TheFast Diet

Have any of you tried the fast diet? I'm interested. I have 5-10 pounds more to lose. I read about it in health magazine.

Here is a link to the book:


  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    It works, but I don't recommend it because it's unnecessary. It is no different than just counting your calories and being in a weekly deficit.

    But it won't work if you eat too much during the 5 days, so personally I say stay away from it, its pointless.
  • malliexo
    malliexo Posts: 76 Member
    It works, but I don't recommend it because it's unnecessary. It is no different than just counting your calories and being in a weekly deficit.

    But it won't work if you eat too much during the 5 days, so personally I say stay away from it, its pointless.

    I've hit a plateau. I eat 1,200 calories on days I don't work out and 1,400 on days I do. I'm just wondering if I need a shock to my metabolism.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    take some time off, listen to your body, and eat as you feel reasonable. That is what I have done and I expected to put weight on, but instead it allowed my body to learn that it has plenty of food coming its way, and not to hold onto the fat! I do that for about 3-4 weeks when I plateau, stay away from the scales until the end, and the get back to counting again. It works a charm.

    I am sure many will say it's all BS but the number of people it works for, including myself, makes it quite reasonable and quite true.

    1. stop logging
    2. eat reasonably (don't just eat chocolate all day!) remember to shop on the outside aisles only i.e. only fresh veggies, fruit, meat and nuts.
    3. keep doing exercise etc as you normally would, but always be switching up routines
    4. give it 4 weeks for things to reset
    5. start counting again!

    good luck :) 1200 calories is so low - I lose eating 1600 these days! (I used to be a bit 1200cal fan but it's just undereating, unless you eat perfectly you can't possibly get the nutrients your body needs)

    p.s. feel free to add if you're a fellow food lover :D
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    It is just a different way of getting to a calorie deficit. It just has a different restriction pattern, that's all. It is easier for some and sound ridiculous to others, as do most diets :)

    Also, you have so little to lose now, any way you choose will be more difficult than it might have been before.

    You can't really shock your metabolism, what you can do is ring the changes, this may have a physiological result or it may just change how you think about it, give you more motivation, etc. You can do that with a change in diet and/or exercise. But how you do that won't really matter, as long as it is sensible and 'doable' for you.

    You may have to lose that last little bit more slowly. However you choose to do it, good luck.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Loads of people on here are following the 5:2 routine
    Check out these groups:

    You will get much more informed comment there rather than the main forums where people are scared of things they don't understand and haven't tried.

    Personally....... I love it.
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Loads of people on here are following the 5:2 routine
    Check out these groups:

    You will get much more informed comment there rather than the main forums where people are scared of things they don't understand and haven't tried.

    Personally....... I love it.

    You're right, people on the main forum are a little more critical when discussing the 5:2 diet.

    For me it's the only way of dieting that has worked and I have shifted 12lbs over 12 weeks with ease (and I had a 4 week holiday during the last 12 weeks so really that's 12lbs over 6 weeks) and I enjoy fasting and feeling less bloated and my skin is clearer.
    Try it, nothing to lose other than the weight and if it's not for you, at least you've given it a go.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    lmao at these people..
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    *Bites tongue. Moves on*
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    lmao at these people..

    lmao at ridiculous selfie. See, we can all do it :wink:
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I did a variation of the 5:2 plan, called alternate day IF and had great success with it. There's 5:2 groups here on mfp or elsewhere online, if you do some googling :)
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    lmao at these people..

    lmao at ridiculous selfie. See, we can all do it :wink:

    Irrelevant ;)

    Look, there is no need for anyone, ever, to do a 5:2 diet.

    That is the bottom line, it holds NO advantage over just a normal caloric deficit for fat loss. If you think otherwise then I'm sorry there is something wrong with you. (this was aimed at everyone, no individual)
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    It never crosses your mind you may be in error, does it Richie?

    Your last statement is wrong on very many levels. Others, beside myself, have tried to discuss this with you, to no avail. You continue to be rude, self assured but wrong!
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    It never crosses your mind you may be in error, does it Richie?

    Your last statement is wrong on very many levels. Others, beside myself, have tried to discuss this with you, to no avail. You continue to be rude, self assured but wrong!

    My last statement is not wrong, there is no evidence to suggest that a 5:2 diet holds any fat loss advantages (it does not, that is why).

    Over a week, total caloric intake is what creates fat loss, not a 5:2 diet.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Yes, Richie. As usual I took care to read what you said. I believe what you say EXCEPT that 5:2 is useless.

    It is one way to achieve calorie deficit and achieve fat loss. Just one. One of many.

    That it is one you personally choose to disregard does not make it useless.

    I would point you toward some of the research studies, but last time that happened you lambasted me for reading old studies and believing in fairies, or some such nonsense I had never posted any opinion on.

    You are posting an opinion. You are posting it in such a manner that you are being rude. All that is required is that you try to be less opinionated and a little more educated.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Irrelevant ;)

    Look, there is no need for anyone, ever, to do a 5:2 diet.

    That is the bottom line, it holds NO advantage over just a normal caloric deficit for fat loss. If you think otherwise then I'm sorry there is something wrong with you. (this was aimed at everyone, no individual)

    5:2 doesn't claim to have an advantage in the amount of weight loss or speed of weight loss over any calorie deficient method so you're actually arguing a non-point.

    5:2 is simply a form of IF and is done for the health benefits (which are, as yet, not conclusively proven but have some good human and animal studies) and the weight loss part of it is simply a side effect of eating at extreme deficit for 2 days a week and eating at maintenance the rest of it.

    Of course you're perfectly entitled to believe that it's hooey, however I'd question why you feel the need to come and ridicule people who have had, and are having, success doing it. What's in it for you? Is it some type of self-validation method that, in order to make yourself feel good about your fitness/weight loss methods, you need to belittle others?
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Yes, Richie. As usual I took care to read what you said. I believe what you say EXCEPT that 5:2 is useless.

    It is one way to achieve calorie deficit and achieve fat loss. Just one. One of many.

    That it is one you personally choose to disregard does not make it useless.

    I would point you toward some of the research studies, but last time that happened you lambasted me for reading old studies and believing in fairies, or some such nonsense I had never posted any opinion on.

    You are posting an opinion. You are posting it in such a manner that you are being rude. All that is required is that you try to be less opinionated and a little more educated.

    Lets put this out in clear terms.

    I stated 5:2 works. Yes.

    I stated it is unnecessary. Yes.

    Why is it unnecessary? It is unnecessary because you can just eat the correct amount of calories each day, to achieve the same effect, rather than eating 600 calories for 2 days each, which no human should have to endure because it is RIDICULOUS.

    Is there a fat loss advantage doing 5:2 over a normal caloric deficit: no.

    My question to you is: why bother?

    5:2 is ridiculous why? Why set yourself up like this for the entirety of your life? Why not create a better relationship with food and learn to control yourself and eat the correct amount of food rather than looking for stupid things to follow.
    My job here is done.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Irrelevant ;)

    Look, there is no need for anyone, ever, to do a 5:2 diet.

    That is the bottom line, it holds NO advantage over just a normal caloric deficit for fat loss. If you think otherwise then I'm sorry there is something wrong with you. (this was aimed at everyone, no individual)

    5:2 doesn't claim to have an advantage in the amount of weight loss or speed of weight loss over any calorie deficient method so you're actually arguing a non-point.

    5:2 is simply a form of IF and is done for the health benefits (which are, as yet, not conclusively proven but have some good human and animal studies) and the weight loss part of it is simply a side effect of eating at extreme deficit for 2 days a week and eating at maintenance the rest of it.

    Of course you're perfectly entitled to believe that it's hooey, however I'd question why you feel the need to come and ridicule people who have had, and are having, success doing it. What's in it for you? Is it some type of self-validation method that, in order to make yourself feel good about your fitness/weight loss methods, you need to belittle others?

    I kept stating, 5:2 has no advantages for FAT LOSS. I don't care about health issues, I do normal IF, I know about "health issues"

    The OP and many others do this for FAT LOSS and have no ideas about the health benefits for a start. I don't try and betlittle others, I try and make people create a better relationship with food.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Yes Richie. Telling someone that if they disagree with you there must be something wrong with them (what was it, oh yes, aimed at everyone....) - not in anyway belittling.

    And I am just one poster who does know about the other health benefits, as do other posters who have taken you to task for your poor attitude before.

    Just to be certain you understand - you do not have a job here. Like it or not you are just another of the great unwashed, posting opinions.

    I have posted before that I think it is a pity you deride education. You obviously have the time and intellect to do a lot of research. It is just a pity you have never gained the ability to check the validity or reliability of what you read. Or to phrase yourself in a slightly less obnoxious manner, and therefore gaining more respect.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Yes Richie. Telling someone that if they disagree with you there must be something wrong with them (what was it, oh yes, aimed at everyone....) - not in anyway belittling.

    And I am just one poster who does know about the other health benefits, as do other posters who have taken you to task for your poor attitude before.

    Just to be certain you understand - you do not have a job here. Like it or not you are just another of the great unwashed, posting opinions.

    I have posted before that I think it is a pity you deride education. You obviously have the time and intellect to do a lot of research. It is just a pity you have never gained the ability to check the validity or reliability of what you read. Or to phrase yourself in a slightly less obnoxious manner, and therefore gaining more respect.

    I like how you disagree with me, but don't even attempt to give any reasoning as to why, you just tell me I have a poor attitude. My attitude is irrelevant.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I kept stating, 5:2 has no advantages for FAT LOSS.

    ...and it doesn't claim to, so why are you trumpeting about it?
    I don't care about health issues, I do normal IF, I know about "health issues"

    There is no 'normal IF' - there are many types of intermittent fasting. And of course you don't care about health issues, you're young and probably don't contemplate your own mortality that often...but as you get older and staring at yourself in a mirror starts to bore you, then health issues may start to interest you more. Getting closer to old age tends to do that.

    The OP and many others do this for FAT LOSS and have no ideas about the health benefits for a start. I don't try and betlittle others, I try and make people create a better relationship with food.

    1. "lmao at these people" and "I'm sorry there's something wrong with you" is 100% ridicule
    2. Ever thought that, perhaps, your attempts to 'make people create a better relationship with food' don't delight others as much as they're obviously delighting yourself?