Just give me one month - January 2020



  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Starting weight 15st 8.5
    Start weight this month 14st 4.4
    Goal weight this month 13st 13
    Target goal weight 11st 0

    Started 9th Nov. 
    Nov lost: 10.4lb
    Dec lost: 7.7lb

    Jan 1: 14st 4.3 (-0.1lb) - Happy New Year!  Little too much wine last night, so expecting an increase in the scale tomorrow.....
    Jan 2: 14st 4.2 (-0.1lb / -0.2lb) slowly, slowly.... yesterday I ate in deficit and went in a cycle ride, so think I managed to negate the wine from the previous day!
    Jan 3: 14st 3.4 (-0.8lb / -1.0lb) so close now to having lost the 7lb I put on over Xmas!
    Jan 4: 14st 3.4 (0.0lb / -1.0lb) stayed same 😐Disappointing not having any movement whatsoever, but days like this (and gains) will happen, despite eating at a deficit and exercising.  Also getting close to TOTM.
    Jan 5: 14st 3.1 (-0.3lb / -1.3lb)  Ended up unexpectedly at a party yesterday afternoon/evening.  Tried to resist the cake/buffet food, but after 3hrs there I relented!  Was not too bad though, and made an effort to track.
    Jan 6: 14st 2.5 (-0.6lb / -1.9lb) Bit more encouraging! 
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Original starting weight June 2019: 80.8kg
    January 2020 starting weight: 74.9kg
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 71kg
    Target goal weight: 60kg

    Jan 1: 74.9kg
    Jan 2: 74.4kg right direction 😄
    Jan 3: 73.8kg holiday water weight coming off 🥳
    Jan 4: 73.3kg 🙂 happy weekend all!
    Jan 5: 72.6kg woah must’ve had more water weight than I thought after the holidays! Not complaining though 😀
    Jan 6: 72.5kg
    Jan 7:
    Jan 8:
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • maxinefurness
    maxinefurness Posts: 318 Member
    edited January 2020
    Starting weight: 12.05
    Start weight this month: 12.01
    Goal weight this month: 11.7
    Target goal weight 9.07

    June - lost 6lbs
    July - lost 3lbs...then went on holiday and gained 5lbs back 🙄
    August- lost 2lbs
    September and October - I went off it and put all the weight and more back on 😔
    November - lost 7lbs 😀
    December - gained 4lbs 😬

    Jan 1: 12.01 Christmas was fun but put on 4lbs! 😬
    Jan 2: 12.01
    Jan 3: holiday
    Jan 4: holiday
    Jan 5: 12..2 whoops 😫
    Jan 6: 12.2 back at work today, back on it 💪🏻
    Jan 7:
    Jan 8:
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Journey so far:
    Jan 2015: I joined MFP at 227 lbs and gradually reduced
    Oct 2016: finally hit my target of 155
    Dec 2018: Had gradually wavered up again to 170s
    Jan 2019: still wavering round 170
    July 2019: bounced up and down between 160 and 170
    Aug 2019: Gave myself the proverbial kick up the a** and buckled down!
    Oct 2019: Set new goal weight of 150 by year end
    Nov 2019: Hit goal late Nov. I’m now focusing on increasing strength workouts
    Aug: -8.31 (a lot of this was holiday weight gained in July)
    Sept: -4.71
    Oct: -4.2
    Nov: -2.2 (Strength workouts temporarily slowing progress)

    Dec: + 4.4 (Christmas indulgences)

    OSW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    CSW: 170.1 (1 Aug 2019)
    LW: 147.8 (Nov 2019)
    JAN SW: 151.4
    GW: Under 150

    Wed 01 Jan: 151.4
    Thu 02 Jan: 151.6 Not the best start. We got Series 8 of GoTs for Christmas and DH opened a box of liquorice allsorts as we were watching the first episode last night. I was under goal, but the sugar has given me a touch of bloat this morning.
    Fri 03 Jan: 151.8
    Sat 04 Jan: 151.4 Phew! Glad it’s started to shift again.
    Sun 05 Jan: 151.2
    Mon 06 Jan: 151.2

    Jan 07:
    Jan 08:
    Jan 09:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30

  • ChristinaRobb
    ChristinaRobb Posts: 14 Member
    Female, 5'3", age 54, Florida

    January 2011 weight loss journey began: 220 pounds... lost 80+ pounds down to the 140's in 2017 and then gained most of it back.

    January 2020 starting weight: 195.2 pounds
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 187 lbs
    Target long-range goal weight: 150

    Jan 1: 195.2 lbs
    Jan 2:  195.6 lbs :(
    Jan 3:  193.0
    Jan 4:   193.8
    Jan 5:  192.4
    Jan 6:  193.4
  • tawtyping
    tawtyping Posts: 391 Member
    Starting weight 182 lbs I then piled on weight due to steroids after having a stroke.
    Start weight this month 204.2 lbs
    Goal weight this month 200 lbs lbs
    Target goal weight 155 lbs which is my pre stroke weight

    May put on 1 lb
    June put on 0.2 lbs
    July put on 1.8 lbs
    August put on 0.8 lbs
    September stayed the same
    October put on 0.6 lbs
    November put on 2lbs
    December put on 3.6 lbs

    1 Jan 204.2 lbs
    2 Jan 204.2 lbs
    3 Jan no weigh in
    4 Jan no weigh in
    5 Jan 203.4 lbs 🙂
    6 Jan 204.4 lbs
  • Nschlos115
    Nschlos115 Posts: 21 Member
    Nschlos115 wrote: »
    January Starting weight 193.6 lb
    January goal weight 188
    Target weight 150

    Jan 1:
    Jan 2: 193.6 lb
    Jan 3: 190.0 lb
    Jan 4: 191.2 lb
    Jan 5: 189.4 lb
    Jan 6: 189.4 lb
    Jan 7:
    Jan 8:
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Dec. 31- 137
    Jan. 1- 136
    Jan. 2- 136.5
    Jan. 3- 137(I knew I wasn't going to like this # after last night Ugh, thinking I might go back to weighing 1-2x a week because it's very discouraging to see the gain and tends to put me in the 'why bother' frame of mind)So if it's alright, I might just pop in here once a week or so to update.
    Good luck everyone and hang tough!!!

    Jan. 4- 139 (not enjoying the scale fluctuations!!)
    Jan. 5- 136 (??)

    Jan. 6- 136
  • dharrison82
    dharrison82 Posts: 73 Member
    Original starting weight Jan 2020: 322 lb
    January 2020 starting weight: 322 lb
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 310 lb
    Target goal weight: 175 lb

    Jan 3: 322 lb (pm weighing - always my heavier time of day)
    Jan 4: 319 lb (yay down, but morning weigh in - will continue on mornings from here out)
    Jan 5: 317.6 lb :)
    Jan 6: 314.4 lb (thinking there was a lot of water weight to start, but I'll take it!)
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited January 2020
    Starting weight: 163.4 lb
    Start weight this month: 147.8
    Goal weight this month: 140
    Target goal weight: 128

    August: lost 1.2 lb
    September: lost 4.2 lb
    October: lost 3.7 lb
    November: lost 3.9 lb
    December: lost 4.3 lb (but ended high due to New Year’s)

    (I use Happy Scale, so the losses above are determined by moving average. I will post my actual daily weight below.)

    01 Jan: 147.8 (my lowest in Dec was 144.6) Definitely indulged for a couple of days at the beach for New Year’s with family. I expect this to go down quickly after a few days back to my normal routine....hopefully, anyways!
    02 Jan: 148.8 I ate within my deficit calories yesterday, so this increase is either from DOMS (I’m still extremely sore from a hard workout on Tuesday), or it’s PMS a lil early? Oh well, patience!
    03 Jan: 148
    04 Jan: 146.8
    05 Jan: 145.8
    06 Jan: 146.8 —had buttered popcorn at the movies yesterday, ie, sodium-induced water weight!

  • cailinmor
    cailinmor Posts: 71 Member
    Have done this for the last two months and find it helpful. Haven't lost any weight but haven't gained so hopefully January will see a decrease

    Jan 1-13st 3 lbs
    Jan 2-13st 3.5 lbs
    Jan 3-13st 3.25 lbs
    Jan 4- 13st 3 lbs
    Jan 5-13st 2 lbs
    Jan 6-13st 2.5 lbs
  • CrumbsInMyButter
    CrumbsInMyButter Posts: 31 Member
    I would like to join too (if possible - I realize we are already a week into January!):

    Starting weight: 195.8 lb
    Start weight this month: 192.6 (too many chocolates over the holidays)
    Goal weight this month: 184
    Target goal weight: 160

    November: lost 3 lb
    December: lost 3 lb

    01 Jan: -
    02 Jan: -
    03 Jan:
    04 Jan:
    05 Jan:
    06 Jan: 192.8

    Feeling motivated
  • keshaldra
    keshaldra Posts: 101 Member
    May lost 8 lbs
    June lost 1.6 lbs
    July lost 2 lbs
    August lost 4.2 lbs
    September lost 6.6 lbs
    October lost 2 lbs
    November gained .4 lbs
    December gained 1.8 lbs

    Original weight: 234 lbs
    End of month goal weight: 208
    Goal weight: 180 lbs, then re-evaluate

    Jan 1: 211.8
    Jan 2: 211
    Jan 3: 210.4 (going HARD so far, been flawless with the diet, and working out more intensely than usual. The goal is to see if I can keep it up for a month)
    Jan 4: 209.6
    Jan 5: 208.8
    Jan 6: 208.8
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,178 Member
    MFP Start weight: 160 lbs
    Started “just give 1 month” threads in Mid-Oct 2019 @ 157.4 lbs
    January start weight: 157.4 lbs
    January goal: 153 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 98 lbs, but that maybe too low. Main goal is to be healthier & stronger.

    October +2.6 lbs. (160)
    Nov. -2 lbs. (156.6 lbs)
    Dec. Stayed the same (155.6 lbs)

    Jan 1 = 157.2
    Jan 2 = 156.6
    Jan 3 = 156.6 I need to start back to planning my meals, again. Got way off during the holidays... with out of town guests & of course the holiday parties.
    Jan 4 = 157.4
    Jan 5 = 157.6 I haven't been trying at all the last couple days, but I just planned my meals, today. So, even if I don't show a loss the next couple days... I'm hoping that each day I'll be able to report that I was at or under calories...
    Jan 6 =156.8 lbs :) Yesterday, I stayed under in calories. I only had 24 oz. of water, though. Right now, my aim is for at least 32 oz. of water.

  • zimborunner
    zimborunner Posts: 527 Member
    Female; Age 52; 5'2"; San Diego, CA

    Original starting weight Dec 2019:- 173 pounds
    January 2020 starting weight:- 169.4
    Goal weight this month January 2020:- 164 lbs
    Target goal weight:- 135 lbs

    Dec 2019:- SW: 173 (-3.6 lbs)
    Jan 2020:- SW: 169.4

    We can do this! One step at a time, one week at a time, one pound at a time!

    Jan 1: 169.4 Quiet day! We're constantly doing projects at home, so today was my day off. Back at it tomorrow!
    Jan 2:
    Jan 3: 169.6
    Jan 4: 169.4
    Jan 5: 169.6 Not getting anywhere at the moment :(
    Jan 6: 168.2 About time seeing some movement. Started my exercise routine back up today. 15mins Max trainer; 30 mins fat burn treadmill; some free weights.
    Jan 7: Ugh, back to work :(
    Jan 8:
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10: