindictive and the thought of you being thinner then her probably urks her at least this had been my experience. Jealousy comes in all forms however she is kinda helping you with self control :) if she tempts you often and you say no well your will power is going to be incredible i say give it longer then a week if this has been an ongoing thing since you started your friendship and your sick of it well thats your decision and your feelings we really cant help you out because we arent you and we dont know how she acts towards you in other situations id suggest a Pros and Cons list do the good times outweigh the bad?
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Shoving food in your face? What is she, 12??? I wouldn't even call her a frenemy. She's your husband's friend's wife who you are occasionally forced to spend time with. If she starts that crap again, just stare at her like she sprouted a second head and then go about your business.

    I have an acquaintance that isn't that bad, but she is someone I have to spend time with for the next year or so. A group of us were out one night and somehow the conversation kept turning to overweight people (weird in itself). Anytime she would say something about overweight people, she would stop and look at me like I was going to either start crying or go on a rant about fat people's rights. The first time I was like, "Okay, maybe she just wants to be respectful of my feelings?" But the FIFTH time I wanted to yell, "I AM NOT THAT FAT ANYMORE!"

    I thought about it for a couple of days, not really feeing bad about it, but more like WTF was that about? Then I realized that some people just aren't happy when you mess up what they perceive to be the social order.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I have one, we treat each other like complete garbage but we would take a bullet for each other, weird how that works!