

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Heather - You'll be able to be happy for her, because you're that kind of person. Interesting that your son basically found someone much like you to marry. There's a school of thought that says we always marry our parent at least once.

    Gym this morning, got all the bits and bobs ready to go. Triumphing over my lazier nature to go at all. Once I'm there, I'll enjoy it. But, as in all things, have to make sure I don't overdo it, as I'm an all-out kind of person. Hard for me not to throw myself into things without regard to consequence. Happy mediums, balance in all things, laying off the "go big or go home" thing is hard for me. And who thought that one up? I prefer to go big and then go home every time. :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Monaghme - I'm in Connecticut too.. I'm 59.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Lol I started with 2 minutes on the elliptical, and that was tough for me. Now my hip has me off the gym altogether. Going to see another doctor today, might try physical therapy next.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Annie- Same issue here after all my surgeries so I’m just walking in circles in my air conditioned house tripping over a 2yr old y toys as I do it lol 😂. When He decides I’m done he lays down in front of my feet multiple times until I give up hold him.

    Today shredded chicken taco 🌮 or broccoli 🥦 with shredded chicken y cheese 🧀.Might do both.

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Lol I started with 2 minutes on the elliptical, and that was tough for me. Now my hip has me off the gym altogether. Going to see another doctor today, might try physical therapy next.

    I've been going to physio for my right hip, and now I'm in a physio-led pilates class once a week. Seems to be helping a bit.

    The other thing that's helping is another physio who is working with my feet and who set me up with orthotics. Evidently, the way I walk isn't good for my hip.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rori: Your dinner sounds lovely. My husband has an IP and loves it. He really has fun cooking with it. Our neighbor’s husband also has one and loves it. Technically they’re owned by the families, but in both cases the men have laid claim. I have a strong personal preference cooking stew & roasting chicken & turkey in cast iron. :bigsmile:

    Pip: You have been blessed with two wonderful husbands and each of them has been blessed to have you. :heart:

    DH’s ancient iphone died and we’re planning to get him a new one this week. We have a couple of choices—there is the Apple Palace in downtown Portland (my nickname for it) and there are a couple of other Apple stores that don’t qualify as palaces. I took mine into the Washington Square store for a problem repair. They did a great job, but the mall was humongous. I see two primary options—trying to park in NW Portland or hiking half a mile in a huge mall. The parking at the mall is free, and so is the enormous hike to the store.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    awwwwwwwwww thanks for saying that. i was blessed and am blessed
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    A laugh for those with Bear 🐻 y animal 🦔 trash issues 🦝
    Yes don’t think s gym would appreciate me showing up with a 2yr old who’s hyper lol. Plus still working on mobility especially the scar tissue pull or whatever it is on the left side. I’m better than I was when JR was 1yr old I went to the Alamo Dome for graduation 👩‍🎓 Daughters ouch was sat top of the very top of it! Passed a giant hunk of scar tissue started bleeding so Doctor said no stairs still! 2yrs 3months later I’m healed but got to get my mobility back been 1-2 month of Doctors okay to exercise so here’s hoping faster y faster improvements. If I lose weight that’s a plus!
    Start weight 195
    CW 165.8

    Amber Tx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) One of the most important things I do with my life now is spend time with my husband. He has many health challenges and needs to rest a lot. He likes to have me home with him and much of the time he spends at home is watching TV. So I watch a lot of TV. That's why my exercise bike sits right next to his recliner. We sit side by side watching TV--him reclining, and me riding and knitting. Right now our favourite programmes seem to be almost all set in the UK--"The Great British Baking Show', "The Family Food Challenge", police detectives in Yorkshire, police detectives in Manchester, barristers in London, and the newest one is police detectives in Wales. I frequently access Google Maps on my phone to learn more about where places are. The shows feature beautiful scenery and architecture.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Barbie - your resilience and adapting is continually inspiring to me. <3

    What police detective program are you watching that's set in Wales? I'm hooked on them too. Maybe there's a new one I haven't discovered yet. B) I'm about ready to start re-watching Midsommer Murders, Grantchester, Father Brown and Vera. I don't know why I find these more interesting than US detective shows.

    Ultrasound is over, the ultrasound techs weren't about to give out any information other than "the umbilicus is hard to scan" Hope to hear today what the next step is.

    Cool (almost chilly) morning, so I'm heading out to work in the garden and potting shed for a bit.

    Make it a great day, ladies! <3

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    A laugh for those with Bear 🐻 y animal 🦔 trash issues 🦝
    Yes don’t think s gym would appreciate me showing up with a 2yr old who’s hyper lol. Plus still working on mobility especially the scar tissue pull or whatever it is on the left side. I’m better than I was when JR was 1yr old I went to the Alamo Dome for graduation 👩‍🎓 Daughters ouch was sat top of the very top of it! Passed a giant hunk of scar tissue started bleeding so Doctor said no stairs still! 2yrs 3months later I’m healed but got to get my mobility back been 1-2 month of Doctors okay to exercise so here’s hoping faster y faster improvements. If I lose weight that’s a plus!
    Start weight 195
    CW 165.8

    Amber Tx

    Some gyms have childcare facilities. That might be an option.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: We all go over from time to time. Nobody is perfect. Making a habit of it is another thing. :ohwell:

    Michelle: We share our plastic grocery bags with the food bank. It helps the people have something to carry away their food. We don’t have a soup kitchen in our town. :smiley:

    Janet OKC: I love the message you posted today. “…takng care of yourself doesn’t mean me first; it means me too.”

    Lisa and Connie: I’m happy that Planet Fitness works for you. :bigsmile:

    Heather: Your dinner sounds lovely. I have always been a broccoli fan. :bigsmile:

    Amber: Our gym has daycare. I don’t know how much they charge. :star:

    Lanette: Enjoy your garden! I've been pleased to find bees in mine, along with beans. :star:

    Eye doctor appointment today. This is routine and I don’t expect any unpleasant surprises.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited July 2019
    Gym daycare a no go many won’t take a baby this young (many said ages 4+ must be potty trained) the closest ones don’t have it of course my areas a older community No parents just grandkids when you see anyone. They don’t believe he’s my kid lol since Daughter in the Navy they assume the virgins his Mom lol.
    At the moment not even Mother-in-law watches him anymore he got to large for her to handle y his eczema scares her. If he cries due to stranger anxiety (Daughter was over that by 3 1/2) y wanting mommy/ Daddy his eczema gets bright red bumpy starts to split open y bleed .The Keratosis Pilaris looks like chicken feet bumps. He cries at the ER once they were busy so couldn’t bum so eczema cream when he lost his cool (was nap time 😴) we had to leave before being discharged hit our pharmacist who luckily hadn’t gone home yet saved the day.Then out of pocket dermatologist visit to get steroid creams to fix it. Church nursery wouldn’t take him because worker couldn’t lift him to change his diaper asked us to take him with us so we did. We don’t get out much he doesn’t fit in most shopping carts to restaurant high chairs (boosters don’t have a belt!) .As he gets older we can take family walks to shake things up more a waiting game.Were considering private school one Hubby interviewed said smaller class size their nurse was more hands on than the Public school could be (new laws mom has to drive over to give a Tylenol even). They have kids with epilepsy to skin issues already the teachers are well versed in how to care for them.He also can get diaper rash easily that turns into bacterial or fungal infection if diaper isn’t changed fast enough...for some reason no one changes them anymore!

    Amber Tx

    I have a home gym but we put it in the garage I can’t trust JR in there still
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Set to be the hottest day EVER tomorrow. :s I will be hunkering down in a darkened room. They are advising people not to travel by train, because of buckling rails, so I don't know how DDIL is going to get home.

    Our bbq didn't happen as the charcoal didn't catch. Yesterday it just managed to get going, but not today. It's at least two years old, so the spirits have evaporated. So I cooked the steak in a cast iron pan with artificial smoke. It was tasty, but not as good as yesterday's lamb.
    Katla - I buy the broccoli from our local deli. It is fabulous, so tender. I added some sesame oil and a few sesame seeds.

    Did a good bit of writing today, so that's good.

    Got a few conflicting events to sort out. Can't go to everything. :/ I'm going to sleep on it before I make any decisions. The heat just wipes my brain out.

    Getting emails from the school reunion. Strange to see the list of participants. I remember them as they were once so well. It's in someone's house and garden and we are all contributing to the cost.

    A friend of Ros (my cancer friend who died recently) has written an obituary of her, just 400 words, and a respected national newspaper, The Guardian, is going to publish it. How great! They want photos as well. We will be told when it will appear. <3

    Much love to all, Heather UK, who is waiting for the heatwave to be over. Storms predicted for Friday. XXXXXXXX