TheFast Diet



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    We are the same.

    You can repeat that as often as you like. Repetition will not make it true.

    And as many people have stated before 5:2, as other IF diets, all reduce calorie intake. That you personally do not like it is utterly irrelevant. Other people do like it and have good results from it, and your opinionated posting are not made any the more true by your tenacity.

    I may be gone a while, my bread is due out of the oven and a duck is due to go in!

    It is true, though.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I don't need to work, so I choose not to - what does it matter to you?
    Well I'm always interested in why someone in the spring of their years chooses not to work because and answer is often all too depressingly familiar. Unless you're a trust fund baby, then 'choosing' not to work at your age-range in the UK earns you a label of 'NEET' and comes down to you relying on the overly generous benefits system ; which unfortunately I'm made to contribute to at eye-watering levels. If you're not in the UK then I you're somebody else's problem of course.

    I stop people providing misinformation, whether I laugh or not is also, irrelevant. I did not tell anyone to 'fast' regardless.
    Now you see what you're doing there is confusing 'fact' and 'opinion'. It's your opinion that 5:2 is a waste of time but there's plenty of people who do it successfully so their experience makes your attempt at stopping 'people providing misinformation' look a wee bit redundant.

    I don't work because I don't want to. I don't need to. I don't claim benefits, I never have, never will. (even if I did, it wouldn't be any of your business).

    Fasting 5:2 eating 15k calories, and eating 15k calories normally.

    Fact. Will not effect fat loss.
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    It works, but I don't recommend it because it's unnecessary. It is no different than just counting your calories and being in a weekly deficit.

    But it won't work if you eat too much during the 5 days, so personally I say stay away from it, its pointless.

    I've hit a plateau. I eat 1,200 calories on days I don't work out and 1,400 on days I do. I'm just wondering if I need a shock to my metabolism.

    It works and I just broke a month long plateau by adding a 3rd "fast" day and getting into ketosis. Aside from weight loss there is a TON of evidence based research on the health benefits of intermittent fasting.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    OP, do your research and ignore the people who can't be bothered to educate themselves. Do what you want, it's your body.

    Personally, I HAVE done the research, am satisfied it's a safe way of eating with advantages above and beyond weight loss. It works for me, is sustainable and I've seen great results.

    5:2 works for me. I've lost 19 pounds in 8 weeks, 15 of which were from fat. Considering I have a back injury so am unable to lift weights, possibly ever again, I'm over the moon to have lost such a low %age of muscle. No other way of eating has been sustainable for me. No other way of eating has given me similar results. It's given me my life back.

    There are those who will tell you that their way is the only way. That's total BS. Do your research then do what YOU want.

    I'm so sick of this crap. I know I can't force anyone to educate themselves, but this is getting stupid.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    OP, do your research and ignore the people who can't be bothered to educate themselves. Do what you want, it's your body.

    Personally, I HAVE done the research, am satisfied it's a safe way of eating with advantages above and beyond weight loss. It works for me, is sustainable and I've seen great results.

    5:2 works for me. I've lost 19 pounds in 8 weeks, 15 of which were from fat. Considering I have a back injury so am unable to lift weights, possibly ever again, I'm over the moon to have lost such a low %age of muscle. No other way of eating has been sustainable for me. No other way of eating has given me similar results. It's given me my life back.

    There are those who will tell you that their way is the only way. That's total BS. Do your research then do what YOU want.

    I'm so sick of this crap. I know I can't force anyone to educate themselves, but this is getting stupid.

    Do you know why it works for you?

    Ah yeah, thats because you're creating a caloric deficit.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member

    Yes I imagine the OP wants to lose the weight in fat as opposed to LBM.

    But fat loss is not the correct term, it is another of those 'bro science' things.

    Adipose tissue and fat, as most people understand them are not the same thing. There are some types of fat you really do not want to lose! Brown fat is one example.

    Subcutaneous fat is also not the demon we sued to believe it is. It is visceral fat that is the bad guy. And IF is shown to target visceral fat in quite a few proper studies (animal more than human). Fat reduction as a goal is good, but there other considerations. Sometimes focussing on one aspect misses the point.

    And I will admit that my irritation with the opinionated blatherings of young Richie has made me less than specific than I should have been.

    I would be interested in the links to this research. Reason being, there is a lot of evidence that says fasting has been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I do 5:2 and 4:3. It is only as unnecessary and pointless as any other diet would be. It is spreading the deficit to 2 or 3 days instead of 7. It is for people who don't want to feel they are constantly on a diet.

    It is a personal preference. That is all.

    I've lost 17.5 lb in 13 weeks. Not miraculous weight loss, just a steady and healthy rate that suits my lifestyle.

    If anyone wants buddies doing that way of eating without negative preconceptions, feel free to add me.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Doesn't work for me. When a plan tells me I can eat as much as I feel like without gaining weight if I only eat between such and so hours or on such and so days I seem to take it as a challenge. :sad:
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I must admit to being of the belief that the publicity on the diet is misleading. Not necessarily by the authors but by people who write about it.

    One girl I know is 5ft 2 and was eating over 2000 calories on her normal days and wondered why she wasn't losing. When I explained 2000 calories is for the "average" sized woman (I am vertically challenged myself) she got quite stroppy with me.

    You have to be realistic about your intake when you are not fasting. You can't eat all the pies and all the chocolate washed down with Pinot Grigio. It is still a diet, and it takes discipline, and if you are smaller than average you have to eat less than 2000 cals on non fast days.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member

    I would be interested in the links to this research. Reason being, there is a lot of evidence that says fasting has been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes

    the Group 5:2 has a thread with just links to research. There is a diabetes thread in there too I think. We did discuss it with others at various stages of fasting with diabetes.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    OP, do your research and ignore the people who can't be bothered to educate themselves. Do what you want, it's your body.

    Personally, I HAVE done the research, am satisfied it's a safe way of eating with advantages above and beyond weight loss. It works for me, is sustainable and I've seen great results.

    5:2 works for me. I've lost 19 pounds in 8 weeks, 15 of which were from fat. Considering I have a back injury so am unable to lift weights, possibly ever again, I'm over the moon to have lost such a low %age of muscle. No other way of eating has been sustainable for me. No other way of eating has given me similar results. It's given me my life back.

    There are those who will tell you that their way is the only way. That's total BS. Do your research then do what YOU want.

    I'm so sick of this crap. I know I can't force anyone to educate themselves, but this is getting stupid.

    Do you know why it works for you?

    Ah yeah, thats because you're creating a caloric deficit.

    So what? You're the only one here insisting that one method has to better than any other. 5:2 is a deficit pattern I can live with, that many many people can live with, that makes losing weight easy. Show me the evidence that it's dangerous or "ridiculous" or that backs up any of your BS. You can't because there isn't any. In the meantime, you continue to spout off like you're some kind of expert.

    You don't want to do it, fine! Don't! But either educate yourself or be quiet because you're making yourself look ignorant and arrogant, the worst possible combination in any human being.

    There are lots of ways of restricting calories. Leangains works. ADF works. IF works. The warrior diet works. Daily restriction works. Atkins works. Weight Watchers works. Slimming World, low fat, South Beach, JUDDD, slimfast. the list is endless. Lots of things work, if you can stick to it for life and there's the rub. This works for me and lots of others, and, for me at least, it is completely and utterly sustainable which is more than I can say for any other method I've tried. Everyone needs to find their own way, but they need FACTS not opinion, hearsay or supposition.

    If you had a PhD and had actually studied it in any way, like Dr Michael Mosley or Dr Kirsten Varady, I might give your opinion more credence. But you are an insufferable know it all on an Internet forum, nothing more.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Doesn't work for me. When a plan tells me I can eat as much as I feel like without gaining weight if I only eat between such and so hours or on such and so days I seem to take it as a challenge. :sad:

    Ah, well, 5:2 doesn't advocate that because its not 16:8 or the warrior diet. It is a calorie restricted way of eating, pure and simple.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    OP, do your research and ignore the people who can't be bothered to educate themselves. Do what you want, it's your body.

    Personally, I HAVE done the research, am satisfied it's a safe way of eating with advantages above and beyond weight loss. It works for me, is sustainable and I've seen great results.

    5:2 works for me. I've lost 19 pounds in 8 weeks, 15 of which were from fat. Considering I have a back injury so am unable to lift weights, possibly ever again, I'm over the moon to have lost such a low %age of muscle. No other way of eating has been sustainable for me. No other way of eating has given me similar results. It's given me my life back.

    There are those who will tell you that their way is the only way. That's total BS. Do your research then do what YOU want.

    I'm so sick of this crap. I know I can't force anyone to educate themselves, but this is getting stupid.

    Do you know why it works for you?

    Ah yeah, thats because you're creating a caloric deficit.

    So what? You're the only one here insisting that one method has to better than any other. 5:2 is a deficit pattern I can live with, that many many people can live with, that makes losing weight easy. Show me the evidence that it's dangerous or "ridiculous" or that backs up any of your BS. You can't because there isn't any. In the meantime, you continue to spout off like you're some kind of expert.

    You don't want to do it, fine! Don't! But either educate yourself or be quiet because you're making yourself look ignorant and arrogant, the worst possible combination in any human being.

    There are lots of ways of restricting calories. Leangains works. ADF works. IF works. The warrior diet works. Daily restriction works. Atkins works. Weight Watchers works. Slimming World, low fat, South Beach, JUDDD, slimfast. the list is endless. Lots of things work, if you can stick to it for life and there's the rub. This works for me and lots of others, and, for me at least, it is completely and utterly sustainable which is more than I can say for any other method I've tried. Everyone needs to find their own way, but they need FACTS not opinion, hearsay or supposition.

    If you had a PhD and had actually studied it in any way, like Dr Michael Mosley or Dr Kirsten Varady, I might give your opinion more credence. But you are an insufferable know it all on an Internet forum, nothing more.

    Ok so lets get one thing straight, you've admitted many ways work (exactly what I've said).

    Now, tell me WHY you want to eat so little on 2 days - give me an actual reason (for fat loss) - I say fat loss because you made it very evident in your post, which is why you did it. You also said its the only way of eating that has given you these results. Why?

    If i'm honest with you, Michael Mosley is laughed at by people much higher than him in the qualification world (if qualifications is what seems to do it for you people).

    Fact = Consume less calories than you lose = fat loss occurs.

    Whether you do 5:2 or not, if you consumed the same weekly calories you do now, without fasting,, the fat loss results = same.
  • I'd rather do a strict fast than eat 600 cal in a day.

    5:2 falls in this weird valley between LeanGains and not even bothering to diet, which I could see leading to eating disorders right-quick (that's if you don't consider any form of IF to be an ED, which some do.)

    Just as there are newbie muscle gains, IMO there are also newbie fat losses. When someone is so far from homeostasis, any form of dieting will work. IF was originally implemented by folks flirting with single-digit bodyfat. It's since ballooned (herp) in both adoption and implementation. Just as the latter is often poorly justified (i.e. that uber-coffee nonsense), so is the former.

    As to the OP, 200 cal isn't much of a distinction to forestall metabolic stagnation. Maybe up the calories on one of your workout days.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Doesn't work for me. When a plan tells me I can eat as much as I feel like without gaining weight if I only eat between such and so hours or on such and so days I seem to take it as a challenge. :sad:

    Ah, well, 5:2 doesn't advocate that because its not 16:8 or the warrior diet. It is a calorie restricted way of eating, pure and simple.

    16:8 and the warrior diet are calorie restricted ways of eating, as should all diets because its a lifestyle thing, so you have a pointless.... point here.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Loads of people on here are following the 5:2 routine
    Check out these groups:

    You will get much more informed comment there rather than the main forums where people are scared of things they don't understand and haven't tried.

    Personally....... I love it.

    This. I suggest you get the actual book. It may be true that the weight loss is due to the calorie restriction, but the book explains the other pretty incredible benefits of fasting. I do the 5:2 thing as described in the book and am planning on making fasting a lifelong thing- going to 6:1 at maintenance. I also love it.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    When someone is so far from homeostasis, any form of dieting will work.

    May I just quibble with that bit (and the next bit too, plus the IF is ED, but that would be opinion).

    Homeostasis can occur at any weight, any bodyfat% etc. It does not mean being at ideal weight etc. it just means at equilibrium. And a person who has weighed 20 stones for 10 years has achieved it!

    Uber-coffee sounded OK until I realised you probably meant the bulletproof thing. I never understood that! Why do that to coffee? And what on Earth must it taste like?
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I must admit to being of the belief that the publicity on the diet is misleading. Not necessarily by the authors but by people who write about it.

    One girl I know is 5ft 2 and was eating over 2000 calories on her normal days and wondered why she wasn't losing. When I explained 2000 calories is for the "average" sized woman (I am vertically challenged myself) she got quite stroppy with me.

    You have to be realistic about your intake when you are not fasting. You can't eat all the pies and all the chocolate washed down with Pinot Grigio. It is still a diet, and it takes discipline, and if you are smaller than average you have to eat less than 2000 cals on non fast days.

    This is where you separate the logical IFers from the ones who need a clue. Being logical, it makes no sense to me that you would fast 2 days a week and then not make smart healthy choices the rest of the week eating at maintenance. No, this plan won't work if you eat McDonald's all day on your non-fast days. It's not rocket science.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    16:8 and the warrior diet are calorie restricted ways of eating, as should all diets because its a lifestyle thing, so you have a pointless.... point here.

    No, not all diets are calorie restricted nor should they be. Go and look up the definition of 'diet' .

    I don't work because I don't want to. I don't need to. I don't claim benefits, I never have, never will. (even if I did, it wouldn't be any of your business).

    Ahhhh still living off Mum & Dad then. I get ya. So then, instead of sitting here arguing all day, why not toddle off and do something constructive with your life? You're certainly not helping anyone here and frankly you appear to be about as welcome in this thread as a dose of the clap.
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    Love the 5:2 diet. It's helped me both physically and mentally. My doctor can't believe the improvement in my health. Yes I am losing weight but this diet is more for my overall health. There are so many benefits but the best is that I haven't had a single panic attack is 7 weeks since I started.

    I've followed all other diets and I've never had the results in health that this has given me. If all you're interested in is weight loss then this will offer you exactly the same results as any diet but this diet is designed for more than that and I've definitely reaped the benefits.