

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Heather: Enjoy your cruise. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos of your sons. :smiley: I like your list of nine things to give up in order to be happy. The inner peace message is wonderful, too.

    Pip: Happy to hear that Bob Seeger can still sing. You’re lucky to get to see the concert. :smiley:

    Rebecca: I look at your husband’s scar in the photo and see courage and survival for both of you. I’m so happy that he is doing well. :heart:

    Rho: Keep us in the loop regarding the service dog in Portland who is looking for a new home. I have one or two friends who might be interested. Can you PM me with contact information?

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Me too. My husband's strength amazes me every day.💖
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,711 Member
    stats for the day:

    no wahoo - just apple watch

    bike ride hm 2 gym, windy- 7.05min, 13.3amph, 1.57mi= 57c
    0 RUNNER- 45min, 9.58min mi, lvl5, 9h, 112c, 40l, 4.54mi= 251c
    bike ride gym 2 dome, windy- 5.02min, 17.9amph, 1.50mi= 41c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station, windy- 14.27min, 12.7amph, 3.06mi= 145c
    jog sta 2 wrk, windy- 5.09min, 9.44min mi, .52mi= 64c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4,31min, 10.10min mi, .44mi= 53c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 16.04min, 9.7amph, 2.58mi= 157c

    total 768cal
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Allie – feel better soon

    Annie DE – wonderful!

    This afternoon after bowling, my stomach felt distended. Then, when I was driving to mahjongg, I got such a cramp in my stomach. Still a little cramp but nothing like before. I had some yogurt, crackers and a chocolate bran muffin (probably not the best choice).

    Tomorrow…dexa, mammo, volunteer, movies

    Michele in NC
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Tracey, see if the dentist will use the type of Novacain they give heart patients. I had that when I was having a short term arrhythmia problem, Ian’s i was suddenly able to relax and let go of my fear. I reacted a bit when I had a twinge or two, but my heart didn’t keep on racing every time something elevated it. I ask for it every time now. Going to the dentist has become a different experience!

    Sharon NearSeattle
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – glad to hear what the out come of the job up and down, I remembered the stress about the change of supervisor and had not heard an update. I do believe that having options allows us to have the “freedom” to step back and view the situation more objectively.

    The new mud room is fab!

    Rho – glad to hear you mention fiber and protein, as staying within calories is easier for me when I am at or above the MFP recommended fiber. I get it from veggies, I have chosen not to add protein or fiber supplements, but to use foods in the least processed version I can. It helps that I am a 3-4 day a week vegetarian, so I get a lot of beans (high in fiber).

    Rita – hang in there ! tummy issues can steal your get up and go very quickly, and it’s been very hot there.

    Lanette – just a thought my vacuum had a similar problem to yours I took it to the vacuum repair guy in my town and for $12 he repaired it… while I waited, it needed a new belt.

    Annie – great news!

    Heather – all the pictures are great! Red looks fab on you.

    Kim from N. California
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Lisa in AR, how very like me you sound at times. I sought adventure and excitement by moving many times and in many different jobs until one “adventure” got me my third daughter and almost got me killed. After that, what with counseling for me and the kids and a desire to get to really know my co-workers, who had staunchly protected me at some risk to themselves, I started staying put. I’ve lived here at “Granny Sharon’s Nudie Farm”, as some of the other residents call it, since 1998. I realized last year that I’ve lived here at this house more than twice as long as I lived in any of my three homes as a girl. They were all pretty much in the same neighborhood - upward mobility they called it then.

    Do you ever miss the thrill of a new place? A new town? New people? I still miss the first two, but have found my reluctance to pull up stakes and move is people centered. I not only have my youngest daughter’s family here, I have people I’ve known and for the most part at least liked for over 20 years now. New ones come in for a season, but I miss the older folks when we lose one, or if they decide they’re going to live in Arizona full-time.

    I don’t have a gal pal at the moment, and I miss that horribly. I seem to NEED someone who calls or whom I can call, and say “You got any coffee?”, with the subtext that I’m coming over for an hour’s gab fest. The one I go to lunch with every week or two, or whom we treat to a mani-pedi on her birthday.

    Lisa, you don’t sound like you have a gal pal in your life at the moment. For the rest of you, how important is that to you if you’re leading a settled life? And how on earth do you find one? Mine have always been coworkers until this last, who was my neighbor until she died suddenly in 2014. I’m happy, but also find myself terribly lonely at times. I guess I need to find a larger neighborhood to lurk in.

    Sharon, feeling a bit sad, Near Seattle
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Lisa in AR, how very like me you sound at times. I sought adventure and excitement by moving many times and in many different jobs until one “adventure” got me my third daughter and almost got me killed. After that, what with counseling for me and the kids and a desire to get to really know my co-workers, who had staunchly protected me at some risk to themselves, I started staying put. I’ve lived here at “Granny Sharon’s Nudie Farm”, as some of the other residents call it, since 1998. I realized last year that I’ve lived here at this house more than twice as long as I lived in any of my three homes as a girl. They were all pretty much in the same neighborhood - upward mobility they called it then.

    Do you ever miss the thrill of a new place? A new town? New people? I still miss the first two, but have found my reluctance to pull up stakes and move is people centered. I not only have my youngest daughter’s family here, I have people I’ve known and for the most part at least liked for over 20 years now. New ones come in for a season, but I miss the older folks when we lose one, or if they decide they’re going to live in Arizona full-time.

    I don’t have a gal pal at the moment, and I miss that horribly. I seem to NEED someone who calls or whom I can call, and say “You got any coffee?”, with the subtext that I’m coming over for an hour’s gab fest. The one I go to lunch with every week or two, or whom we treat to a mani-pedi on her birthday.

    Lisa, you don’t sound like you have a gal pal in your life at the moment. For the rest of you, how important is that to you if you’re leading a settled life? And how on earth do you find one? Mine have always been coworkers until this last, who was my neighbor until she died suddenly in 2014. I’m happy, but also find myself terribly lonely at times. I guess I need to find a larger neighborhood to lurk in.

    Sharon, feeling a bit sad, Near Seattle

    If I wasn't such a homebody, hermit, I would come to your nudie farm. 💖The season where the dangily bits don't fall off like Rolos is like a week though! I need a good long summer!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Tracey, see if the dentist will use the type of Novacain they give heart patients. I had that when I was having a short term arrhythmia problem, Ian’s i was suddenly able to relax and let go of my fear. I reacted a bit when I had a twinge or two, but my heart didn’t keep on racing every time something elevated it. I ask for it every time now. Going to the dentist has become a different experience!

    Sharon NearSeattle

    Thank you Sharon
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    . . . My weight has leveled off, and even come back down a few pounds since 9/9, which I appreciate. The intermittent fasting works when I can hold to it . . . So--recommitting to IF this week.
    Lisa So what IF intervals do you use? I'm curious since I plan on doing it also in the future. :)
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Allie: I had my gallbladder removed several years ago due to a diagnosis of gall stones. They were very painful and the pain happened most often at night. The surgery was a welcome relief, but it turned out that I had only one gallstone and it was large—at least the size of a robin’s egg. I’ve been told that most gallstones are small and there can be many. If this is a gallbladder problem, you likely need medical intervention. At least get a check-up. Rest well. :heart: Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
    Gallstones, if small and depending on their location, can sometimes be dissolved with medication. Can you get in to see a GI doctor real soon? <3

    Annie I'm glad everything went well with your uncle's surgery :smiley:

    Barbi Here's hoping everything goes well with your bathroom re-do. :smiley:

    Terri Good times on the dance floor . . . you both look very happy <3 Love the lace dress!

    sh0tzz99 I like what you said about the snacks you use and measuring them out in the morning. It makes a lot of sense so one doesn't just grab something thoughtlessly.Thank you! :smile:

    Kim in N Cali Thanks for the info. :L I think I need to limit my "snacks" to veggies only and going to start measuring them out in the morning like sh0tzz99 :smile:

    RVRita :o What tha . . . The creatures you took photos of, have they provided motivation for you to take up running? (JK :sweat_smile:

    Ginny Thank you for the mini-bio. I'm sorry about the loss of your husband. And you've really been through it with needing to have the hip replacements. That you stuck with your goals and lost so much weight inspires me to persevere. :persevere:

    Gal Pals I don't often feel lonely - I busy myself with distractions/projects and have a BF. But I sure miss hangin' with the gals. I used to be part of a group of gal pals that did an annual white water and camping trip. Some of us cross country or downhill skied together, canned tomatoes and pickles, and helped each other out in our veggie gardens. They were gals I could call and say, "Hey, let's meet for a cuppa joe." Most lead quieter lives now; some are busy with grand-children and some still work trying to sock money away for retirement and are too exhausted to do anything else. Some have physical limitations (I was one of the latter for a while myself). I only have one true "gal pal" now - we've known each other thirty years. But she lives in India half the year. Thankfully, she's here for another three weeks and isn't living to far from me :smile:

    Sharon Is it true you have a nudie farm? :wink:

    Rho (south of PDX) who is almost half-way done with cleaning out the garage and beat :sleepy:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    sharon I have a girlfriend, we met in baby class(!) now our babies are 21. I don’t really like her DH so social couple things don’t work for us but our long walks are perfection. Work colleagues that I considered friends have all retired and I miss their friendship very much. Ideas for meeting someone new, perhaps from a class, book club, volunteer thing or even going for a regular walk on a different time schedule you might bump into someone. It is a bit of work at first, starting a new friendship, but even as an introvert, I see how important it is. I get to bounce things off of her and listen to her do the same.

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Greetings from sunny Florida.

    Work was surprisingly calm yesterday. I was extremely surprised since it is quarter end. So I find myself hoping it is not the calm before the storm.

    Lisa – Thank you for the spoiler tip.

    Terri – You look gorgeous and happy. Wow, what a big luncheon. I hope you had a great time and got in some dance time too.

    RVRita – I love the bug pictures. I once had a friend place his tarantula on my arm when I was turned the other way. It was the coolest feeling having it crawl up my arm. TG I did not freak out and kill his pet!

    BarbieCat – I chuckled over your husband carrying the cat to the box three times to make sure kitty knew where to go. Mine hears me moving it and he is up from a sound sleep supervising me.

    Michele – Good question. And, funny I am still a kid getting out of the pool – I pull myself up from the side. I did research online because it was something I never thought about. Found the “best” handrails are coated but for safety reasons and it also suggested one should purchase handrail covers to cover the stainless steel from burning hands.

    Rho – Thank you for the call out. It’s my first month back restarting a healthier lifestyle so I am really determined. I am trying to stay strong and not slip back in to old habits which seems to happen to the best of us over time. So happy you have a supportive DB.

    Some comments regarding the hunger conversation……
    The hunger conversations were interesting yesterday. I enjoyed reading about the different types of hunger. It seems like hunger is relative and is an individual experience. During the weekend I can get up and if I am out and about completely forget to eat until a headache starts forming. During the workweek meals are scheduled and almost set to a clock on a normal day. Crazy workdays are a totally different thing – I can forget to eat and find myself saying wow, it’s 1:30 and I better eat lunch.

    From an MFP site article entitled, “10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight, According to RDs” states, ““Staying hydrated reduces hunger, increases the number of calories you burn and improves your body’s ability to burn body fat for energy.” If you’re not sure how much to drink, “a good place to start is half your body weight in ounces””. https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/10-reasons-youre-not-losing-weight-according-to-rds/?otm_medium=onespot&otm_source=onsite&otm_content=article-page:inline-unit-text&otm_click_id=dccbb40d-5099-48b4-bc0f-774840a08fff

    Still working upon October goals. There are many things to do around the house. Over the past two years I have been downsizing in my current home to see how much space I actually need to be happy. I have also been reviewing my food and exercise journals to see where I need to make adjustments.

    Hope everyone has a great day/evening and there is something that happens today that puts a smile on your face.
    SuziQ – Broward County, FL