

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Lanette - Her take would be to be in the moment and see the reality of the situation. Not to catastrophize. Not to be blindly positive. She would say it's important to feel our feelings and listen to them. They are the best indicator of what we need to do in a given situation. Then you need to take action to improve the situation and be good to yourself. Being compassionate to ourselves is important, but so many of us ignore the messages we are getting from our feelings. We must distinguish between what is real and what is just fruitless anxiety. But it's ok to be human.

    For me....
    The minute I feel uncomfortable about a person or a situation I take notice. I don't let things ride and get out of hand. Listen to your feedback. The absence of feedback is feedback.
    Clarity of vision is what I aim for, not telling myself stories. But I have many times experienced the power of changing my negative thoughts into something more positive. Retreating from life in a negative slump is useless. Reaching out, taking a risk, going forward, acting as if - all this can work wonders as long as you don't kid yourself.
    When I was in my forties I spent four years belonging to a 'Personal Growth' organisation. There were a few woo woo elements to it, but generally its feet were on the ground. I experienced many examples of what can be achieved with a change of attitude, when you take the risk. It was a very worth while four years, but it did not inure me to sad feelings etc. Nor would they want it to.
    Today, for now, I am generally very happy. I am not complacent about that. Anything could happen at any time. But, like Lisa's mum, I will do what I can to change the situation and then, I hope I can let go.
    The thing is, we have much more choice than we think, we just need to think outside the prison we have confined ourself in.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    I got all caught up on reading 6 pages back this morning and had replies written when my ride showed up and I closed without posting. I’ll try again tomorrow.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lanette Thanks! <3 Yes, my mom WAS a peach. Such a good role model.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol: Thanks for your good wishes on the RV repair. We hope it is ready in time, too. We’ve already paid for our spot in the park. We’re anxious to get the dog out of the war zone that will surely be in place for the whole week that includes the 4th. Hunting dogs with drop ears probably tolerate the noise better. :ohwell:

    Annie: Welcome! I thought I’d become allergic to milk, too. It turns out that I’m lactose intolerant, a form of sugar in milk. There is lactose free milk available in the grocery stores. It works for me. I take lactaid when I’m in a restaurant situation where I have no control over food ingredients. It works well, too. I need to take it before I eat the food containing lactose. I also know of some people who use almond milk. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: Great news so far. Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    Machka: My DH also has chronic health issues although they’re different than your DH’s. I admire the ways you have managed to both cope with reality & include adventure and happiness. Your positivity and persistence is powerful. I admire you for all that you do. I know it isn’t easy. :heart:

    Heather: I’ve stopped consuming alcohol for the foreseeable future. Alcohol turns into body fat in a blink of an eye if I allow myself to indulge. I’ve also cut out dark chocolate treats for now. I’m down a tiny bit today. I need to get rid of enough weight that my knee quits hurting. :ohwell:

    Allie: 80 hours in two weeks seems good to me. I know you’ve been working less hours for many years, and it probably feels like a huge change. Don’t forget to rest when you can. :star:

    Karen in VA: Your mom was a Wise Woman. I think you are, too. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: Our old dog is a gem and we go to great lengths for him. Like Pip’s Bullwinkle, he is showing his age. He now has hip trouble that we manage with a combination of a prescription from the vet and CBD oil. Spending a week in the RV at the park for $$$ is worth the trouble and expense. Fireworks are devastating for him. Our neighbor has a Goldendoodle with floppy ears. The noise doesn’t seem to affect her as severely as our poor little guy. When he eventually goes to doggy heaven I’ll be thinking about floppy eared dogs. :heart:

    Margaret: Your art is lovely. :star:

    Yoga today and I may go. I need to take care of my health in order to support my DH.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Clarity of vision is what I aim for, not telling myself stories. But I have many times experienced the power of changing my negative thoughts into something more positive. Retreating from life in a negative slump is useless. Reaching out, taking a risk, going forward, acting as if - all this can work wonders as long as you don't kid yourself.
    When I was in my forties I spent four years belonging to a 'Personal Growth' organisation. There were a few woo woo elements to it, but generally its feet were on the ground. I experienced many examples of what can be achieved with a change of attitude, when you take the risk. It was a very worth while four years, but it did not inure me to sad feelings etc. Nor would they want it to.
    Today, for now, I am generally very happy. I am not complacent about that. Anything could happen at any time. But, like Lisa's mum, I will do what I can to change the situation and then, I hope I can let go.
    The thing is, we have much more choice than we think, we just need to think outside the prison we have confined ourself in.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Love this Heather

    Margaret your paintings are peacefilled and I adore your son's peonies.

    Got tons of little things done today, including a start to some summer painting (railings and trim work, not artistic painting). I also made some delicious chopped salads, blackbean/corn salad, fatoush salad, pico de gallo and some pesto to freeze. I love to putter!

    I'm a loser (according to the scale) and feel better/lighter. Loads of veggies and no red meat is part of the reason. I am working on lowering my LDL #s, so oatmeal and oatbran are the start of everyday as well.


  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Pg 86. Busy again!
    RV Rita
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla Thank you.t1825.gif
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Finished pg 88.