Yay for Menopause



  • I’m 46 and have been peri for the past 4-5 years. I cannot wait for menopause.
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    How do you force menopause? I'm 53, not really wanting it to happen, but curious when it will. Sick of periods....

    I am working with my doctors ( gynecologist and neurologist) right now trying to force menopause- I went on the pill for three months straight, hoping when I paused this week I would not have a period- FAIL this month. but will try again for 3 months. I am having a horrible peri-menopause-migraines everyday, insomnia, my progesterone is totally out of whack.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,665 Member
    I started having perimenopause at age 42, after it hit, my Dr took tests to see what level my hormones were at & prescribed hormone cream that was mixed up for me. Dr was very much into herbs & natural & said this hormone cream was good for the heart too. It helped with the hot flashes but I've always been a "hot" person, even in my 20's & still get hot flashes years after menopause
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Found this thread very interesting. I'm 49 and Oct 1 was.my 1 year anniversary TOM-free. Hopefully it will continue, but I haven't had it too bad! I have had a few nights when I woke up due to night sweats, but not that many. I do have minor hot flashes at night, but nothing major. Mainly I wake up due to sleep apnea, and kick the blanket off occasionally, but not really sweaty, just hot. I'm working on losing weight. I've lost almost 50lbs.since.summer. I still have a lot more to lose, but not finding it too, too difficult. I just love not getting my period.anymore!! I can live with the rest. After reading many of these other posts, I consider myself very fortunate!
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    Peri was blinking awful. Permanently tired because I couldn't sleep, tetchy, loss of libido (dryness - eugh), awful frequent heavy periods. However, I did lose quite a bit of weight. Then got past that and am on HRT. Pluses of which are sleep relatively ok, not irritable, minuses are that I have put on some weight, and get spots. Hmm. Dryness and lack of libido still an issue.
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    I think that reframing the societal ideals about menopause and aging for women is empowerment. Good for you!
  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    Here’s a “boo” for menopause...just had bloodwork done, and my cholesterol is high, specifically my “bad” cholesterol. This happens in menopause due to reduced estrogen, among other things. I’m not happy, since I already limit meat/saturated fat, alcohol, commerical baked goods and just lost about 20 pounds while exercising 4-6 days a week. My diet is going to become even more restricted! Would prefer to stay off meds as long as possible.

    BOOO! That sux. Especially when you are already working hard!
  • kristingjertsen
    kristingjertsen Posts: 239 Member
    Soymilk, tofu, lots of vegetables and fruit, whole grains, and fatty fish all helped with my menopause symptoms. Advised to add them to my diet by my OBGYN. Soymilk and tofu ended my hot flashes, adding moderate portions of whole grains (roughly 1/2 half cup per meal per day) and lots of vegetables and fruit helped me drop the 15 pounds I gained after "the change", and the fatty fish (sardines, salmon, herring, mackerel) made my skin glow again, stopped the dry eye, and helped with the dreaded dryness in other areas as well. I also exercise daily, 3 good aerobic workouts, some weight training, swimming, stretching. I mix things up over the course of the week, depending on my schedule and how I am feeling. I would like to drop another 10 pounds by my 55th birthday, so I have started tracking my calories again on the site. Nothing extreme, but I would love to get back to 145 which was my achieved goal weight the year I turned 50.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    So I was reading a thread on facebook from one of my friends who is diabetic and another of her friends (male) talked about his symptoms when he is going thru a blood sugar crash.

    I have always attributed my night sweats to menopause but haven't understood what the trigger was. I now have a possible connection between why women get hot flashes and night sweats. Possibly due to a blood sugar dive which hormones no longer control. Esp since I tend to get a lot of my calories in the evening many of which are carbs etc... WOW. LIGHTBULB MOMENT!!! I wonder if we took a blood sugar reading during a hot flash whether it would show an extreme low? or maybe those type of sweats from low blood sugar dives and hot flashes are not similar at all.

    Just food for thought.

    Smart. Very smart.
    My grandmother started having hot flashes/night sweats at the age of 44 and they didn't stop until she was 94. They attributed all of it menopause/hormones but didn't connect the dots to glucose regulation.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,905 Member
    So I was reading a thread on facebook from one of my friends who is diabetic and another of her friends (male) talked about his symptoms when he is going thru a blood sugar crash.

    I have always attributed my night sweats to menopause but haven't understood what the trigger was. I now have a possible connection between why women get hot flashes and night sweats. Possibly due to a blood sugar dive which hormones no longer control. Esp since I tend to get a lot of my calories in the evening many of which are carbs etc... WOW. LIGHTBULB MOMENT!!! I wonder if we took a blood sugar reading during a hot flash whether it would show an extreme low? or maybe those type of sweats from low blood sugar dives and hot flashes are not similar at all.

    Just food for thought.

    I was going to add my 2 cents to this thread and then read the above. What I was going to say was that my hot flashes seemed to be tied somehow to my carb consumption. For example, I would eat my breakfast muffin at my desk and within 20 minutes I would be burning up. Treats showed up at work? Hot flash. Even though I was within my calories for the day (so not overeating). I never had a night sweat the entire time, but my dinners were usually low carb (meat, veg, no rice, pasta, or potatoes). So it all actually makes sense now. Its probably not the same for everyone, but for me, I'd say it was the carbs.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,956 Member
    Hot flashes: There's been some decent research in the last couple of decades, though there's lots more to do, especially on the etiology front. (I suspect this is another of those research areas that got short shrift until women started reaching influential levels in the research community.) For example:

  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I understand how awful menopause symptoms can be: I went through it, with extra anti-estrogen drugs in my system at the time as a multiplier; and have had close friends in like circumstances who experienced substantially worse symptoms than I did. Mine included hot flashes, night sweats, sleep problems, brain fog, bone loss, etc. . . . most of which were not on my mind, because what was happening alongside was chemotherapy. I've had hot flashes that literally steamed up my glasses in normal indoor ambient temperatures. :lol:

    However, I'd like to encourage anyone considering HRT (for natural menopause) to look carefully at risk increase for blood clots, stroke, heart attacks, and breast cancer. I'm not saying no one should do HRT; I'm only suggesting that no one should do it lightly, without considering that dimension, and perhaps without trying other strategies.

    Some doctors seem suprisingly sanguine, to me: Consider that a major trial of HRT was cut short because of the increased incidence of those conditions.

    Long-term, all-cause mortality of those in the study was not altered, but incidence of those very life-altering outcomes was increased.

    I can't speak for blood clots, heart disease or strokes, but I'm able to say very clearly from personal experience that breast cancer treatment is a really, really bad hobby . . . way worse than the menopause symptoms. It may not happen, but risks are increased.

    Apologies for being a downer. :flowerforyou:

    Watching my mom go through just what you have described has me convinced that I will never use hormone replacement. What she is dealing with now(the extra anti estrogen drugs) is minor in comparison. And didn’t cause her much stress or lifestyle change. Thankfully my gp agrees. My gyn on the other hand is still pushing for me to get a mirena, which I refuse. I don’t want hormones for any reason, and that seems foreign to him.

    FWIW, my mom has also noticed a huge correlation to carb consumption and hot flashes, similar to the ladies above. She just times their intake for when she wants them. Eg: she brings a slice of cake home instead of eating it at work, maybe even saves it for breakfast the next day so any flashes occurs early in the day, at home where she can change, or go stand out in the cold, etc. She regulates carbs mostly in the aft and evenings so that her sleep is less likely to be interrupted.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 54 and guess I'm looking at late onset menopause :( I took the pill until I was 50 and thought I would go straight to "no periods".......I was wrong. I'm so punctual that it's scary. Oh well, maybe next year..lol.
  • gladius173
    gladius173 Posts: 20 Member
    Welp let me tell you ladies... Jan 2019 was a turning point in my life. Never thought i would be faced with this terrible issue. However, I have grown in ways i can not imagine. From losing Myself to now finding myself. Working out, sensibly, eating sensibly and just enjoy life WITH VIGOR! I encourage all to enjoy life and GET YOUR *kitten* ON THE WEIGHT ROOM FLOOR.. and PUSH THEM KIDS OUT OF THE MIRROR.. CAUSE I DO! TRUST ME... I push these men and women out of the way! oxoxoxox. Now faced with removing my GIRLS.. oh lord. lol. I lift VERY HEAVY AND SQUAT HEAVY.. STIMULATE HORMONES TO KEEP ME MORE ALIVE.
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    57yrs old and still peri..... Have had a reasonably smooth time, just the odd day of feeling murderous or like crying in a corner..... Can't wait til it is done!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,956 Member
    gladius173 wrote: »
    Welp let me tell you ladies... Jan 2019 was a turning point in my life. Never thought i would be faced with this terrible issue. However, I have grown in ways i can not imagine. From losing Myself to now finding myself. Working out, sensibly, eating sensibly and just enjoy life WITH VIGOR! I encourage all to enjoy life and GET YOUR *kitten* ON THE WEIGHT ROOM FLOOR.. and PUSH THEM KIDS OUT OF THE MIRROR.. CAUSE I DO! TRUST ME... I push these men and women out of the way! oxoxoxox. Now faced with removing my GIRLS.. oh lord. lol. I lift VERY HEAVY AND SQUAT HEAVY.. STIMULATE HORMONES TO KEEP ME MORE ALIVE.

    If I'm reading you right: I've been there, and did that . . . 19+ years ago. Life is good. It's a dark tunnel, but we can get through it, and emerge strong. Hang in there. :flowerforyou: