Lose 5lbs + in August 2019



  • SarahsHustle
    SarahsHustle Posts: 96 Member
    I weigh on Sundays:

    Original starting weight: 166.6 ( 01.19.19)
    August goal: 134

    8.4.19 - 137.3
    8.11.19 -136.0
    8.18.19 -136.0
    8.25.19 -135.4
    End of the month 8.31.19 -
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Original starting weight - 167 lbs (April 2018)
    August starting weight - 154 lbs
    August goal - 148 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 144 lbs

    31st - 154 lbs
    5th - 151.4 lbs
    12th - 150.4 lbs
    18th - 150.2 lbs
    26th - 149.6 lbs
    31st -

    Total loss: 4.4 lbs

    Not my lowest weight this month, but I did eat like crap yesterday and it is almost TOM. Looking at my monday trends makes it seem better. Might hit another small drop before the end of the month. Otherwise, it will be right at the start of next month.
  • Miyoka_Tata
    Miyoka_Tata Posts: 329 Member
    edited August 2019
    Original starting weight -191
    August starting weight - 189
    August goal - 181.4
    Ultimate goal - 115

    Thurs, 8/15: 187.4
    Fri, 8/16: 186.6
    Sat, 8/17: 184.8
    Goal Weight: 185.4
    Actual Weight: 184.8 πŸ₯³

    Sun, 8/18: 183.6
    Mon, 8/19: 183
    Tues, 8/20: 182
    Wed, 8/21: 181.4
    Thurs, 8/22: 182.8
    Fri, 8/23: 182.8
    Sat, 8/24: 183
    Goal Weight: 183.4
    Actual Weight: 183 πŸ₯³

    Sun, 8/25: 182.4
    Mon, 8/26: 182
    Tues, 8/27:
    Wed, 8/28:
    Thurs, 8/29:
    Fri, 8/30:
    Sat, 8/31:
    Goal Weight: 181.4
    Actual Weight:

    Total loss for August - 7lbs
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    Female, 5'3", 58 years old
    I will be weighing daily, it keeps me accountable and motivated and shows trends
    Starting weight October 28.18 - 191
    August goal is 155 (Same as July goal)
    Ultimate goal is 115

    August 01 - 160.0
    August 02 - 160.7
    August 03 - 159.6
    August 04 - 160.1
    August 05 - 161.1 - Not sure why I am up today, just going to stay the course and hope to see it come back down.
    August 06 - 161.9 - Maybe it is just too early in the morning. I have been on track and getting in good workouts. Don't like to gain of course. I am going away soon, so had hoped to have a bit of a cushion.
    August 07 - 159.8
    August 08 - 159.3 - My last weigh-in until I get back from my short holiday. I will still be tracking, but won't have my scale.
    August 12 - 162.0 - I think that it will get higher still before I can get it back down. Festival food! I will get back on track for sure.
    August 13 - 162.2 - So hopefully that is the last of the festival food showing up on my slow metabolism. Now to salvage the month.
    August 14 - 160.4 - Burned more calories than I ate yesterday, I had 1500 calories left over according to MFP.
    August 15 - 158.0 - Yay!
    August 16 - 158.5 - Maybe I can get in more calorie burning today than I did yesterday (only managed to burn off 262 cal). It seems that I need to burn at least 500 each day to see any kind of results. I rely on Zumba-esque type workouts to get the most burn for the time. Tomorrow is the multi-cultural festival in my town, so I hope to wake up to a good number before sampling the delicious international fare.
    August 17 - 157.5 - I consumed 1700 calories yesterday! I did burn 600 calories through exercise, but I am pretty sure that I will show a gain once my slow metabolism catches up. I really need to eat 1200 calories or less and burn a minimum of 500 calories in order to lose any weight.
    August 18 - 158.7 - It was very late by the time I got a chance to eat last night. Nevertheless, I am happy to be under 160. Only 12 days left to hit that magical 155, but I have been striving for it for 2 months. It might take me 3 months to lose 5 pounds, but I am determined.
    August 19 - 157.4 - I expect this to go up, but had a beautiful calorie laden dinner with Champagne last night, and late. (35% whipping cream sauce, high calorie peanut sauce noodles etc.) The leftovers will need to be eaten in very tiny amounts.
    August 20 - 157.8
    August 21 - 159.0
    August 22 - 160.6 - Hopefully just a blip, really expected to be less today. Staying the course.
    August 23 - 159.3 - Higher than I was on this date a month ago : - ( Argh.
    August 24 - 160.2
    August 25 - 159.8 - Not sure why my last post went in twice.
    So I am at the weight that I was at on August 7th. I had good hopes for the month back then, but feeling right now that all of the work that I am putting in is just not paying off. I am not going to quit, but I sure feel like giving up. My body doesn't want to part with the fat obviously. If anyone knows any ways to trick the body into letting the fat go I am all ears.
    August 26 - 161.1

    Running Loss/Gain: Gain 1.1 pounds
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    Female, 5'3", 58 years old
    I will be weighing daily, it keeps me accountable and motivated and shows trends
    Starting weight October 28.18 - 191
    August goal is 155 (Same as July goal)
    Ultimate goal is 115

    August 01 - 160.0
    August 02 - 160.7
    August 03 - 159.6
    August 04 - 160.1
    August 05 - 161.1 - Not sure why I am up today, just going to stay the course and hope to see it come back down.
    August 06 - 161.9 - Maybe it is just too early in the morning. I have been on track and getting in good workouts. Don't like to gain of course. I am going away soon, so had hoped to have a bit of a cushion.
    August 07 - 159.8
    August 08 - 159.3 - My last weigh-in until I get back from my short holiday. I will still be tracking, but won't have my scale.
    August 12 - 162.0 - I think that it will get higher still before I can get it back down. Festival food! I will get back on track for sure.
    August 13 - 162.2 - So hopefully that is the last of the festival food showing up on my slow metabolism. Now to salvage the month.
    August 14 - 160.4 - Burned more calories than I ate yesterday, I had 1500 calories left over according to MFP.
    August 15 - 158.0 - Yay!
    August 16 - 158.5 - Maybe I can get in more calorie burning today than I did yesterday (only managed to burn off 262 cal). It seems that I need to burn at least 500 each day to see any kind of results. I rely on Zumba-esque type workouts to get the most burn for the time. Tomorrow is the multi-cultural festival in my town, so I hope to wake up to a good number before sampling the delicious international fare.
    August 17 - 157.5 - I consumed 1700 calories yesterday! I did burn 600 calories through exercise, but I am pretty sure that I will show a gain once my slow metabolism catches up. I really need to eat 1200 calories or less and burn a minimum of 500 calories in order to lose any weight.
    August 18 - 158.7 - It was very late by the time I got a chance to eat last night. Nevertheless, I am happy to be under 160. Only 12 days left to hit that magical 155, but I have been striving for it for 2 months. It might take me 3 months to lose 5 pounds, but I am determined.
    August 19 - 157.4 - I expect this to go up, but had a beautiful calorie laden dinner with Champagne last night, and late. (35% whipping cream sauce, high calorie peanut sauce noodles etc.) The leftovers will need to be eaten in very tiny amounts.
    August 20 - 157.8
    August 21 - 159.0
    August 22 - 160.6 - Hopefully just a blip, really expected to be less today. Staying the course.
    August 23 - 159.3 - Higher than I was on this date a month ago : - ( Argh.
    August 24 - 160.2
    August 25 - 159.8 - Not sure why my last post went in twice.
    So I am at the weight that I was at on August 7th. I had good hopes for the month back then, but feeling right now that all of the work that I am putting in is just not paying off. I am not going to quit, but I sure feel like giving up. My body doesn't want to part with the fat obviously. If anyone knows any ways to trick the body into letting the fat go I am all ears.
    August 26 - 161.1
    August 27 - 160.9 - hoping for a woosh before the end of the month.

    Running Loss/Gain: Gain 0.9 pounds