Engagement rings



  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    1. OK
    2. Too much property nails a soul to the earth when it would rather fly
    3. I’ll help
    4. Oof

    I see you're not materialistic. Oustanding :D

    😁 I just have too much already.
  • ForAFitFuture2017
    ForAFitFuture2017 Posts: 7 Member
    I think rings are a must. It doesn't matter what it is made of, just as long as there is one. My mom and dad had wedding bands form Walmart, but they loved each other. Men should protect the woman and let her know that he "owns her" but in a loving way that says you are a free moral agent, but I will always look out for you, have your back, and be the foundation you can lean on and look to. Women are support for the man (they all need it!), and there to be the gentler, softer one that balances out the chest-beating Tarzans of the world. They all need a Jane (whether they think so or not!). I know women want to be independent yada yada yada, just my opinion here, a guy should be willing to "put a ring on it" and the woman should only say yes if she truly genuinely wants to spend the rest of her life with the man. I have been proposed to and said no, because I just didn't love the person. It's okay to tell them no. He asks a question, she says yes or no. People complicate the matter so much. It's as simple as "do you love them or not" as in "If you can not possibly think about ever living on a deserted island for the rest of your life without them". Love is a choice not a feeling.
    Romance is a feeling. There has to be both to make it work.

    And where did this "she owes me something" thing come from? Dude, you are making her change her last name, move away, pick up your clothes for the rest of your lives, listen to your football games and pick up the cheetos that end up everywhere, sweep the mud out of the hall your big boots track in, cook dinner for the 'buddies' that came over to watch the game. You guys can be big galoots sometimes. You can be loud, leave coffee cups everywhere, be insensitive about our weight, our hair, race the guy at the stoplight, OCD the garage so there is even a place for the broom to hang on the wall, but leave your underwear and socks strewn everywhere.
    She owes you nothing. Be proud of her. It's hard to be a woman in the nowadays world. With all the thin people displayed everywhere that there is an advertisement, we are thrown so many unrealistic goals. It's all about makeup and stylish clothes, and flashy cars, and perfectly organized houses, and starbucks, and Instagram, and Snapchat, and filters, and thigh gaps. It's hard to feel like you are unable to achieve the level of 'perfection' that is displayed in the outside world. Trust me, we girls do think about it, a lot. And yes, it makes us insecure. We cry a lot. We can't help it. We are tenderhearted. That's our DNA. Everyone is made differently. And it takes two to tango. If you love each other, you will inevitably balance each other out.

    I'm being honest, it's hard to find a guy when you are striving for an above the 2019 norm relationship.
    Whatever happened to nights under the stars on the backporch, with the radio playing through the window?
    When you are all old and wrinkly and walking with a walker, that Rolex or wedding ring won't matter a bit.

    All that matters is when you are growing hair out your ears and you can't find your glasses and shes all saggy and grey haired and her teeth are glued in and your hearing aid is whistling....if, in that moment, you still love her as much as the day you said I do, and she still smiles the way she did that first night, then you, dear sir, have done it right. And you should be proud of both of you.