Yay for Menopause

I'm 54 years old. I'm solidly in perimenopause. I've been 11 months without a period - so, 1 month away from official, full-on menopause.

(Interestingly, my 12 year old twins just started menses last month. But I digress! :) )

I've been lamenting the fading of youth: the feeling of being invisible.... of hating my fuller mid-section.... struggling to find (or alter) jeans to fit my larger waist that don't bag in the hips & legs.... the vigilance to maintain or increase my NEAT so as to maintain my weight.... getting off my *kitten* to lift the weights when all I wanna do is binge-watch Netflix on the treddy... Of being the grandmother-aged mother of middle school girls. (Seriously. Them other mom's musta birthed when they were 12! And don't get me started on the teachers that look like they're students - amiright?!)

...and where did THAT hair come from?!

I could go on.


It just occurred to me. I'm not "afflicted" with menopause. Oh no. I've reached a wonderful milestone!

I'm 54 years old. I'm pretty darned healthy overall. I've maintained my weight for 3 years now, and am at a lower weight than I was as a teenager. I haven't had an acne outbreak in over a year! (used to suffer major acne issues). I DON'T HAVE A PERIOD ANYMORE. No more "feminine products" or unfortunate accidents! (Now my daughters' bailiwick ;) ) And best of all, I don't have to give a fork what I wear, do, or say - as long as I'm not hurting anybody in the process! You're embarrassed by mommy's singing in public? Too bad!

Peace out.


  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    Aw, sending you good vibes, @tcunbeliever. Hormones can be such a *kitten*!
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    You have a really great outlook!! I've been in peri for about 3 years now. And everytime I get excited because I haven't had a period in months, boom - period from hell. I cannot wait for this to be over.

    Otoh, these hot flashes are a nightmare. I'm noticing also kinds of trends with them as well. I get a hot flash when there's stress and I get one when my husband walks into the room. WTH? And my black cohosh seems to be less effective than the last time.

    Anyways, I also have a 12 year old daughter who will get her period anytime now. It's so interesting for her to be moving into this phase while I'm moving out of it.

    I think one thing we can all be excited about is the day we no longer bleed several days each month. Hooray for menopause!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm with you - 54 years old here too. Life is good!
  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    @MostlyWater - life IS good! :)

    @ethelsmommy - Yeah, my husband's look is more "horrified". Perhaps he'll work his way up to "faraway"... once he accepts that this is really happening!
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 176 Member
    I do NOT miss those painful, inconvenient periods AT ALL!! I do get hot flashes, but I’ll take them anytime over periods :)

    Thanks for the great post!!! Love your perspective.... now what to do about the vag dryness?????
  • _BlahBlah_BlackSheep_
    _BlahBlah_BlackSheep_ Posts: 2,148 Member
    I'm gonna need someone to send me a postcard or something to give me a heads up that menopause is arriving. I had a uterine ablation 4+ years ago, so I don't get periods anymore. Are hot flashes going to be the first sign? Or something else? I'm 46, so I'm thinking it's not too many years away at this point.
  • colorfulcoquette
    colorfulcoquette Posts: 94 Member
    I'm gonna need someone to send me a postcard or something to give me a heads up that menopause is arriving. I had a uterine ablation 4+ years ago, so I don't get periods anymore. Are hot flashes going to be the first sign? Or something else? I'm 46, so I'm thinking it's not too many years away at this point.

    I wonder about this too as I have a Mirena IUD and haven't had a period for 3 years. I'm 44 and I still have several more years with the device in place so I feel there's a decent chance of it starting during this time.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,956 Member
    I'm gonna need someone to send me a postcard or something to give me a heads up that menopause is arriving. I had a uterine ablation 4+ years ago, so I don't get periods anymore. Are hot flashes going to be the first sign? Or something else? I'm 46, so I'm thinking it's not too many years away at this point.

    Maybe ask if your doctor will run the blood tests for it once in a while?
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,735 Member
    My last three years I would bleed for one day a year, for about an hour or less. I finally finished at 52. Hot flashes aren't inevitable. I never really had them. At best I'd get an occasional warm flash, where I'd ask, "Is it warm in here?" and then I'd go on with what I was doing and forget about it. My mother also had an easy menopause so I wasn't surprised.
  • keodell1966
    keodell1966 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 53. Wondering when this stage of life will start. Periods are normal, ugh!!! I want some benefit here.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I'm not sure of my status (I'm 43). I'm on a med that has a side effect of raising your prolactin levels so my hormones are messed up plus I'm quite underweight. I haven't had my period since january. I was regular before starting this med. I don't have any other menopause symptoms. I'm not missing my period at all.
  • beckyrpl
    beckyrpl Posts: 73 Member
    Lydia, I'm so sorry! I hope when you get 'there', your chronic migraines go away. Mine did, and I can't tell you what a relief it's been!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I feel extremely lucky, I have only had night sweats twice and while I had frequent hot flashes my first 2 years, they were never the sweat-dripping-down-your-face kind. My hot flashes are less frequent now, yay. I did find it more comfortable to put a wool mattress cover on my bed; they help regulate your body temp. in both winter and summer. I have waterproof mattress covers on the beds in the guest bedrooms for the young grandchildren mostly) and I cannot sleep on those, they trap heat horribly.
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I'm gonna need someone to send me a postcard or something to give me a heads up that menopause is arriving. I had a uterine ablation 4+ years ago, so I don't get periods anymore. Are hot flashes going to be the first sign? Or something else? I'm 46, so I'm thinking it's not too many years away at this point.

    ohhh, I'm pretty sure you will know without a postcard! I had an ablation too. Prior to that I never really had PMS or hormone swings during my years with a period... so as soon as the hot flashes came, no sleeping, and my belly expanded – my world turned upside down. It is worse for me when I drink wine (just can't do it right now) and I also notice eating chocolate can also bring on a flash. I'm 52 now and it started 4 years ago. (My sisters journey lasted 8 years.)

    Meditation helps me a ton! When I can't sleep – I meditate. Insight Timer is a great app for guided meditations if you are new to meditation. When I flash – I strip then meditate. It really helps me calm 'the thought storm' I make up during this natural menopause process.

    One thing we can all count on for sure. This too shall pass <3