School menu ridiculousness

mindiv Posts: 49 Member
It's no wonder we're raising generations of obese children, considering what they're getting in public school. My little one will be in a school-run daycare next week, and she's eating solid foods now. One of the options is to let her get her breakfast and lunch free from the cafeteria, but after looking at the menu options, we'll spend our own money and send her real food.

Keep in mind this menu is produced by arguably the "best" cafeteria in our region, and most of the other schools around here COPY this menu for their students.

Breakfast daily options: Cinnamon roll/cheese stick, assorted Pop Tarts, Graham Snackers or blueberry or banana nut muffins. Daily hot options are a sausage roll, breakfast pizza, French toast link with syrup, pancake on a stick with syrup and a waffle with syrup and a sausage patty.

Lunch options...
Chili dog or cheesy stix (cheese bread) with marinara; chicken nuggets or PBJ; pepperoni pizza or a chalupa; corn dog or "fish strips" (WTF is that anyway); nachos or stuffed dippers with sauce; cheese pizza or meatball sub; and my PERSONAL favorite "main dish" options: mac and cheese with a roll or a corn dog.

Oh, and the lunch options are served with assorted milks, fresh fruits, veggies AND desserts.

If this is what our government says is healthy and acceptable for kids to eat, we're doomed.


  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    that's rediculous.
  • elliepearsonn
    oh my goodness. That is not even real food, it's actually shocking...a lot of processed food!
  • lindsayk324
    lindsayk324 Posts: 54 Member
    Holy wow. I don't have kids and it's been a looong time since I was eating in a school cafeteria, but wow. That's ridiculous.

    With bringing food from home, I hope your kid is able to resist the peer pressure to be "cool" and eat what everyone else is eating! I still struggle when everyone around me is eating yummy things and then you pull out your yogurt or chicken or fruit and veg and the group goes "Hahahaha why eat that rabbit food?! Have some pizza/wings/cake like us, it won't kill you!"

    Or.. I dunno, is it still not "cool" to eat healthy things? I have no idea :/ There's a growing percentage of us that try to eat realistic portion sizes of wholesome food, so maybe it's cool to eat not-outrageously now?
  • mindiv
    mindiv Posts: 49 Member
    It's all processed. There's nothing freshly prepared.

    One year they had PBJ Uncrustables (frozen toaster treats) as a LUNCH option.

    They say it's healthy because nothing is fried. And they never list the vegetable I figure French Fries fit into the "healthy" category more often than not.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    So sad. They are constently trying to blame parents for the obesity problem and in some cases it is but the schools dont help. At mt daughter school they have cut back the pe anf they bring in donuts for the kids 1x a week and reward them constantly with choices of soda, candy and chips.....grrrrr
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Schools have to feed a lot of children for pennies because they get no budget. It's more economical to bring in prepared foods and heat them than to buy everything fresh and pay the cooks more for all the extra time they need to make it.

    I brought my own lunch to school every day because the cafeteria food was TERRIBLE. If nothing else, save your kid's tastebuds and send a sandwich.
  • mindiv
    mindiv Posts: 49 Member
    I'm at war with my husband over feeding our little girl. I don't want her to be so sheltered from "junk food" that she binges on it in secret or when she's away from us when she gets older, but I don't see how it's necessary. He, his mother and his brother constantly try to feed her sweets and desserts and potato chips. It makes me incredibly upset when I see him giving her drinks of soda. She's ONE for goodness sakes...let her teeth grow IN before you start trying to rot them out!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That doesn't surprise me at all. And I'll bet if you tried to get it changed, there would be plenty of parents that objected and thought it was fine.
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    Wow. That almost seems like a joke. Or like a school lunch from when I was young back in the early 90s.

    I'd send my child with food also.
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    By the time I got to highschool I was packing my own lunch.

    As a younger kid I'm not sure how I would have felt about having a packed lunch, peer pressure and all. By highschool I just didn't care. I don't remember getting any crap about it. We only got 15 minutes for lunch anyways. Thats barely enough time to eat the lunches.

    If you have the money absolutely send your kid to lunch with a school. That menu is atrocious.
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm at war with my husband over feeding our little girl. I don't want her to be so sheltered from "junk food" that she binges on it in secret or when she's away from us when she gets older, but I don't see how it's necessary. He, his mother and his brother constantly try to feed her sweets and desserts and potato chips. It makes me incredibly upset when I see him giving her drinks of soda. She's ONE for goodness sakes...let her teeth grow IN before you start trying to rot them out!

    Yeah, 1 year seems young to be introducing soda.

    Hopefully you can find a way to help your husband understand where you're coming from.
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Kids don't know how to eat healthy. When they offer apples for fresh fruit, most of the apples end up in the waste bin. True story.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not really shocking...sounds pretty close to what the cafeteria food was like when I was a kid...and that was over 35 years ago...and pretty much why my parents sent me with a sack lunch most days. I don't think cafeteria food has ever been tops in's cafeteria food.
  • mindiv
    mindiv Posts: 49 Member
    Kids don't know how to eat healthy. When they offer apples for fresh fruit, most of the apples end up in the waste bin. True story.

    This is unfortunately absolutely true. I was a picky kid growing up so I took a lunch nearly every day. I figure my little girl might, too, the way things are going...
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    It's no wonder we're raising generations of obese children, considering what they're getting in public school. My little one will be in a school-run daycare next week, and she's eating solid foods now. One of the options is to let her get her breakfast and lunch free from the cafeteria, but after looking at the menu options, we'll spend our own money and send her real food.

    Keep in mind this menu is produced by arguably the "best" cafeteria in our region, and most of the other schools around here COPY this menu for their students.

    Breakfast daily options: Cinnamon roll/cheese stick, assorted Pop Tarts, Graham Snackers or blueberry or banana nut muffins. Daily hot options are a sausage roll, breakfast pizza, French toast link with syrup, pancake on a stick with syrup and a waffle with syrup and a sausage patty.

    Lunch options...
    Chili dog or cheesy stix (cheese bread) with marinara; chicken nuggets or PBJ; pepperoni pizza or a chalupa; corn dog or "fish strips" (WTF is that anyway); nachos or stuffed dippers with sauce; cheese pizza or meatball sub; and my PERSONAL favorite "main dish" options: mac and cheese with a roll or a corn dog.

    Oh, and the lunch options are served with assorted milks, fresh fruits, veggies AND desserts.

    If this is what our government says is healthy and acceptable for kids to eat, we're doomed.

    As far as I can tell that's not within govt regulations. My sons school caters and the caterer has to meet those government decreed standards. Lunch has to include 2 choices of veggies, 2 choices of fruits, a protein and a grain with milk, juice or water. No junk whatsoever. Wonder if you can report them.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I'm at war with my husband over feeding our little girl. I don't want her to be so sheltered from "junk food" that she binges on it in secret or when she's away from us when she gets older

    Let her have the school food for a couple days a week and you send her with lunch on the other days. Make her go play outside instead of tv/video games 24-7. Problem solved!
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    There are some decent choices in the menu but you would have to teach the child how to pick out the good from the bad. Kids are notoriously picky eaters and the vast majority of parents in this country would rather feed them something savory and processed than deal with a whiny kid.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Oh wow, and I thought my daycare was bad. I have to regularly alter my daughter's menu and send substitutes for things like corndogs and pizza sticks...and poptarts and frenchfries. I'm sorry but my about-to-be 2 year old does not need to be eating this stuff...
    I was hoping it would get better when she entered state-run school but I'm thinking that I'll be packing her lunch for the rest of her 16 years of school. It really is sad that those kids who do not have parents who either have as much time as we do or who care as much as we do (because some parents do care just as much but just don't have time) cannot get a healthy meal no matter what...nothing on that list besides the side of veggies and fruit seemed actually healthy. yikes!
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    Kids don't know how to eat healthy. When they offer apples for fresh fruit, most of the apples end up in the waste bin. True story.

    This is unfortunately absolutely true. I was a picky kid growing up so I took a lunch nearly every day. I figure my little girl might, too, the way things are going...

    My daughters chew toy when she was teething was an apple. Good habits start VERY young.