I don’t know how to relate to people who..



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Who are cruel to animals.. :/

    One of the reasons I hope there really is a hell. Some folk deserve an eternity there.

    Totally agree..
  • thanos5
    thanos5 Posts: 513 Member
    don't treat others the way they wish to be treated.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    phred_52 wrote: »
    Who smoke cigarettes!! That stuff stinks like *kitten* .. no thanks

    Totally agree, but after smoking for 41 yrs now, trying to quit and failed, i still feel good (but obviously not the point), at least it's my only vice.

    As long as you don’t smoke around me we are good 😁

    The one area I do show respect for, non-smokers. I always keep my distance if around them.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I can't relate to people who can reach items on the top shelf of a grocery store.

    But... but... I love it when a little Italian Nona comes up and says, "You're so nice and tall, could you reach those for me?". I feel so useful!
  • Cutemesoon
    Cutemesoon Posts: 2,646 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I can't relate to people who can reach items on the top shelf of a grocery store.

    But... but... I love it when a little Italian Nona comes up and says, "You're so nice and tall, could you reach those for me?". I feel so useful!

    I seek out cute tall guys at the store on purpose. 😆
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    People who enjoy ironing. People who iron. People with ironed, crease free clothing. People who use those devices found in hotel rooms for flattening clothing items.

    I......just......Don't.......understand any of it.

    No wonder I have no friends :) , I iron toooo much...socks, underwear, sheets, pillowcases (4), but can only use 1 pillow being I'll wrinkle the other 3 :) Or basically everything that comes out of dryer.

  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Who as I like to joke about, those that need to constanly be on cellphone, esp. in my car, or at gym on treadmill..it's like, really. :)

    So I have a No Cellphone Use as my passenger. Guess I"m just to old.

    I'm just curious, is it all about feeling important having to be on cellphone constantly? (mostly humor)
  • Cowsfan1
    Cowsfan1 Posts: 7,937 Member
    phred_52 wrote: »
    Who as I like to joke about, those that need to constanly be on cellphone, esp. in my car, or at gym on treadmill..it's like, really. :)

    So I have a No Cellphone Use as my passenger. Guess I"m just to old.

    I'm just curious, is it all about feeling important having to be on cellphone constantly? (mostly humor)

    Ha I use my phone at the gym - for music - to get my workout routine cause I can’t remember that chit - and so I can be distracted and not pay attention to others around me - I hate working out around a bunch of ppl. The phone gets me through it 🤷‍♂️
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    phred_52 wrote: »
    Who as I like to joke about, those that need to constanly be on cellphone, esp. in my car, or at gym on treadmill..it's like, really. :)

    So I have a No Cellphone Use as my passenger. Guess I"m just to old.

    I'm just curious, is it all about feeling important having to be on cellphone constantly? (mostly humor)
    I use my phone to help me ignore my present company.
  • rfitnessmfplulz
    rfitnessmfplulz Posts: 154 Member
    phred_52 wrote: »
    Who as I like to joke about, those that need to constanly be on cellphone, esp. in my car, or at gym on treadmill..it's like, really. :)

    So I have a No Cellphone Use as my passenger. Guess I"m just to old.

    I'm just curious, is it all about feeling important having to be on cellphone constantly? (mostly humor)
    I use my phone to help me ignore my present company.

    Present company excluded
  • Alzzi_2
    Alzzi_2 Posts: 2,149 Member
    I dont know how to relate to.ppl that are the only child. (I wish I could though)
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I can't relate to people who are disingenuous or flaky. Say what you mean. Do what you say you're going to do. Stop messing people around.

    I am a forgiving person but too much of this *kitten* turns me off.


    This is actually one of my pet peeves. If you can make it, say that. If you can't, say that. But don't tell me you can do something, then just not come.

    I feel you. It is so annoying, and honestly it can be quite disheartening.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    cant relate to people whos parents didn’t always remind them “i paid for this house, u just live here bc i let u”

    You would not like my almost 30 year old brother who still lives with my mum and dad. They bought him a 50" TV for his room, do his washing and ironing, and make all his food, including lunch for work. Sometimes when I think about it I want to punch my mortgage statement. So I just think happy thoughts :laugh:
  • ... to people look down on others or act like their time is too good to wait an extra couple of minutes while the struggling single parent or senior or whomever uses coupons and price matching at the grocery store because it's hard enough to put food on the table while trying to make ends meets for many many people out there. This turned into a mini rant. I've seen this display of snobbery just recently and I'm so disappointed in people more and more each and every day I have to interact with them.
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I can't relate to people who are disingenuous or flaky. Say what you mean. Do what you say you're going to do. Stop messing people around.

    I am a forgiving person but too much of this *kitten* turns me off.


    This is actually one of my pet peeves. If you can make it, say that. If you can't, say that. But don't tell me you can do something, then just not come.

    I feel you. It is so annoying, and honestly it can be quite disheartening.

    It’s social anxiety. I want to go and then I chicken out. Still flaky but maybe you can relate better if there’s a true explanation.
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I can't relate to people who are disingenuous or flaky. Say what you mean. Do what you say you're going to do. Stop messing people around.

    I am a forgiving person but too much of this *kitten* turns me off.


    This is actually one of my pet peeves. If you can make it, say that. If you can't, say that. But don't tell me you can do something, then just not come.

    I feel you. It is so annoying, and honestly it can be quite disheartening.

    It’s social anxiety. I want to go and then I chicken out. Still flaky but maybe you can relate better if there’s a true explanation.

    I would agree with this, if it happened once or twice. But I just had 2 months of almost all my friends unable to hang out on monday evenings. Even though, they had previously said they could, before I moved my board game meetup event to mondays. Now, to their credit, they were all able to mostly come up with reasons why they couldn't make it (work, long drive, pet sick, ect.). But the moment I moved it back to tuesdays, everyone's instantly available.

    I'm willing to give folks the benefit of the doubt, that maybe those two months were bad. But I've had friends in the past (who I no longer speak to nowadays) that either couldn't, or wouldn't, want to get togehter and do stuff for 3-6 months at a time. Yet they'd always say 'oh we should hang out' or 'we should totally do [insert topic we were just discussing here]'. Like, why would you say that, if you clearly didn't want to hang out? And, we're like 2 hours away from eachother. Its not like they couldn't find a time to do something, if they wanted to.
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I can't relate to people who are disingenuous or flaky. Say what you mean. Do what you say you're going to do. Stop messing people around.

    I am a forgiving person but too much of this *kitten* turns me off.


    This is actually one of my pet peeves. If you can make it, say that. If you can't, say that. But don't tell me you can do something, then just not come.

    I feel you. It is so annoying, and honestly it can be quite disheartening.

    It’s social anxiety. I want to go and then I chicken out. Still flaky but maybe you can relate better if there’s a true explanation.

    I would agree with this, if it happened once or twice. But I just had 2 months of almost all my friends unable to hang out on monday evenings. Even though, they had previously said they could, before I moved my board game meetup event to mondays. Now, to their credit, they were all able to mostly come up with reasons why they couldn't make it (work, long drive, pet sick, ect.). But the moment I moved it back to tuesdays, everyone's instantly available.

    I'm willing to give folks the benefit of the doubt, that maybe those two months were bad. But I've had friends in the past (who I no longer speak to nowadays) that either couldn't, or wouldn't, want to get togehter and do stuff for 3-6 months at a time. Yet they'd always say 'oh we should hang out' or 'we should totally do [insert topic we were just discussing here]'. Like, why would you say that, if you clearly didn't want to hang out? And, we're like 2 hours away from eachother. Its not like they couldn't find a time to do something, if they wanted to.

    Yeah, I don’t believe any vague invitations. The let’s get together some time thing is a polite evasion IMO.

    If people really want to get together they will be specific.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I can't relate to people who are disingenuous or flaky. Say what you mean. Do what you say you're going to do. Stop messing people around.

    I am a forgiving person but too much of this *kitten* turns me off.


    This is actually one of my pet peeves. If you can make it, say that. If you can't, say that. But don't tell me you can do something, then just not come.

    I feel you. It is so annoying, and honestly it can be quite disheartening.

    It’s social anxiety. I want to go and then I chicken out. Still flaky but maybe you can relate better if there’s a true explanation.

    I would agree with this, if it happened once or twice. But I just had 2 months of almost all my friends unable to hang out on monday evenings. Even though, they had previously said they could, before I moved my board game meetup event to mondays. Now, to their credit, they were all able to mostly come up with reasons why they couldn't make it (work, long drive, pet sick, ect.). But the moment I moved it back to tuesdays, everyone's instantly available.

    I'm willing to give folks the benefit of the doubt, that maybe those two months were bad. But I've had friends in the past (who I no longer speak to nowadays) that either couldn't, or wouldn't, want to get togehter and do stuff for 3-6 months at a time. Yet they'd always say 'oh we should hang out' or 'we should totally do [insert topic we were just discussing here]'. Like, why would you say that, if you clearly didn't want to hang out? And, we're like 2 hours away from eachother. Its not like they couldn't find a time to do something, if they wanted to.

    Yeah, I don’t believe any vague invitations. The let’s get together some time thing is a polite evasion IMO.

    If people really want to get together they will be specific.

    so, how does... say, 6PM tonight look for you?


    stupid ole' geography

    never mind.
  • bill5936
    bill5936 Posts: 1 Member
    I can’t relate to people that constantly make excuses to not do their job that they are paid for.