Yay for Menopause



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Loved this post. I can't wait. I'm 46 and a friend who is 49 and I keep waiting. Every month were like where the heck is menopause I'm ready. She's just about there I think in peri I probably have a few more years to go.

    Keep fighting ladies we're all awesome
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @SummerSkier I may have read it wrong, did you mean blood sugar goes higher at night because of eating carbs? I'm diabetic and get higher readings two hours after. I get hypoglycemic and when it's really low I'd wake up with shaking and chills. I'm no longer on medication and my blood sugar dips in and out of hypoglycemia but not with the symptoms it used to.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    OK, peri-menopause and menopause is confusing! After years of medications for endometriosis I very happily stopped having periods. Two years later, surprise! Not only was it back early this year routinely but I spotted every day from Feb to August. Everything stopped and it's gone again. My OBG can't find anything wrong, but said it may not be menopause because I'm not having hot flashes. Next test is for thyroid but I was tested a couple years ago and no problem.

    The midsection gain is real, I've always been pear-shaped then this belly that wouldn't go away lingered despite being at goal weight. I was tempted to lose more to target it but my upper body is a bit too thin at this point.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,082 Member
    @Katmary71 yes - I think that is what i meant. However I am not diabetic just menopausal and searching for connections as to what causes night sweats. It may be completely unrelated but if eating carbs later in the day leads to a blood sugar spike in the night time I was think that was causing the sweats. Could be completely off base of course.

    AS far as peri I think I had one long long long period and then spotted a long time. I never had the hot flashes or night sweats when it first started. And the mid section fat thing did not start until I was about 10 years in either. It just goes to show how everyone's experiences are different. There is a bloodwork test for menopause also I think to check for hormones.

    Speaking of bloodwork I find it totally annoying that as we age things just go downhill no matter how healthy we eat or keep fit. It's all part of the body process of course because things start to wear out and recovery takes longer but it doesn't mean I have to like it! LOL
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I am really glad that I found this thread. I am 47 and I think I am starting into peri-menopause. Instead of my periods stopping, however, I am getting them about every ten days. This is after many years of very regular periods. And the cramps are horrible. Also getting the night sweats, but I am not new to that since I dealt with them for years with Crohn's disease.

    One other thing I have noticed that is bothering me is how elevated my heart rate has become. My resting heart rate is usually in the low to mid 50s and it has been in the 60s for the past several weeks. Also, it is much higher than normal when I run, even though my perceived rate of exertion is not. I have tried taking an extended period of rest thinking maybe I was overdoing it, but it did not change anything. Has anyone had similar experience? Does this sound like menopause to you? A quick Google search confirms that all of these things can be indications of peri-menopause.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    57yrs old and still peri..... Have had a reasonably smooth time, just the odd day of feeling murderous or like crying in a corner..... Can't wait til it is done!

    Similar to you, I am nearing 56 and still not in menopause. Just came from my gyn and she said her oldest patient to go through menopause was 57, so I may be going for the new record. There are ups and downs, but overall not too bad. I really don’t want to gain weight after fighting to lose 25 pounds this past year. Now, I have to have an ultrasound to check my lining because I went 6 months with no periods then starting in October had 3 periods two-ish weeks apart. Dr. Said she has to take special care of me because of my age and weight. Mentioned possibly putting me on a progesterone only low dose pill? I was on bc most of my childbearing years. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any thoughts on progesterone only pill? Is that the same as HRT?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    I just turned 49 in Dec.....I haven't had a period in years ....thank goodness....my daughter is 14 and she has had her period since she was 11 ....
  • christineengel1
    christineengel1 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2020
    I've heard that hypnosis can help with hot flashes. Might try that the next time the guy comes to town. Mine come and go, but when they are here they are BAD. Now if I could just figure out something for improving libido ….. suggestions?
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    49 this year. I can not wait.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    46 and in peri menopause for a couple years according to my gyn. I also had an ablation a few years ago so it’s hard to track, any periods are super, super light and last one to two days. No hot flashes, thank goodness. But the moods - oh boy. And when my 14 yr old daughter is having her TOM, we are a disaster. Looking forward to being out the other side.
  • cyncm
    cyncm Posts: 36 Member
    I'm finally fully menopausal after a few years of cycling back and forth... very cool not to have periods but hot flashes are a nuisance. Like others I find whatever gets my blood sugar to rise can trigger them, plus hot drinks, but it's worse in the late afternoon to bedtime. Mostly I just live with it cause rooibos tea and chocolate after dinner is so nice. Sleeping with the heat off no matter the temperature plus window open most of the year helps alot. So would kicking the cats out from under the covers but some things are sacred. I usually remember how much less sweaty life is now compared to when I was lugging around another 80 pounds...
  • cyncm
    cyncm Posts: 36 Member
    PS I am soooooo not comfortable with the risks of HRT. My mom says she used yam cream... anyone tried that?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    cyncm wrote: »
    PS I am soooooo not comfortable with the risks of HRT. My mom says she used yam cream... anyone tried that?

    Yes, I did use Emerita Pro-Gest Progesterone Cream to help regulate my cycle, which would decrease my bleeding back then. Then I finally got a GYN who would prescribe Prometrium, a bio-identical progesterone, and switched to that. This was for my fibroids/heavy bleeding, not menopause. I was very comfortable with both products, and with Emerita as a brand.