Plant based protein VS meat based protein

I was wondering if anyone knew if plant based protein is more efficient than meat based protein? And the advantages of plant based lifestyle VS the meat based lifestyle?
Does anyone have pro and cons of either or both from personal experience?


  • sarah1026652019
    sarah1026652019 Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry I should have expanded the efficiency part. As in training, and health such as blood clarity inflammation of the blood vessels etc

    I eat plant based Some days exclusively because my husband is Indian and a lot of the food is plant based we cook.
    And on those days I find I have more energy I can push myself a lot harder and I feel more “efficient” just in every part of the day.
  • sarah1026652019
    sarah1026652019 Posts: 7 Member
    So I was just wondering others thoughts opinions etc on the two. It’s nice to see what other people training experience
  • sarah1026652019
    sarah1026652019 Posts: 7 Member
    I brought this up to my husband and I told him the days we eat veggie meals I feel like I have more energy I work out harder I literally exceed my goals. And I can tell the difference when we eat chicken fish pro beef etc.
    He laughed and said at work today he actually watched a Netflix documentary called “Game Changers” and it talked about this same thing in elite athletes NFL, strongest man, UFC, and also high demand physical jobs such as firefighting.

    I think when I get the time maybe this weekend I will try and watch it. I guess they talk scientifically about the plant and meat outcome long term and short term in a body and blood circulation. With test done on the athletes.

    I’m interested to see where I stand. Because I LOVE meat I am born and raised In Colorado! We love beef and any meat!!
    But he said in the documentary that it mentioned even one serving of eggs chicken or lean protein clouded the fat in the blood.
    Idk I am very interested to watch this and learn a little more

    He also said there was a “strongest man” that is vegetarian on there and he said he wanted to be strong as an ox, and someone laughed and said while u eat ur salad? And he replied well what do ox eat?
    Hmmm food for thought
    I am going to go look deeper into this!!!
    Thanks for all the great views and education!!!!
  • jenny3073
    jenny3073 Posts: 117 Member
    Personally, meat/animal based works for me. I was doing low carb for awhile, lots of salads, some minimal veggies (can't stand most of them), protein bars (ugh), still had some meat but not a lot and occasional fish. I was not losing anything and thought, as a morbidly obese person, that I should have dropped some weight especially considering I ended my 40 year addiction with soda.

    I stumbled upon some info on carnivore (fatty meat (mostly beef), butter, eggs, fatty fish, cheese, minimal dairy) way of eating and decided to try it, to experiment. 4 weeks in, I feel FABULOUS, and dropped 23 lbs. Most BMR calculators had me at over 2k cals a day to lose, wasn't losing at all trying that, was hungry all the time and constantly thinking about food and snacking between meals... pretty much how I've been all my life. I got a scale that connects to an app with body composition info. The app showed my BMR was around 1200 cals a day due to slow metabolism. Day 1 on carnivore and I had no hunger, could go 10-12 hours between meals and have been keeping around 1200-1600 cals per day (two meals a day, occasional snacks) and the lbs. are falling off. I attribute most of it to less food (I'm very satiated), and whole food. I haven't had any processed junk, save for the occasional beef stick, and more importantly, I'm not craving any of the junk as I did before.

    I haven't really talked about this outside of a few subreddits, I know many do not agree with this way of eating and I am not one to try to advise anyone to eat this way as everybody is different and thrive in very different ways. Although this was something I personally wanted to try to help me get away from obesity, many non-overweight people follow this and report relief from inflammation, gut issues, and auto immune disorders that some plants might cause in some people. I don't have anything extreme in that area, but I've had much less stomach problems, fat loss, lean muscle mass increase (no exercise yet), more energy, and I rarely think about food anymore. It no longer rules my life! I am type 2 diabetic, no longer on medication and my last blood test looked great. The excess protein turns to glucose and seems to be keeping my blood sugar steady. I went in with the idea of only 4 weeks because it sounded so extreme but I can't deny how I feel, and that this just feels right for me. I am sure at some point I will occasionally enjoy a nice salad, maybe a treat or two here and there, but this is how things are now and I'm doing very well.

    With all that said, this is my personal choice and not advocating one way or the other, just sharing my experience so far.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited October 2019
    I brought this up to my husband and I told him the days we eat veggie meals I feel like I have more energy I work out harder I literally exceed my goals. And I can tell the difference when we eat chicken fish pro beef etc.
    He laughed and said at work today he actually watched a Netflix documentary called “Game Changers” and it talked about this same thing in elite athletes NFL, strongest man, UFC, and also high demand physical jobs such as firefighting.

    I think when I get the time maybe this weekend I will try and watch it. I guess they talk scientifically about the plant and meat outcome long term and short term in a body and blood circulation. With test done on the athletes.

    I’m interested to see where I stand. Because I LOVE meat I am born and raised In Colorado! We love beef and any meat!!
    But he said in the documentary that it mentioned even one serving of eggs chicken or lean protein clouded the fat in the blood.
    Idk I am very interested to watch this and learn a little more

    He also said there was a “strongest man” that is vegetarian on there and he said he wanted to be strong as an ox, and someone laughed and said while u eat ur salad? And he replied well what do ox eat?
    Hmmm food for thought
    I am going to go look deeper into this!!!
    Thanks for all the great views and education!!!!

    Be careful with "documentaries" such as this. They are typically one sided and cherry pick data to meet their agenda.

    Vegetarians and vegans eat diets very high in carbohydrates...athletes in general eat diets high in carbohydrates...because carbohydrates boost performance. It doesn't really have anything to do with plant based or meat based's the carbohydrates. As has been stated previously, most plant based proteins are incomplete which means you would have to vary your sources to make a complete protein.
  • biggiwig4483
    biggiwig4483 Posts: 90 Member
    edited October 2019
    Sorenki wrote: »
    i would say - don’t seek that kind of info on a forum of regular people. we mostly don’t know what the hell were talking about. i just watched game changers and if i think about the sources and potential motivations behind the research, i tend to think it’s at least a legit theory. it’s pro-vegan. protein is protein. schwarzenegger, jackie chan, james cameron. kinda heavy hitters. worth watching. especially the blood and the erection tests!

    I watched that too. I was shocked about the blood samples. The fat of the meat eaters was so cloudy. Apparently the blood is not floating so well.
    I lnow 2 meat eaters who had a stroke and a heart attack. Just got me thinking s lot.